The Flying Tiger’s squadron has grown to 20 members since I was given command a little over a year ago. The maneuvers mission was planned for our new members to have some fun and see what our squadron does for kicks on a Saturday night.

As you read through the comments, those of you that have taken the Viper exam will see the maneuvers come right out of the Viper training manual. While we were have fun, we all got a refresher course it tactics.

The mission was performed in the Forum Chat area of the BFC and always starts off with quick briefing with my pilots. Take a look and see what you think, is this something you would like to do? If so, what are you waiting for?


Lt Reamer

Flying Tiger’s Squadron Leader


Main Room

  • Me

“Attention” Flying Tiger’s “Attention”

Our new pilots have completed their simulator training. They are ready to climb into a Viper cockpit for the first time to complete their training and earn their wings. We will form into our individual flights first in Diamond formations and then Delta formations to perform precision flying maneuvers.

It’s very important for a Viper squadron to continue to hone its skills until we become as Admiral Cain put it, “Razors.” It has been said, there is safety in numbers. The Finger Four Formation flown by the Flying Tiger’s offers superior safety and fire power in combat as long as the formation sticks together.

We will practice until it becomes second nature as if we were one!!!

Any Questions?

Skids up in fifteen on the starboard flight deck.


  • 9:59 PM
  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that, Lt

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Aye aye Sir!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Lt.

  • 10:00 PM
  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Performing preflight check list now.

  • Me

Ok you new nuggets....make sure you perform a proper Pre-Flight!!!

·         (Reamer walks down the line....while pilots checking their birds.....) Mount up when you're finished!!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Performing pre-flight checklist.

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 performing pre flight now, sir

  • Me

Roger that HotWire...

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Looks like the Chief has been busy..... Mounting up...

  • Me

GreyWolf, take care of your pilots this is their first time in the cockpit......Roger that Lt!!!

·         My re-flight is good.....I'm launching in 3, 2, 1,..............

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

-Hitman is ready for launch.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Checklist complete, ready to launch

  • Me

Flight 4 ready for launch.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Hitman you are clear for launch) Launching in 3.....2...1... GO!!

  • Me

Flight 5 ready for launch......OK form up after launch!!!! Roger that Lt....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Raven this is Hitman I have cleared the bay..

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Launching in 3..2..1....

  • Me

Reamer to all Flight's.....set "FireFox" to automatic after you clear the launch tubes.......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 ready for launch....Launching now.....

  • Me

It could safe your life today.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek, Kreios, Mace, when you are clear form up. Finger 4.

·         Trek your my wing man.

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm launched and forming up Lt.

  • Me

Roger that Bunny...

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Firefox is on !

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

HotWire checking in...............Achilles on my wing.............JAckknife & Gunslinger form up

  • Me

(20 camouflage Flying Tiger's Vipers exit the Raven's starboard launch tubes) What a sight.......

  • 10:10 PM
  • Me

OK pilots.....lets look Sharpe....we'll head for the perimeter of the Fleet and start our precision drills.......

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I love the smell of spent fuel in the evening! .... tighten up! Get close.

  • 10:12 PM
  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Wilco, Reamer

  • Me

GretWolf, get your flight in order and follow closer.....Hammer that goes for your Flight as well....

·         Everyone else looks perfect....keep it up......

·         Roger that Lt.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Aye Sir!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James


  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's not stray !!!

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

*too focused on his flying to speak, nods as hears the voice of 'Hitman'*

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Alright Flight heard the Lt......keep it tight people

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Mace come in closer.

  • Me

OK everyone, Diamond

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James


  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Your doing fine Trek, just stay with me.

·         Mace thats you. fall into position.

  • Me

You're doing fine Trek.....stay with the others and you'll do fine....

  • 10:16 PM
  • Me

Looking great Tiger's watch your wing tips you don't want to hit each other.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Lt. wait..... I think.... no ..... never mind.

·         must be a glitch.

  • Me

OK we're going to do some basic maneuvers........

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Let's show why we're the best, Lt

  • Me

First will be Barrel Rolls.......My flight goes first and everyone follows.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that!!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt.

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy that boss

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

*murmurs to self* Barrel rolls....*swallows lump*

  • Me

Executing now.....two sets everyone....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Executing, going nice and smooth

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

All right Trek just remember I am right here and wait until I start my roll then you go.

  • Me

Stay in formation......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Clinch up, Trek. It'll be alright. Hitman will take good care of you.

·         Like a mother hen. LoL

  • Me

GreyWolf....OK Reamer......we're good...

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Pipe down Hotwire! Your fraking him up.

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight're doing stellar.

  • Me it is going......Great Lt.....

·         OK......Lets do the High Speed Yo-Yo.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice Work Trek! Your getting it! Remember to come out of it right into formation.

·         Sweet!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt.

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

Roger, LT *toggles the stick to move the Viper back into formation*

  • Me

We're looking mighty fine for a squadron with 9 new pilots.....Great Job Tiger's!!!!!!

  • 10:25 PM
  • Me

Let’s do the Chandelle maneuver before we break into the Delta formations......

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Did.....did anyone else see DRADIS .......oh...never mind.... I must be seeing things

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek you'll get it!

  • 10:27 PM
  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Trek this is a low G move.

  • Me

OK everyone.....Hitman said it; this is an easy maneuver.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Remember to center the stick and recover to center

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

Roger, LT

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You're doing great Trek

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

These are the fun ones to do.

  • Me

OK....let’s get into the Delta's and run through the paces.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Mace, stay tight your too far out!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy that, Lt

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Lt.

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

*glances out the side of the canopy, noticing how close he is to 'Hitman'* Wow...

  • Me

OK.......Oh what's that.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

It's a little close eh Trek!

  • Me

Is everyone picking up that.....Look what the cat dragged in everyone.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I thought my DRADIS was malfunctioning.

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

Any closer and we'll be in the same cockpit...

  • Me

Toasters and plenty of them.....

·         Break into our Finger Fours and give them hell Tiger’s!!!!!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

All right Trek. well now your gonna put that simulator time to good use.

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Roger that. Flight 3 check left

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 Finger 4 !!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's scrap some toasters guys!

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

*nods, murmuring to self* Frak.... *maneuvering into Finger Four pattern*

  • Me

Everyone bogies at 2 O' Clock high.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Well guess whos gonna do the Chandelle...Trek Lets go!

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

*glances toward 2 O'clock* There are a lot of them....

  • Me

Execute an Immelman turn to gain some height on them suckers.....

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

There's a lot of them coming, let's show them what the Flying Tigers can do!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I got one and fire!!!!!!

  • Me

OK Tiger's make every shot count.........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Splash one Lt.!

  • Jim "Trek" Westbrook

*keeps his Viper in formation with Hitman, firing on the next raider*

  • Me

(Guns Blazing).....Splash one toaster!!!! Yeah....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Kreios, you got one goooooo!!!!

  • Ens. Justin "HotWire" James

Splash 1...make that 2.. Good shot Jackknife!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Have one in my sights, and fire! Got one!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Thats it Trek FIRE!!!

  • Me

GreyWolf and Hammer..... there's a bunch on your 3 O' Clock......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice Shot!

  • Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

El Cid, one at your 3 o'clock. You got him! Good shot El Cid.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Mace, there is one coming around your six

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  • That will be awesome to fly with you Actual. One of these days we'll really have a mission to end all missions, we'll scrap sooooo many toasters you could walk back to the Raven on the scrap metal floating through space! ! ! ! ! !

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

  • We look forward to flying with you MA'AM! (Besides I know how precious that alone time is with your significant other).


  • Thank you CAG Sir!. 

  • Good Show,Tigers!


  • It looks like it was a successful hunting....I have yet still to be able to join. Unfortunately, I was out with my husband last night for dinner when all this was happening. It was just the two of us because the kids opted not to come because they had friends over.  So they let us go on our own.  It was an opportunity we couldn't pass on.  But I am sure there will be other missions to come where I will finally be able to join you guys and be with Leonidas Wingman.


    ~Raven Actual

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