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Celebrating 45 Years of Galactica Magic



Today marks a momentous occasion as we commemorate the 45th anniversary of the original Battlestar Galactica series that first captured our hearts back in 1978. It’s a time to reflect on the immense impact this iconic show has had on science fiction and the countless memories it has given us.
From the jaw-dropping battles against the Cylons to the heartwarming friendships forged aboard the Galactica, this series took us on an unforgettable journey through space and time. We laughed with Starbuck's charm, admired Apollo's bravery, and marveled at the wisdom of Commander Adama. The original Battlestar Galactica taught us about resilience, loyalty, and the bonds of family.
But the story doesn't end there. The legacy of Battlestar Galactica continues to inspire new generations with its timeless themes and captivating storytelling. It has spawned new iterations, reboots, and spin-offs, reminding us that the spirit of the Galactica lives on.
On this special anniversary, let's raise our glasses to the talented cast, crew, and all the fans who have kept the Galactica flame burning bright for four and a half decades. Your passion and dedication have made this universe truly special, creating a community that spans galaxies.
Share your favorite memories, quotes, and moments from the original series using #Galactica45 and let's celebrate together! Here's to 45 years of adventures, friendship, and the enduring legacy of Battlestar Galactica.
So Say We All!!!
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Here is the BFC's 21 Anniversary poster.  I finally got the chance to post here on the website.  Traveling for my real-life job does not always allow me to just sit down and relax. This wonderful poster was done by a talented artist by the name of Vincent Sammy ( ). Please do not forget to check out his page and spread his workaround.  There is a higher resolution for download.


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