Alma, MI
Alma, MI
Birthday: December 10 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Command
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Alma, MI
December 10
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
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Laura Roslin and Bill Adama
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no one, just saw the group on Facebook
Good deal! Download the required materials, study hard, submit your scores, and we'll see you in the air!
Hi New Members. So now you've joined the Fan Club, and maybe you've expressed an interest in joining a Ship or Chapter or interest Group, like the Raven. May I suggest you consider formally joining a Fan Club sub-group, like "Battlestar Raven - BFC 002" or another Group. They're all on the list of 57 interest groups under "Groups" in the bar below the Club logo. Joining the Raven Group provides internal communications for Raven Chapter Members. Then if you like the Marine Detachment or one of the Squadrons or other Raven Teams you can join those departments within the Raven Group or any other. Any Group you join will show up on your home page and you can link to it there. You will also receive notices on your personal email when anything new is posted on your member Groups. You should only join one Ship, but you can usually join as many interest Groups as you wish. It's a very detailed and compartmentalized system, but once you get the hang of it the layout makes sense. You should know that many Groups will take time to post you to their Group. And BFC and Chapter Leadership usually enter new Members at lower rank until time, performance and completed requirements merit an advance in rank. The main thing is ask any member questions anything that interests you. We're glad to help since we're all here for the fun and friendship. Where else can you fly Viper missions or gear up and go hand to gland with some toasters? Enjoy. Regards, Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, 1st SGT, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment.
Welcome aboard The Raven, Michelle! I hope you'll take some time to familiarize yourself with the site...whether it be discussions or taking a more active role, there is something for everyone! I see your interest is in Command. A good path to follow for Command is becoming a pilot. The Raven Air Wing has six Viper squadrons and one Raptor squadron, all of which are in need of quality pilots behind the stick. You'll want to first choose a callsign (please keep it clean!). Next, you'll want to choose the bird you want to fly, Viper or Raptor. Viper is the popular choice and we do need Viper pilots! Take into consideration as well that the Air Wing's Raptor Squadron, The Seekers, are one of the most visible and active groups within the club. But that is what makes it all fun, because the choice is up to you! Next, you'll want to select a squadron to join. We're trying to fill out the active ranks with some squadrons, but any choice is fine! Now comes the qualifications. Although not absolutely necessary to fly, it is nice to be certified and will definitely look good on your record. There is the Colonial Defense Force (CDF) test, which is simply basic knowledge of the CDF and it's standard operating procedures. Then there is the Viper and Raptor qualifications. Pass Viper qualification with a 100% score and you'll earn the prestigious Top Gun status. Raptor qualification is passed with a 75% score. Here are the links to the manual and tests:
They are in PDF format, so you will have to download them. The links also describe how to format your answers and the email to send off to Admiral Rivera for scoring. Note: send your answers to both emails to insure the Admiral receives them. VERY IMPORTANT: When you send your scores, be sure to advise the Admiral which state (or country) you reside. Also advise which craft you wish to fly, Viper or Raptor. This information is used to determine your tail number. Here is the link to the Admiral's email addresses:
After you receive your scores, we will certify them by issuing you a nameplate and then you will become a steely-eyed pilot in the fleet's finest, The Raven Air Wing! But remember, at the end of the day, it's all about having fun. And also, you get out of the club what you put in! I am Lt. Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock, Commander Air Group of the Raven Air Wing and Seekers Squadron commander. If you have any further, questions, please feel free to ask!
Lt. Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock
Commander Air Group
Raven Air Wing
Seekers Squadron Commander
Welcome aboard the Raven Michelle. I am Freya the Raven's operations officer and one of the assistant squadron leaders for the Ravens only Raptor squadron the Seekers. I see you are interested in Command. There are many things you can do aboard the Raven. Take the time to get familiar with the site and you can join the Raven group to keep up with the ships happenings. If you have any questions please let me know.
Welcome to the battlestar Raven and the BFC, Michelle. I am Aeneas, squadron leader of Perseus Sqdn, flying Vipers. If you need any help with pilot training, let me know, or contact the CAG, Mik Mo. Happy landings!
Can be a reserve pilot if needed, but if you're looking for the kind of flight Starbuck can do...not me.
Good Hunting!