Lost (1)

From our friends at wildlifemedia.org

"Wolves" update!


As promised, we're following up to let you know that we have the USA airdate for this incredible show. It will be broadcast in one episode on July 7th at 8:00pm on the Discovery channel with a revised title, "Man vs. Wolf". So mark your calendars - that's this weekend! 

Thanks again for tuning in!

The Wildlife Media team

(From April 6th email)

More exciting news - if you are in the UK, the BBC 1 series 'Land of the Lost Wolves' that I have been involved with is currently airing. Episode 2 is on at 9pm on Friday 6th April - yes - today! Tune in if you can! It's a wonderful show about the wolves in my own back yard here in Washington State's Cascade Mountains, featuring Gordon Buchanan, Jasmine Minbashian and other colleagues. I'm in episode 2 briefly tomorrow, tracking wolves on the BC coast of Canada. All mind-blowingly beautiful locations, and a great story about wolves that will not give up their drive to return to the wilds of the west. For USA friends, it will air on Discovery later this year - watch this space.

Then if you want to learn more about the wolves of Washington visit our bear, wolf, and cougar webpage here: http://bearinfo.org/gray_wolf/gray-wolf-canis-lupus/.  Another great organization that is helping wolves and people is Conservation Northwest here in my home town Bellingham: www.conservationnw.org.

Thanks for tuning in everybody!

Best wishes,


Chris Morgan, MS
Ecologist & Conservationist

Main hub site: www.chrismorganwildlife.org

Project sites:
Wildlife Media & BEARTREK: www.wildlifemedia.org
GBOP - The Grizzly Bear Outreach Project: www.bearinfo.org
Insight Wildlife Management: www.insightwildlife.com
PBS Nature: www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/bears-of-the-last-frontier/introduction/6524/

Bellingham, WA, USA
© Chris Morgan

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