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Comparing FTL Capabilities

Here is a good "Official" comparison of FTL travel in the Sci-Fi worlds:

Battlestar Galactica (BSG)

The FTL, or "Faster Than Light", drive is a propulsion technology that allows spaceships to achieve superluminal travel. It functions along the basic principles of a jump drive, with a ship disappearing from its initial location and reappearing instantaneously in a new location.

In the miniseries (2003), some crewmembers are shown reacting with nausea and/or vertigo when undergoing a jump, though no harm appears to come to living beings even after many jumps. Making a jump eventually proves damaging to the ship's armor and structure in later episodes, after several years of continual combat and metal fatigue have taken their toll on the elderly ship. An FTL jump can be executed in the gravity well of a planet (indeed, Galactica jumps in and out of a planet's atmosphere in the episode "Exodus, Part II"). Nonetheless, it is preferred not to jump too close to a planet, not necessarily because of any physical limitations, but because if the coordinates are calculated wrong there is a risk that a ship might jump too close to the planet and crash into it, or reappear within the planet (This happens to a Raptor in the episode "Lay Down Your Burdens"). Further, a BSG FTL drive can theoretically travel anywhere in the galaxy; the limiting factor is not the drive itself, but the finite distance that the navigation computer is able to safely calculate a jump trajectory; more advanced computers are able to calculate longer range jumps (e.g. the Cylons have better computers and have an effective jump range at least three times that of the Colonials). The extreme distance that a safe jump can be plotted is called "the Red Line", and while a vessel might jump a theoretically infinite distance beyond that, it is possible the vessel could end up jumping inside a star, asteroid, or other space debris.[2]

Star Trek

The Star Trek (first broadcast 1966) universe equivalent of hyperspace is known as subspace. Although similar in concept to hyperspace, subspace plays a slightly different role in FTL travel. Subspace exists in layers, all of which are "below" normal three-dimensional spacetime much like the different layers of a cake. When a starship is traveling at FTL speeds (commonly known as "warp" in the Star Trek universe), the ship itself does not enter subspace. Instead, the ship either reacts a steady stream of deuterium and anti-deuterium together, or else taps the massive energy of an artificial quantum singularity in order to power large subspace field-generating coils ("warp engines"). The field (known as a warp field) extends into subspace, allowing the enclosed starship to travel at FTL speeds while it remains within a "pocket" of normal spacetime (similar in concept to a 20th century hydrofoil) and it is this pocket of normal space itself which travels faster than light, as the ship sits safely inside the pocket. Wrapping a spaceship within the warp field prevents the relativistic time dilation normally associated with standard FTL travel, and allows interstellar travel to continue in a reasonable amount of time. Despite warp drive's incredible speed compared to current day travel speed, it can still take years to travel across a mere fraction of the galaxy, around a year per 1000 light years.

This concept of FTL travel is asymptotically limited by the idea that if the warp field is too strong, the ship itself will be too deeply submerged in subspace, which has negative genetic effects on living things. In addition, at high warp factors the energy required to sustain the field grows exponentially.

Among the uses of subspace in Star Trek is as a medium for propagating audio and visual signals at FTL speeds, thus allowing nearly instantaneous communication across vast interstellar distances. This is commonly referred to in the Star Trek world as "subspace communication".

Star Wars

The role-playing video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003) gives one of the more substantial explanations of how hyperspace travel works in the Star Wars universe. There are established safe hyperspace routes that were scouted out by an unknown species 50,000 years prior to the events in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977). These routes made interstellar trade and eventually the establishment of the Republic possible. New routes are almost never scouted out, mostly because the end coordinates might place the traveling ship inside some star or planet. For example, the Deep Core Systems are especially hard to navigate because of the high density of stars. A pilot's skill in hyperspace has a lot to do with how he or she navigates the tangled web of hyperspace routes that criss-cross the galaxy.

According to George Lucas, that is why Han Solo brags about the Millennium Falcon making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs when a parsec is a measure of distance rather than time: apparently, his real gift is as a navigator (although in the Star Wars IV: A New Hope novel by Lucas (1975), Solo says "she made the Kessel run in less than twelve Standard Time measures"). This appears to make no sense within the context of the original dialogue, however, as Solo's statement about the Falcon making the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs was in response to Obi-Wan Kenobi saying, "If it's a fast ship." However, to get to Kessel, a ship must pass near The Maw, an incredibly dense cluster of black holes. To achieve a shorter distance, the ship must be moving faster, to skirt the edge of a black hole without being sucked in.[citation needed]

Traveling through hyperspace requires the aid of either an astromech droid (such as R2-D2 or R4-P9) or a navicomputer (navigational computer), although Jedi are sometimes reputed to be able to travel through hyperspace without reference to navicomputers, astromech droids, or existing known routes. Traveling through hyperspace is also apparently quite complex as Han Solo tells Luke that "It ain't like dustin' crops, boy."

In any case, hyperspace is an extremely fast method of travel, as Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker's journey from Tatooine to Alderaan is theorized to have only taken two days maximum, whereas these two planets are separated by half a galaxy or more. Darth Maul took approximately seven hours to travel from Coruscant to Tatooine. The movies, as well as multiple Expanded Universe sources, show hyperspace as having a mottled, blue-and-black appearance. An entry into hyperspace shows the stars stretch into starlines, then turn into the mottled appearance. Externally, a ship entering hyperspace is described in Timothy Zahn's novels as displaying a "...flicker of pseudomotion..." before disappearing. Like the above-mentioned Star Trek series, "holocomm" transmissions are featured in Star Wars as long-range, faster-than-light communications signals, sent through hyperspace.

The hyperspace speed of a ship is represented by "class," an arbitrary and abstract measure. Lower numbers indicate proportionally lower travel time, and thus higher speed. For instance, an X-Wing is class 1. The Death Star is class 3, which means it can travel through hyperspace only one-third as fast as the X-Wing. A more standard capital ship such as a Star Destroyer may clock in at class 2, and a civilian bulk freighter at class 4. Very fast ships, with class lower than 1, are relatively rare; the remarkably speedy Millennium Falcon is class 0.5, or twice as fast as the X-Wing. The Ebon Hawk, the primary ship used in the Knights of the Old Republic series, is said to be the fastest in the galaxy, 4000 years prior to the rise of the Empire. However, at that time, hyperdrive technology was not as well-developed; a class 1 hyperdrive, the Ebon Hawk′s class, was considered extremely fast. It is stated that it is the only ship capable of breaking the Sith-blockade of the planet Taris (although that may be interpreted as the only ship that was capable and also located on Taris at the time of the blockade). Similarly, the Ebon Hawk was used for smuggling prior to the events of the games, just as the Millennium Falcon.


In the Stargate universe (1994–2011), most spaceships are equipped with hyperdrives that open up a window to hyperspace. Different races have hyperdrives of varying speeds; a hyperdrive constructed by the Alterans (Ancients), or by the Asgard would be significantly faster than a Goa'uld hyperdrive. There are two types of hyperdrives: interstellar, which only allows the ship using that hyperdrive to travel between stars in one galaxy in relatively expedient manner, and intergalactic, which allows the ship using it to travel greater distances and at greater speed. The only races shown to use intergalactic hyperdrives are the Tau'ri (through Asgard hyperdrive engines, for example on the USS Daedalus), the Asgard, the Ancients/Alterans (most notably Atlantis), the Asuran human-form Replicators, the Milky Way human-form replicators and the Ori.

Most hyperdrives use the fictional substance of Naquadah as fuel. Some, including certain Earth vessels, use the highly unstable, but more powerful isotope of Naquadriah instead. Ancient hyperdrives are powered by one or more ZPMs, whereas the Asgard hyperdrive engines use a variety of power sources.

Unlike hyperdrives used in other universes, hyperspace travel in Stargate does not interact with any matter in real space. Therefore, it allows ships to pass straight through any object (but not large space-time distortions, such as black holes) in its path. This has been used in numerous escape scenarios throughout the series. The speed of the hyperdrive can be increased by increasing its power by an external or internal source, or by modifying it manually.

When the Daedalus is powered by its Asgard Hyperdrive, it takes 18 days to travel to Atlantis in the Pegasus galaxy; however, when the engineers rigged the Zero Point Module (ZPM) sent for Atlantis' Ancient shield into the system, it took only 4 days. Earth's Daedalus-class battle cruiser the Odyssey is mentioned to have its own permanent ZPM during the war against the Ori, although it is unknown if the ZPM is sent to Atlantis following the Ori's eventual defeat.

Several ships can be encompassed in one hyperspace window by expanding the window but it takes a lot more power than usual, it is also possible to land a ship on one that is entering the hyperspace window and travel alongside. This previous is not a problem if someone can install a ZPM, because a fully charged module can procure massive amounts of energy. It has been shown that it's possible to open a hyperspace window in a planet's atmosphere, but it seems to distort space around it.

Each species's hyperdrives works on a unique "frequency", which is how the Attero device specifically targets Wraith ships while their hyperdrives are active.

Hyperspace also has a type of "Hyperspace Radiation" which all Wraith ships suffer damage from and as a result must exit out of hyperspace every once in a while to allow their organic ships to heal from the hyperspace radiation damage.

In order to reach the full potential speed of their hyperdrive, the Asgard must shunt all power away from shields and weapons. When using the full potential of their hyperdrives, the Asgard can move from one galaxy to another in under two minutes.

The Ancient Ship Destiny uses a different method of Faster-Than-Light propulsion, simply named FTL. Much of its workings have yet to be explained. Destiny's drives, once engaged, must remain active for a minimum of four hours and remain inactive for a minimum of three to prevent damage to the drives. This same method of FTL is used of both the Ancient Seed Ships seen in Stargate Universe, and the Alteran city ship seen in Stargate: The Ark of Truth.

Besides hyperspace travel, there is, of course, wormhole travel through the stargates that give the series its name.

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The Final Five (Spanish Version)

Fellow Colonials!
Tenemos ... además de nuestro Héroe weeky de Battlestar Galactica premio ... un par de anuncios importantes para hacer .... y tienen todo que ver con Cylons

El primer anuncio:
¿Te has preguntado si realmente fueras un Cylon? En la serie reimagined BSG, vimos varios tripulantes lucha con los miembros de una realización agonizante. El documental "We Are All Cylons" por Ilana Rein cineasta explora la fa retos ... ced por los personajes que descubrieron que no eran humanos. Ilana estará en GalactiCon 3 tendrá lugar un panel y mostrar clips de su película, así que vamos a tener un sorteo concurso en su honor. Comenzando inmediatamente después de este post, los próximos 5 personas que compran Membresías Plata obtener una copia gratuita de "We Are All Cylons" DVD!  
(Sólo 1 DVD por comprador).
Y la segunda:
Aviso Importante: Le estamos dando la oportunidad de ganar una actualización gratuita para todos los Miembros de Oro! Se llama The Final 5 Concurso de oro. Desde GalactiCon 3 será el anfitrión de todos los miembros de la Final 5, queremos hacer algo especial para ... celebrar. Cualquier persona que tenga una membresía Silver o que compra una membresía Silver de aquí al 15 de mayo tendrá su número de transacción colocado en un dibujo. El 15 de mayo, uno de los últimos cinco actores se basará 5 números de todos los Usuarios de plata. Los Silvers 5 se actualiza automáticamente a GOLD de forma gratuita y disfrutar de todos los beneficios de la membresía VIP Gold! Si usted es uno de los 5 mejorado y que había comprado más de una membresía Silver, usted tendrá la oportunidad de mejorar las compras de plata adicionales a Gold en su costo. price.) We will have more details as it gets closer to May 15th, so go get your Silver Membership now!"">(La diferencia entre el precio de la plata y el precio del oro.) Tendremos más detalles a medida que se acerca al 15 de mayo, así que ve a buscar tu Membresía Silver ahora!  
Buena suerte y buena caza!

Ir a Emissaries: Galacticon III
Ahora voy a hacer un punto aquí y en este momento que se le cayó al suelo con Ilana Rein "We Are All Cylons" ... en mi opinión, una debe tener para los fanáticos y BSG comprador plata primer Get 'Em gratis!
En cuanto a nuestro concurso Five final está preocupado ... membresías de Oro se han convertido en una parte súper exclusiva de este evento y en este momento no activamente a la venta, lo que lo hace aún más especial!
Más allá de todo eso, yo quiero enviar mis saludos a nuestros nuevos miembros ... ¡Bienvenidos Hermanos y hermanas a nuestra fiesta .... estamos contentos de tenerte entre la flota!
Ahora, por supuesto ... el premio!
show in the BSG franchise that tends to get a little less attention than the others...which is too bad because it has some very interesting qualities to was the series that first introduced "Human Cylons""">Hay un espectáculo determinado de la franquicia BSG que tiende a llamar la atención de un poco menos que los demás ... lo cual es una lástima, ya que tiene algunas cualidades muy interesantes ... era la serie que introdujo por primera vez "Cylons humanos" ...por ejemplo ... y también nos dio probablemente uno de los mejores "Classic" episodios titulada "El retorno de Starbuck".
Hoy el premio Héroe va a Kent McCord ... por su interpretación como Troy ... hijo de Apolo ... también conocido por el apodo ... Boxey!
Sólo una intensa voy a estar repitiendo este anuncio en español.
Así decimos todos!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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The Final Five

Fellow Colonials!

We have...besides our weeky Hero of Battlestar Galactica award...a couple of MAJOR announcements to make....and they have everything to do with Cylons!

The first announcement:

Have you ever wondered if you were really a Cylon? In the BSG reimagined series, we watched several crew members struggle with an agonizing realization. The documentary “We Are All Cylons” by filmmaker Ilana Rein explores the challenges fa...ced by the characters that discovered they weren’t human. Ilana will be at GalactiCon 3 hosting a panel and showing clips of her film, so we are having a contest giveaway in her honor. Starting immediately after this post, the next 5 people who purchase Silver Memberships get a free copy of the “We Are All Cylons” DVD! (only 1 DVD per buyer).
and The second one:
Important Announcement: We are giving you a chance to win a free upgrade to the Gold Membership! It’s called The Final 5 Gold Contest. Since GalactiCon 3 will be hosting all members of the Final 5, we want to do something special to ...celebrate. Anyone who has a Silver Membership or who purchases a Silver Membership between now and May 15th will have their transaction number placed in a drawing. On May 15th, one of the Final 5 actors will draw 5 numbers out of all of the Silver Memberships. Those 5 Silvers will be automatically upgraded to GOLD at no charge and will enjoy all of the Gold Membership V.I.P benefits! If you are one of the 5 upgraded and you had purchased more than 1 Silver Membership, you will have the chance to upgrade those additional Silver purchases to Gold at your cost. (The difference between the Silver price and the Gold price.) We will have more details as it gets closer to May 15th, so go get your Silver Membership now! Good luck and Good Hunting!
Now I will make a point right here and right now that you will be knocked to the ground with Ilana Rein's "We Are All Cylons" my view a must have for BSG fans and those first Silver purchaser's get 'em free!
As far as our Final Five contest is concerned...Gold memberships have become a super exclusive part of this event and at this time not actively for sale, which makes this even more special!
Beyond all that, I DO want to send out my greetings to our newest members...welcome brothers & sisters to our party....we are glad to have you among the fleet!
Now of course...the award!
There is a certain show in the BSG franchise that tends to get a little less attention than the others...which is too bad because it has some very interesting qualities to was the series that first introduced "Human Cylons" for instance...and also handed us probably one of the very best "Classic" episodes entitled 'The Return of Starbuck".
Today the Hero award goes to Kent McCord...for his portrayal as Troy...son of Apollo...also known by the nickname...Boxey!
Just an FYI I will be repeating this announcement in Spanish as well.
So Say We All!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club
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           *************ATTENTION ALL RAVEN PERSONNEL AND PILOT WANNABES******************

The TOP GUN rules aboard the Raven is going to change here soon.  The following changes will take effect by June time frame to be fair enough to the pilots who have already taken their viper and raptor test, that are awaiting retest.   I believe retest is three months after one takes their first test.  It used to be 6 months.  Pilots can verify this with Admiral Rivera if needed.  I will post the date here sometime this week. This change will only affect future TOP GUN applicants.  These changes are set forth to make it more competitive and a lot harder becoming a TOP GUN aboard the Raven.  TOP GUNS are considering the BEST OF THE BEST.  THE ELITES amongst all the pilots in the fleet.  So it is fitting only that ONLY the best gets selected and earned that honor.

In order to become a TOP GUN from now on aboard the Raven, all future pilots and pilots wannabes must do the following:

1.  Download and take the Viper Test located on the Raven website at the following link:

Viper Test

2.  Upon completion of the test, please send your test to be graded to BFC Fleet Admiral Miguel Rivera at the following email:

3.  You must score a 100% first time around ONLY can become a TOP GUN member aboard the Raven.  Pilots who have taken their qualifications test before this new rule takes effect, are excempted from this rule.  Only scores of 100% 1st time around on the viper test are accepted to become a TOP GUN aboard the Raven.

With that said, Raven Pilots and Pilot Wannabes that have not taken their qualifications test, study hard.  For this rule will apply to you if you have not taken your qualifications test before this new rule takes effect.

Good hunting to all the pilots aboard the Raven.....ONLY the best pilots in the fleet gets to pilot aboard the Raven. The Raven is the Flagship Chapter of the growing BFC Fleet so she needs to set a very high standard amongst the others.  So let the fun begin.....I will also announce here shortly, a little competition amongst all the Squadrons in the Raven AirWing as my Executive Officer announce on the Raven Group Page on our mother site already......


~Raven Actual


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Blood & Chrome, Gold & Silver


I hope the week has been treating all well.

A huge welcome & thank you to all of our new members as well, welcome aboard...gather 'round the fire & take a moment to talk story and meet your fellow constiuents at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.

Some news to share with all of you...and without tipping my hat too much on this...there is some Galacticon 3 news to share with you...the first thing is that we have SOLD OUT on our Gold memberships!

But not to worry, we have great plans still available...our Silver membership option is currently at the attractive price of $87.00....and that gets you in for the full weekend tour (and we do count that Friday as part of the weekend!)...what's more is that when you buy a G3 membership of any flavor, you also get a pass into ComicPalooza our sister Con...for the duration of you G3 pass!

Won't cost you a cent extra, gratis in other words.

That is two Cons for the price of one..!

Can't make it for the full weekend? No problem, we have daily memberships as well...(see, we have it covered!).

For ALL who don't know...we just announced Rehka Sharma as our newest knew that right? our news right now is that we are winding up for another BIG announcement very, very soon to compliment that's where I don't tip my hat too much....I can't tell you the details yet!

Got your attention I bet...:-)

Keep watching...keep waiting...I promise very, very soon...

Other news of note...Richard Hatch will be appearing at Anaheim WonderCon March 29th-31st in of course Anaheim California...and will be conducting a Battlestar Galactica 35th Anniversary Special Panel on the Friday the 29th at don't miss it.

Richard will be signing autographs of course & will be offereing his "Apollo to Zarek" CD for the discerning fan.

You can find the link to Richard's CD on the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club site & also on so check it out!

OK, on to the festivities...for all you new members...every week we select a Hero of Battlestar Galactica & like the stars in the skies, they never end...and this being no exception to the rule, we are this week making note of a most gracious actress who played a VERY pivotal role in the re-imagined's a testament to her acting skills that she had everyone talking about her character...some hated her, some loved her and plenty thought she was just misunderstood....having played a variety of characters from Star Trek to True Blood...she became the brooding Admiral Helena Cain...this weeks award goes to Michelle Forbes!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club




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Hi, gang... 

                         Yeah, before anyone says anything, I've been MIA for quite a bit... I know.  Been involved in a lot of frakkin' legal felgercarb as of late.  My last entry mentioned my attempt to put a fence around my property due to stray dogs bothering my own dog... well, gods damn it, I wasn't fast enough.  My dog was attacked quite badly, and by a neighbor's dog that had gotten loose. He was bitten badly in 5 places... Once on the throat, twice on the chest, once on his right front leg, and once at the base of his tail. When Animal Control trapped the dog after a week, the bastard (excuse my French) had the brazen pogees to say that it wasn't HIS dog!!  When his frakking NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER WERE ON THE DOG'S ID TAG!!!  I just spent 2 weeks in court suing the jackass to make him pay for my dog's medical bills!!  I swear... I don't normally like to use the word, but sometimes I really HATE people.  Plus, if you add in the fact that my hours at work are all screwed up and nobody in Management can agree on a set shift schedule... and this last month has been HELL ON EARTH for me.  So I hope you can understand my absence, guys.  I hope to be around more often real soon, so, thanks for being patient with me.

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  I was Just Over at Star, And somebody Used their Love Of the Movie TOP GUN As A Topic.

  As A Public Service,I Left Word About the Raven's TOP GUN Competition,And Where to find Us.

  Let's see If Any of My Fellow Trekkies Have The Sauce!

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Chris Morgan appearance today!

This was mentioned a few months back, so just a reminder:

Hi Friends,

Just a reminder that I'm doing a live show at Mount Baker Theatre in my home town of Bellingham, WA on Sunday, February 17, 3:30pm and I hope you can make it, please come if you can (about 600 people coming so far!). Lots of fun clips, stories, and fascinating information about bears, tigers, wolves.....and leeches. My goal is to leave you inspired and entertained! Should be a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon (the historic theatre is gorgeous too).

See below and here:

Feel free to forward this message to others who might be interested.

Thanks All,

Live appearance - Chris Morgan - Mount Baker Theatre in Bellingham, WA on Sunday, February 17 at 3:30pm.
Join TV host, carnivore ecologist, and global adventurer Chris Morgan for an afternoon of fun, laughter, adventure, and fascination.  
A brand new live show being launched in Chris's home town. This will be something quite special - an opportunity to enjoy never-before-seen footage, and all-at-once hilarious and moving stories from on location and in the field. A unique afternoon of entertainment. Epic footage from several exciting international locations (including Siberia, Peru, the Arctic, Alaska, Borneo), stories from Chris's bear research and TV work, and a chance to hear about BEARTREK, his remarkable new movie and campaign about the bears of the world. This show will appeal to everyone - there's adventure, culture, natural history - even motorbikes. Chris's talks are among the best you will ever attend!
Click here to purchase tickets: 

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Battle Not Over Yet.....

  Just watched BLOOD AND CHROME On SyFy; and,I Am Pleased! 

  However, The fight to get this to Series Is Not Over yet! We Must CONTINUE To Put Pressure on the powers that Be At SyFy/NBC/Universal; They need to know that this Story MUST Carry on! We are Talking about the Early Stage of the First Cylon war(The War Lasted For How Many Years?) And, There Are MANY Stories Waiting to Be told!

 So, My fellow BSGManiacs, We Need to keep the Letters,E-Mails,Ect,Going; We Need To Get SyFy To save itself From The Boring Crap That Is Making people say"SyFy Isn't Sci-Fi Anymore"! We Need to Tell Urkel To go get a Real Job! We Need to Leave The Ghost hunting To Bill Murray and Co.! And, we Need To Send that Roger Corman Creature-of-the-Week Crap Back to the "Straight to DVD" Pile!  How? Simple: Tell Them this Via Also,Use twitter and Facebook. Let's Do this People!    SO SAY WE ALL!!!

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Hi Everyone in the BFC Universe,


I built my first Moebius Viper Mk-II almost a year and a half ago. Now that I have become the Flying Tiger's Squadron Leader I'm building a couple more Mk-II's to resemble the awesome Group Emblem created by none other than Dragon Lady, Actual of the Battlestar Raven.

Flying Tigers Squadron

I am using the shark mouth and flying tiger decals from Revell's 1/48 scale P-40B Tiger Shark model kit. I plan on using Testors clear decal paper to make my own call sign, tail number and the Battlestar's name "Raven" for my new Viper's

Does anyone know the correct Font used to create the decals I need to make? Here are a couple photos of my first Mk-II showing the decals I need to duplicate: Raven in place of Galactica





Any help would be greatly appreciated. To see more in process photos of Kara's New Viper check out my page at this link:



LT JG Reamer "Flying Tiger's" Squadron Leader and first "Top Gun" on the Air Wing

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Hi Everyone in the BFC Universe,

I recently read a post asking how to send Viper test answers to Admiral Rivera. Those of you curently training as Viper and Raptor pilots know that both manuals contain 9 chapters. The test is broken down in 9 sections as well. I guess the problem is that each section in the test starts off at number 1. This is how I submitted my answers.


First, in your E-mail, greet Admiral Rivera and tell him which test you have completed, the Battlestar and Squadron you serve with. Next, the heading for each training manual is either VTM for Viper and RTM for Raptor. I simply used this format in my E-mail to the Admiral: 


VTM Test Answers:

VT-101 (this is the first chapter title)

1. A       Note: A is not the correct answer for the questions! ! ! ! You need to figure it out yourself! ! ! !

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. A





And so on for each chapter of the test. Some chapters have less than 10 questions to answer and a couple chapters omit some of the numbered questions; don't ask why, I don't know.

Remember, the prize if you have a perfect score is "Top Gun" and you earned your "Senior Wings." Make your commander proud and achieve the coveted "Top Gun" status. SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! ! !



LT JG Reamer "Flying Tiger's" Squadron Leader  First "Top Gun" of the "Flying Tiger's" Air Wing

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