All Posts (1357)

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Earlist Memory of Battlestar Galactica



      As an older member my earliest memories of BSG is of the original series.  Back in the days when kids had to use their imaginations to entertain themselves, I remember nearly all the kids played BSG.  I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and during recess the kids would meet up, split into the cyclon group and the colonials, each side had a "base".  Baltar (usually an older kid) would sit on a rock on the outskirts of the play ground, while the colonials would operate out of BSG-75, or what we would also call the wood/tire fort.  The tire fort worked well as it had 3 large concrete sewer tunnels (launch tubes) that were large enough for small kids to launch out of.  The cyclons would report to Baltar, Adama would say,"launch all vipers" and we were off having "epic scale" dog fighting viper versus raider (kids running all over making sound effects and blowing each other up).  3 battles a day, 5 days a week.  Anyone else have some fond memories of BSG that were seperate from the enjoyment of viewing the series?


Chad "Tank" Cirillo


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Excited about Galacticon 3!!!

So I'm rewatching the new series again, hadn't watched it since my last deployment.  Of course I can't get enough of it.  Looks like Blood and Chrome would be a good birthday present.  So I'm getting pumped about Galacticon.  Haven't been to a convention since I was in highschool and am kind of pumped about this one.  Hopfully the army doesn't have plans for me...then I only have to decide on flying or driving, gold or silver, and costume or no costume.

Looking forward to meeting people to discuss costume designs, vendors and chit chat about sci fi.  Particularly Battlestar Galactica.


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Fit for duty


As a new member, I face several new chances...

1)a new year

2)a new command

3)making new friends

4)making a new start

I am a veteran, from yahrens ago.  I also have some health problems.  "What would Starbuck do"??  In the opening scenes of the nu-BSG, Starbuck is seen running, in various other episodes, even in the brig, she exercises.  We love the shows, we do charity work, raise funds , why not integrate some work-outs into our daily routines??  Starbuck/Katee could be a model of "Fit for Duty".  I dont believe in resolutions, but I do in 'new starts'!!

Hope to hear other ideas, viewpoints/suggestions!!!

In Service and Strength,

caprica77/Mark brian rouland

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Raven Convention Items For 2013

Well, some of Battlestar Raven's Convention items came in.  I cannot really complain. They came out pretty darn good. :-)

The first one is the Raven's 1st  ever convention banner 3 x 6 feet in size:




The second one that came in is the Raven's buttons/pins.  This is the front part of it:




This is the side of the buttons/pins and contains the following URL you see on them:




There are a couple more items that has not come in yet...When I get them, I will post pictures of those items.


In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"

BFC Deputy Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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A little late, but...  Happy NovaYahren, everyone!  I hope and trust that everyone had fun and stayed safe this past weekend, because I sure didn't.  Believe it or not, I spent last Thurdsay through today in the LifeStation (hospital) with the FLU!!  Yep, you read it right...The flu!!  Talk about spoiling my holiday!  Frak!!  I only got home about 5 hours ago and took a nap.  Still groggy from the meds, but I wanted to get my well-wishes in while I'm still lucid enough to state them.  Will talk again soon... Warrior.

P.S. - Roger, I saw your message, and I will get back to you soon. so please forgive me for a late reply...

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A New Year's Wish



Raven Members and Friends,


I just wanted to quickly take my time here to wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Year.  I know it is not quite there yet but it is fast approaching.  Pretty soon, it will the Year 2013.  Looking back the Year 2012, it was a good year for the Raven as she continues to grow and succeed.  With all of her loyal crew's help and support, the Year 2013 will also be the Year of the Raven. 


Battlestar Raven will resume normal operations on 2 January 2013.  And to all my crew on the Raven, be safe out there during the New Year celebration.  Have fun but stay out of trouble.  I want all of you back safely on the Raven when it resumes its normal operation.  THAT IS ALL!



Cherry "DragonLady"

BFC Deputy Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

Main Website:


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I just wanted to quickly wish my very own Chief Medical Officer on the Raven here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, Lt. Evan O'Donnell, a very Happy Birthday.  Your fellow Crew Members on the Raven, wishes you the best on your birthday.  May you have a great one and a very Happy New Year to you.  Be safe out there!


Main URL:





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Gain weight from Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years celebrations and leftovers.

Read less, watch more TV.

Procrastinate more.

Do less laundry use more deodorant.

Save the environment by conserving water...Bathing, shaving, and personal grooming are far over rated anyway.  Use more Cologne.

Spend less time in the past and more time worrying about the future.

Stop thinking up new, creative, secure passwords, and stick with "Password."

Refuse to read manuals, just wing it on my own. Don't worry about spare parts.

Don't ask for directions or advice.

When in doubt, ask my self what Homer Simpson would do.

Happy New Year, Good Hunting To All, And To All A Good Fight!


John David Feagin

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It is a well known fact that nearly all New Years resolutions are broken almost immediately after New Years is over.  For this reason, I suggest that everybody firmly resolve the exact polar opposite of what their desired outcome and personal accomplishments for the coming year are.  By doing this, you virtually assure the year will go as you wished when you break your resolutions, and...if not, you can always glibly claim credit for remaining faithful to your word, and with great discipline and resolve, carrying out your New Years resolution, unlike some OTHER people you know!  It's a win-win situation! 

Sooooo...Let us all resolve to become lazy, unmotivated, unpopular, gluttonous, grotesque, bugger picking, knuckle dragging trolls, completely lacking in personal hygiene and sex appeal, and maybe even a vow of poverty may be in order.  This way we will all either be well disciplined, highly motivated, successful, driven, attractive, and possibly even wealthy successes in life, or, we will be able to rightly point out how well we did indeed carry out our New Years resolution.

Happy New Year!


John David Feagin

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Dec. 25, 2012

Hello and Merry JesuYahren (Christmas) to all...

First things first...  Ever have one of those weeks where nothing seems to go quite right?  The last TWO weeks have been that way for me.  First, the shift changes at work... no holiday pay/bonus... Then my laptop crashes... my dog is attacked by a stray in the neighborhood... and to top it all off, the book I sent my baby sister for Christmas had pages cut up and/or ripped out of it (I never knew it).  Happy frakkin' holidays to me. :-/  

On a lighter note... I'm back (now that my lappy works again).  Going to try to be here a bit more often... but, as with life, there are no guarantees on that. Joining Battlestar Raven today... I hope I'm found worthy of the assignment.  Here's hoping that all of you have a safe, healthy, and Happy Holiday season.  May the Lords of Kobol bless and keep you all.

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Arm ALL Teachers With BEAR SPRAY...Effective Range...One Class Room.

Bear Spray Is VERY EFFECTIVE, Not Lethal, Easily Concealed, And Legal Most Everywhere.

By the way, you can get it at Gander Mountain in the Fire Arms Dept, as well as many other Sporting Goods stores and also on line. 

Go Loaded For Bear! There's been lots of controversy and it will continue after the recent school shootings. I for one am not fooled into believing that disarming victims is a good alternative, but I also realize that many do not agree. Rather than argue, I offer a viable and reasonable solution for schools or at work, or anywhere...AND...this is something you can actually carry with you without fear of getting in trouble with the authorities. It also fits on a belt or in a purse just like a cell phone, so it need not draw unwanted attention. Just let your shirt or jacket drape over it casually and go about your life as normal, but ready for any bad guys just in case...It's not lethal, so you won't hesitate to use it if the need arises.

Good Hunting!

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Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 When 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate. Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air. They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

They were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say. They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day. "Where are we?" Asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse. "This is heaven." Declared a small boy. "We're spending Christmas at God's house."

When what to their wondering eyes did appear, But Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near. He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same. Then He opened his arms and He called them by name.

And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring Those children all flew into the arms of their king And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace, One small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

And as if He could read all the questions she had He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."

Then He looked down on earth, the world far below He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand, "Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"

"May this country be delivered from the hands of fools" "I'm taking back My nation. I'm taking back My schools!" Then He and the children stood up without a sound. "Come Now My children, let Me show you around."

Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran. All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can. And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight, "In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT." Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA

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A Holiday Wish To My Crew and Friends of the Raven



Crew of Battlestar Raven and Friends,


I am going to keep this short, simple and to the point.  I just wanted to quickly take my time to wish each and everyone of you and your family, Happy Holidays.  As the Year 2012 comes to an end and the Year 2013 approaches, looking back at what we all have accomplished together on the Raven since the Change of Command took place this past August 1st, 2012, each and everyone of you have a lot to be proud off on the Raven.  Your hard work paid off and help the Raven get to where she is now and leading by example as the BFC Flagship Chapter.  I personally could not have done it on my own without your support.  So for that, I thank all of you especially my Executive Officer on the Raven, Major Al "Old Hickory" Bartraw.

It has been a pleasure serving as your new Commander and hopefully I will see most of you next year at Galacticon 3.  At this point, all Raven Crew are hereby ordered to  a STAND-DOWN!.  Use this time to spend some quality time with your family and love ones or however you spend your holidays.  Come next year, business will resume again on the Raven and it will be in full swing in preparation for Galacticon 3.  A lot of new things will be taking place not only on the Raven, but the building and growth of the young  BFC Fleet.   I also encourage all Raven Members and friends, to share your holiday photos if you want too, as a way of helping spreading the holiday cheer  to your fellow crew members and friends all around the globe.  You can either share your photos on the Raven website at:

or the Raven Facebook page located at the following link:

If you decide to share your holiday photos on the Raven website, you will need to become  a member on the site. Just sign up on the site if you are not already a member yet and you should  be good to go.  Everyone is more than welcome to share their holiday photos there or on the Raven Facebook Page.

Be safe, enjoy, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL OF YOU FROM ME AND MY FAMILY, from our Nations Capital! (Currently at our Nations Capital where I will be spending my Holidays with my whole family)  Also, please do not forget to keep in your thoughts and prayer, our troops that are not able to be with their families for the Holidays.  May they be kept safe and out of harms way so they are able to come home to their love ones when the time comes.



In Service,


BFC Deputy Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002




PS. To my crew on the Raven, have fun but STAY OUT OF FRAKKING TROUBLE over the Holidays.  I want all of you back safely on the Raven because we have a lot of work to do after the Holidays ;-) :-)

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Christmas may be postponed or even canceled due to a catastrophic mid air collision between Santa's sleigh and an Air Force fighter.  Cylon Raiders were reportedly attempting to shoot down Santa's sleigh when the US Air Force responded.  All raiders were destroyed or chased from the scene, but Santa's sleigh and one fighter colided. 

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A Galactica Christmas

A Galactica Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas,
And all through the Bucket,
Not a creature was stirring,
Until Tigh muttered, “F#$@ it!”

Ambrosia in hand,
Sporting his eye patch,
He ran down to the hangar
And threw open the hatch.

To what to his wondering eye should appear,
But a fully stocked bar and a crowd full of cheer!
With Starbuck as bartender, manning the still,
Tigh ordered the Squadron their glasses to fill!

Unsteadily raising his beer stein aloft
The pilots all worried that perhaps he’d gone soft.
But he opened his mouth, assuring he was the same,
As he grumbled and shouted and called them by name,

To Tyrol, to Starbuck, to Hotdog! He cried,
To Racetrack and Gaeta, even Boomer, who lied.
It’s my honor to serve with the best crew in the fleet,
And here’s to a brutal Cylon defeat!

The Skin jobs were sleeping all snug in their Hub,
While visions of Resurrection flowed through their tubs.
A red-hat-wearing Cavil, with an Eight and a Five,
Magically pressed buttons that brought them alive!

Away to the Raiders they flew like a flash
Setting off “Con one,” on Galactica’s dash.
But before the humans could scramble out of Joe’s Bar
The hatch opened up to a sight so bizarre.

A Six in a red dress, trimmed with white fur and bells,
Backed by an army of Centurion Elves!
The Toasters marched up to the Galactica crew
Handing each human a present, or two.

Then Adama walked in and surveyed the scene,
He glared at the Six and the Cylons in green.
He paused for a moment at a tall Cylon elf
He wavered, then grinned, in spite of himself.

Climbing up on the bar to stand beside Tigh
The “old man” raised his mug and began with a sigh,
“All this has happened before, and will happen again
But at least for today, we’ll pretend to be friends.”

“The holidays are a time for great joy and of peace,
So, let’s set aside our differences, on this day at least.
A toast to lost loved ones, let’s reflect and recall
My friends, Merry Christmas! So say we all!”
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From our friends at wildlife media:

and if you are wondering about the connection between Wildlife Media, Beartrek & Battlestar Galacica:

On to Chris Morgan's message to everyone:

Hi Friends and Wildlife Media Family,
I'm giving a major talk at Mount Baker Theatre in my home town of Bellingham, WA on February 17th, and would love it if you could come and bring your friends. It's the premier of a brand new presentation and should be a lot of fun - lots of fresh stories to tell from Siberia to Peru to the North Cascades - and in the year when BEARTREK will be completed too!
By the way - tickets make excellent Christmas gifts!  ;-)

My goal is to leave you inspired and entertained. Should be a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

See below, and also here:
Thanks all,

New appearance, just announced! - Mount Baker Theatre in Bellingham, WA on Sunday, February 17 at 3:30pm.
Join TV host, carnivore ecologist, and global adventurer Chris Morgan for an afternoon of fun, laughter, adventure, and fascination.  
A brand new live show being launched in Chris's home town. This will be something quite special - an opportunity to enjoy never-before-seen footage, and all-at-once hilarious and moving stories from on location and in the field. A unique afternoon of entertainment. Epic footage from several exciting international locations (including Siberia, Peru, the Arctic, Alaska, Borneo), bloopers, stories from Chris's bear research AND TV work, and a chance to hear about his remarkable new movie and campaign about the bears of the world. This show will appeal to everyone - there's adventure, culture, natural history - even motorbikes. Chris's talks are among the best you will ever attend! 
Click here for more info and to purchase tickets:  

PS. Join me on my 'Siberian Tiger Quest' - full episode now online:

Chris Morgan, MS
Ecologist & Conservationist

Main hub site:

Project sites:
Wildlife Media & BEARTREK:
GBOP - The Grizzly Bear Outreach Project:
Insight Wildlife Management:
PBS Nature:

Bellingham, WA, USA
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John Colicos - Hero of Battlestar Galactica!


Hello Colonials,

Time for another episode...!

Of course the Holiday Season is upon us...& just as a learning experience Christmas is not the only holiday celebrated during December, so a retroactive Happy Holidays to days past & of course to days's the list:


Central African Republic December 1 National Day
Chad December 1 Freedom and Democracy Day
Mexico December 1 Change of Government
Portugal December 1 Independence Day
Romania December 1 National Holiday
United Arab Emirates December 2 U.A.E. National Day 1
Lao December 3 Independence Day OBS
Tonga December 3 Tupou I Day OBS
Thailand December 5 King’s Birthday
Aland Islands December 6 Independence Day
Ecuador December 6 Foundation of Quito
Finland December 6 Independence Day
Spain December 6 Constitution Day
Ghana December 7 Farmers’ Day
Marshall Islands December 7 Gospel Day
Northern Mariana Islands December 7 Constitution Day OBS
Timor-Leste December 7 National Heroes’ Day
Albania December 8 National Youth Day
Andorra December 8 Immaculate Conception
Argentina December 8 Immaculate Conception
Austria December 8 Immaculate Conception
Brazil December 8 Our Lady of Conceicao
Chile December 8 Immaculate Conception
Colombia December 8 Immaculate Conception
Equatorial Guinea December 8 Immaculate Conception
Holy See December 8 Immaculate Conception
Italy December 8 Immaculate Conception
Liechtenstein December 8 Immaculate Conception
Macao December 8 Immaculate Conception
Macedonia December 8 St. Clement of Ohrid Day
Malta December 8 Immaculate Conception
Monaco December 8 Immaculate Conception
Nicaragua December 8 Immaculate Conception
Panama December 8 Mother’s Day
Paraguay December 8 Immaculate Conception
Peru December 8 Immaculate Conception
Portugal December 8 Immaculate Conception
San Marino December 8 Immaculate Conception
Seychelles December 8 Immaculate Conception
Spain December 8 Immaculate Conception
Switzerland December 8 Immaculate Conception
Timor-Leste December 8 Immaculate Conception
Uzbekistan December 8 Constitution Day
Venezuela December 8 Immaculate Conception
Antigua & Barbuda December 9 National Heroes Day
Tanzania December 9 Republic Day
Cambodia December 10 International Human Rights Day
Falkland Islands December 10 Battle Day OBS
Kiribati December 10 Human Rights and Peace Day OBS
Namibia December 10 International Human Rights Day
Thailand December 10 Constitution Day
Burkina Faso December 11 National Day
Malaysia December 11 Sultan of Selangor’s Birthday
Kenya December 12 Jamhuri Day
Mexico December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
Turkmenistan December 12 Neutrality Day
Malta December 13 Republic Day
Saint Lucia December 13 National Day
Bahrain December 16 National Day
Bangladesh December 16 Victory Day
Bahrain December 17 National Day Holiday
Bhutan December 17 National Day
Kazakhstan December 17 Independence Day Holiday
Zambia December 17 Day of Reconciliation OBS
Kazakhstan December 18 Independence Day OBS
Niger December 18 Niger Republic Day
Philippines December 18 Lopez Jaena Day
Qatar December 18 National Day
Anguilla December 19 National Heroes and Heroines Day
Korea December 19 Presidential Election Day
Macao December 20 Macau SAR Establishment Day
Reunion December 20 Abolition of Slavery
Sao Tome & Principe December 21 Sao Tome Island Day
Zimbabwe December 22 National Unity Day
Aland Islands December 24 Christmas Eve
Argentina December 24 Bridge Holiday 2
Austria December 24 Christmas Eve
Bulgaria December 24 Christmas Eve
Cape Verde December 24 Christmas Eve
Czech Republic December 24 Christmas Eve
Denmark December 24 Christmas Eve
Estonia December 24 Christmas Eve
Faroe Islands December 24 Christmas Eve
Finland December 24 Christmas Eve
Germany December 24 Christmas Eve
Greenland December 24 Christmas Eve
Hungary December 24 Christmas Eve
Iceland December 24 Christmas Eve
Japan December 24 Emperor’s Birthday OBS
Latvia December 24 Christmas Eve
Liechtenstein December 24 Christmas Eve
Lithuania December 24 Christmas Eve
Macao December 24 Christmas Eve
Monaco December 24 Christmas Eve
Portugal December 24 Christmas Eve
San Marino December 24 Christmas Eve
Slovakia December 24 Christmas Eve
Sweden December 24 Christmas Eve
Aland Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Albania December 25 Christmas Day
American Samoa December 25 Christmas Day
Andorra December 25 Christmas Day
Angola December 25 Christmas Day
Anguilla December 25 Christmas Day
Antigua & Barbuda December 25 Christmas Day
Argentina December 25 Christmas Day
Aruba December 25 Christmas Day
Australia December 25 Christmas Day
Austria December 25 Christmas Day
Bahamas December 25 Christmas Day
Bangladesh December 25 Christmas Day
Barbados December 25 Christmas Day
Belarus December 25 Christmas (Catholic)
Belgium December 25 Christmas Day
Belize December 25 Christmas Day
Benin December 25 Christmas Day
Bermuda December 25 Christmas Day
Bolivia December 25 Christmas Day
Botswana December 25 Christmas Day
Brazil December 25 Christmas
British Virgin Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Brunei December 25 Christmas
Bulgaria December 25 Christmas Day
Burkina Faso December 25 Christmas Day
Burundi December 25 Christmas Day
Cameroon December 25 Christmas Day
Canada December 25 Christmas
Cape Verde December 25 Christmas Day
Cayman Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Central African Republic December 25 Christmas Day
Chad December 25 Christmas Day
Chile December 25 Christmas Day
Christmas Island December 25 Christmas Day
Cocos December 25 Christmas Day
Colombia December 25 Christmas
Congo December 25 Christmas Day
Cook Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Costa Rica December 25 Christmas Day
Cote D’ivoire December 25 Christmas Day
Croatia December 25 Christmas Day
Cuba December 25 Christmas
Curacao December 25 Christmas Day
Cyprus December 25 Christmas Day
Czech Republic December 25 Christmas Day
Denmark December 25 Christmas Day
Dominica December 25 Chirstmas Day
Dominican Republic December 25 Christmas Day
Ecuador December 25 Christmas Day
El Salvador December 25 Christmas Day
Equatorial Guinea December 25 Christmas Day
Eritrea December 25 Christmas
Estonia December 25 Christmas
Falkland Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Faroe Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Fiji December 25 Christmas Day
Finland December 25 Christmas Day
France December 25 Christmas Day
French Guiana December 25 Christmas Day
French Polynesia December 25 Christmas
Gabon December 25 Christmas Day
Gambia December 25 Christmas Day
Germany December 25 Christmas Day
Ghana December 25 Christmas Day
Gibraltar December 25 Christmas Day
Greece December 25 Christmas Day
Greenland December 25 Christmas Day
Grenada December 25 Christmas Day
Guadeloupe December 25 Christmas Day
Guam December 25 Christmas
Guatemala December 25 Christmas Day
Guernsey December 25 Christmas
Guinea December 25 Christmas Day
Guinea-Bissau December 25 Christmas Day
Guyana December 25 Christmas Day
Haiti December 25 Christmas Day
Holy See December 25 Christmas Day
Honduras December 25 Christmas Day
Hong Kong December 25 Christmas Day
Hungary December 25 Christmas Day
Iceland December 25 Christmas Day
India December 25 Christmas Day
Indonesia December 25 Christmas Day
Ireland December 25 Christmas Day
Isle of Man December 25 Christmas
Italy December 25 Christmas Day
Jamaica December 25 Christmas Day
Jersey December 25 Christmas Day
Jordan December 25 Christmas
Kenya December 25 Christmas Day
Kiribati December 25 Christmas Day
Korea December 25 Christmas Day
Latvia December 25 Christmas Day
Lebanon December 25 Christmas Day
Lesotho December 25 Christmas Day
Liberia December 25 Christmas Day
Liechtenstein December 25 Christmas Day
Lithuania December 25 Christmas
Luxembourg December 25 Christmas Day
Macao December 25 Christmas Day
Madagascar December 25 Christmas Day
Malawi December 25 Christmas Day
Malaysia December 25 Christmas Day
Mali December 25 Christmas Day
Malta December 25 Christmas Day
Marshall Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Martinique December 25 Christmas Day
Mauritius December 25 Christmas Day
Mayotte December 25 Christmas Day
Mexico December 25 Christmas Day
Micronesia December 25 Christmas Day
Monaco December 25 Christmas Day
Montserrat December 25 Christmas Day
Mozambique December 25 Christmas/Family Day
Myanmar December 25 Christmas Day
Namibia December 25 Christmas Day
Nauru December 25 Christmas Day
Nepal December 25 Christmas
Netherlands December 25 Christmas Day
New Caledonia December 25 Christmas Day
New Zealand December 25 Christmas Day
Nicaragua December 25 Christmas Day
Niger December 25 Christmas
Nigeria December 25 Christmas Day
Niue December 25 Christmas Day
Norfolk Island December 25 Christmas Day
Northern Mariana Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Norway December 25 Christmas Day
Pakistan December 25 Quaid-i-Azam Birthday (Christmas)
Palau December 25 Christmas Day
Palestine December 25 Christmas Day
Panama December 25 Christmas Day
Papua New Guinea December 25 Christmas Day
Paraguay December 25 Christmas Day
Peru December 25 Christmas Day
Philippines December 25 Christmas Day
Pitcairn December 25 Christmas Day
Poland December 25 Christmas Day
Portugal December 25 Christmas Day
Puerto Rico December 25 Christmas Day
Reunion December 25 Christmas Day
Romania December 25 Christmas Day
Rwanda December 25 Christmas Day
Saint Barthelemy December 25 Christmas Day
Saint Helena December 25 Christmas Day
Saint Kitts & Nevis December 25 Christmas Day
Saint Lucia December 25 Christmas
Saint Martin December 25 Christmas Day
Saint Pierre & Miquelon December 25 Christmas Day
Saint Vincent December 25 Christmas Day
Samoa December 25 Christmas
San Marino December 25 Christmas Day
Sao Tome & Principe December 25 Christmas Day
Senegal December 25 Christmas Day
Seychelles December 25 Christmas Day
Sierra Leone December 25 Christmas Day
Singapore December 25 Christmas Day
Sint Maarten December 25 Christmas Day
Slovakia December 25 Christmas Day
Slovenia December 25 Christmas Day
Soloman Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Spain December 25 Christmas Day
Sri Lanka December 25 Christmas Day
Sudan December 25 Christmas Day
Suriname December 25 Christmas Day
Swaziland December 25 Christmas Day
Sweden December 25 Christmas Day
Switzerland December 25 Christmas
Syrian Arab Republic December 25 Christmas Day
Tanzania December 25 Christmas Day
Timor-Leste December 25 Christmas Day
Togo December 25 Christmas Day
Tonga December 25 Christmas Day
Trinidad & Tobago December 25 Christmas Day
Turks & Caicos Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Tuvalu December 25 Christmas Day
Uganda December 25 Christmas Day
United Kingdom December 25 Christmas
United States December 25 Christmas
Uruguay December 25 Christmas
Vanuatu December 25 Christmas Day
Venezuela December 25 Christmas Day
Virgin Islands December 25 Christmas Day
Wallis & Futuna December 25 Christmas Day
Zambia December 25 Christmas Day
Zimbabwe December 25 Christmas Day
Aland Islands December 26 Christmas Holiday
Andorra December 26 Christmas Holiday
Anguilla December 26 Boxing Day
Antigua & Barbuda December 26 Boxing Day
Aruba December 26 Boxing Day
Australia December 26 Proclamation Day
Australia December 26 Boxing Day
Austria December 26 Christmas Holiday
Bahamas December 26 Boxing Day
Barbados December 26 Boxing Day
Belgium December 26 Day after Christmas
Belize December 26 Boxing Day
Bermuda December 26 Boxing Day
Botswana December 26 Boxing Day
British Virgin Islands December 26 Boxing Day
Bulgaria December 26 Christmas Holiday
Canada December 26 Boxing Day
Cayman Islands December 26 Boxing Day
Christmas Island December 26 Boxing Day
Cocos December 26 Boxing Day
Cook Islands December 26 Boxing Day
Croatia December 26 Christmas Holiday
Curacao December 26 Boxing Day
Cyprus December 26 Boxing Day
Czech Republic December 26 Christmas Holiday
Denmark December 26 Christmas Holiday
Dominica December 26 Boxing Day
Estonia December 26 Boxing Day
Falkland Islands December 26 Boxing Day
Faroe Islands December 26 Christmas Holiday
Fiji December 26 Boxing Day
Finland December 26 Christmas Holiday
France December 26 Christmas Holiday
Germany December 26 Christmas Holiday
Ghana December 26 Boxing Day
Gibraltar December 26 Boxing Day
Greece December 26 Christmas Holiday
Greenland December 26 Christmas Holiday
Grenada December 26 Boxing Day
Guadeloupe December 26 Christmas Holiday
Guernsey December 26 Boxing Day
Guyana December 26 Boxing Day
Holy See December 26 Christmas Holiday
Hong Kong December 26 Christmas Holiday
Hungary December 26 Christmas Holiday
Iceland December 26 Boxing Day
Ireland December 26 St. Stephen’s Day
Isle of Man December 26 Boxing Day
Italy December 26 Christmas Holiday
Jamaica December 26 Boxing Day
Jersey December 26 Boxing Day
Kenya December 26 Boxing Day
Kiribati December 26 Boxing Day
Latvia December 26 Boxing Day
Lesotho December 26 Boxing Day
Liechtenstein December 26 St. Stephen’s Day
Lithuania December 26 Boxing Day
Luxembourg December 26 Christmas Holiday
Macao December 26 Christmas Bank Holiday
Malta December 26 Christmas Holiday
Martinique December 26 Christmas Holiday
Montserrat December 26 Boxing Day
Namibia December 26 Family Day
Nauru December 26 Boxing Day
Netherlands December 26 Christmas Holiday
New Zealand December 26 Boxing Day
Nigeria December 26 Boxing Day
Niue December 26 Boxing Day
Norfolk Island December 26 Boxing Day
Norway December 26 Boxing Day
Papua New Guinea December 26 Boxing Day
Poland December 26 Christmas Holiday
Romania December 26 Boxing Day
Rwanda December 26 Boxing Day
Saint Helena December 26 Boxing Day
Saint Kitts & Nevis December 26 Boxing Day
Saint Lucia December 26 Christmas Holiday
Saint Martin December 26 Christmas Holiday
Saint Pierre & Miquelon December 26 Christmas Holiday
Saint Vincent December 26 Boxing Day
Samoa December 26 Boxing Day
San Marino December 26 Christmas Holiday
Sierra Leone December 26 Boxing Day
Sint Maarten December 26 Boxing Day
Slovakia December 26 Boxing Day
Slovenia December 26 Independence Day
Soloman Islands December 26 Boxing Day (Thanksgiving Day)
Spain December 26 St. Steven’s Day
Suriname December 26 Boxing Day
Swaziland December 26 Boxing Day
Sweden December 26 Boxing Day
Switzerland December 26 St. Stephen’s Day
Tanzania December 26 Boxing Day
Tonga December 26 Boxing Day
Trinidad & Tobago December 26 Boxing Day
Turks & Caicos Islands December 26 Boxing Day
Tuvalu December 26 Boxing Day
Uganda December 26 Boxing Day
United Kingdom December 26 Boxing Day
Vanuatu December 26 Family Day
Zambia December 26 Day of Goodwill
Zimbabwe December 26 Boxing Day
Falkland Islands December 27 Christmas Holiday
Ireland December 27 Christmas Holiday
Korea December 27 Constitution Day
Niue December 27 Commission Holiday
Sri Lanka December 27 Unduvap Poya
Lao December 30 Fiscal Year End
Nepal December 30 Tamu Lhochhar
Philippines December 30 Rizal Day
Andorra December 31 New Year’s Eve
Armenia December 31 New Year’s Eve Holiday
Azerbaijan December 31 Day of Solidarity
Bangladesh December 31 Year-end Bank Holiday
Brazil December 31 Last Day of Year
Brunei December 31 End-of-year Bank Holiday
Chile December 31 Bank Holiday
Colombia December 31 Last business day of year
Costa Rica December 31 New Year’s Eve
Cuba December 31 New Year’s Eve Holiday
Denmark December 31 New Year’s Eve
Ecuador December 31 New Year’s Eve
Faroe Islands December 31 New Year’s Eve
Germany December 31 New Year’s Eve
Greenland December 31 New Year’s Eve
Guatemala December 31 End-of-year Bank Holiday
Hungary December 31 Bridge Holiday 6
Japan December 31 New Year’s Eve
Lao December 31 Fiscal Year End 2
Latvia December 31 New Year’s Eve
Lebanon December 31 Last Day of Year
Liechtenstein December 31 New Year’s Eve
Maldives December 31 Last Business Day of Year
Montserrat December 31 Festival Day
Paraguay December 31 Last Day of Year
Philippines December 31 Bank Holiday
Russia December 31 Bridge Holiday 4
San Marino December 31 New Year’s Eve
Sweden December 31 New Year’s Eve
Switzerland December 31 New Year’s Eve
Thailand December 31 New Year’s Eve


Woo Hoo...who would have thunk, huh?

So, happy happy to all of the above...just think about your fellow man in the process.

Of course this is the time for the Hero award (a day late actually) but I digress...this award goes to a man who really played the essence of villian in Battlestar Galactica...and Star Trek fans will instantly know him from his history as Kor the Klingon...the rest of us all know him as the original Baltar.

John Colicos was in reality a delightful, witty nice man...I had the pleasure of meeting him, matter of fact I shared a meal with him & a rather large group of folks at a Bennigan's in Fort Washington Pennsylvania of all places (that is a whole other story) but suffice to say that he is missed.

I salute John Colicos tonight as a Hero of Battlestar Galactica!

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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