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A Message From Sexto Sol Founder

This is one of the worthy cause that is very dear to none other than EJO himself.  I think I could not have said it any better than Mr. Olmos Secretary did:
As you know, this organization is near and dear to EJO's heart. This is a way of helping a worthy cause that costs you nothing. Please consider it, and pass it alone to everyone you know.
MaryAnn Beverly
I am writing because there is a simple, simple thing you could do that would be painless and very helpful.
I'd be grateful if you'd consider doing this.
Background: If you did not know, Google no longer blindly serves the best results to your searches. Instead
results are tweaked according to what Google "knows" you like. So you miss information you might want.
If you instead use and choose the charity "Sexto Sol Center for
Community Action" then we earn a penny for every search you make.
You only have to sign up once and it will automatically work after that.

You are already searching, just doing this will help Sexto Sol to serve rural people in Chiapas and Guatemala,
while you get better unaltered search results. We have important work to do in 2012.

What if 100 people earned 20 dollars a year for Sexto Sol? I already donated 19.00 by searching. Tony Campbell
just started using GoodSearch and has donated nearly 8.00. It adds up.

More information: GoodSearch is powered by Yahoo. Powerful search engine.
There is also GoodShop and another Dining service. So if you buy from Travelocity or Hewlett Packard or or 2000 more merchants from this interface in our name - we earn. There are great discounts for
doing so, often free shipping.
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Galacticon III registration is LIVE!

Hello everyone, you can now register for Emissaries: Galacticon III!

We are up & running....very soon we will be posting information FOR YOU regards travel arrangements (we have a killer travel agent that can handle this for you) plus in the next couple of months we'll have lodging info available.

Of course as you all might have known, Anne Lockhart...Lt. Sheba from the original series has confirmed for the event....truly wonderful & gifted talent and a great person I might add.

Also filling the bill today is Eric Chu....hey the "maker" of the re-imagined series Cylons, Basestars, Vipers..well, you name it....wanna learn more?

Check out his site here.

Topping off our announcements today is Tye Bourdony, the master of Sci-Fi Parody and a truly great guy....both Eric & Tye will be joining us as guest artists.

Speaking of that please visit Tye's site The Lighter side of Sci-Fi

So Say We All!

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Despite hectic schedules, I caught up with Eric for a few to chat a bit...we sat down (figuratively speaking) I in California & he in British Columbia & did a little talk through about Cylon's.....Battlestar....Life...Cylons....Basestars....Cylon's.
For those of you wondering who or precisely a what is an Eric Chu...well, I'll tell you....he is the designer of the not only the Basestars but the Centurions...& Vipers...and...well, you get it...from the Re-Imagined series.
Also he is of course the mighty Cylon God, so you might want to offer him up a sacrifice of metal goods...old computers...a tin can...possibly a appease him.
The occasional tuna sandwich is nice as well...he also is a member of the Fan Club, so please feel free to pay homage to him on his page.

Shawn : So what brought you into graphic design? What motivated you?
Eric: I think I ate lead-based paint chips when I was young.
Shawn: Prior to doing Galactica, what were you doing?
Eric: I was doing storyboards for animated cartoons.
Not the good kind.
The "did-your-inbred-cousin-write-this-script?" kind.
Shawn: So how did the whole Galactica adventure happen?
Eric: It was a case of knowing the right people at the right time.
I just happened to know Gary Hutzel from working with him on A Wrinkle in Time, and he asked me to help him on Galactica.
However, at the time I had done very little in the way of technical illustrations and was just beginning to use the computer.
Knowing full well the magnitude of the opportunity he was offering me, I locked myself in my room for several weeks and forced myself to learn to draw spaceships.
I had all the Art of Star Wars books and Joe Johnston's sketchbook series, from when I was growing up, and I used them as training manuals.
Shawn:  I'm sure that once the outline of the story was laid out you knew you had to do things similarly but then again differently regards design for the show...what were your thoughts?
Eric: My initial thought was, "we are gonna be lynched, and our lifeless corpses paraded to riotous fanfare in the streets."
Shawn: Did you feel some pressure to really change things up or strike a balance with the original look of the show?
Eric: There was considerable pressure to change things up and stay as far away from the original series as possible.
It was constantly mandated from SyFy that we show them "something that had never been seen before…" which is what clients generally say when they have no idea what they want.
The fact that anything in the show resembles the original series at all is a minor miracle.
Shawn: I think, an opinion, that anyone who "creates" feels a paternity for what they about you?
Eric: They are ALL my children… I love them all, although the more unruly ones need to be kept in an abandoned fridge under lock and chain.
Shawn:  Did you find that you had to evolve the basic designs as the storyline progressed?
Eric: Not to any great degree, but the opposite was true in the case of the Raider.
The design was based on a story point in the original script that was later abandoned. In the draft I read, the Raider (described as a 'squashed' Cylon) could make a 'kamikaze' run by jettisoning its wings.
The central fuselage could then continue towards its target as a nuke.
That meant we had to use a long cylindrical shape with a Cylon face on one end.
That's why our Raiders have the elongated head, somewhat like Giger's Alien.
As interesting as that might have been, the idea was excised for whatever reason, but the design remained.
Shawn: Speaking of evolution...what was your take on the "new" look for the Cylons...or the Basestars?....they seemed much more different than say the overall look of Galactica or the Vipers, for instance...
Eric: The Basestar was probably the easiest one to design. I just wanted to try a shape that was the complete opposite of a circle.
It was approved right away.
The Centurion, however, took a lot more work.
The only requirement was that they wanted it to have an impossibly thin waist to show that it couldn't be a "man in a suit".
We tried a lot of variations, but in the end, we discarded the bulky armored look and went with a smoother, more organic design that mimicked human anatomy.
That played well with the whole Cylon evolution idea.

Shawn:  Do you find yourself sourcing to a point from other material....I will say that the concept of a "human" Cylon was pioneered in Galactica: 1980 & even the crescent Cylon raider showed up in Richard Hatch's "Second Coming" or at least a variation of it.
Eric: At the time, I was not aware of Hatch's project.
But yes, to a certain degree, many designs are sourced from outside influences. However, they may not be as obvious as a TV or movie reference. Inspirations can come from anywhere, and often do.
In the case of the Galactica, the ribbed look was influenced by a picture of metal vases I saw in a book of industrial design. It's always good to widen one's horizons and try new things, even if they may not be related to your work.
The more interests you have and knowledge you gain, the more believable your "imagined" visions can be.
Shawn:  I'm sure it was a wild ride...and demanding...thoughts about your schedule with the show?
Eric: I had never been so scared in my life when I was doing these designs.
The responsibility was enormous!
I was brought on early in the production, even before the pilot had been greenlit, so the fate of the production rested, in part, on the visual direction we were taking. 
If SyFy hadn't seen anything they liked, the project would have been cancelled.
People don't realize just how tenuous the life and death of these productions can be. Even during the life of the series, we were always looking over our shoulders. 
Shawn: What are you doing now...projects afoot?
Eric: I just got married a few weeks ago (true), so my next project is a human/Cylon hybrid.
Shawn: Sneak question: what would you LIKE to do?
Eric: Call me a sentimental fool, but human enslavement has always been a dream of mine…
Shawn: Advice (I always ask this)....that you can give budding designers out there?
Eric: Drawing techniques that require the use of plutonium-239 or any other fissile isotope require proper protective gear!
Shawn: As the omnipotent Cylon God...what are your recommendations for mankind in general?
Eric: Submit peacefully, and your annihilation will be less… er… Accept your doom and your destruction will be… ummm…….. Eat more roughage.
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I come to you all with a personal tale that I think personally sums up my involvement & my take on the whole Battlestar Galactica "movement".

How I have lent to it....& how it has lent to me.

But more importantly, how it has affected you all.

Basically, it seems to me that as intertwined as I am with it, so are all of you...for love of the show of course, the drama & the action....the storyline & the nobility overall...BUT, since we all share the passion, I think there is a fundamental at work.

Something I've always said, it is just so much more than a show...what brings us all together is a sense of community & rightness....which I think is much more important.

But I think I can explain further...derived from my own experience & perhaps it might bear some relevence on your own.

My story in brief....I was born in the great state of Texas (Yeah, I can hear all you folks from Texas clapping...not for me...for Texas!) ;-)

Not so simple....I was a little unlike most kids born in the state at that time....I don't mean time like waaaaayyy back either, but in that time.

Anyway, interesting lineage...I talk about it even now because it is part of me, but I'll explain further.

My Mother was pretty basic, she was German...not from Germany....but her Grandparents were...all German.

Simple eh?

Papa was a bit....err, different.

A looonnnggg time ago, there were some Irish that decided they had enough of the Emerald Isle & went to Spain....we ARE talking on the order of 500 years ago btw.....& gradually that line became Spanish.

So you had the interesting aspect of Jose O'Donnell's & Juan O'Donnell's popping up.

Most famously or infamously a relative of mine, Leopoldo O'Donnell was Prime Minister of Spain...12578021252?profile=originalthree times...explain that!

For better reference...please refer to a cousin....somewhere down the line in Argentina, Buenos Aries to be exact & check out Mario "Pacho" O'Donnell...someone who I'm better served to say I'm related to.


Anyway, back in the day....when the Spanish ruled Morrocco (yes, that would be in North Africa) by Great-Grandfather, all Spanish & faux Irish decided that he was in love with one of the "flowers of the desert"...needless to say, that was Great-Grand ma-ma.

Not being favored in the circles in Spain at the time (A Spaniard & an Arab Women were frowned upon), remember this is like....waaaay back...ok?

So off they went to the ancestral guessed plant anew...and they did...and a plenty.

My Grandfather came from a brood of 7 & was the only sibling to cross the pond & make his way in America.

To bring you up to date this was 1905.

Truly, I shit you not.

My Grandfather came through Ellis Island, live in New York in the tenaments & slums of the time...and what did he do?

He opted to go to Texas and make his way!

Who did he marry when he got there (nor right away of course), but a Native American Woman....oh yeah, full blood Commanche as a matter of fact...that would Grandma.

Ok, so you have the lineage in place....what makes me...well, me at least, well biologically speaking.

Fast forward to modern times (LOL) least to the relative 20th there I was, a very confused little boy....I had NO idea what my lineage meant....what, exactly was I?

And  you think Cylon-Human hybrids have it tough, huh?

As in all things, sometimes an outside source is the best advice.

Somebody changed my life at an early age & helped me define things....and trust me this goes back to the whole Arrow of Apollo thing & the Warrior thing and all bear with me!

A man named William Red Fox 12578021867?profile=originalcame to my school....Native American who was there to show the kids what an "Indian" was all about...not what the westerns said either.

I talked to him afterwords...ok bear in mind something...he WAS 105 when I met him, ok?

I then proceeded to talk to him more...and he became something of a guiding light to me, he made me understand things about myself & the world that I didn't know....and I carry his wisdom with me.

William Red Fox...yep, I was his "Padawan" & he was my "Yoda"...William Red Fox of the Lakota....Takalu Luta was his real name...he traveled with "Buffalo Bill" Cody back in the old days btw...THE Buffalo Bill.

Guess who is Uncle was...a man called Tasunke all know him as Crazy Horse.12578021901?profile=original

Here are the things that Red Fox taught me...whoever you are, that is what you are & rejoice in that & celebrate your life...all who live upon this earth are your brothers & your must live life like a warrior, be it in battle or at peace, you must make a stand....your life has a destination & you determine it, but it has been written.

Your breath these & then you will define yourself.

So I wind this up this tale how does that tie into Battlestar?

Well I will tell you this...I found a true warrior in Richard Hatch...which is where I found all of this, a man willing to take a stand...I think a man brave enough to weather all of this tribulations in trying to get this great theme back on it's feet & rolling for the benefit of all others deserved my humble assistance.

That is called "Making A Stand".

I humbly submit, Battlestar Galactica would NOT be where it is today without Richard...who I can proudly call my friend & fellow Warrior.

Embrace the community of your peers & know they support you....yah, you are all a bunch of BSG fans, yadda yadda...but that's a GOOD thing!

You have bound yourselves together...across national lines, across racial lines, across religous lines...across EVERY line to come together & speak with one voice.

OK, so now you have the way of the Warrior, no? Now to the Arrow of Apollo....I received this gift in Denver, Colorado last month & as a symbol it is profound & means a lot to truly expresses what we are about & what we strive for is in reality the spear point of the warrior.

I swear to you all that I will carry this forward in everyone's name!


I think the world of you all...let's keep trekkin' (or Battlestarin') & keep this frakker''s up to us...Let's stand together!

Battlestar yesterday, Battlestar today, Battlestar tomorrow....Battlestar Galactica Forever!

So Say We All!

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Rest in peace George Murdock

On April 30th, George Murdock....Dr. Selik from the original Battlestar Galactica, passed away.

He was our guest on the Galacticruise event in 2008 & I can personally tell you that you could never meet a nicer person.

His time on Earth enriched us with his talent, he enriched us with his humanity.

At the end of the cruise I spoke with him & told him what a wonderful guest he was & that Hollywood should be baying for his talent.....he answered simply with "From your lips to God's ear" & gave me a big hug.

He had many years in Hollywood & added so much to our culture, undying & enduring.

God bless you George, may the Lords of Kobol see you to your destination....

Good-bye brother....


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Special Announcement

Fellow Colonials & Members of the Fleet,

I have a special announcement to share with all of you.

Firstly Herb Brunner has accepted appointment as our new Director of Media Relations & will be making the move to that spot from the seat of the Deputy Vice President.

In his place I'm appointing Daniel Allen as Interim Deputy Vice President.

Both appointments are effective this date.

I want to take a moment & reflect back on Herb's work as both a member of the Quorum of the Twelve & as Deputy Vice President...and say that he has done outstandingly well in both & I'm honored that he accepted this new challenge.

Daniel of course you know as a proven quality & as a beacon of leadership....& though his upcoming tenure as Deputy Vice President will be brief, I know he will bring all this considerable talents to bear in the position.

The question some of you might have is...brief tenure?...Interim?

Specifically speaking...Dan will be serving as a caretaker DVP till a permanent replacement can be selected.

So, now I'm going to open the floor to all of you on this...who amongst you are interested in the position?

Very serious question...because I am going to be taking applications for the spot, effective immediately.

We are going to go through a three month vetting process on this spot...we will start the clock tomorrow 4/30/12 & complete this process on 7/30/12 with the new Deputy Vice President taking office formally on 8/1/12.

We are looking for someone who is or will be active on the site, active off site in the sense of promoting the BFC either online or at Conventions & will be prepared to assist the Vice President & Myself in our duties.

We consider this to be a very important position as it does rank third in line to the succession to the Presidency of the BFC.

For those that are interested, please work up a resume & tell me what makes you think you are capable to do this job & how given the circumstance you would lead the BFC if you were thrust into the position of President.

You may reach me on the site here & please put it in the form of a private message to me rather than a post.

There are no disqualifiers for this position....except for perhaps CDF members...if I'm not mistaken the regulations of the CDF prohibit active members of the Colonial Defense Forces military wing from holding a civilian government position. Please check with your immediate CDF superiors on that before presenting an my knowledge this does not disqualify CDF civilian staff.

Members of the Quorum may apply...but if you are selected you must relinquish your seat on the council to do so.

Members of the government of the BFC, I would ask that you not apply for the position as some of you are already wearing to hats & I don't want multiple positions tying one person down.

So that opens this up to all the rest of you.

Remember, we have three months to make this decision...please make all due consideration & throw your hat in the ring.

So say we all!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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Greetings from CDF Fleet Command Headquarters,

I hope everyone is having a good time at the Starfest Convention, and at the treaty banquet tonight. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Nathan Gastineau. I am the Fleet Admiral and founder of the Colonial Defense Forces. I cannot be here tonight for I am currently on a leave of absence while I tend to personal matters, so please allow for Gene and Jesse to speak on my behalf.
Over a year ago, I approached Dan Allen from the BFC and later Shawn O'Donnell about forming an alliance between our 2 organizations. The CDF was well off on the military side of the coin, however the civilian aspect was missing. We had tried over the years to form a civilian structure and Quorum however the draw for membership was elsewhere.
Knowing the BFC had an established president and the structure I was looking for and that the BFC had been talking about forming Battlestar chapters, I thought this was the perfect time to form an alliance that would be benefit both organizations.
Weeks of working out the details, keeping our separate names and identity, etc I made an announcement along with Dan Allen. Some, not all, CDF members flipped out. "What are you thinking?" was at the top of the questions to me at last years Colonial Conference. After much talk, deliberation, and understanding, everyone was on the same page.
So began the quest which has lead us here tonight. There was always a side of the CDF and I think any Galactica fan club that gets over looked. In the Star Trek world many times Klingons fall into the same category. The Cylons. For months I had envisioned, talked about, and tried to put into place The Cylon Alliance within the CDF. A rouge group of Baseships that allied themselves with the Colonials. We were simi-sucesssful. As interest grew on there was always one man I knew who good lead the toasters. Gene Hagerty. With the same thoughts, Gene was well on his way to already creating the Colonial Cylon Alliance. A mirror organization to the CDF with Baseships as chapters, Cylon platoons, raider squadrons, etc. This is exactly what needed to happen.
So here we are, over a year later and the parent organizations CDF, BFC, and the CCA are leading the way to welcome in any and all BSG fan clubs. I have felt this way from day one. BSG fandom will only survive if we unite and keep the torch lit together. We are stronger as an alliance, assisting each other in various needs, finding a place for each new recruit, and standing behind Galactica in any form.
Now, as an alliance we represent just more than one group. Always remember what lead us here tonight. The love for a show called Battlestar Galactica. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following through with my vision and keeping the dream alive. Raise your glasses and make a toast! To the Tweleve Colonies, to BSG, and to The Alliance! So Say We All!
Fleet Admiral Nathan "INDY" Gastineau
The Octagon, Picon

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Mike's thoughts of the day

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

Hoping people will see the BF2142 mod, is a really good thing for BSG! I just pray and hope to the Lords of Kobol that it goes well, Colonials v Cylons on big battle maps, In Space for you Viper/Raptor jocks and on the ground for all you Colonial Marines out there!

So Say We All

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Hello Colonials,

You will all note that I just posted a trailer from the film "Titanic".

Today marks the 100th Anniversary of course of the day that the ship struck an iceberg in the North Atlanic...NOT however the 100th Anniversary of the sinking (technically)...the actual collision happened late in the evening of April 14th 1912...the ship itself sank in the early morning hours of April 15th.

A little later in the day to add to the tribute for Titanic I will post the full-length version of James Cameron's "Ghosts of the Abyss" in HD.

Very informative & very interesting...

So Say We All!


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BBC 1 series "Land of the Lost Wolves"

All, I want to preface this a bit...for some reason this email from Chris Morgan & Co over at got overlooked in the email pileup I call my inbox.
As you can see episode 2 of this series actually aired yesterday on BBC 1 in the my apologies to our friends in the United Kingdom.
Otherwise, I'm sure they will re-run this in the UK & everyone in North America can look forward to this program on the Discovery Channel later in the year.
We at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club support Chris Morgan & in their battle to protect endangered species across the planet...their survival is ours!
So Say We All!

Hi again friends,

More exciting news - if you are in the UK, the BBC 1 series 'Land of the Lost Wolves' that I have been involved with is currently airing. Episode 2 is on at 9pm on Friday 6th April - yes - today! Tune in if you can! It's a wonderful show about the wolves in my own back yard here in Washington State's Cascade Mountains, featuring Gordon Buchanan, Jasmine Minbashian and other colleagues. I'm in episode 2 briefly tomorrow, tracking wolves on the BC coast of Canada. All mind-blowingly beautiful locations, and a great story about wolves that will not give up their drive to return to the wilds of the west. For USA friends, it will air on Discovery later this year - watch this space.

Then if you want to learn more about the wolves of Washington visit our bear, wolf, and cougar webpage here:  Another great organization that is helping wolves and people is Conservation Northwest here in my home town Bellingham:

Thanks for tuning in everybody!

Best wishes,


Chris Morgan, MS
Ecologist & Conservationist

Main hub site:

Project sites:
Wildlife Media & BEARTREK:
GBOP - The Grizzly Bear Outreach Project:
Insight Wildlife Management:
PBS Nature:

Bellingham, WA, USA
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What every Colonial Alliance member needs

12578018099?profile=originalHot off the press, well more like Microsoft Publisher 2007, ArcSoft WebCam Companion 4, and Paint.Net version 3.5.10, a three fonts called Caprica, Barcode, and Lucid Handwriting.

Pretty nifty, right? How did I accomplish this using Microsoft Publisher? Quite simple actually. All I did was use a blank business card size of 2 X 3.5" and selected the page setup to be portrait. You'll get a listing of different sizes of business card type in Microsoft publisher 2007 look for the one that is 2 X 3.5" and set in portrait.

First thing I did was to select the autoshape and then basic shapes and choose rounded rectangle. drew this into the work space and resized it as I needed. Then I clicked on the insert dropped down to picture and selected file and began to look for the colonial seal here on my laptop. Sized it to fit into the frame that I just created then added the text and selected the font size to be 12 (I originally started out at 36).

Next I choose autoshape again and this time i selected the hexagon shape and drew it onto the work space. I then create a text box and wrote in it "photo" then created three more text boxes one I label "Name" the second "Colony" both of these I selected the caperica font and the third I labeled "Colonial President" and selected the lucid handwriting front. Under this I selected the line and drew a straight line as I possible could then created a text box and typed in Colonial President.

The barcode font I did not have when I first began this project so I have to do a Google search to find it. It's located at the Caprica font can be found at and the Lucid Handwriting font you should all ready have on your PC since it is part of your Windows Operating system. If you do not have it you can get it at

The only font I had to install was the barcode font and that's simple enough to do. Since my laptop has the Windows 7 Operating System here all I had to do was extract the font from the zip file into a folder on the external hard drive here ( I highly recommend that you utilize an external hard drive for saving the fonts you collect off from the web as well as any photos and graphic work that you do.). ONce unzipped I open the folder that contained the barcode font right clicked on it and selected install.

A the bottom of where I had written "Colonial President i created another text box and selected the barcodde font. For the code I choose to the abberveration of the country I live in, the state, county, city,the first three number of my home address followed up by the last four digits of my phone number. Before I went any further I saved what I had just done onto the external hard drive. Then I went up to here I had the text box with the word "Photo" in it and deleted it. I selected insert moved down to picture and over to file and searched for the photo that I just edited after taking a picture of myself from my laptop and sized it to it into the hexagon. When that was done I save my work under a different name. 

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By Your Command!


Some exciting news on the horizon, I am happy to announce:


By Your Command: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide To Battlestar
Galactica: Volume 1: The Original Series and Galactica 1980
by Fiona Moore and Alan Stevens

The publication date will be June 30th of this year.

Marcel Damen of GalacticaTV (and a Battlestar Galactica Fan Club member) & I have been working with Fiona Moore to get this out.

Marcel was instrumental in bringing a lot of archived information to the fore & help the authors make it accurate.

This book will be published in the United Kingdom, but I will provide a link for everyone to order from here.

Though some months away, I'm sure that all of you will want to include it in your libraries of BSG reference.

So Say We All!

PS: They do from my understanding plan on following up on with a sequel featuring the Re-Imagined series....also they have a forward to the book by someone we all know...but I ain't tellin' just yet.

That's that, you gotta buy the book!

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Hello everyone,

If you are all interested in viewing the trailer for Blood & Chrome please click here.

The video that was quickly put up on youtube was just as quickly brought down due to copyright issues, those being either NBC's issues or youtube's own internal ones.

You CAN still see the video by clicking the above link.

So Say We All!

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