Arm ALL Teachers With BEAR SPRAY...Effective Range...One Class Room.

Bear Spray Is VERY EFFECTIVE, Not Lethal, Easily Concealed, And Legal Most Everywhere.

By the way, you can get it at Gander Mountain in the Fire Arms Dept, as well as many other Sporting Goods stores and also on line. 

Go Loaded For Bear! There's been lots of controversy and it will continue after the recent school shootings. I for one am not fooled into believing that disarming victims is a good alternative, but I also realize that many do not agree. Rather than argue, I offer a viable and reasonable solution for schools or at work, or anywhere...AND...this is something you can actually carry with you without fear of getting in trouble with the authorities. It also fits on a belt or in a purse just like a cell phone, so it need not draw unwanted attention. Just let your shirt or jacket drape over it casually and go about your life as normal, but ready for any bad guys just in case...It's not lethal, so you won't hesitate to use it if the need arises.

Good Hunting!

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