Just A Few Changes



I just have a few things to announce....

I have ask and appointed Lt. Jg. Steve Tweed , as the interim-XO of Battlestar Raven-BFC 002 and will be helping me to take care of day to day business on the Raven. I expect each and everyone of you to give him the same courtesy and respect as you would give me and the XO or the same respect you would want to be shown and given. "Old Hickory" Kreios will keep your chair warm for you during your absense. Be safe and we will all be here when you return.

Second, it is with great pleasure that I announce your new Chief Engineering Officer: Lt.Jg Jeff Phillips He has accepted to take on the role of keeping the legacy of the CEO Position, as the caretaker of the this mighty "Beast" of a Battlestar. This position also means a lot to both myself and XO for we have been both Engineering Officers. This is the position we both started out from. It is a lot of hard work keeping a battlestar going. With this position comes his promotion to Lieutenant. All the privileges that comes with the rank and position of Chief Engineering, is so duely noted on this day of 24th of September 2013 and will be effective midnight of 25th of September 2013. The Chief Engineering Officer is also 4th in Command of the Raven.

Please join me in congratulating the both of them in their new responsibilities...

Jeff "Gambit" Phillips Promotion Certificate:



Cherry "DragonLady"
BFC Vice President
Commanding Officer-Battletar Raven-002

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  • Congratulations. Well chosen and well earned.

  • Congratulations Gambit on your promotion and new role aboard the Battlestar Raven. I wish you the best!!!!!

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

  • Congratulations,Gambit!

      I Have No Doubt You Will Put Your Energy Into A Very Important task, And Be Successful! So Say we All!


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