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So does anyone think the title a bit redundant?

Why are we here?

Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Batt...oh, ok you get the point.

Something I need to address to all of you folks that tirelessly blog, comment and post.

First of all you do an outstanding job for the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and with that in promoting Battlestar Galactica itself.

We are here for that reason, to build and promote a community for Battlestar Galactica fans.

How should I say this to all of you?

The content here...that YOU...provide is great...BUT it's not necessarily referencing Battlestar Galactica by name.

Bear with me on this one...we all know that Blackstar Squadron is on this site...oh, you didn't...well it is!

Is it part of the Battlestar Galactica universe?

Sure it is, no doubt about it....those that know, well know it does...the only problem is that search engines DON'T KNOW that.

Herein lies the problem...any post that goes out, any commentary needs to reference Battlestar Galactica...yes, those two words at some point in the narraitve...they simply HAVE to come up if you are going to post something.

Anybody see the film Super Troopers?

You recall when the cop kept slipping in "meow" every sentence when he stopped the guy?

Same thought here...well, not exactly but you get the point.

Battlestar Galactica.

Also think about the length of your commentary, make it well thought out and the more you pack into it the other words, more words=good!

Battlestar Galactica.

Shoot...I mean really...for 500 words if you can.

I don't know if this article has 500 words in it, but this sentence has 15.

15 if you count the 500 plus now I've added on a little more to it.

Call that a "Winner, winner Chicken Dinner" moment.

Battlestar Galactica.

Now you will see some commentary from us that may not fit those rules always...I'm not saying do as I say and not as I do on this...BUT when we do we have a very specific reason for it.

Battlestar Galactica.

The actual bulk of the commentary that happens on this site is stuff that you probably don't even see on the splash page.

Battlestar Galactica.

Right now we have approximately 1600 don't think there isn't commentary going back and forth? A lot of stuff might go by unless you were to actually dig for it.

Battlestar Galactica.

So here's my suggestions to you all, refernce in your posts (when you post) Battlestar Galactica...those two words, at least once and bulk out your commentary....if you have something to say, say it BIG!

That's what we're here talk about Battlestar Galactica, Battlestar Galactica, Battlestar Galactica, Battlestar get the picture!

So Say We All!



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Juan Lopez aka Blindsword had a very good suggestion that the fleet dim lights down to 50% to honor the victims of the tragic shooting at the Sikh Temple last week.

I will expand upon that with the following order:


The entire BFC fleet and all attendant Battlestars shall observe a full week of mourning beginning Saturday 8/11/12 till Saturday 8/18/12 symbolized by the virtual condition of running lights at 50% capacity to honor the victims of the tragic shooting at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek Wisconsin as well as the victims of the other recent shooting in Aurora Colorado.

It is so ordered.

This is a symbolic gesture but one that denotes solidarity and support.

Both acts were perpetuated in hate and madness. We strongly condemn these acts and grieve for the victims, their families and loved ones..

We are also taught a lesson as to the outcome of unreasoning bigotry and hatred and how we must be vigilant and fight it every day.

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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Well, it's not really a serious question...but has anybody ever really looked closely at pictures of David Lee Roth (Van Halen) and Dirk Benedict and noticed a similarity? I mean take a look at these pictures...!

First David:


Okay, take that in...that's a fairly recent picture of him..

Now here's a picture of Dirk:


Is it just me or is there not some similarity there?

On to another story I just seems that Rick Springfield got himself in a bit of trouble, please read:

Rick Springfield DUI case ends in reckless-driving plea deal

Rick Springfield has wrapped up his DUI case by pleading no contest to reckless driving, thereby avoiding time behind bars related to a 2011 arrest in Malibu.


The "Jessie’s Girl" singer, who was pulled over May 1 of last year for speeding on Pacfic Coast Highway, will serve three years' probation and attend a three-month alcohol-education program, the district attorney's office said.

Springfield, who did not attend Thursday's hearing, was allegedly driving with a blood alcohol content of .10%, which exceeds the legal limit of .08%. Earlier that day, he'd appeared at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.

Much like Randy Travis allegedly threatened to shoot and kill the officer who arrested him on suspicion of DWI earlier this week in Texas, Springfield reportedly threatened to kill a sheriff’s deputy if the officer had his classic 1963 Corvette Stingray towed. But authorities downplayed the significance of anything the pop singer might have said.


"Drunks say things all the time, and they say things that are ridiculous, notorious and vicious to cops," L.A. County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore told the Ministry in May.

"Our job is to get them off the street so they don't hurt other people. We don't take whatever they say seriously. It is rare that we get someone on a DUI that isn't abusive."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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The Wheel of Fire Part I - Unity

They say everything has a turning point...or as famously quoted by Leonard Nimoy as Spock in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country "History is replete with turning points".
So the same with Battlestar Galactica.
In the time that I've been active in the BSG Universe, I have happened upon many, MANY turning points and watershed moments.
Some private and some public.
Through all the permutations of Battlestar Galactica...past...and present...and future...a common thread runs through it all and it's pretty obvious.
The fans.
Specifically all of you reading this article right now.
You are the glue....the dark matter...the force....that binds this universe together.
Couple of other things I'd like to point out to you constant viewer, and that is the vast melange of BSG that is available (or soon to be).
We have the classic Battlestar Galactica...we have Galactica: 1980...we have Richard Hatch's take on this from that was expressed visually in Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming...and actually explored in print in his series of books.
We have the re-imagined series, we have Caprica (which is part of that particular universe) and then the pending Blood & Chrome...again a part of that reality.
Now we are about to go in a different direction entirely with the Bryan Singer version of events with the film.
To a point....Battlestar has been a very, very unusual franchise in the fact that all the incarnations have taken a very divergent course.
All the better I say.
This is the expression of people of great creativity and talent who have taken this concept to the edge and then over that edge.
Having said that...and this is a very interesting is interesting to note that we have people that ONLY like the classic show....we have people that ONLY like the re-imagined show...some that like both...some that like Galactica: 1980 too...or are really big fans of Caprica, but from the inception of the rebooted version there have always seemed to be two very defined camps.
I have said this before and I WILL say it might as well be comparing apples & oranges...these are two different shows, end of story.
I'm also willing to bet that there are people, LOTS of people that haven't given the other a good viewing, they just assume they aren't going to like the other version and then don't every try.
Please give the other part (or parts) of the BSG universe a's obvious that we all have common ground here...again, BSG.
You all have the power to perpetuate this idea of Battlestar Galactica for decades to many, many forms...the ones that have been will not lose a shred of validity in the process.
It's all good.
We all can and should work towards a common goal...and that is in the title of this article...Unity.
You know what?
You don't even have to LIKE the other shows...(I hope that you find that you do)....but at the very least respect those with different takes and pull together for the commonality that is Battlestar Galactica itself.
I was one of those who pooh-poohed the idea of the of the reboot....but then changed my mind after seeing it.
I was frakkin' blown' away with the the brilliance of the work.
I love it all.
Richard Hatch realized this same thing early on & here you have someone who labored very hard on his own take on this and he saw the great potential and then turned around and expanded that universe with an incredible character in Tom Zarek.
And that is on top of his characterization of Apollo from TOS.
Ron Moore got up in front of a largely negative audience at the first Galacticon and turned them around to at the very least to be accepting of the concept...and I'm sure a lot of those folks were totally blown away when they got to view the new series.
Another thing for all of you to think about as I close out this particular portion of the article is that there is and has been for a while a very conscious effort underway to help bring the fans...and BSG sites...together...the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club site and are active partners in the effort to promote unity across the board along with our partners in the Colonial Alliance.
Without any sense of false pride I can say that we have come a very long way over the past year and a matter of fact we have come a tremendous way towards realizing a level plateau for everyone to play upon.
I would also say that everyone should really give it up to Richard Hatch who has always guessed it: Unity...and he has always been a tireless champion of BSG.
Everyone, be active....take a stand...push the envelope of creativity and let your voices be heard, express yourselves and be a part of the universe of can make a difference!

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The Battlestar Galactica Fan Club had the opportunity to catch up with Kathy Coleman & talk to her a little bit about her life & career and explore some interesting aspects that were brought out in our chat.
The added benefit is that Kathy is a truly wonderful & open person and really interested in sharing with all of you.
Let's check in with Kathy...12578018881?profile=original
Shawn :So Kathy, what prompted you to get into show business in the first place?
Kathy: It wasn't so much my idea, but my Mothers.
When I was young I was very outgoing and people would stop my Mother on the street and tell her that I should be in show business.
It wasn't much of a stretch for me because I liked to perform for people and show them a range of emotions, from laughter to crying.
Pretty much that's it.
12578019870?profile=originalShawn ;What were the circumstances of your first acting job?
Kathy: It was a commercial for Shakey's Pizza.
They were looking for a Goldilocks to go along with their three bears.
Probably 100 girls tried out for the part and then it got down to myself and Melissa Gilbert!
If you look at the the commercial on youtube, you'll see why I got it.
Shawn: How did you you get the part on Land of the Lost as Holly Marshall?
Kathy: Many, many auditions and call backs...7 to be exact.
The network had to approve of me and on down the line (Producers, Directors etc).
I really wanted to land a series.
My Mother and I had a deal that if I ever got a series, I could have a pony.
I got the series, she stayed true to her word and my pony "Comanche" came into my life.
Shawn: What were Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall) & Wesley Eure (Will Marshall) like to work with?
Kathy: Great!
Just like a real family.
Although I had never had a Father, nor a Brother that age.
My siblings were much older than I and had a different Father.
Shawn: After the show what parts did you get?
Kathy: Not a lot...commercials mostly.
I had grown at a normal rate and they could get actors that were 18 to play 15 year olds, so having me on the set was not only expensive, but the time frame of how long they could work me played a factor as well.
3 hours of school a day and all.
Shawn: Was it difficult as a child actor to make the transition to older roles?
Kathy: No, that wasn't the problem.
But by the time I'd turned 18 I was already married and started having babies.
Married into the Bell family (Bel-Air) and moved to Fallon Nevada to work on the family farm...5 thousand gallons of milk produced daily and 12 Thousand hogs a year!
It was a state of the art farm...a multi-million dollar operation.
Shawn: Did you feel like you were being pushed to do more Saturday or Sci-Fi/Fantasy?
Kathy: No, I was never asked to do more children's television or Sci-Fi.
I don't believe I was ever typecast.
Take out the braids and I could have portrayed any normal teenager, problems and all.
Shawn: Were you interested in  exploring more dramatic roles?
Kathy: Yes, if I had stayed in the business that's exactly what I would have liked to have done.
Shawn: In the years since the show went off the air and between acting jobs, what have you been up to?
Kathy: Lot's of childhood was very controlled, so for many years I enjoyed being out of control.
For instance the different places I lived and the adventures I went on...Mexico being one of them.
Shawn: Do you have any special projects under way?
Kathy: My book!
I've been working on it for about 7 years, at times putting it down for months at at time.
I'm also in the process of living alone for the first time in my life.
It's pretty weird, but I'm having fun with it.
Totally self reliant and broke sometimes, compared to always having had plenty of money and no worries in that department.
However the part I'm really loving about this experience is that I only answer to myself!
VERY COOL FEELING!!!12578020284?profile=original      The Cover of Kathy's book "The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth"                                      
Shawn: Speaking of projects...the re-make of Land of the Lost with Will Ferrell, it could have gone many directions but they chose to spoof it and go in a comedic direction, what was your take on that?
Kathy: It wasn't Land of the Lost...period!
Shawn: Both you and Wesley Eure had cameo appearances in the film that didn't make the final cut, what was your reaction to that?
Kathy: Bummed at first, but after seeing the film  and the reaction from the fans, I felt pretty good not to be a part of that bomb!
Ha Ha!
Shawn: Have you wanted to become more active in television & film again?
Kathy: Absolutely...I'd love to find a great director to work with and explore the range of my depths and talent.
Just one juicy role!
Shawn: You do some interesting art work, very aboriginal in style, what's your inspiration to do this besides the style?
Kathy: My Mother is that's a big part of it.
But the art part fell out of the sky, just woke up one day and had a desire to study these incredible people after reading hundreds of books!
The art just came out of me, I love doing it.
It takes me to a really great freeing place in my soul.
Shawn: We were talking about your this simply covering the Land of the Lost or is it more autobiographical with that being part of the story?
Kathy: Exactly.
My life has been like a snow storm. The damaged photo cover reflects that storm. the book follows the weather pattern of my journey.
Of course, Land of the Lost being part of that.
Shawn: Insofar as Land of the Lost is concerned, or any TV show for that matter, people usually don't know what's going on behind the lights & cameras.
So is this going to be a tell all kind of thing?
Kathy: But of course!
Shawn: What do you see for yourself and where do you want to go professionally?
Kathy: I see myself content and blessed in whatever comes my way.
I would love to have a role someday...acting or otherwise....where I could stand naked so to speak and turn slowly & get to that place of true honesty.
Shawn:  A word of advice for anyone who wants to get into the acting gig?
Kathy: Always go for what you want in life and don't walk away from your dreams or live kicking yourself for not trying.
It's like any other choice you make in life, some parts of the the business are great and some just aren't!
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Please drop by the Engineering Department of the Battlestar Atlantia. I've posted about three pages of information on most every type of ship, fighter, weapon system, power plants, you name it. Lots of good info for both the Original series as well as the Re-Imagined series. Your input is very welcome! David FeaginEngineering DepartmentBattlestar Atlantia
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Moebius Models PEGASUS

   Ever Since My Local Hobby Shop Told Me That Moebius Was Actually Going To Do A Pegasus Kit To Go Along With The Galactica, And Viper Kits, I Have Been Sitting On Pins And Needles In Anticipation! The First Word About The Release Date Was About Now; Then, September; Now, It looks like Late This Year, Along With The Much-Delayed Cylon Centurion.

   Now,Lo and Behold, On Moebius' Facebook Page, The Line Drawings Are Out! And, They Look Good! So, I Really Don't Want To Think About The Reasons(Or The Rumors) Why This Kit Was Delayed; I Just Want Mine. And, Since My Ship,The Raven, Is Of The Same Class, Hopefully, JT Graphics, Or Some Other Decal Company, Can Provide Custom Names.

    Now, Let's All Pray To The Lords Of Kobol That A Raptor, A Heavy Raider, Some More Battlestar Designs, A Cylon Base Star, And Maybe a Classic Centurion Will Be Forthcoming.

   Oh, Did I Forget To Mention That Moebius Is Re-Doing The CLASSIC BSG Ships Also? I Know That Will Whet A Few Appetites!

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NASA's live coverage of Curiosity landing on Mars

OK folks a little time for some real Tech in action! Even the Twelves Tribes had to start somewhere. The type of landing system that's going to be used this time is really cool, and Griffith Observatory's curatorial staff will present NASA's live coverage of the event, provide additional commentary on the mission, and answer questions in a free program starting at 9:00 p.m. PDT. The Observatory will be open for this event until 12:00 midnight.

Watch it here  NASA'S Rover Curiosity Landing


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   I'm a newbbe here so thanks welcoming me in. I have been along time fan of the show. This club seems very active and I'm very glad to be a part of it. The post I just read asked a good question concerning Baltar and the cylon on Caprica. I remember that scene but not that he called her by name. What puzzles me about that scene is that it took place at the moment the cylons attacked dropping bombs on the city the cylon stood in front of him when the blast itself rolled toward the windows and consumed it.

  That kind of explosion would have taken them both. Right? So how did Baltar survive?

     Seems like he might have been a cylon himself. One not aware that he is. That would explain a lot of his strangeness.

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          Yes,Folks; It's Not Easy Being A CAG(NOT Complaining,Mind You); Training Nuggets, Welcoming Newbies, Keeping a Squadron Off Of It's Ass, Defending The Fleet,ect,ect. However, It's A Job,(Both Here, And Those Who Do The Real Deal In The Navy) And It Has To Be Done. So Say We All!

            How Does One Stay Motivated,And Motivating? I Just Remember The Words Of The Immortal Kara Thrace: "Your'e The CAG,Act Like It!" I Think That Explains It Pretty Good. So, Who Around Here Needs To Be Smacked In The Mouth And Dragged To Sickbay To Take Their Meds?(Ha,Ha!)

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I got this from Hope Olmos (EJO's sister) early today. Very unhappy news.

2012 Edition of L.A. Latino Film Fest Suspended
Published July 11, 2012
The Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival, which marked its 15th anniversary last year, will not be held in 2012 due to a lack of funding, the Los Angeles Times said.

"We don't like to call it canceled. We are regrouping," LALIFF co-founder and executive director Marlene Dermer said. "But we will still be trying to do some special anniversary screenings, a day of shorts, some membership and networking events to keep our audience happy."

She said the decision to postpone LALIFF until 2013 was announced upon the advice of the festival's management last week.

Over the years, Dermer said, "we had made some marketing cuts and programming cuts. It is an expensive venture. We are in Hollywood. If we were in Wisconsin, we'd be the big cheese and everyone would give us stuff for free."

The festival was founded in 1997 by actor Edward James Olmos, along with Dermer, and each year it has been organized through the Los Angeles Film Institute.

This was sent out and shared by Edward James Olmos secretary, MaryAnn Beverly. And this happens to be very dear to EJO's heart. I have attended one these event in the past with my children.

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