Anniversary (2)



Here is the BFC's 21 Anniversary poster.  I finally got the chance to post here on the website.  Traveling for my real-life job does not always allow me to just sit down and relax. This wonderful poster was done by a talented artist by the name of Vincent Sammy ( ). Please do not forget to check out his page and spread his workaround.  There is a higher resolution for download.


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Hello Colonials,

You will all note that I just posted a trailer from the film "Titanic".

Today marks the 100th Anniversary of course of the day that the ship struck an iceberg in the North Atlanic...NOT however the 100th Anniversary of the sinking (technically)...the actual collision happened late in the evening of April 14th 1912...the ship itself sank in the early morning hours of April 15th.

A little later in the day to add to the tribute for Titanic I will post the full-length version of James Cameron's "Ghosts of the Abyss" in HD.

Very informative & very interesting...

So Say We All!


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