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Tonight we held the first op of the year. It was titled Fleet yard. Before the op we held a memorial to the late Richard Hatch (Apollo/Tom Zarak) This event included many of our new members and we all had a great time.

Here is the transcript for the memorial and the Fleetyard Op directly following.

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    At this time, I'd like to invite anybody to the podium to say a few words about the Colonial Father, Richard Hatch...memories, personal experiences, so forth....

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    I never got the honor of meeting him, but I loved him as the OG Apollo, and as Tom Zarek. His charisma and wit was an amazing foil to the "Roslin and Adama administration" as he said. He made you think on where your morals really lay. Rest in peace, Apollo. We got this.

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    So Say We ALL

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Capt. Ardanna "Remedy" Lance *salutes*

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    May his memory live on among the Colonies. R.I.P Apollo

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    He was always a strong advocate for Battlestar Galactica and all the fans. I never got to meet him either, I was hoping too and I'll regret that I didn't get the chance. He was a positive role model for many through his conventions and activities he did, many people will remember his kindness.

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Well said, Bunny

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    May . lords of kobol, bring you Peace and Rest you will always be the hero Apallo hear my prayer

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    So say we all

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Deliver this son's soul into your arms

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    So Say We All

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    When you get to Earth, put a good word in for us

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    *stands at attention*

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    As you were;Trireme has launched Raptors for buoy laying; should hear from them soon..

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    SO say We All

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    So say we all

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Copy that XO

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Ready Rose?

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET Teams aboard assigned Raptors.

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Spartan wing commencing mk 2 preflight checks

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    I met him in Springfield MA at UFC. It was a high point to finaly meet one of my hero's

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    SSWA, Space Ghost

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    I'm glad you got to meet him Space Ghost

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Ok Nuggets, pick your craft and get to your ready areas

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Nice one Space Ghost

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

     (Gremlin 364 to raven,have reached area for buoys;Deploying now)

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Reviewing the Raptor pre-flight list

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    I Sir

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Copy that 364

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Freya is going to be a few minutes late

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Ok Perseus, mount up

  • Me

    My apologizes for being late

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Aye Aye Sir

  • Me

    I just got home

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Nice to see you Freya

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Hail Grey

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Hi Freya

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Freya* frakkin autocorrect

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    hi Freya

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Freya, Trireme CO reports Gremilins laying buoys

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Me

    Roger that

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    all check list don and Rudy

  • Me

    I am getting my gear on and headed to the flight deck

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    They should have them operating in A few, stand by

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET Sappers aboard with ten KT device for timed, command or remote detonation.

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Riding in with Ronin. Figured you'd need an ECONOMIC

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Roger that Iceworm

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    "NAT" standing by. I am ready for launch.

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Me

    I am completing preflight check now

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Walk around Done

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All assets are going to be airborne, expecting approximately 400 raiders

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

     (364 to 370, Run diagnostic)

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Ronin, we going SAR or assault?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Target rich enviornment

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    (Climes inside Cockpit)

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Only 400?

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    i am redye to go

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    (370, they're up and running,Confirm)

  • Me

    preflight completed. MARDET you are go for load up on 220M

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    yes shore

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Ronin, Remedy, you will join Freya and I delivering MARDET to target

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Ready to go

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    i sir

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Confirmed preflight check

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    We are go

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Per Flight confirm

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Aye sir

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    NAT front and center!

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Package delivery

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    (they're loud and clear,370,Stand by to send signal)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET load out complete.

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Lock and load, MARDEN

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Me

    seekers will deliver MARDET to the aft section of the station

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Copy that CAG, assming CAP formation

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam


  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    that is beautiful

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

     (375,we've got green lights)

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    NAT, perform your preflight checklist for me

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

     (Gremlin 364 to raven, all buoys in place and running)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Copy on LZ

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    XO, confirm weapons status

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Breach equipment prepped

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Checking weapon status now Sir

  • Me

    Copy that Iceworm

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Copy that, iceworm

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Blue leader Space Ghost is locked , Cocked and ready to Rock

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    We're good to go, going to give them hell

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Roger that.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Trireme to raven, we're checkers green, awaiting jump signal

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Let's go burn some toasters

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz

    All systems go

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Roger that ox

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Good hunting everyone

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Good hunting

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Me

    *Raven to Trireme we are good to jump*

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Thanks Bunny

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Good hunting and get to your birds!

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    yeee haaaa

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Start the clock

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Marines, are you ready?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Me

    ***action stations.. prepare for jump**

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Frak yeah!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Preparing for jump

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Navigator,Insetr jump key

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All birds to launch tubes!

  • Me

    jumping in 3....2....1... .JUMP!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Copy that

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    I sir

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Ronin, bird is armed for breach and assault

  • Me

    *Raven has completed jump*

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Trireme has completed jump

  • Me

    220M is in the tubes awaiting go from LSO

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    LSO reports checkers green....

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Awaiting clearance from LSO

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    All bateries train on target

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz

    Let's hunt

  • Me

    220M Launching in 3.2.1

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Seekers form up on Freya....Freya, take lead to target

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus launching, Aeneas has the lead

  • Me

    copy that Mik Mo

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    (Maelstrom) in launch tube waiting for launch clearance

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    250 holding

  • Me

    220M out of the tubes...

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Target confirmed

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Go weapons HOT

  • Me

    Maelstrom you are clear for launch

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    hold on to yore butt Ardanna Lance we ar jumping launching

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    copy that, yeehahh

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Stand by missiles

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    See, rook.

  • Me

    they see us.. and are launching raiders

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Missiles standing by

  • Me

    multiple contacts on dradis

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    assuming cap formation

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    We will escort the Seekers in then attack

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    How are those Devil Dogs holding up?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Alpha batteries,commence sal;vo fire

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Lean and mean

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    I'm in Light up

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Thanks for the cover, Perseus

  • Me

    Seekers formed up.. lets move out

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    copy that aenas forming up with your squadron

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Me

    on your lead Perseus squadron

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    On you Freya

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET Teams ready for assault.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Boom Boom Boom!

  • Me

    its going to be a bumpy ride

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    lets get those Marines in!

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    how are you holding up Ardanna Lance

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Copy, Freya. Hold onto your guns, Marine.

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Shit! Close call from a raider

  • Me

    They are headed straight for us

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    popped a Sparrow

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Keep your heads down Marines we'll clear the sky"

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    watt the frake

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Alpha six,lock on approaching sparrows swarm

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Make us a hole, Perseus!

  • Me

    closing in on the station.

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    We'll do some good recycling

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Raiders coming out, Spartan go right, Perseus left, fire when ontarget

  • Me

    We will have to complete dock and hardseal to allow MARDET entry

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    (PEW PEW PEW PEW) (Sorry could help it)

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    copy that aeneas

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Holding up, Ronin? Freya?

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Spartan, flank the station, Blue cover Trireme's backside

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz

    Anyone order scrap metal

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Freya distance to target?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Roger that; Bring bow to Main station hub; stand by main forward battery

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Copy that CAG

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Blanks left

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus line abreadt, openfire

  • Me

    500 Meters and closing

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Ready, MARDET?

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Ready on your command Sir

  • Me

    Aft section has prime spot for dock and hard seal

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Missiles away

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Fire main forward

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Copy that...Marines at the ready!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

     (PEW PEW PEW)

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    Ardanna Lance i hope i am not making you sick whit my flying lol

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Hello no sir

  • Me

    Iceworm you ready to break out the fun stuff?

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Ready soft seal!

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Spartans engage please, weapons free

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Two enemy missile batteries are toast

  • Me

    200 Meters

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    CAG there's so many raiders out here we could walk home

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Watch it, Freya, you got two closing in on you

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Don't spare the lead, Space Ghost!

  • Me

    100 Meters

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Roger THat

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    omw freya... boom boom boom

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Alpha two and three,Track two turkeys headed towards raven;wax them!

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Four toasters toasted, attacking the station

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Scratch that, Freya, one left on your six

  • Me

    220M has reached the station, completing dock

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    I GOT 3 NO 6 Raiders heading right for our mariunes

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Turkeys are toast too!

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Initiating soft seal

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Going in

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Missiles away

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Perseus we are taking casualties

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    he is relay getting to close

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    M Teams.....execute execute execute.....we have boarded target...LZ is hot, MARDET engaged

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    evening everyone Vampire now launching

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Hah, suck the chrome toaster! *missile pops toaster (

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    M-Team, skirmish left, toasters squad...

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Rose take your flight assist the Spartans

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Five goldies headed our way, Stand by missles, load with CAIM

  • Me

    MARDET is boarding target now

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Perseus swing 2 o'clock high...6 raiders coming in on Dradis

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Sappers remove Nuke fail safe devices

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Missiles standing by

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Marines boarding from 250

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    I'm not leaving them

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Rogrr that CAG

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Missiles away!

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    coming in for assist... target down

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Booom! Scattershot!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Joker moving to navigation and comm center

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All Marines away!

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Good shot, Nate

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    3 down

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    4 down

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Iceworm moving to bridge

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell


  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    got you fraken toaster

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Train guns on remaining enemy batteries

  • Me

    220M has delivered her package. retracting seal and pulling away

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Damn, Nat. Got three toasters. Nope, two

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus ten Cylons nil

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    I've got 2 on my six they want to drew me off

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Flash flash.... skin jobs encountered.... neutralized

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Enemy batteries targeted

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Crush them

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Hoorah Ana was

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    mopping up the toasters on the right flank

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Roger that!

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Spartan, move to cover Marine extraction with Perseus

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    Frak Launch failed

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    wow i am piking up more raders

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    copy that, break assume position

  • Me

    I have a raider in sights

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Firing, eliminated!

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Shit, we got ten more incomin on station

  • Me

    locking on target.. fire!

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Someone get these toasters off me

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Blue, charge hard up the middle

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus reform to coverwithdrawl

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Two have radiologic alarms

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Joker pinned down in main hanger....request fire on preplanned target FF45

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Zulu turrets,50+ sparrows trying to get up our shorts;fire at will!

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Rogther that

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Iceworm, progress report...

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz

    On the way Space Ghost

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Down one toaster on Space Ghost

  • Me

    Copy that Iceworm headed to FF45

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Toaster shopping is always fun

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    And profitable

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Six raiders ahead,let them have it

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Team 1 on the bridge... have secured main data array....

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    Aeneas watch youre six

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    Vampire sitting this out

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Breaking left

  • Me

    Vampire get the deck crew to get you to another launch tube

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Me

    we need you out here

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Got two Mk IX on A kamikaze run

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Seeing these toasters explode is a good day

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Sappers have reached comm center and gathering goodies....

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Thanks for the help

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    They won't get far!

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    NAT watch youre

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Four more

  • Me

    Iceworm approaching target

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    they are trying hopefully soon

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    copy that,

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All Raptors, spend all weapons and make for extraction point

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Onè down on National

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    evasive manoueveres

  • Me

    fire on target

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Team 2 has secured main navigation memory spools, bringing home for future fun and games...

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    FRAK sensors jammed

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Fire two...boom boom

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    I was wating for you to say that sir Copy that

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Going back to cover the Marines

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Sappers nuke planted a near fuel cells

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    laucnch tube clear now viper in serted ready to launch.

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    on your eight position Aeneas

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Any activity from those baseships yet?

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    launching now

  • Me

    Copy Mik Mo headed to extract

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    We're on it Colonel

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    We're keeping them in our sights!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET MARDET.... execute final move to pick up site......acknowledge

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    i am picking up somthing

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Ok, we're good;sheilds kept out the hard stuff.

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    i am away heading over to join up

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Whatcha got?

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus protect the Trireme

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Shit, they're launching at the trireme

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    I see it cylons heading for raptor 220

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Checking for damage, minimal

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET.... "Roger Young".... say again "Roger Young",..... acknowledge

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Hoplite beta, stand by to secure damaged sections

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    They launched four nukes

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    looks like a other bay ship

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Take them out Nat

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    i see three raiders heading my way

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    nukes inbound on the Trieme. Spartan head for inetrecept on nukes

  • Me

    Copy Mik Mo approaching extract point

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Seekers, all MARDET at extract point

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    firing got em

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    The new Baseship is deploying cap

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Lasers to Nuke no contest

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Nice shooting!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Stand by countermeasures

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    More raiders, more targets

  • Me

    220M at the extract point.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Nuke set at fuel point..... set for booby trap, command and timed detonation

  • Me

    Iceworm ETA?

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Countermeasures standing by on your comman

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    250 initiating seal, awating extraction

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    My sky getting pretty crorwed

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Activate EMP

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    heavy raider heading towards your position "FReya" 220

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    EMP activated!

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Engage with cannons

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET at extract....peremiter set.... need a ride home

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Target nukes

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Belay that, Nat. Freya is clear.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Getting target, acquired!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    have two walking wounded and one horizontal....nedd dust-off

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    I am piking up Heavy Raider

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Toaster down

  • Me

    220m seal completed. ready for pickup

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    On it Ronin

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    250 to Iceworm, your ride is here!!!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Got it!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    got three more rauiders

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Hoplite alpha,Secure aux control

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Successfully away

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Its a gods damn blood bath out here!!

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    That basestar got to be empty by now

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Missile lock on us, Ronin .

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    AllVipers cover the recovery

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Gremlin lead,Clear to land

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    copy that

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz


  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Marines are away I'm going hunting

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Got it, we are low on missiles

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Marines on board, 250 disconnecting seal and off

  • Me

    *Raven 220M we need medical on standby

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    frak i am hit

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Crews sent to check damage, we're doing good so far

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    frak vampire, coming to get the frakker

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    lost an enginge

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    RAVEN have medics on standby in landing bays

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    target down

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Good,Prepare for jump on raven's signal

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Transferring nuke control to Raven TAC in 3...2...1...transferred, you have the trigger

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Prepping for jump

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Lets go boss, its hairy here

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    i got him his latst fire hit me

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    time delay was set to ten mikes

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    copy that, my tea is gettimg cold

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    We should make it away clean

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Setting rendezvous coordinates

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    250 to Raven, on the way back to the barn, full of Marines needing medical attention!

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    awww do we have too?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    All gremlins aboard;filgt deck secure

  • Me

    220M loaded and headed home with wounded on board

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    thanks for telling me that Ardanna Lance

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Ready to jump

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Alpha turrets cover egress

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    All reports in we're ready!

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Spartan, break break braek, return to actual asap

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    reutning home now cant do much more

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt


  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All Seekers Landing Bay C clear for combat landings

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET TEAMS ready to secure hanger on landing....

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Landing Bay C, aye

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus lets go home

  • Me

    220M headed home. I have 3 raiders on my tail

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    NAT incoming, requesting the ball

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    reqestin promison to return to re lode Missals

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    scratch that, Spartans engage raiders

  • Me

    Im trying to share them

  • Me


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Navigator, insert jump key and wait raven's signal

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Aeneas, you and Perseus clean up the stragglers!

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    One less, Freya

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    i am down

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    We did some nice damage, that's for sure.

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    targets down

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Roger that, engage

  • Me

    2 raiders left on my tail

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Me

    evasive maneuvers

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Got em Freya

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    I'm On it Freya

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Targets down freya

  • Me

    Thank you

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    returning to actual

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    WARNING WARNING.... data shows toasters are attempting to deliver computer virus, all toaster equipment to be quarantined....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Turrets A6 and A7 commence suppression fire

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    250 in the landing pattern, Mik Mo has the ball

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Damaged one. out of missiles

  • Me

    220M in the landing pattern

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    "Mik Mo" reqestin promison to return to the battlestar re lode Missals

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Permission to join landing pattern?

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Suppression fire successful

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Ok Perseus all clear land asap

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Scan for any stragglers

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Roger that

  • Me

    220M call the ball.... I have the ball.

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    i empty

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    I screens show clear

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    *bracing for landing*

  • Me

    I am down and maglock secure

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Shutdown all systems immediately after you touch down...Iceworm advises Cylon Virus detected!

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    i am empty

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    A few left, aaannd they're down!

  • Me

    Medical requested for wounded

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Commbat landing Aye

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Copy that, Spartans form up, eneter landing patten and call the ball with the LSO when ready

  • Me

    I am in the elevators

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Good hunting

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Scrap everywhere!

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Aeneas is aboard

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Touchdown and on the elevator to the flight deck

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Soon as we land, I am going to assist in Medical

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    I have the ball, coming in

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Medics requested for immediate attention to wounded

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Wounded turned over to Med Techs. MARDET set to screen combat areas with MARDET security detail.

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz

    Coming in

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    I'm docked. Bird is a little bent though, sorry Chief

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    Calling the ball

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Clear to land ox

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    SPace Ghost has the ball

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    You did good Nat

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    All MARDET accounted for, at stand to for ship defence in prescribed areas.

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Spartans present and correct. We lost Bean and Queenie.

  • Me

    is everyone landed?

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Clearing and safing vehicle, Marines offloaded. Power down. Shakes Mac's hand...successful toaster kills!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Ox aborard; Outer door closed

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    THanks for the help Ox I needed it"

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    Ronin has landid

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Copy, Leonidas.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Damn. And Queenie owed me ten cubits.

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Space Ghost on board

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Rip Queen

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    dont worry, you can have her Caprican jacket Iceworm

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    All FTL systems spoooled up

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    vampire on board and at medical

  • Me

    *Raven to Trememe* commence jump

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All pilots remember to fill out your post mission report and submit to your SC to be credited for any toaster kills

  • Me

    permission to detonate package on the station

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    She lost it to me yesterday

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Jump complete!

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Running to medical after report is filed

  • Me

    Raven Jump complete

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    hay look Ardanna Lance no scratch on my Raptor lol

  • Greg "Ox" Ortiz

    Anytime Ghost

  • Me

    detonation completed

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Trioreme jump complte

  • Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam


  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    damn right, Ronin

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET redistribute ordnance and prepare for further action

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Makes way to Freya for congrats

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Damage report

  • Me

    CIC Confirms virus in the system

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Checking for damage

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Pills out report BEFORE getting outa my gear

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Chexck computer too

  • Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    Ardanna Lanceyou can ride whit me any time ;-)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET redistribute ordnance and prepare to continue actions.

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    A few holes in Raining Fury, but that's where the fun is

  • Me

    be on the lookout for system failure

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Fills report, scrubs Raptor system

  • Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Gose gets changed

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    aye, Ronin

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    So how are your wounded, Iceworm?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET redistribute ordnance

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Damage reports in, we got a little scratched but dispatching repairs now

  • Me

    Iceworm.. reports of unusual activity near the starboard engine room

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Computer checks out

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Other than that minor nuke hit, we're good

  • Me

    Iceworm CIC requests you check it out

  • Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Report Freya

  • Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    assisting in Medical. Compounding IV meds and dispensing prescriptions

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Repairs shouldn't take long, will keep an eye on progress

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Wounded will have to be tied down to keep them off the line.

      Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    I need a drink

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    I'd say we made it out quite well

      Me

    Sir not sure if the reports of activity are due to the virus or other activity.. there was a lot going on

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Good job everyone

      Me

    I am going to grab my rifle and go with MARDET to chek out the starboard engine

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Yes,we did, and another cylon facility is toast

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    They're good, they're still complaining about the food in sick bay.

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    They won't forget that for a while

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All available pilots, load up on explosive rounds and form up with us

      Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    everyone hating the food in sickbay

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Yeah no one likes sickbay food!

      Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    me included

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Looks like the're going to have to make repairs a little far away

      Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    We're all warriors

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Ronin, drink is on me

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    SITREP FOLLOWS: Secured main Cylon Navigational arrays, ships logs and comm codes and

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Need status report of suspicious activity

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    call signs.

      Me

    Approaching the starboard engine room with 3 MARDET

      CIC reports no other unusual activity

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Damage control teams effect repairs

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Security, get teams to aft damage control immediately!

      Me

    We have contacts!

      4 Centurions

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Location Freya!!!!!!!!

      Me

    Starboard engine room

      They are trying to shut it down!

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    On our way!

      Me

    need backup immediately

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Remedy is setting Vampire's IV. Omw, Freya.

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Grabs GUN

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All available armed personnel to starboard engine room!

      Me

    request MARDET assistance

      Greg "Ox" Ortiz


      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


      Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Where did they come from?

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    I see them sir!

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Initial check of data in process indicates an automatic system for infecting any Colonial vessal in contact with computer virus. Details not known. Planted nuke and transferred trigger to Raven.

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Alpha one and two stand by

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Shall we blow them away?

      Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    i am redye for a Launch if you want me the check for outer hull damage

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET in route....... first Team on sitwe.

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


      Me

    They are entering causeway E

      1 down... 3 to go

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Targets in sight....opening fire!!!

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    On my way, ronun

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


      Me

    Damn I'm hit.. same shoulder as last time

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Perimeter set on engine room. Nature of threat?

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    HOw the Fak did they get in here

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    One turkey gone,the other in holding

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Get down Freya...this fire is thick!

      Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Rose take Freya to sick bay

      Me

    Freya backing off...I am hit and almost out of amo

      Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    there is a ship on the outer hull

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET engaged..... Toasters pursuit

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Sic em, Marines!

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Moving to breach.

      Me

    3 centurions left

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Lock missile at second turkey

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"


      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Locking on

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Pilots recede, Marines are on the scene!

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Ready to fire

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Final protective fire initiated....g

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Fire WHOOSH

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Missiles away!

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    GET the wounded out. BLAS

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    roger that

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    BOOOM Turkey gone

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    all yours Marine

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    They're just debris now

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Trireme to raven, they're blind now

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Marines look to have situation under control

      Me

    *CIC requesting report*

      Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Toasters toasted

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Toasters neutralized....sappers tossed in explosives for good measure.

      Me


      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    They are a sneaky lumps of metal aren't they

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Well that was fun

      Me

    *copy Iceworm* Threat neutralized

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Marines have eliminated Cylon boarders

      Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    Good one Aeneas

      Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Copy that

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Trireme to Raven; Looks like whatever boarded you had backup;they're history

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Bulkhead sealed. We are green here, casualties removed,

      Me

    Raven to Trireme. Copy that Threat neutralized

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    All pilots back to the hangar deck to resume safing all ships

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Now I know why I stay in the air

      Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam


      Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Roger CAG

      Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    Vampire heading to hangar deck

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    heads back to hanger

      Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    any one want to Joyn me at the bar

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Then report for mission debriefing

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Puts away blaster

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Yo! Rounds on me

      Ens Natalie " NAT" Hallam

    Copy that sir

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Helm, assume standard escort position

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    How's that shoulder, Freya?

      Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    at hangar checking my viper

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    MARDET Security Teams...manually clear the ship from engines forward. One mike comm chks with Security.

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    We'll always have the Raven's wing

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    And her back

      Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    after the beefing

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance


      Me

    Hurts like hell. Its the same one as last time. PT is going to suck on it again

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Checks over Viper

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    heading to the briefing

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    Freya they can't keep you down!

      Me

    I am patched up and waiting for release

      Lt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Back on the hangar deck....Good kills out there tonight, Vampire!

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    Good job holding the fort LT. Don't have

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    Gun captains, You have A bottle of ambrosia waiting;good shooting!

      Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    not me got six raiders one hit my viper

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Wooooooo, go vampire

      Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

    a purple heart on me, but we'll get you one

      Michelle Griffin/Ardanna Lance

    Ronin, Raptor is safe and reloaded

      Me

    *CIC reports all systems normal and virus cleared*

      Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

    lost one enginge and injury to leg but everything elseokay

      Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    good job

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    5 outa 6 not bad for my 1st time out

      Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

    DRADIS shows cclear

      Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

    We'll keep an eye on it to make sure they don't try anything

      Thomas "Ronin" Sigmundsson

    good jobArdanna Lance

      Ens.Larry " Space Ghost"

    Gose to meeting

Read more…


Hello Colonials!

I have a few announcements that I think will be of great interest to you all.

First of all, I need to reinforce a policy that we have always had in place here at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club. This has never been an issue, but I felt a need to restate our position on this...specifically membership in this organization.

The position of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club is this: We do not & never will discriminate against any potential or current member based upon: Race, Sex, Religion, Ethnicity, Country of National Origin, Handicap, Age or Sexual Orientation.

The only requirement we are looking for is that YOU be a fan of Battlestar Galactica...and not a those we can do without.

The next announcement is in regards to the new Battlestar Galactica film project...and no I'm not about to announce a green light on it just yet either!

There have been many stories floating around for the past year or so in particular about the film taking off, about to go into production, hiring this writer, that writer, this director etc. It other words...that it's in what is quaintly put as "development hell".

A couple of years ago & working with Richard Hatch this Fan Club initiated a series of letter writing campaigns to get the so called "Powers That Be" to get off their collective asses and do something for the fans.

Obviously, Richard Hatch was the torch that everyone followed and he was the catalyst...and through his efforts and the obvious passion of the fans...said powers gave the world a new Battlestar Galactica.

That wouldn't have happened without the energy & belief of the fans. 'It seems that now we have reached the point once again when the fans need to get Universal's attention (how quickly they forget!).

In short...we are going to call for a new letter writing campaign! We are simply going to state that the fans support the idea of a film project (any project for that matter) but that we 1) Want to see action on this front 2)We want it to embrace the mythology of the franchise...this has to be recognizable as Battlestar Galactica in order to BE Battlestar Galactica.

In the next week or so we are going to roll out a form letter & an example envelope that you will be able download. We are going to ask ALL OF YOU once the ball that gets rolling to simply send a letter a week to the address specified. The letter will not change & it's only going to one the desk of the CEO of Universal Studios.

All you will have to do aside from mailing that weekly letter is sign it. More on that once we have the letter and sample envelope available. Bear in mind there may be weeks when we double up on mailings as well...but believe me, good old fashioned mail gets doesn't come in the form of bags and bags of mail being delivered saying one thing.

It gets attention & it gets results...Bjo Trimble proved that years ago with Star Trek...just as we did with Battlestar Galactica and WILL DO again! Please be watching for this, we really need your collective support...and remember that YOU can make a difference! Something else I will have to say, in light of Richard Hatch's recent passing...that I believe his fondest wish was for Battlestar Galactica to continue...this was something he constantly stated...either in word and/or action.

He understood that BSG is bigger than one person & really the sum of it's parts...and the fans are a very, very important part of all this.

More on that as details are available, so stay tuned to this Bat Channel!

12578090879?profile=originalThe next announcement...speaking of something that all of you will really be able to sink your teeth into...literally.

I knew Richard for 18 years or so and one thing I found out rather quickly is that he really loved Japanese Steak Houses...and Sake! No, really...and I think more than one of you out there have been with Richard at one of these outings.

So, I thought...let's all have dinner, shall we not? May 21st is Richard's birthday, so in celebration of his birth and his life...I suggest we all go to a Japanese Steak House and have some Sake in his honor!

Specifically, here is the plan: I need to hear back from people who are willing to organize a dinner in their particular locality...once we have that established we will make those names available to the membership here.

For instance, we'll say John Smith in Erie PA is going to organize a local dinner...if you are in the general area and can attend, you email John Smith on his BFC account so he can get a head count of guests. John Smith makes the reservation at his local eatery and everyone meets there!


Richard Hatch - Celebration Day on May 20th (one day before his Birthday) and you are all invited.

Bear in mind this is not for profit (except for the eatery in question of course) & you pay for your own dinner. You KNOW you are going to be eating dinner at night anyway, right?

It will give everyone a chance to break bread with each other and share stories...or in the parlance, talk story...and remember Richard in a way that he would have liked.

I will be organizing the dinner in Los Angeles...and everyone can reach me here who live in L.A. & the surrounding area who think they can make it...folks, lets make that at 7pm Saturday May 20th!

Just remember Japanese Steak House (your choice!) and the Sake (except you who will be driving...sorry no Sake for you!).

It doesn't matter if the gathering's area 5 people, 15 people or 50 is the thought and spirit behind it.

And think of all those great pictures to share! OK, so I'm wanting to hear back from the L.A. crowd...let me know how many I need to make reservations for...and let me hear back from ALL of you who want to host in your area... Keep the Faith!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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I am Captain Ardanna Lance, scientific advisor and senior pharmacy tech of the Raven.Was born on Tauron, though Dad was from Aerilon. Dad's not much in the picture. I decided to enlist as a communication specialist at 17. I decided to follow my curiosity into the field of pharmacy. Guess it worked out for me.I previously was stationed on the frigate Minotaur, where I was a reserve pilot. Could be a active pilot, but I don't have much experience.As I stow my gear, I can't help but feel the welcome of my fellow crew. Can't wait to see where this assignment takes me!Capt. Ardanna Lance signing off.
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 ENS Thomas"Ronin"Sigmundsson grue up on Caprica with 2 of his brother's and 2 his sisters he is the youngest but has a half sister how  younger he witness the the killing of his father by his mid brother how he found out was a cylon agent and also one of is sisters after he found out he eradicated them both and made shore that both would never resurrect after this he signed up to be come a pilot on a battlestar he met his wife Edyta one of the colonial civilian ships thy both haw a little girl Antonia but he spends most of his time making shore that his family is safe from the dreaded  cylons . most of all he rely cars about is fellow pilots and dose not like to leave any one be hind and makes sore thy do he is both a viper and raptor pilot but prefers the raptor do to tat he likes finding trubel before they find him he prefers to the company of his fellow  pilots at the bar after a long mission he calls his Raptor Antonia to remind him of his purpose.SO SAY WE ALL           

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Listen up Troops: Today is the birthday of one of OIC Enforcer's favorite Devil Dogs and the good right hand of Raven Actual. "Skyblaster"  has the pulse of the organization and spreads the word from Club and Chapter Leadership to all members. Most of us read his posts before we watch network news, 'cause it's more accurate, more useful and more fun. And he does it all from over half dozen or more time zones from the US. He's famous for what he doesn't do: He never gets on Actual's bad list, and he never ends up in the Brig, like some other MARDET I know. He's still all Raven Colonial Marine, and always a dependable Shipmate. Here's to you "Skyblaster", it's your Birthday, break some rules tonight. I'll delete the blotter reports tomorrow.

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In memory

Hello Everyone,

My apologies for the delay in getting a message out to you all...I have been traveling the last few days, plus it has taken me a bit of time to wrap my head around what happened this past week.

As you all know, Richard Hatch passed away this past Tuesday February 7th.

Again, it is something that took me a few days to adjust to & to even actually believe...I'm sure you all have felt the same way.

I will tell you that I will miss him greatly...for all of you who had a chance to meet him & to know'll remember what a truly great guy he was.

Not only a wonderful person, a talented one at that...not only as an actor, but as a writer, producer & motivational speaker and instructor.

He was also probably Battlestar Galactica's greatest fan as well as being it's loudest and most persistent booster.

If not for his efforts the franchise might never have grown past the original series & the short lived Galactica: 1980.

I know that everyone is saddened at this loss, but at the same time we must remember all the great things that grew out of his being among us.

I also know that rather than falter, he would want each & everyone of us to continue to carry the torch and continue where he left off, to keep doing what we have been doing in order to keep the dream alive.

To move forward.

So now we must raise a cup of Ambrosia to our friend & remember that in many real ways he is still among us & we can keep his memory alive....see you on the other side my friend...

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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Getting Back To Business Soon

Hello Everyone,

It is good to be back home FINALLY!  As I get settled into my old routine back after my R & R, you will see me in here more often getting to know our new members.  But first, let me thank everyone here on the Raven especially my Raven Command Staff Members and the BFC Deputy Vice President Steven Elliot, for running things in my absence.  Slowly but surely, I will get back into the routine and get things going here once again with us having lots of fun.  But in the meantime, I will be spending some quality time with my family trying to make up for lost time.  I will however, pop in here from time to time whenever I get the chance.


BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer

Battlestar Raven-BFC-002

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12578087888?profile=originalIT HAS BEEN DARK FOR MONTHS, IT IS DARK NO MORE!   

ATTENTION ON DECK: Several Fan Club Members are among us again after long and distant absences. They have been sorely missed. The Battlestar Raven Model “The Beast” has been slumbering out of sight during their absence. To celebrate the return of our Friends, the Watch Crew and other “Plank Owners” of this Ship have this day powered up all Navigation and Tactical Light Arrays. Welcome Home!

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