Battlestar Raven- All Ready For Space City Con


Hello My Fellow Colonials,

Battlestar Raven is ready to make a jump to Space City Con in just less than 24 hours.  We will be joined by several members of Battlestar Raven including groups that are associated with the Raven like the Blackstar Squadron.  As I mentioned in the previous email, we will have both have the RDM and Classic Series represented at the Space City Con.  Also, as a reminder, we are inviting everyone that can make it there, to the Raven panel which will be on Sunday, August 4, 2013 between the hours of 10:00-11:30am.  Come and meet the infamous members of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Flagship Chapter, and share lots of laughs and get to know some of her members that will be there. 

For those that could not make it there, we will take lots of pictures and videos to share here when the convention is done.  And that is a promise!  Battlestar Raven will also be tweeting live from the convention floor. 

So with that said:  " ATTENTION ALL HANDS!  THIS IS RAVEN ACTUAL!  PREPARE TO MAKE THE FTL JUMP TO THE SPACE CITY CON AIR SPACE IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS!. "  Let's do this!  All department heards, make sure each and everyone of your department is ready to go! 

That is all for now! 



~Raven Actual

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  • The Raven never looked better than she looks now Actual. Have a great time at the Con! ! ! ! !

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