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Salute to a true American Hero


A true American hero passed today: Senator John McCain.

He was a man who was always true to his convictions and during his time of service both in the military & as Senator he always put the American people first.

As a Senator, he was always willing to reach across the aisle to work with his colleagues on issues of importance & was respected by all.

There many have been disagreements along the way, but Senator McCain understood that politics need not be personal, that you can disagree with someone and still like them.

Point in case, Vice President Biden and Senator Edward Kennedy were long time friends of his.

He set a good example for not only other politicians but for the American people.

Senator McCain...though I can't say that he was a fan of Battlestar Galactica or not...understood the credo that "There is only one race, the human race" he recognized that one of the underpinnings of our great republic lie in the fact that we are a nation of immigrants, bringing the best from around the world to diversify & make our country great.

As a man of conviction, he sometimes flew in the face of his own party when he needed to make a stand, because he always put country first.

He also knew that the foundation of our country lay not only in it's people, but also in our constitution, which he adhered to every day in his public service.

Senator McCain had faith in the American people & knew that our country has never ceased being great, it always has been great, is great & always will be great because of the strength of its people and that faith was unflagging.

As a veteran, he always championed veteran's rights and was a strong supporter of our military, of our great men & women in uniform.

It also says volumes about him, that he asked two former political adversaries, President George W. Bush & President Barack Obama to both give eulogies at his funeral, again proving that politics need not be personal.

The country lost a great statesman today.

May he rest in peace.


Shawn O'Donnell

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Edinburgh Scotland Con

Hi to all of you - -

So many of have met and shared stories at various cons over the years. I know we are all disappointed that no con, event, or promoter in the USA felt the 40th anniversary of the original show was worth celebrating. Richard was the driving force for keeping the original series and its cast visible and his passing unfortunately dimmed the light on the old show.

However I have some good news. Comic con Scotland has chosen to celebrate the 40th milestone at their 2018 show in Edinburgh November 10 and 11. Dirk Benedict, Laurette Spang, Herb Jefferson, Terry Carter, and I will be there. I am also fairly certain Anne Lockhart will be present although that is not yet official.

So - this is likely the last opportunity for fans of the original show to see this many original cast members in the same place at the same time - get autographs, take photos, and listen to great stories from the original show.

And what a venue - Edinburgh Scotland. For all the European fans this is a fabulous chance to see everyone closer to home. For our American fans, what a great way to visit historic Scotland, see where they film Outlander and the Crown and take in a con.

If you think travelling to the UK might be expensive I would urge you to check out airfares and the hotel rates. You will find that in many cases you can go cheaper than many of the previous venues in the states.

To all of the fans of the original BSG - thanks so much for the love and support you have given us over the years. I hope you will all try to have one great final party.

Jack "Bojay" Stauffer

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BFC Special Awards

Colonials and Members of the Fleet,

This tradition was originally started by the Founder of the BFC, Shawn O'Donnell. He had asked me to create these special awards to recognize individuals whose work ethics for the BSG fandom, goes above and beyond for the enjoyment of the fans.   And these individuals certainly deserved these awards.



ORDER OF THE RISING STAR- The 2nd highest BFC Award

ARROW OF APOLLO-  The 3rd highest BFC Award


Karl Kuhlenschmidt-  Order of the Colonies

As most of you know, Karl was the Master Builder of the Battlestar Raven and build the one and ONLY Classic Series Colonial Viper in existence in the United States,seen in over 40 years.  What is so unique and very important about this is he build it out of his home garage.  This whole project was self-funded by members of Team BSG Viper.  He dedicated his time building the Viper everyday, rain or shine, after work.  Even when he was under pressure because time was running as Comicpalooza 2018 fast approaches, he kept going with his goal in mind, that he needs to finished the Viper because he did not want t disappoint the fans that was coming to Comicpalooza to see it.  And did just that and persevered.   Karl is also a member of the Raven Colonial Marines.  When he is not building the Viper and would go to conventions, he would dressed up as a Raven Colonial Marine representing the RCMs.

George Mellis-  Order of the Rising Star

Where there is a Master Builder, there are also those who supports the Master Builder in his task.  George was the electronics expert of Team BSG Viper.  He help Karl install all those beautiful electronics you see on the Colonial Viper cockpit, to make the fans experience getting inside the cockpit of the Viper, as real as it can get.  And he certainly did a phenomenal job.  He too contributed to the expense of building the Colonial Viper.

Paul Oakley- Order of the Rising Star

Paul was the logistic support individual ( manpower ) for Team BSG Viper.  His constant support of not only Battlestar Raven as the Raven Marine NCOIC and one of the Admins on both the Battlestar Raven and BFC site, his attention to detail is beyond reproach and will not hesitate to ensure things are alway in order.  He takes initiatives to get things done and corrected immediately for the BFC and Battlestar Raven.

Ralph Duran- Arrow of Apollo

Ralph Duran is such a trooper.   This Colonial Warrior is always ready to help in anyway he can.  And he does it with such enthusiasm as well.  He was certainly a big help during Comicpalooza 2018.  He help so many fans assisting them, both young and old, climb aboard the Colonial Viper, so they can sit inside and relieve their memories of the show and what was it like to sit behind the cockpit of a Colonial Viper. Since he became a member of the Battlestar Raven, he has represented the group with honor.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you on this special award.  May you continue to help lead the way in "Keeping The Faith Alive" for the many fans all around the world for generations to come.  You lead by example and are to be emulated.

So Say We All!


President-Battlestar Galactica Fan Club





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BFC Leadership Structure


Good Evening Colonials,

I would just like to take this moment to introduce to all of you, the rest of the BFC Leadership and Staff Members.  

As with any group or organization, it is only as effective as the people serving underneath it.  So, it is vital that the right people are selected and chosen.  Those individuals you select must be individuals that you can trust to represent the group with honor and integrity, representing the best interest of the organization at all times. So without further ado, may I present to all of you, people of the fleet, your new Vice President and Deputy Vice President-

Vice President - Steven Elliott

Deputy Vice President- Leslie Willis

And the rest of the BFC Leadership Members and Staff-

Congratulations to all those selected and appointed.  May all of you represent the BFC well and always keep in mind that the members and the fans, are what matters the most in what we do here at the BFC.  

As with everything else, it is also my goal and hope, that the BFC be a place, for all fans of the Classic and Re-Imagine Series, to consider their home, and co-exist under one roof, and be able to show their love for the fandom without worries.   Because without the other, there is no BSG fandom.  As time changes, the only way for the fandom to continue existing and growing, is for all fans to stick together. That is the only way, to "Keep The Faith Alive".  You, the fans, are the beacon of hope for its continued growth and existence through time.

So Say We All!


President -Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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President’s Address



Good Evening Members of the Fleet,

As I pondered quietly thinking what to say, I really found it very difficult to find the words to do so.  So, I will just say what I really feel.  

As the incoming President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, I never dreamt of running an organization such as this.  I have always been the type to just sit back and do the work behind the scene.  As you all know, the BFC just recently celebrated its 18 years of existence, which is a phenomenal accomplishment.  Clubs, organizations comes and goes, but the BFC is still around after 18 years later and very much alive and kicking well.  

Shawn O'Donnell was the one that recruited me to the BFC. When I first came here, I became the Chief Engineering Officer of Battlestar Tiger Claw, later renamed Battlestar Raven,  of which I later became the Chapter Leader in October of 2012.  Shawn O'Donnell once said to me that he likes that "spunkiness" in me, to help him keep him on his toes. I was like- "Spunkiness! Who me?" So, he appointed me as BFC Deputy Vice President when it was vacated.  And as the saying goes, the rest was history after that.  I began working more closely with Shawn side by side, as time goes by.  He would email me and send me text messages with a TO DO list for the BFC, quite often more than I wanted and expected.   Our first convention appearance together running the BFC Fan Club table was Comicpalooza 2012. I told Shawn that I don't like the character of Tom Zarek because he is such a troublemaker and very devious.  And so Shawn tells me-  "What if I tell you that Richard is nothing like his character Tom Zarek. You will see!  I will introduce you to him.   So, it is here, that another history was made.  He introduce me in person for the first time, to the ever charismatic Captain Apollo but the devious Tom Zarek, Richard Hatch , so I can see for myself, that Richard was nothing like the character of Tom Zarek.  

Upon meeting Richard and interacting with him, I was amaze at Richard's lovable personality and the way he talks about the fans of Battlestar Galactica.  To him, the fans are everything because it is what keeps the faith alive.  Meeting Richard with such an introduction,  would not have been made possible at all for me and  to form such a friendship with him on the side, without Shawn introducing me to him.   We had a lot of fun at that convention and to the many more conventions after that.  And with those good times, also came some bad times, of which I am not going to even explain it here because I don't like dwelling in the past.  Most of you know what they were.  But most will not. The past is the past.  And that is where it will stay.  I am the type that likes to move forward in a positive way. One thing that I can honestly say to all of you is that through the years I have known Shawn, I have known him as the type of leader, that will always stand by his people.  And to quote one of my all time favorite show right now, The Blacklist-

" Value loyalty above all else!"- Raymond Reddington -

Having loyalty is what keeps the bond stronger.  And in doing so, we got through those thick and hard times.  

Shawn was truly a man of passion when it comes to doing what he does for the BFC. Heck, he was doing it for almost 20 years ( back when he had more hair back ).  So when he told me that he was stepping down and turning over the reign to me, I did not know what to say.  All he said to me was - "You will do well and have every confidence in you that you will take it to heights because you are already doing it anyways!"   So Shawn, I thank you for everything you have taught me through the years on the side.  I certainly learned a lot from you and Richard especially teaching me that the fans, is the most important aspect of what we do here at the BFC.  For without the fans, it means nothing.  I can only hope, to carry on the legacy you have set forth for this organization with such a long, rich and honorable history, and make you proud not only as a friend but as a mentor to me alongside Richard, to the best of my ability.

In the next couple of days, I will announce the new BFC Vice President and Deputy Vice Presider along with the new Staff Members of the BFC.  I speak to all them on the side and let them know what my expectations will be to those selected and appointed in those positions.  I will also outline what my hopes and goals for the BFC will be in the future to come.

I thank you all for your time and patience! Take care!

" Keeping the Faith Alive"- So Say We All



President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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