All Posts (20)
Ravens and Friends,
Battlestar Raven's next tentative convention appearance will be at Wizard World Con in Austin, Texas on November 22-24, 2013. I say tentative because it can change because due to real life responsibilities. But it is looking good so far. Unless otherwise announce that Battlestar Raven will not be able to make it, we will be there. So to all those Raven Members and Friends that can make it there, here is another chance to meet the infamous Raven Group. We will also be there to help promote the upcoming Galacticon 4 which is slotted for 2015. SO COME OUT AND JOIN US at Wizard World Con in Austin, Texas. The Raven will have a booth there so to all those Raven Members that can help man the table, that will be greatly appreciated. All those interested in helping man the table, please email me so I can let you know how to get a discount of your weekend pass:
Wizard World: Austin, Texas is located at the following address:
500 East Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, Texas 78701
BFC Vice President
Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-002
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club:
Battlestar Raven-BFC 002:
The Flying Tiger’s squadron has grown to 20 members since I was given command a little over a year ago. The maneuvers mission was planned for our new members to have some fun and see what our squadron does for kicks on a Saturday night.
As you read through the comments, those of you that have taken the Viper exam will see the maneuvers come right out of the Viper training manual. While we were have fun, we all got a refresher course it tactics.
The mission was performed in the Forum Chat area of the BFC and always starts off with quick briefing with my pilots. Take a look and see what you think, is this something you would like to do? If so, what are you waiting for?
Lt Reamer
Flying Tiger’s Squadron Leader
Main Room
- Me
- 9:59 PM
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- 10:00 PM
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- 10:10 PM
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- 10:12 PM
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- 10:16 PM
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- 10:25 PM
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- 10:27 PM
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Jim "Trek" Westbrook
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
Well, that’s it for another Saturday night with the Flying Tiger’s Squadron. If you’re interested in becoming a pilot, the Battlestar Raven has one Raptor and six Viper squadrons to choose from at this time. You can check them out at this link:
Presently Spartan, Perseus, Hammer, Minotaur and Blackstar squadrons are shorthanded and are looking for more pilots.
If flying a Viper isn’t your style, the Raven has many alternatives. You could join The Marines, Engineering, Security, Sick Bay and more. Take a look at the Ravens web site at this link: Click on Ship Departments to see everything the Raven has to offer; you’ll be glad you did!!!!! The choice is entirely up to you.
I am Lt Reamer of the Flying Tiger's squadron. I am always looking for a few more Viper pilots to join my group as well.
Good Hunting!!!!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
I would like to personally thank each and everyone of our members and friends here at Battlestar Raven, for helping us reach a milestone of reach over 10,000 FB LIKES. WE could not have done it without each and everyone of your help! So please continue to share our page so we can do to the best of our ability, to keep helping spread the word about the our beloved BSG show and her legacy.
In honor of this milestone, is a new Facebook banner dedicated to her current members on the Raven, which by the way, was another milestone with 200 members. Just a less than a year ago, she had no more than between 9-10 credible members after the current crew roster list was purge when she was in dry-dock for maintenance and a change of Commmand took place. This is another blessing that all of us here at Battlestar Raven, are thankful for due to her current members and the wonderful friends we have made along the way, since she got out dry-dock and climb to the top. It is our sincere hope that she continue to prove her worth in the Field of Battle and that she may continue to not only grow in quantity but more IMPORTANTLY, IN QUALITY, which is the most important thing of all as a Battlestar Chapter! HELP US reach that GOAL!
~Raven Actual
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President
Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002
Greetings Colonials!
Firstly a welcome to all our new members...we are glad you are with this us.
Without too much preamble I want to launch into our weekly Hero of Battlestar Galactica Hero honor.
Time constraints and other business distracted me long enough to postpone last weeks celebration, so this week we are going to have a two for one special!
Our first certificate goes out to actor Lance LeGault...and while a posthumous honor, it is nonetheless well placed.
Lance portrayed two roles in the classic series...first of all as Borellian Noman Maga in several episodes and also as Bootes in "The Lost Warrior".
Lance will be missed but his enduring characters live on.
Our next certificate of honor goes to Mark Sheppard, whose recurring role as Romo Lampkin on the re-imagined series as a conflicted attorney & embattled defender of Gauis Baltar endeared him to fans.
Again a well deserved honor.
So Say We All!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club
Battlestar Raven would just like to wish her following members:
Krista Reed
Sam Pitts
a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May the both of you have a great one and many more to come. From all of your fellow crewmates aboard Battlestar Raven.
On Behalf Of The Commander, And Myself, I Would Like To Extend Congratulations For Your Stellar Performance Saturday Night!
To Put It Simply,We Kicked Ass And Took Names - Exactly What we Are Trained to Do! And, In The Process, We Made Our Small part of This Vast Universe A Little Bit Safer.
We ,Along With The Raven Herself, Eliminated A Cylon Threat In Our Vicinity; And Made it Harder For The Enemy To try And Impede Our Progress.
In Addition, We Gained Some Valuable Intel On Our Enemy, And, Rescued Hostages Kidnapped By The Enemy, For The Purpose Of Experimentation.
We Did However,Sustain Some losses In Equipment, And Manpower; To Those Who Gave The Last Full Measure So That we May Continue To Live, They Will Be Remembered With Honor And Dignity, For The LORDS OF KOBOL Will Always Care For,And Protect The Most Brave - SO SAY WE ALL!
Maj. K. A. Ranson ' LEONIDAS'
Commander,Air Group, BFC-002
Battlestar Raven BFC-002 Saturday Night’s Hub Destruction Mission in the Forum Chat
Hi everyone in the Battlestar Fan Club and the Battlestar Galactica Universe. This mission was planned by Battlestar Raven’s CAG Major Keith "Leonidas" Ranson and I over a week ago. We decided to put it off until last night in hopes that we could interest more people to join us.
It’s always better to have more people involved for a mission of this magnitude. Trying to make comments for others as if they’re present during the battle takes time away from your performance. Things happen quickly, you have to think fast to keep up with the comments being posted so everything flows together so the battle makes sense.
If this is what 7 members of the Raven can do, I can only imagine what an entire crew would be capable of accomplishing. Take a look and see if this is something you would like to take part in, and join us for the next mission. You’ll be glad you did!!!!!!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! ! !
Mission Briefing
Reply by Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
(Port Flight Deck; Pilots Are Assembled)
Here It Is; GAME TIME. And Here's How it's going To go:
After we Jump, We Will Launch, and Move Ahead; the Flying Tigers And the Hammers Will Get The party started; Then, The rest of The Flight Will Hit Them With the BOLT Formation; While We Keep Them occupied Blackbird One will Sneak up On The Hub,And Disable It's Power Grid; We Will Then Call The Raven,Who Will pop in,And Send The Marines; They will Board The Hub, 'Loot and pillage' Then pull Out; The Raven will Then Finish It Off; Then It's COMBAT LANDINGS, Then We Jump! We Will Have Two Vipers,And Two raptors Standing By With Nukes To Deal With Any Base Stars. That's The Game! Are We Ready To Play? ("OUU!OUU!OUU!")
(Over The Ship's PA)
S A D D L E U P ! (Pilots Begin Scrambling To Planes,Planes Are Prepped For Launch)
Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- 9:50 PM
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Bryan "GreyW0lf" McMinn
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Bryan "GreyW0lf" McMinn
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- 10:45 PM
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Ens. Justin "HotWire" James
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Me
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Eric "Hitman" Morelli
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Me
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- 11:20 PM
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- 11:25 PM
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- 11:26 PM
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
- MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson
- Maj. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Raven and Fellow Colonials,
The Hammers Squadron finally has a Squadron Leader that will hopefully get her off the ground and hitting the sky and joining the fight against the enemy as one of the ELITE Defenders of The Fleet aboard the Raven. He is someone that has no problem getting things going when the tough gets going. He is no stranger getting into a cockpit blasting the enemy into bits of pieces. This person hails from the Minotaur Squadron. As a Squadron Leader, I expect that person to lead by example, Communicate with the Command Staff and their fellow Squadron Leaders and members of their Squadron, and not afraid to do some work to get things done. So may the Lords of Kobol guide The Hammers new Squadron Leader.
So without further ado, I would like to announce, that Ensign Shane "Ogre" Coble, has been appointed as The Hammers NEW Squadron Leader. With his appointment as the new Squadron Leader of The Hammers, comes with his promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade, effective immediately on this day 8 August 2013. Lt.Jg. Coble, The Hammers Squadron is now yours!
~Raven Actual
BFC Vice President
Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002
Hello Colonials...welcome to all of our newest members of course, welcome to the fleet!
We are dedicating this particular message to an actor as a memorial & a honor before all the fans of Battlestar Galactica.
Personally speaking I want to dedicate some memories of this gentlemen that I can share with you all.
My thinking on this was spurred by the fact that this past week fans of science fiction lost a major player and influential person in science fiction...Mr. Michael Ansara...who as Kang in Star Trek set a pattern mirrored by John Colicos as Kor for the future of the Klingon personality.
This honor of Hero of Battlestar Galactica of course must go to a player in the BSG universe...however we honor Mr. Ansara in our thoughts.
The gentleman I have in mind appeared in the original series as Dr. Selik....and I will reveal his name now if you have not guessed...George Murdock.
Not only did he appear in Battlestar Galactica of course, but he also had popular role on Barney Miller as Lt. Ben Scanlon & of course "God" in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier & of course as Admiral Hanson in Star Trek: The Next Generation in 'The Best of Both Worlds Parts I & II)...where he met a bad end during the battle of Wolf 359 at the hands of the Borg.
Luckily, George survived that last one...just not the character!
Well, to get the full scope, here is a sample of his work:
- The Twilight Zone
- The Untouchables
- 77 Sunset Strip
- Combat!
- I Spy
- Ben Casey
- The Wild Wild West
- Tarzan (with Ron Ely)
- Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
- Cimarron Strip
- The Virginian
- Night Gallery
- Bonanza
- Breaker! Breaker!
- Hawaii Five-O
- The Mod Squad
- Adam-12
- Ironside
- The New Perry Mason
- The Magician
- The F.B.I.
- The Streets of San Francisco
- Barney Miller (Lt. Ben Scanlon)
- Gunsmoke
- Earthquake (with Charlton Heston, Lorne Greene)
- McCloud
- The Invisible Man
- Police Woman
- Little House on the Prairie
- Thunder and Lightning (with David Carradine and Kate Jackson)
- Lou Grant
- The Rockford Files
- The Dukes of Hazzard
- Trapper John, M.D.
- The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo
- Shoot the Moon an Alan Parker film
- Bosom Buddies
- T.J. Hooker
- Hill Street Blues
- Benson
- The Winds of War (based on Herman Wouk's best-seller, with Robert Mitchum)
- Knight Rider
- Fame
- Murder, She Wrote
- Dynasty
- War and Remembrance (sequel to The Winds of War)
- Night Court
- L.A. Law
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Final Analysis (with Richard Gere and Kim Basinger)
- Batman: The Animated Series
- Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
- Seinfeld
- The Nanny
- Tyson (TV film)
- Chicago Hope
- ER
- The Gregory Hines Show
- Mike Hammer, Private Eye
- Early Edition
- Just Shoot Me!
- The X-Files
- Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming
- The X-Files: Fight the Future
- Law & Order
- 2000x (NPR/Hollywood Theater of the Ear radio series)
- The Norm Show
- Smallville
- Small Wonder
- Orange County
- Judging Amy
- The Dead Zone
- Looney Tunes: Back in Action
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
- The Six Million Dollar Man
- Torchwood: Miracle Day
He did a few think?
It was my & our joy to have George join us on the 2008 Galacticruise...and actually the film that came out of that adventure Galacticon II: Galacticruise is the last film that he appears in...I was so honored as to share a scene with him.
It's an interesting story as how it happened upon the cruise...we had MANY choices of talent from BSG to bring back with us...originally Aaron Douglas was slated to appear but had to bow out due to his schedule filming "The Plan" and George was always on our list, so he stepped up to the spot that Aaron vacated.
Now, I have NO doubt that Aaron would have made an excellent guest...but I DO know that George did!
It was a great pleasure to have him there...the man was a joy!
It's so funny, I got thrust into the job of doing a panel with him (without notes) because the original person who was to do it had to bow out at the last moment.
I just let George talk...he carried the moment...and saved my reputation.
Near the end of the event as everyone was bidding farewells to their crewmates....I got a big hug from George & I told him that I thought it was a shame that Hollywood wasn't making better use of older, GREAT actors like much they could benefit...he said "From your lips to God's ear"....and that has stuck with me.
Especially coming from "God"...
This weeks HERO of Battlestar Galactica, though posthumous goes to Mr. George Murdock!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club
Sleepy eyed and sore from all of the running around that has been done, Lt. Phillips sees his home ship in the porthole of the shuttle taking him back to duty. A convention of fun on Caprica where a favored band of his was playing. Some of his favorite actors from the holo-net were also there as well. So he signed up to get pictures and autographs of his favorites so that was something he felt accomplished and proud of. He had even participated in a old simulation game. letting the other attendees have fun and just only come in second place not to embarrass those that were not of the Colonial Fleet. All and all it was a good time. Now he returns to his beloved Battlestar and to his squadron. After all Fleet created the leave system to allow it members to blow off steam every now and again.
As the Shuttle sets down and opens the hatch. Lt. Phillips notices that a second shuttle setting down and other members of his crew getting out of that shuttle. Surprised they were all laughing and talking about a good time they had. It appears that they too had been to a convention of sorts. The similar look of having a good time but being totally exhausted was in their faces. He even noticed the Commander of the Battlestar Raven step out of the shuttle, badge from the convention she attended hanging from her neck. Striding over to the shuttle.
"Lt. Phillips reporting for duty"
"Gambit it seems you are as tired as the rest of us"
"Yes Ma'am, tired but ready to go."
Well, what can I say, we certainly had a lot of fun at Space City Con for I am still tired as FRAK from the convention :-) I was a little reluctant setting up a table at the con due to manning. But the one person I did not expect came through for me was my husband (he is a non-science fiction fan but learning the ropes) . He made sure I had some help at the convention for I had only one day turn around to breathe after doing Uncle Sam's bidding for two straight weeks. And the crew and friends that were present there certainly came through for me. So I would like to thank the following members of the Raven Family and Friends Circle that help man the Raven Table and that help the Raven out at the convention as a whole:
Raven Marine Paul "IceWorm" Oakley (Personal Security Detail assigned to me by the Raven Marine OIC)
Lt. Juan "Blindsword" Lopez ( CSO )
Raven Medic Jeanne Lopez
Members of the Raven Classic Viper Squadron: The Blackstar Squadron (especially Greg Goodwin)
My own children especially my oldest one (Raven Marine Private Scorpion) and a friend of his
Ensign Shane "Ogre" Coble- Minotaur 2 ( I hope I spelled his name right ) :-)
Melissa Pumarega
Space City Con had a lot of turn out and more than expected by the people running the convention. They had so much turn out that they even ran out of printed tickets for people that pre-paid autographs, photos ops and amongst other things. So some of us ended up getting hand-written tickets which the staff made sure was honored. They even ran out of badges that can be taken home as a souvenir from the convention that they ended up giving paper wrist band which a lot of people weren't too happy about. I hope the Space City Con Staff will do something for those people that weren't so lucky to get the souveinir con badges. IMHO, the Convention Center should have set aside those badges for people that had pre-paid it ahead of time. It was the right and and only logical thing to do.
During the convention, I took a quick break to get my prepaid autographs tickets to pick them up at a later time. Melissa Pumarega was helping man the table. When I came back, I notice our mother site banner design by Michael Scholer, was taken down and moved by two individuals promoting about job links. I ask Melissa what happen to it. She said these two females just started setting up their table to the left of our table while a few minutes earlier, they were right across our table. I ask the two females why they moved the banner. They stated to me it fell. But the banner was folded like the stand was moved so they can put their table. I told both of them I don't believe them and ask them whether they have permission to be on that spot? They did not answer me. So a lightbulb lighted in my mind that these people do not have permission to be there. I send for one of my people Ensign Shane "Ogre" Coble of the Raven Minotaur Squadron ( he is one of the volunteers at the convention). When he came and I told him what happen, what happened after that was I really laugh inside and smiled. Ensign Coble (Who is as tall as FRAK. I felt like an little Ewok standing beside him) came over to those two females little round table they brought with them and just pick it up and said to them "Maam, I need to move your table over here for you do not belong there!" I guess the two females weren't able to say anything to him other than glare at us for they know they were wrong for doing that. I thank Ensign Coble for fixing the problem for us right then and there and with authority LOL. He stated to me he does not like anyone messing with his fleet or chapter. So I just chuckled deep inside when I saw the reaction of those two females. They did not even stay there that long too. I guess they were trying to get in for free. There was no security posted at that entrance.
That same evening after the convention, I invited my whole crew on the Raven that can make it and treated them to dinner at Chili's Restaurant where we ended up joining the members of the 1701st Fleet commanded by Admiral Cody Glenn. I just wanted to thank them for all the help they have given me so far at the convention. We were also joined by members of the Blackstar Squadron towards the latter portion of the group dinner. We still had a lot of fun and got the chance to take a group picture together.
Sunday, was a lot of fun. We had the Raven Panel where we were joined by members of the Colonial Fleet and of course, the Raven First Classic Series, the Blackstar Squadron. They panel was very informative and lots of information was pass along and got to know each and everyone of us in the group by those who were at the panel. After the panel, we had the Charity MechCorps Entertainment match between the crew of the Raven and the Browncoats. I agreed to this match when we were approached because it was a fund raising dedicated to raising money to help kids read. And I am a mother of three wonderful boys,so I agreed to this and ask the Raven Crew if they want to have some fun. And they all agreed. So four of my people suited up. Win or lose, we were going to have fun and help raise money for the kids charity. It was 4 on 4. So the game began. The following individuals represented the Raven Group:
Lt. Juan "Blindsword" Lopez (representing the Command Staff)
Ensign Shane "Ogre" Coble (representing the viper Squadron Minotaur)
Cpl. Greg "Jubal" Goodwin of the Blackstar Squadron
And my middle son Abraham ( called little Raven)
I on the other hand along with the others that are not playing, watch from the sidelines. I started taking photos and video of the match while at the same time, we all cheered for everyone on the Raven. Even though we lost the match, for a crew that has not played this kind of game, we did not do too bad. In fact, it was a great game and everyone had a lot of fun. We raise about $196.00 for the kids charity of which $42.00 was from the Raven Crew. Everyone had a lot of fun that we were ask if we want to do a re-match with the Browncoats at another convention. We all shook hands after that and had laughs together. I think this was the loudest my voice has ever been cheering from the sideline LOL and laughing. Hey, it was so frakking loud in there that you really have to raise your voice to be heard heheheh. But make no mistake, I know if our pilots was behind an actual viper pilot cockpit, they would reign supreme in the air ;-) :-)
But the best part about being in attendance at this convention for me was meeting two actors from Star Trek I have been wanting to meet: Gowron and Martok I had a chance to talk to Robert O'reilly on the last day for a little bit. Since I missed out on buying the combine photo op with Gowron and Martok with their Klingon Costume on, I decided to approach his table to see if I can buy a photo op with him one on one right then and there. So I approach Robert O'reilly because he was my favorite Klingon out of the two even though I like both of them. I explained to him my situation and to my surprise, he just told me to just go on ahead and we will have a photo taken at no extra charge. So upon hearing that, I was so happy I finally got to meet the infamous Klingon Chancellor Gowron after all this time and had a photo taken with him. So that was a mission accomplished on my part. After we got our photo taken together, we chatted for a little bit. He ask me what branch of service I was in and I told him. He told me that John Garman Hertzler (Martok) is an Air Force Military brat himself because his father served in the Air Force (he was a mechanic). I was like WOW! Robert O'Reilly was such a pleasant person to talk. I really enjoyed talking to him because he really took his time out to do so.
The whole experience at convention as a whole I would say, was really fun. From the very first day of the convention where my children got scared out of their wits inside the elevator when they encountered the loud and boisterous Klingon Group (the Klingon Group tease the heck out of them and I just laugh when my children told me), to doing the Raven Panel, being a part of the MechCorps Children Charity Event, meeting Gowron and Martok and to making new friends and gaining new members to the Raven Family and Friends Circle. I would just say it was a really a blast just being able to hangout with my Raven Crew and meeting some of them for the first time. Hopefully, we get to do it again, somewhere and sometime in the near future. I really enjoy interacting with the fans because like I said, without the fans and members, there is no Raven or little alone, the BFC Fan Club. If there is anything I have learned by the very person mentoring me here at BFC (Shawn O'Donnell) the fans are very important in the continuation of the legacy and spirit of BSG. Through them, the BSG memory lives on and gets pass down to the next generation of BSG Fans whether it be the Classic Series or the New Series. As you can hear in the very beginning of the original BSG Series :
"There are those who believe........"
And that is true to this very day. Stay tune for the photos from the event!
BFC Vice President
Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002
Well, we are done with Space City Con: Houston, TX The combine force of the Raven Crew and her Classic Series Viper Squadron Battlestar Galactica Costuming Club Blackstar Squadron ), the Spartan and Minotaur Viper Squadron, prove to be a formidable force when it comes to having fun and making new friends. And we certainly made a lot of new friends. So prepare for new incoming members to the Raven Family and Friends Circle. An AAR Report will be posted on both our mother site, Battlestar Galactica Fan Club ( and our main site: )
Lots of stories, photos and videos to share and tell about. So, stay tune for that as it is being sorted out.
BFC Vice President
Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002
Colonials, The Raven Contigent will be participating in the Space City Con: Houston, TXCharity MechCorps Entertainment . The Crew of the Raven VS. Browncoats at high noon on Sunday, August 4th, 2013 , after the Raven Panel. So come and out and see this match for charity .
So ATTENTION ALL RAVEN PILOTS and able personnel that are able to make to @SpaceCityCon , SUIT UP and get in your cockpit and prepare to have fun!
-Raven Actual
Hello My Fellow Colonials,
Battlestar Raven is ready to make a jump to Space City Con in just less than 24 hours. We will be joined by several members of Battlestar Raven including groups that are associated with the Raven like the Blackstar Squadron. As I mentioned in the previous email, we will have both have the RDM and Classic Series represented at the Space City Con. Also, as a reminder, we are inviting everyone that can make it there, to the Raven panel which will be on Sunday, August 4, 2013 between the hours of 10:00-11:30am. Come and meet the infamous members of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Flagship Chapter, and share lots of laughs and get to know some of her members that will be there.
For those that could not make it there, we will take lots of pictures and videos to share here when the convention is done. And that is a promise! Battlestar Raven will also be tweeting live from the convention floor.
So with that said: " ATTENTION ALL HANDS! THIS IS RAVEN ACTUAL! PREPARE TO MAKE THE FTL JUMP TO THE SPACE CITY CON AIR SPACE IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS!. " Let's do this! All department heards, make sure each and everyone of your department is ready to go!
That is all for now!
~Raven Actual