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Galacticon 4 - There will be CYLONS

12578077696?profile=originalGreetings Pathetic Humans,
I don't often drink Ambrosia, but when I do, I prefer to do it with my homies after ravaging the Colonial Fleet. Especially with my man Tim the Cylon and the Battlestar Fan Club. Word from Imperious Leader is there's gonna' be a major blow-out at GALACTICON 4 in Seattle, July 31 through August 2, celebrating my TV show and all things SyFy. Basestar's in the shop, so I'm hookin' a ride with all the famous human's that were my supporting cast. Gonna' be a blast, check out the web site. Be there, by your command.
Toasters rule! Love and stainless steel kisses, Walter the Centurion.

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Our friends over at NBC Universo ( NBCUniversal’s Hispanic cable network ), was kind enough to share with us some exciting news especially for our many BSG Latino Fans.  But first off, here is a little overview about NBC Universo.

NBC Universo, is a modern general entertainment cable channel for Latinos, bringing the world’s top sports franchises and edgy, emotional programming to more than 40 million Hispanic households in the U.S.

As one of the most widely available modern cable channels for U.S. Latinos, NBC UNIVERSO delivers a thrilling mix of exclusive sports action – including FIFA World Cup™, NASCAR Mexico Toyota Series, NFL, Premier League and the 2016 Olympic Summer Games in Rio – along with signature series, blockbuster movies, music, must-see live events and strategic acquisitions, on TV, online and mobile devices. Originally launched as mun2 in 2001, NBC UNIVERSO is part of Hispanic Enterprises and Content, a division of NBCUniversal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation.

Now off to the good news!  Starting July 29th, Battlestar Galactica will begin airing in espanol at NBC Universo.  


                                                                                  "SPREAD THE WORD!"


Cherry "DragonLady

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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12578074901?profile=originalORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK

July 9 is the Birthday of the Wizard of the Flight Deck, that Nugget Tormentor, he who can fix a Raptor or a rainy day with duct tape and a monkey wrench, that Abuser of all Pointy-Nosed Viper Jockeys and Raptor Drivers and owner of all the ships he just "loans" to them for missions: our very own Master Chief R.J. "Cueball" Beaton.

Known for his sunny disposition and love of pilots, he is always willing to give good advice, even to an unwilling recipient. It is always good to take his advice, since he has an irritating habit of being right all the time.

So Happy Birthday Master Chief! (I can call you Master Chief, right?) SO SAY WE ALL!

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Continued Cylon Build

JR here again with The Cylon build continues.

As I mentioned in my last post, the first few attempts with the boot was a complete failure.

I used pottery clay to form the boot hoping it would dry allowing me to form the “WonderFlex” over it. Well it was easy to work with to a point but when it dried it cracked. This could have been because of how thick it was in places, but none the less, a disaster. I tried patching the cracks but that too was a failure.

So I opted to use poster board and cut and glue the pattern around the boot. Once I got the shape I covered that with Aluminum mesh. Using a low viscosity mix of Plaster-of-Paris, (1 water to 1 Plaster), this allowed the Plaster to seep through the mesh. With that dry, I covered that with Plaster-of-Paris cloth allowing that to dry. Then I covered that again with a thin layer of Plaster mix (1-2 Mix). When this dried it allowed me to work the Plaster with Sand Paper from rough to smooth and obtain the finish I required for the “WonderFlex” cover later on.


When attacking the side pieces, I thought I could duplicate them with little or no problem but that was not an easy task. Knowing there is 12 pieces in all, the decision to make a “Master Form” of each piece and then make a mold and cast them in Resin, was going to be the only way to go. This I felt would give me the duplication I need and a lot less hassle in trying to get them look the same.

I used “Sculpey” as the Medium and baked them.

 So this was the first step.

The next step had me working on the calf section which I will discuss in my next post.

One thing I did learn is to have patience and wait for the Plaster to dry completely before working it. I did not do that and had the damp Plaster break or peel off the lower layer and just created another headache to re-cover. Also when covering a dry layer of Plaster I found out that to make it stay put and stick to the lower layer it had to be dampened first and then the Plaster applied.

By your Command, So say we all.



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It has taken me a little time to decide just what to put on my page. Not that it is of any great importance to anyone in particular but I guess as a member of a fan club of this magnitude, someone may be interested in knowing a little more about its members and me as a new member.

As far back as I can recall I have had an inclination to build and make things. I have dabbled in so many projects, succeeded in some and failed in others but it never stopped me from trying something new.

At first it was woodwork and then metal and back to woodwork.

I designed and built a unit for our Special Forces, designed and built a specialized tool for an Ammunition Company I worked for a long time ago, just to name a few.

As of late my interest has been perked in working on COSplay and this, as most of us know, covers a very wide field.

Sewing, metal work, woodwork, making molds and the list goes on and on.

My first attempt at a costume was a skull and a cloak along with a scythe to wear at a Halloween party as “The Grim Reaper.” It was a learning curve as it was my first costume but I was pretty pleased with the result.

My next costume covered a group of COSplay characters.

Pirate, Musketeer, Renaissance and basically the only item that changed was the hat and sword.

But each hat was made to complete the costume and the sword for the Pirate was a purchased item but the sword for the musketeer I made.

During my learning curve I wanted to build a costume that would be different from the norm and it became a choice between the “Lycan” from “Underworld” or, the “Cylon” from “Battlestar Galactica.”

Not having worked much with Alginates and Silicon and realizing this could be an expensive learn, I decided to build the “Cylon”.

I am a Mechanical Engineer by profession but retired and making up costumes is a past time filling the hours when I am not ten pin bowling.

Starting out with the plan, I wanted to make it a costume I could wear and my target date for completion is February of 2016. This is when Colorado Springs has “Galaxy Fest 2016” and my intension is to wear the costume to this event.

I became part of this event two years ago taking on the roll of one of the many organizers as well as presenter for the models in one of the many fashion shows held during the weekend. I had the privilege to meet and mix with famous Movie Stars, Authors and many great and well known figures in the movie and television industry from the USA and from around the world.

For instance the original cast from “Dr. Who,” just to name but one group of actors.

This year I was not able to participate as much as I would like to have as I was working on a screenplay for a local Networking Station but next year I hope to be able to show off my costume.

The build has been a learning curve, to say the least because, in-as-much as I have worked with my hands and built so many items, working to get what I want and what I need, has required many hours thus far and the progress has been painfully slow.

Being somewhat of a perfectionist, I have spent more time getting what I want than necessary but I realized, if I want the costume to be what I want it to be, I will have to spend time on building it.

My first hurdle was the boot of the “Cylon.”

Here I took a pair of old hiking boots and started to fashion the boot around it.

My first few attempts proved to be a failure as I used a material I thought would be easy to work with but, alas, it was not the right material. So I reverted back to Plaster of Paris and was finally able to come up with something that was close and wearable.

The added pieces around the boot proved to be more of a challenge.

In order to get each piece the same I decided to make a Master piece of each part, make a mold and cast them so they would all be the same.

It was then I came to the realization if I wanted the rest of the costume to look and be correct, I would have to make a Master of each section and work off it to duplicate each piece.

First the Calf, then the Thigh, and work my way up the body to allow me to successfully work over a solid base forming each part.

I have not worked with “WonderFlex,” and I felt as it is a forming plastic and using heat to shape it, the surface I was going to work off had to be free of any irregularities. So hence, the time spent finding out the quickest way to get the surface I required. Not only did this take the many hours I have spent on each piece, but I have also learned during the process, what to do and how to get the finish I need for the rest of the costume.

  Along the way I have had to calculate and design the costume in many ways so that when I finally don the costume, it is going to fit and allow me to walk and move as freely as I possibly can.

When next I write I will add some photo’s of what I have accomplished to date.

So say we all.





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Operation 'BACK ATCHA' Was A Success,To say the Least.

Fleet Intel Uncovered A Plot by the Cylons To use Civilian Freighters,Loaded with EM Irradiated Tylium,To Knock out A Vital Listening Outpost At the Red Line,And Possibly Pave the way for A Cylon Invasion.

Their Plan was to Load Two Colonial Civilian Freighters,Last Reported 'Missing' With the Hot Tylium;Then,Use them In Kamikaze Fashion to Destroy The Colonial Listening Outpost Station TATARIS; The Resulting Destruction of the Station,Along with the Spread of the Hot Tylium,Would have Severely Disrupted DRADIS and Communications in that Entire Sector;Opening the door for A waiting Cylon Task Force.

However,An Operation was Enabled to Where the Cylons had Their 'Dirty Bombs' Turned Against them:

With the Aid of Stealth Spy Drones,and a Covert Recon Mission, The Raven Air Wing was Able To Prevent the Hot Tylium From Being Transferred From Cylon Military Tankers to the Missing Freighters; One One of Two Tankers Was Destroyed by BLUE SQUADRON and HAMMERS SQUADRON:


This was Before Tanker one was Blown to Bits; We were Able to Avoid Serious Exposure From the Hot Tyilum.

The Second Tanker Was Captured by A Raven MARDET Team,Who Carried A 10kt Nuclear Device; Both Civilian Ships Were Re-Taken;There were Light Casualties.

Tanker Two Was Piloted To the Kintara Sector,Where A Cylon Task Force Was in Waiting;The MARDET team Set the Timer on the Device,And Egressed Out of the Sector.

It Appears That the Cylons Thought Something was off:


But, by that Time,It was Already too Late:


The Resulting Explosion,And the Spread of Hot Tylium Destroyed One Basestar,Severely Damaged Two More,And Inflicted damage On others; According to the Latest Intel From Recon Drones,Despite The Sensors Being Disrupted By Radiation,It Appears The Cylons have Withdrawn From the Sector.

Another Cylon Threat Thwarted,Thanks to the Skill,And Fortitude Of the Colonial Fleet; How Many More Times Must we Knock They Cylons Down?

As Many As It Takes.


                              Col. K.A. RANSON   'LEONIDAS'

                             Commander,Air Group,BFC-002

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