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A few years ago, I was contacted by a group called Wildlife Media an intrepid group of filmmakers, conservationists & businesspeople headed up by Bear biologist Chris Morgan.

It so happened that they were beginning an epic nature film called "Beartrek" that they asked Bear McCreary to collaborate on musically.

They, in turn, asked Bear if he knew of any groups online that he thought would embrace their message & he referred the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club as one of those he thought to be likely.

I'm grateful that Bear pointed them in mine & your direction, because I know this is something that Battlestar Galactica fans would readily embrace.

Why do I say this?

Simply put, someone once mentioned to me that Battlestar Galactica when all is told is the end of a story.

It is when you boil it down to it's basics, humankind, the totality of the race of man pushed to the point of extinction.

This is mirrored in the subjects that concern Wildlife Media...whole species on our planet...Bears one of them, whose very existence rests in the balance.

Every animal family on this planet is vital, as well as every plant family... their continued and rapid extinction across the board is doing this world terrible damage and we never know when the final keystone might be pulled...and that will lead up to mankind's own doorstep.

So please consider supporting Wildlife Media in their efforts to conserve our world.

Chris & the rest of the crew there are very hard working, very dedicated and I think very wonderful people.

Chris will be hosting a three part series on PBS called Animal Homes

Please take a moment & take a look at this video shorts:

Episode 1: The Nest

Premieres Wednesday, April 8 at 8/7c on PBS. Check local listings.

Episode 2: Location, Location, Location

Premieres Wednesday, April 15 at 8/7c on PBS. Check local listings.

Also be on the lookout for the last party of this trilogy:

Episode 3: Animal Cities

Premieres Wednesday, April 22 at 8/7c on PBS. Check local listings.

This is Chris Morgan on the Late Show with David Letterman

This is Chris in an open video letter to the members of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, explaining how Bear & Battlestar came together...

So Say We All!

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The Raven Command Challenge Coin is filled with heraldry and symbols that express our creed, beliefs and values. The following are the descriptions of these symbols and what we hold each to represent.


Stars represent Excellence, and the numerous stars mean we expect effort and results in everything we do.


The laurel wreath signifies Success and Victory.


The Raven stands for Providence and Destiny. When over a globe with wings displayed it also signifies Dominion and Protection over all in our Charge.


The trident over a map shows Dominion over the Sea of Stars and Space we Sail.


The sword represents Strength, Justice and Honor. The lightning bolt stands for Swiftness and Power. The two crossed and pointed upwards represent Military Honor and that we are Ready for a Fight.


The Greek helmet signifies Wisdom, Strength and Leadership.


The colors signify: Gold – intelligence; Black – dependability; and Red – the Warrior’s color.


The words “BFC Raven Command” are our Ship, our Creed and our Responsibility. The very word “Raven” means “Strategist in Battle”.


The motto “NIL SATIS NISI OPTIMUM” means nothing but the best is acceptable, in word or deed.


The use of the BSG phrase demonstrates Respect for the Past, along with our ties and debt to it. “SO SAY WE ALL” reflects our commitment to our missions, our beliefs and to each other.

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CTO of the graphic: Steve "Kreios" Tweed

I just wanted to take my time to wish each and everyone on Battlestar Raven, HAPPY 4th Year Chapter Anniversary to each and everyone of you. It has bee a long and hard journey for her considering her rough beginning.  But the success she is enjoying now, is because of each and everyone of her members ( both current or old timers should I say ;-) - and new ).  Your combine hard work got her to where she is now and she and leads with example.  The ownership, pride, friendship, comraderie, talent, fun and a sense of family that the Raven crew has, is something that makes her unique and strong. This is what will make her rise above anything.  We keep this group simple, fun, and NOT a competition. If there is anything I have learned from my experience being a part of a fan club that things so seriously, it takes the fun out of things and people end up going against each other.  Things will begin to crumble after that.  And that is something I am very thankful for that the Raven is FREE from.  And I will would like to keep it that way.  This group has work far too hard to get to where she is now.  So to all Ravens, keep showing your pride and loyalty which you have already done so. And the Raven will keep rising and soaring above.

To help celebrate the Raven's 4th Year Chapter Anniversary, we will announce the winner of the free round trip airfare and VIP ticket to Galacticon 4.  This was put together by me and my husband along with the collaboration of the other Raven Command Staff members.  We had to really think hard for months.  My husband and I decided to put this together because we both know and have been watching, that not everyone has the same financial capabilities to go to conventions.  And we got thinking to ourselves and combine forces, in making that one select person's dream come true. The person selected is someone that has been a part of the Raven crew since her beginning.  This individual has shown nothing but loyalty and integrity as part of the crew.  He once told me that he may not be as talented as the other members we have including myself but he will certainly do what he can and in what he is good at.  And he has just done that.  No failure. This individual is a very good motivator.  He has evolve from someone not knowing at first what he needs to do or what he can do, to someone that keeps wanting to learn, taking initiative of doing things.  And this individual has stuck with the Raven in bad times and in good times.  And this EVERYONE, is a characteristic that makes a group strong if you have people like this as part of the crew.

So without further ado, the winner of the Raven Battle Group free roundtrip airfare and VIP ticket to Galacticon 4 is Keith "Leonidas" Ranson.  One of the Galacticon 4 VIP tickets that I have in my possession,  will be immediately transferred to you and the roundtrip airfare ticket will be given to you on the side at the appropriate time due to some personal information that we might need to book you the ticket. Now if for some reason you are not able to go due to your work, then a second person will be chosen in your place.  But I am sure you would want to go ;-) 

Congratulation Leonidas!  You deserve it!   MORE TO COME EVERYONE AS ANOTHER THING WILL BE REVEALED! :-)

SO SAY WE ALL!!!!  " NIL SATIS NISI OPTIMUM!"  Get used to seeing that phrase from the Raven Battle Group! You will soon find out everyone why here shortly.  ;-) :-)

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Spotlight on Bill Mumy

Bill has appeared in more than 400 television shows as well as 20 films, but one of those roles in particular that
really put him on the sci-fi radar was his part in the original Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life" (a role which he reprised on the second of two Twilight Zone revival's "It's Still a Good Life".

Of course he firmly solidified himself in the science fiction firmament with his iconic role as Will Robinson on the classic series "Lost in Space".
Bill has also played the role of "alien", appearing as the Minbari Lennier on Babylon 5.
He continues to act (including voice over) as well a being a working musician!

Bill has produced a number of albums (with a new one coming out soon) and is also a part of the comedy-rock duo "Barnes & Barnes" known for the novelty song "Fish Heads"!


Shawn: What was your first Con experience?

Bill: As a guest? Hmmmm... It was in the late 70's.
Probably '78 or '79.
I THINK the very first one was for a Creation Convention.
I did a bunch of those, for Adam Malin and Gary Berman.

Shawn: How did it go?

Bill: Great.
In the beginning of my convention experiences, I would be paid an appearance fee by the promoters and then sign autographs for free, which was very natural and comfortable for me.
This of course was like 35 years ago and things changed quickly in that arena... I felt uncomfortable charging people for my autograph for a long time.
I kept seeing Jimmy Stewart in my head, knowing he would never do that.

Shawn: Best Con you've been to?

Bill: Different cons for different reasons... Early San Diego Cons for hanging with people like Jack Kirby and Stan Lee... playing gigs with Seduction of the Innocent to legendary comic book creators... For sci-fi, I'd probably say the Shore Leave in Baltimore about twelve years ago was a great con.
Big enough to be profitable, yet small enough to be comfortable... my whole family went to that con and we had a great time.
I think Babylon 5 was still on the air.
Went to a few lovely cons with the cast of B5 in Blackpool,England that were really great... Jamming at Chiller in New Jersey was always a lot of fun... Very early WonderCon's up in Oakland were cool and I have some funny memories from those... And when the Lost in Space cast got together for the very first time to celebrate our 25th anniversary in 1990 in Boston, that was a really great time.
I've been to so many... the memories get blurred.
I enjoy them, it's flattering getting your ego stroked and seeing old friends... but they are definitely work... I always want people to feel they've had a positive experience when they meet me... But I am not comfortable flying on airplanes anymore though.
I do not enjoy going to airports and flying on planes.
That's the singular reason why I don't do many cons these days.

Shawn: Worst Con?

Bill: I went to a small toy type show on the east coast in the 90's and there was a blizzard and tons of snow and the event was pretty poorly attended and quite slow, and I spent the weekend sitting next to Pete Best, the original drummer in the Beatles.

He was super nice and fab, a true gentleman, but people just came up to him all weekend and talked to him like he was the greatest loser in the history of pop culture and it was uncomfortable to witness.
He was very generous and nice about it all, though.
But, that ranks up there in the worst.

Shawn: Strangest or most unusual fan you've encountered at a Con?

Bill: Ha! Countless... Right now at this moment, my mind goes to some creep in an elevator at DragonCon who insisted that I wish him into the cornfield... He wanted me to "act" for him and do the whole bit, and I was tired, it was the end of a long day and I was just trying to head up to my room, and this guy wouldn't stop, and he put his hands around my neck, like he was gonna strangle me... and I almost went Kung Fu on him.
Peter David was there at the time, we had just created "Space Cases" for Nickelodeon, and he couldn't believe the nerve of this guy, putting his hands on my neck!
I really did come close to hurting him.
I've also had a few people ask me to autograph parts of their body that they were going to have tattooed... I advised them against it, but I did do it... and so did they.

Shawn: Any actual bad experiences?

Bill: Well, The idiot in the elevator was not a good one... I also went to a con in New York once, after receiving death threats traced by the police to New York.
This was before I had kids.
My wonderful wife Eileen wanted me to cancel, but I refused to be run by fear at the time.
I went. But I wore a bullet proof vest the whole time!
Shaun Cassidy took me to a police gear store to get it.
It was winter, so... whatever.
No one shot me, but I was slightly uncomfortable the entire time.
Especially during the Q&A's.

Shawn: What would you do differently if you were running a Con?

Bill: I'd fly me first class and pay me more.

Shawn: Ever want to get an autograph?

Bill: Sure.
I have a lot of autographs. I can totally relate to the fan mentality.

I'm thrilled by some of my personal autographs.
"To Billy, Best wishes, George Harrison" or "To Bill Mumy, Lost in Space! Best Wishes, Bob Dylan"...
It makes me happy to know I was in their consciousness for a few seconds at least.
I get it.
When I was a kid, I always got autographs at the end of the tv shows and movies I did.
I have a ton of classics.

Shawn: What are you currently working on?

Bill: My new album, "Ten Days" is coming out in the next couple weeks on the GRA label... I've been working hard co-producing bonus material for the Lost in Space 50th anniversary Blu Ray box set as well... (Some REALLY cool stuff there!)...
I'm doing voice over work right now for the History Channel 4 part special; "The Civil War: In Color" and I'm honored to be voicing Abraham Lincoln's speeches...I've been gigging musically,  in a band & doing an album with Vicki Peterson and John Cowsill while the late Rick Rosas played bass on our tracks.

Hope to finish that up this year... and Angela Cartwright and I are putting the final tweakage on our fantasy novel,
"On Purpose"....It's a busy time for me.

 Shawn: Future projects?

Bill: Yes.



Thank you!


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new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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The Heroes ride again...

Greetings Fellow Colonials!

Well, here they are..the wrap of Hero awards from 2014.

We are going to be putting the awards on a hiatus for a while...but ya never know when they might be back!

So without further ado...

Our first honoree is an actor who appeared in the original Battlestar Galactica, where he appeared as the recurring character of Lt. Giles, something else to note is that actor Larry Manetti is also the foster son of an entertainment legend...ole blue eyes himself, Frank Sinatra!

Congratulations Larry!

12578060498?profile=originalOur next honoree is a face well known to fans of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica...she played a character that was pivotal not only to the Cylons but overall to the show as could call her a connection, a hybrid if you will...Tiffany Lyndall-Knight played exactly that part, the hybrid(s) that guided the Cylon basestars.

Congratulations Tiffany!

12578061479?profile=originalFinally our remaining person so honored is an actor who has also (among other things) appeared on both Arrow and Falling Skies...but for BSG fans he is better known as Marine Barnes on Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome as Marine Baris...a round of applause for actor Tom Stevens!

12578061668?profile=originalAs always, thanks for checking out this bit of news...and again, a big clapping of hands for those that made their characters come to life for all the fans of these shows.

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galctica Fan Club




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They Hybrid Prophecies...

On the morrow comes the harbinger of GREAT DARKNESS. Before and after crimson twins bring messages of blood, death, darkness, and doom.  You have been warned...

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all new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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12578069279?profile=originalBattlestar Raven – Coming to Comicpalooza Houston – May 22-25


Building up to the big Galacticon 4 show in Seattle, the Raven Battle Group Crew will have booths at Comicpalooza Houston on May 22-25. Command Staff, Pilots, Cylons, Colonial Marines, villainous prisoners, and cosplayers from Classic and Re-imagined Series will be on hand. Memorabilia will be displayed, photos will be posed, give aways will be given, Galacticon 4 in Seattle will be promoted and all things Family fun will occur. Dress up, come down and join in.


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Happy St. Patrick's Day To One And All!

Agus...Slainte Mhaith Agat!

Here Are 20 Facts About Irish Ambrosia:

Here Are Some Useful Phrases To Remember:

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all new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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Humber Geeks Com Con UK show report.

12578066472?profile=original12578067263?profile=original12578067863?profile=original12578067688?profile=original12578068666?profile=original1st of March a little trip in the Raptor up to the north east to a great Con that's getting bigger all the time Phil took his fleet Darren came in his awesome warrior Tracey Six was rocking the red dress Colin was in his full marine for the first time and I rolled up in my new viper jacket with the cadet chief and Starbuck.

Here are some pics.

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Despite The Obvious Hazards Posed by the Environment of the Area, This Mission was A Success,and then some.

The Raven was Tasked to Shut Down a Working Tylium Mine,Operated by the Cylons,and, In the Process, retrieve Equipment,and Ship Colors from the Last casualties of the First Cylon War; We Also Accidentally Stumbled upon A Cylon Experiment in Development.


The Raven Sent Three MARDET Teams to the derelict Battlestars THETIS and IBLIS, All that remained of the Last Colonial Military Operation Before the Armistice was Finalized and Took Effect; The Marines were to recover the Logs,records,and Ship Colors,plus whatever Usable Equipment they Could find; The Raven was Also Standing by To Destroy the Last Operational Tylium Mine on the Planet,Known as 'Green Haze'; The Name Given Because the Planet was Enveloped in EM Radiation from the Nearby System.

In Next Sector,Three Battlestars,Plus Support Vessels,were Diverting the Cylon Task Force Away From the Recovery operation; The Raven's Air wing Took care of the Remaining Enemy Resistance While the Marines Accomplished their Task; However,The Marines Did Encounter Centurions on the Battlestar Wrecks, But Managed to Accomplish Their Mission With Light Casualties; A Enemy Base Star Did Make an Appearance,But was Quickly Dealt With; After All Aircraft had Been Recovered, The Raven Launched A Nuclear Weapon to the Mine,Then Withdrew Before the Enemy Reinforcements Returned.

 The Final Count Is that At Least 35 Tons Of Equipment was Recovered; After Decontamination, It will be Put into Service in Reserve Capacity; What Could Not Be Re-Used will Be Recycled.

The Logs Of the THETIS and IBLIS have been Placed into the Colonial Military Archives for Study; Their Colors Have Been Officially Retired in Accordance with Fleet Regulation.

Now, For what We found out: According to Data Recovered with the Equipment,The Cylons were Using the THETIS as A Scientific Base; They were Researching The Uses of EM Radiation in Certain Materials,Including Tylium; Since Cylon Silica Pathways are Quite Vulnerable to That Type of Radiation, It can Be Assumed that no Human Model Cylons have spent Extended Periods there; They Obviously have the Newer Centurions Operating the Base Exclusively.

  The Information is Still Being Studied;Certain Details are Classified for the Time Being; However,This  Might just mean the Cylons are Looking into other Materials to Use as Weapons.

  Whatever They are trying to Brew up Next, the Fleet will Be Ready! So say we All!


                                                                 Col. K.A. Ranson      'Leonidas'

                                                                Commander Air Group,BFC-002

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This past weekend, I was proud to take the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club into the fray of the Long Beach Comic Expo.

That event of course was darkened by the passing of the great Leonard Nimoy.

At the beginning of the show a call came over the loud speaker asking for a minute of silence in honor of Mr. Nimoy & to raise all hands in the salute of Vulcan.

Thousands of people immediately fell mute in the great hall...there was no sound as every hand was raised in the familiar gesture...all hands, those of the fans of Star Trek, those of Battlestar Galactica, those of Star Wars & all the various groups.

To the left of me Luciana Carro's hand was raised & to my right Kathy Coleman's hand was raised as well and there was utter and complete silence.

That stillness passed and then the hall erupted into a full minute of thunderous applause for Leonard.

I can tell all of you that it was remarkable and choked with emotion...maybe not the Vulcan thing, but certainly the most human thing.

Leonard Nimoy was a pivot in the the history of science fiction...a man was set and influenced in the most profound ways the course of sci-fi to come in ways that could not be imagined when the character of Spock was first created.

The character of Mr. Spock on so many level's has influenced, informed and been referenced as not to be believed.

Iconic is probably the closet description I can find.

Leonard Nimoy will be missed...but we can always have the benefit of his genius.

12578064898?profile=originalRight now I want to pay special tribute to a bunch of great people who attended the Con and worked with us in our "special" Battlestar Galactica Fan Club corner & who we got to spend time with and share common space.

I want to thank Kathy Coleman, Luciana Carro, Richard Hatch, Alec Peters & the crew of Star Trek: Axanar as well as the fantastic Mandalorian Mercs who took the "good neighbor" policy to new levels!

Thank you all, makes doing a Con that much more fun...

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Part 1 Operation Purple Green Haze:

Colonel Leonidas, Battlestar Ravens CAG asked me to plan out next mission using Episode 10 (RDM) “Hand of God” for inspiration. That episode has always been a favorite of mine, but I didn’t want our Vipers hiding inside the Movers Ship and I substituted the asteroid for a planet. Thinking about “Hand of God” made me think or a couple episodes that would add an interesting spin to the mission.

I borrowed the Green EM Radiation from (The Mini Series Night 2 Act 1) Ragnar Anchorage and the atmosphere of the planet from Episode 5 “You can’t go Home Again” that offered almost zero visibility and caused problems for the Galactica’s scanners. Lastly, I threw in the Battlestar grave yard from “Blood and Chrome” for good measure.

The mission plan was created and sent Col Leonidas for review. A few changes were decided on and the plan was finalized keeping many aspects of the original plan intact and the date was set for the last day of February.

Mission Plan and objectives:


Okay Folks! This one is going to be HOT in more ways than one! Now you will know why we just got in A Supply of fresh Dosimeters last week!


A particular Star System, about 75 km past where the Red Line is now, was A Source of Radiation Experiments for the Cylons, EM Radiation to be exact. At the outer periphery of this system was a planet rich in Tylium; It was discovered by accident by a Colonial Scout Raptor. The Quorum and Fleet Admiralty after much debate decided to take a gamble and seize this Fuel source before the Armistice could be finalized.

Even though this system is heavily clouded in EM Radiation, which is fatal to the Cylons' Silica Pathways, and yet harmful to Humans via Long-Term Exposure was worth the risk in exchange for establishing the Armistice line further out and grabbing the much needed Fuel Source.

 A Fleet of 10 Battlestars and support vessels was assembled. They were confident that they could grab this planet for the Colonies quick and easy. When they arrived, they were in for A very rude awakening.

 A MASSIVE Cylon Fleet awaited them, somehow hidden from the DRADIS Technology at the time (Since then the shortcoming has been corrected). The results were horrific, pretty much like an Earth General by the name of Custer.

Needless to say, we had to cut our losses and get the hell out of there. Only two Battlestars made it home leaving behind a “Battlestar Graveyard.” Shortly afterward, the Armistice and Red Line that came with it was established.

 Time had indeed passed since then; the Cylons had exploited the Tylium source while Improving on themselves and their weaponry; however, the Universe we live in is chock full of quirks. A Rouge Asteroid from out of nowhere decided to pay the Cylon Garrison at the Tylium planet a visit (One of our Remote Unmanned Intel Probes was Lucky to Capture images and transmit them back to us before being annihilated by the accompanying shock wave).

This plus a Gravitational Shift (Thanks to a Supernova estimated about 50 light years Beyond) pushed the Planet approximately 20 Kilometers closer to the Red line, out of the system and, actually took some of the Battlestar Graveyard with it. After the dust settled the Cylons decided to take what was left of the Tylium and pull back fearing we might get A closer look at what they were doing.

There are clearly visible amounts of EM Radiation present; weak but still hazardous to Humans. The Cylons are now down to the last Tylium deposit on the Planet and they’re trying to take all they can before bugging out.

We have recently identified the two Battlestars from the Graveyard that were pulled away with the Planet: Battlestar Thetis the Flagship of the Lost Fleet clearly broken, but mostly intact and the Battlestar Iblis. Nothing left but her forward and mid-section along with assorted debris.

So, this brings us to the present. Our objectives are: First, dispatch teams to both Battlestar wrecks not only to recover usable equipment, but also each Ship's Colors so they may be Officially Retired with Honors. Then once the recovery process is finished, to destroy the last Tylium Mine the Cylons are presently mining. The more Tylium we deny the enemy the harder it will be for them to conduct operations against the Colonial Fleet and thereby weaken our defenses.

The Raven herself will carry out this Operation. In the meantime, a group of Battlestars, the Atlantia, Eternal and Themistocles (One of the Survivors of the First Mission to Green Haze), along with escorts, will engage the Cylon Task Force stationed near the planet. In an adjacent sector as a diversion to keep the Cylons occupied while the Raven conducts this 'Grab 'N' Go' Operation. Then we pull out and launch a Nuke to destroy the Tylium Mine.

However, I must caution everybody again, there are remain levels of EM Radiation not just on the Planet but in the Battlestar wrecks themselves. That’s why “EVERYBODY” being deployed either to the wrecks or in the air will carry two “DOSIMETERS” to make sure nobody gets zapped with a heavy dose of radiation. Sick Bay will be standing by with Anti-Radiation Meds to be Safe and after we return to the Raven, “Strict Decontamination Procedures Will be Followed.”

  Now, the Order of Battle:

Spartan Squadron, Flying Tigers Squadron and Perseus Squadron will be the CAP (Combat Air Patrol). Hammers Squadron, Strike Raptors and all, will be hovering in Mobile Position One in case a Basestar or two jump in. Minotaur Squadron will cover the MARDET Teams to and during the Recovery Operation.

MARDET One Sgt. “Iceworm” Oakley, Battlestar Thetis front section: Raptors 322, 325 and Shuttle 16.

MARDET Two Capt. “Blindsword” Lopez, Battlestar Thetis Rear section: Raptors 327, 329 and Shuttle 12.

MARDET Three Corp. “Skyblaster” Hillman, Battlestar Iblis Raptors 330, 332 and Shuttle 7.

Reserves: Raptors 331,335 and 350M

DRADIS: Raptors 316, 347, 318 and 345.

SAR: Raptors 343, 317,319 and 320.

Raptor 338 will be Monitoring Radiation Levels during the Operation.

Any changes or adjustments will be made as needed depending on what takes place during the Operation.

Good Hunting! So Say We All!!!



The Mission Begins:

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG TO SHOOTERS;Prepare to Launch Strike Wing; MARDET Teams with Minotaur Escort to Follow; Bring Blue Squadron to Alert Five Status!

  • 9:35 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG to MARDET Teams, Close Hatches and Prepare for Launch

  • 9:45 PM
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • 9:52 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(RAVEN to Strike Wing, You are Cleared to Launch When ready; May the Lords of Kobol Be With you) Thank you, Raven, So Say We All!

  • CAG Launching!
  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus squadron, suit up and get ready for some action.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Mardet 1 thru 3: ready for launch

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Snoopy Launching!)

  • Me

Attention.....Flying Tigers perform pre-flight checks and Launch when ready......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Mickey Mouse Launching)

  • Spartan Section Three to CAG, We are out of the Tubes)
  • CAG TO MARDET TEAMS, Launch When Ready; Minotaur, Launch Also.
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET launching

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus, get pre-flight checklists complete, launch when ready and form up.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Hammers Airborne)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M1 &2, breaking for Thetis

  • Me

Capt, Flight 2 ready for launch.....Flight 3 ready Sir......Flight 4 ready….Capt....5 and 6 Ready Sir.......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Spartan Section five, We are off)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M3 breaking for Iblis

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Six, We Have you, MARDET Three)

  • Me

Tigers this is Reamer.......I'll see you out there......Launching in 3, 2, 1.....Whoosh......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

(Perseus) Preflights complete, launching now

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Mardet to Minotaurs, have you in sight, stay tight

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Lead, That's A Rog)

  • Me

Mk-II's of Tigers squadron launching in unison........

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Lead, That's A Rog)

  • Me

Form up Tigers and look sharp......over.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Good to see you Capt. Reamer

  • Me

Roger that Capt.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Closing on Thetis and Iblis, seem intact atmosphere in most areas

  • Me

Roger that Bunny......over.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Roger that Captain

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG To Raptor 338, Begin Rad Sweep; (Roger That)

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus squadron is formed up, ready for action.

  • Me

The Perseus squadron is looking great......over

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

The Flying Tigers are also at their best I see!

  • Me

El Cid, get in formation......over......Roger that Capt.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(316 to CAG, Nothing on Dradis, Yet)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

ALL MARDET Raps breach now in assigned areas, shuttles approach port landing bays and inspect for use

  • Me

Hitman to Reamer.....over.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Hammer Lead to CAG, In Mobile Position One, Standing By)

  • Me

Go ahead Hitman.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Radiation at mid range, estimate 45 mikes or more of tolerance possible

  • Me

We're ready to scrap em tonight Sir......

  • Roger that Hitman......You're the best......
  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's keep a watch on radiation levels, report any problems.

  • Me

Purple Haze all in my brain, lately things don't seem the same, actin' funny but I don't know why 'scuse me while I waste this Cylon…….na na na Hey Hey……

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Two to Cag, Approaching Rear of THETIS, Stand By)

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

I'm ready for some scrapping

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Targets breached, coming aboard Shuttles report both port bays limited accessible


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Part 2 Operation Purple Green Haze:

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're going to show these toasters what we're made of!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Lead, M1 has Landed on Front of THETIS)

  • Me

My Dradis is lighting UP!!!!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Mardets, execute tech and command area search patterns

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

9#{message}amp; TO CAG,DRADIS CONTACT)

  • Repeat 347?
  • Me

Incoming Raiders at 2 O'clock High.......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Stay sharp!

  • Me

Let’s hit em hard Tigers.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 M3, M1 here, booby traps at choke points follow protocols

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(SPARROWS, 100plus, Closing) CAG TO Flight, Weapons Hot, Trash 'em!

  • Me

Turning to port.....hitting thrusters and climbing......

  • We got them in our sights Capt.....


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus let's engage, weapons hot!

  • Me

Let em have it......Whoosh away missiles.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Spartan Three, Left Five !

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

FLASH FLASH: M3 reports contact, engaged

  • Me

Another one bites the dust......Yeah.....Great shooting Flight 1.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Gator, Arrow - watch your six!

  • Me

Let’s come around and hit em again.....Roger that Capt.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Spartan Six, Twelve on Two High, Waste 'em!

  • Me

There's a couple 10 O'clock low.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CAG R332 hit by light weapons, damaged withdrawing, sitrep stable but need reserve Raptor for M3 Extraction

  • Me

I see them Sir......Flight 2 diving on them.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Can never have too much scrapping.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Guns blazing!! Got them!

  • Me

Guns blazing.....I got one.....

  • Great shooting Hitman.....keep it up......over.....
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAGF TO Raptor 331, Move in To Replace 332(Rog CAG, Moving In)

  • Me

My Pleasure Sir......over.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Woohoo!!!! I got another!!!!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Junkman good shot!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CIC reports R350 inbound to M3 location. one casualty, medevac not required.

  • Me

Dutchman....there's one to your starboard.....I see it Capt.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Come on Perseus, we've got this!

  • Me

Turning starboard.......guns blazing......POW.....Boom.....

  • Another Toaster scrapped Sir....
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Raptor 335, Stay Loose, It Might Get Heavy (Rog)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 reports explosion two wia's.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles away *explosions*

  • Me

Great shooting......I got one......HD-70 up his tail pipe.......Yeah......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

More toasters on the scrap pile, great day for recycling!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raptor 317,Standing By In case of Medvac Need)

  • Me

Sparks flying.....scratch one toaster.......Yeah....

  • Purple Haze all around, don't know if I'm coming up or down. Am I happy or in misery? Whatever it is, that Toaster doesn’t stand a chance…….Whoosh……Bang…..
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 reports Cylon debris in bay, retrieving, loading to Shuttle

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Let’s get back into formation Tigers......over.....

  • Roger Capt.....
  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

BOOM BAM!!! I got another!!!!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Wild Thing, cover Gator! Stay sharp!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M3 has recovered Iblis logs, Flag and commissioning pennant.

  • Me

There’s more jumping in Capt.....I see them....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Splash two for Bunny! Yes!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(347 to CAG, Picking Up Base Star) Roger! Hammer Lead, That's Your cue!( Aknowledged!)

  • Me

12 Raiders dead ahead......

  • Launching missiles........
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

S12 reports Raiders approaching Thetis port bay, Minotaur’s engaged.

  • Me

I got too.....Count me in as well......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Great shooting Tiger's.......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Everyone's radiation levels looking ok? Good, let's add some more scrap to the piles!

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Way to go Bunny!!!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You're doing some great flying Stargazer!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Red Dog, Look on Port, three low.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M1 has retrieved ship logs, science logs and ship colors.

  • Me

Turning to port guns blazing......There goes another.....Dust in the wind......Yeah....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Cag to M2, SITREP

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Radiation levels holding in all areas.

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

It's all a part of being part of a great team

  • Me

Watch the’s getting thick out here.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Science area on Iblis depressed, R330 crew entering suited.

  • Me

Capt, my Rad is getting high over.......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG to 38, RAD Report(RAD Levels Holding Within Norms, But Slightly Rising)

  • Check those Dosimeters!
  • Me

Copy that GreyWolf......

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Sappers all Teams, plant and set for command det with 1 hour timer back-up.

  • Me

Head back to the Raven and Decon......over......Yes Sir.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Bosster to CAG, Mine's All Black!) Get Back to the Ship For Decon, NOW! (Roger that!)

  • Me

Capt.....I see a couple Turkeys on Dradis.....over......

  • I see them Hitman......
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

ALL MARDET: exit execute, exit execute

  • Me

Let’s gang up on them.....

  • Sounds good to me......
  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Roger that Captain

  • Me

Flight 1 and 2 turning to starboard and diving......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Hammer Lead, Moving in Strike Raptors For Shot)

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Arrow reporting sickness. Return to the Raven!

  • Me

Missiles away Flight 1 and 2 .....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

R reserve arrived, loading.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

The rest of Perseus stay sharp!

  • Me

Yes Sir....whoosh.....multiple missile launches......

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

ALL MARDET signal up by Team NOW

  • M2 Up
  • M3 UP
  • Me

Pow Pow.....sparks and scrap flying.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great shooting! Love watching the fireworks!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Spartan Seven, We Have A Few Running Bingo, Instructions) FALL BACK TO SHIP TO REFUEL!

  • Me

Scratch two Turkeys

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Minotaur, Mardets launch in three two one.....execute execute execute

  • Me


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Reamer I see you're serving roaster turkey, is it thanksgiving already?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG TO MINOTAUR, MARDETS Egressing, Covr Back to Ship(Roger, Covering)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CIC n CAG. Mardet launched.

  • Me

They never learn do they.....There's another bunch at our 9 O'clock......

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Captain I see you plucked them good

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG to M3, Get Out Now(Rog, We Just Left Deack)

  • Me

Turning to starboard, missiles and guns blazing......

  • Purple Haze all in my eyes, don't know if it's day or night, you've got me blowing, blowing up some Raiders is it tomorrow or just the end of Chrome Job……. na na na ya ya ya Help Me Purple Haze…….. Mercy…….
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CIC: sapper charges armed, transferring trigger to you in three two one....done

  • Me

Great shooting Tigers.....check your ammo.....over.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus clean up your formations, let's add some more toasters to the pile

  • Me

I'm getting low too sir.....

  • Make every shot count.......over.....
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raptor 316 to CAG, Raven Reports Cylons Disengaging From Diversionary Force and Headed Here; Actual Says Wrap this Up, Quick)

  • Me

You know it Sir......

  • Holy Frack......Raiders jumping on our 6.....sir.....
  • Whoosh.....Whoosh.....Multiple missile launches......
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Part 3 Operation Purple Green Haze:

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Roger 316, Tell Raven to Have that Nuke Warmed up In the Tube (Roger Cag, Raven Reports Target Locked In)

  • Me

Yeah!!!! WooooooHoooooo.......FireFox wasted them......Yeah.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Gator is going back to the Raven from a run in with a scrap pile. Watch all the debris!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 M3 execute home run, report when on final. Three wia inbound to med, please advise landing bay docs

  • Me


  • Come in HotWire.....Over......
  • Capt.....I'm out of ammo.......heading back to tha Raven......
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(HAMMER LEAD TO CAG, BASE STAR IS Crushed!) Good Work, Hammers, Fall Back to Cover MARDETS(Roger)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CAG have identified Base Star derelict in my immediate area, request permission to board.

  • Me

Roger that Hotwire.....Decon when landed......over......Yes Sir.....Over.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Splash! Yes!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

NEGATIVE IOceworm, Enemy Task Force Is Reported On way Here

  • Me

Lets get back into formation Tigers......there's safty in numbers.....over.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

S16, go home run now, report final, Minotaur covering.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Woohoo!! *explosions*

  • Me

I'm down to more HD-70's.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Spartan Five And Six, Tighten Up the Gap

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Copy CAG, commencing home run, Minotaur is engaged close.

  • Me

The Chrome jobs don't know it......keep alert......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Prime time, We Just Waxed the Last)

  • Me

Roger that Capt...

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 and M3 on the ball

  • Me

Any more Toasters Capt......

  • It’s looking clear on my Dradis.....
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

S16 on the ball

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus form up, anyone see anything?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

9338 To Cag, RADF Levels Still Rising) Understood, CAG TO FLIGHT, RETURN TO SHIP,REPEAT RETURN TO SHIP, Spartan Three Cover Rear(Roger)

  • Me

Watch it everyone.....keep your eyes open.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CAG R322 R355 plus Minotaur’s coming in hot with bad guys

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raven Opens Fire to Cover Mardet)

  • Me

Tigers head for home.......over.....

  • Copy that Reamer.....over.....
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 M3 n S16 all n the nest in heavy decon protocol

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus let's bring it home

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Roger that Captain

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Thanks Raven they lost interest. M1 on final....calling the ball

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Don't forget Decon everyone!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Flight 2, 4, 5.......about to land........

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Combat landings, let's go!

  • Me

OK Tigers Combat landings and head for Decon......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

9Spartan Five and Three Aboard)

  • Me

Roger that......over.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

All Mardet home, say again all Mardet home and accounted for

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

All Perseus Squadron in, Bunny landing now.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( Spartan Two Landing)

  • Me

Reamer coming in......scraping along the deck.....sparks flying.......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG On Approach

  • Me

Coming to a stop.....mag lock on.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

All Perseus accounted for, get to Decon. Good job all!

  • Me

Climbing out and walking into decon.......hey Vipers Glowing.......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

lol Reamer

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( Raven Launches Nuke Towards Mine)

  • Me

Wow, my badge is almost completely black.....

  • I guess I'll be hitting sick bay after decon....
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( ALL AIRCRAFT ABOARD.....3....2....1....JUMP!)

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I might have to join you Reamer

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raven Completes Jump)

  • Me

OK Bunny, then it’s to the lounge for a few shots of the good stuff.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Sounds like a good plan Reamer!

  • Me

Hey Capt, that was a great recycle mission.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I've got the first round!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Whooo! That was Hot! Get me in that Decon Chamber Now!

  • Me

You know it out did yourself tonight.....Thanks did great as well.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Stargazer, I saw some nice shooting out there!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Short Round) (Damn! I Barely Made It! Look How Black That Is!)

  • Me

Purple Haze......Ooops I mean Green Haze lit up my Bird......hey hey hey na na na ......

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

I'll see you guys in sick bay too. I guess black is my color too. After I will get the second round!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

3 non-life threat wia's in decon infirmary unit. 1 R damaged engine nacel. All dosimeters high but in the safe zone (Kobol bless Potassium Iodide). Decon proceding. Packaged up most ship's logs from Thetis and Iblis, including tech readouts and intelligence accumulated. Two skids of Cylon items

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Great, Get That Stuff Deconned, And We'll Gather it Up

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Awesome job everyone!

  • Me

And to think CAG Sir, I thought we could keep the planet for its Tylium.

  • The Radiation is so strong; I don't know how the Cylons were using the stuff.
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Rodeo) (Whoo! I'm loving this Shower!) (Batman) (You Mean,You Don't Take them?Ewww!)

  • Shadup! You Know the Drill!
  • Me

Well, let’s get a shot and then go and drink some shots!!!!!LOL

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Six skids of sensitive and high value equipment. And for all ship's Souls, hereby report the recovery of the Ship's Flags and Commissioning Pennants for Battlestar Thetis and Battlestar Iblis, rest in peace.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You got it Reamer!

  • Me

Pilots in line at sick bay.......getting stuck one by one......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

So Say We Al; Now, They can Officially Stricken from Fleet Records.

  • Me

Hey Dock stick me, I need a drink!!!!!!

  • OK Reamer you're all set......Thanks was tough out there......
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Two Step) (NEEDLES!! THAT'S NOT WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR!(Faints) (Laughter)

  • Pick Him Up, He'll Get Over It!
  • Me

Give that pilot a drink, maybe he'll come out of it!!!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Now, I Need A Drink!

  • Me

OK everyone.......I'm heading for the lounge and a bottle of Amborsia.....see you there in a few.......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Coming right with you Reamer, see you all there!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

See You There, As Soon as I Make My report; Why the Hell are my Ears Still Buzzing?!

  • Me

Reamer walks past his Vipers being Deconned........

  • Make sure you get mine’s still glowing a bit........
  • Yes Sir Reamer we got it covered....
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

On to Joe's, for a toast to those we lost, to those that ship out with us, and to the best Battlestar and crew in the Fleet: THE RAVEN!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

So say we all!

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