BFC Leadership Structure


Good Evening Colonials,

I would just like to take this moment to introduce to all of you, the rest of the BFC Leadership and Staff Members.  

As with any group or organization, it is only as effective as the people serving underneath it.  So, it is vital that the right people are selected and chosen.  Those individuals you select must be individuals that you can trust to represent the group with honor and integrity, representing the best interest of the organization at all times. So without further ado, may I present to all of you, people of the fleet, your new Vice President and Deputy Vice President-

Vice President - Steven Elliott

Deputy Vice President- Leslie Willis

And the rest of the BFC Leadership Members and Staff-

Congratulations to all those selected and appointed.  May all of you represent the BFC well and always keep in mind that the members and the fans, are what matters the most in what we do here at the BFC.  

As with everything else, it is also my goal and hope, that the BFC be a place, for all fans of the Classic and Re-Imagine Series, to consider their home, and co-exist under one roof, and be able to show their love for the fandom without worries.   Because without the other, there is no BSG fandom.  As time changes, the only way for the fandom to continue existing and growing, is for all fans to stick together. That is the only way, to "Keep The Faith Alive".  You, the fans, are the beacon of hope for its continued growth and existence through time.

So Say We All!


President -Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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  • I commander Rowley will do my best to keep alive in upstate ny 

    I dave Rowley will do my best to keep alive

  • Congratulations to you all. I am so very proud to know each of you and honored to be aboard here with you all on this journey. Keep up the amazing work you all are continuing to do. I know each and everyone of you will exceed all expectations! Congratulations once again! 

  • Thank you all for the kind words. I would like to say thank you to our new BFC President DragonLady. Thank you for the opportunity to continue serving the BFC. 

  • Thank you all for your kind words!

  • Congrats on the new appointments 

  • Congrats to all! As far as I'm concerned,wether it's the original series,or the RDM series,it's still the same Saga of a Star World .

  • Congratulations to those selected for leadership and staff!  I know each and every one of you will do an amazing job for the BFC.  So say we all!

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