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  • Hello Barry,


    I just wanted to personally welcome you to Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and aboard the BFC Flagship Raven. If you ever need anything along the line, please let us know and we will try our best to help you out.  Also, if there is anythign specific you want to be the Raven like to pilot a viper, be a raptor pilot, work in Engineering, be one of the elites (Raven Colonial Marine), kindly let me or my XO know.  And we will get you squared away.

    Again, thanks for joining Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and BFC Flagship Raven.  I look forward to working with you on the Raven.  The fun is just beginning... Also, please do not forget to join the Raven group page here on the site so you can receive any email blast or posting made and done by all the members of on the Raven.  It is located here at this link:  The Raven also has an official website which you will the link on the Raven Group page.



    Raven Actual

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