missed the boat

well i am sorry to say i really missed the boat on this one. to tell you the truth i didnt even know what it was until recently, i found it on my x-mas 2012 vacation, and holy frak! in the two weeks that followed i can honestly say were the best i have ever spent watching anything. i watched all four seasons and loved everyone of them. i have to say i am a tradesman and not to good with computers, but i needed to find out more so i started to search online, which is how i got here. much to my disdain was how much criticism it got for its final season, i thought it was great and fitting. as i read through them i started to realize all these posts were for the most part two years old. now i dont even have an audience to listen to me soap box on how wrong they are and how right i felt the show was. well thanks again for the welcome and letting me vent a little. oh and i have never belonged to any group or club on the computer so if i break any rules or laws in here i am sorry in advance!

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