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A Raptor Pilot's Creed

So this is inspired by John David "Buzzsaw" Feagin, I'm simply adding a Raptor one of it's own special blend because Raptor, that's why. It may not be as good but hey, Raptors didn't have one :P

The Raptor Pilot's Creed:

This is my Raptor.
This is my beast, and I will tame it.
This is the eyes, this is the ears of the fleet.
Without my Raptor, I am blind. Without my Raptor, my comrades-in-arms are blind. 
I do not seek the glory, I do not seek the fame. I seek what will bring those who need me home.
I serve in defense of my comrades. I will bring them home. I go out when all others fail. I fly where others fall.
No mission too great, no challenge to strong. With my Raptor, I will succeed. If the call goes out, I will be there. 
I am one with my Raptor, I flow as one. In sync with my Raptor, no foe shall best me. My strength is in my agility, my trust in my Raptor to function.
Though one day I may fall, one day I may stumble, before the Gods this is not that day. Today I fly, today I fight, as long as I have breath in my lungs, for the Colonies and the people I serve.
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Viper Pilot's Creed

The Viper Pilot's Creed:

This is my Viper. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My Viper is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
Without me, my Viper is useless. Without my Viper, I am useless in not fraking dead. I must fly my Viper true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will...
My Viper and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit...
My Viper is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its canons. I will keep my Viper clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God, I swear this creed. My Viper and I are the defenders of the Colonies. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until victory is the Colonies' and there is no enemy, but peace!
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Battlestar Crewman's Creed

The Battlestar Crewman's Creed:
This is our Battlestar. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Our Battlestar is our best friend. It is our home. We must master it as we must master our lives.
Without her crew, our Battlestar is useless. Without our Battlestar, her crew is useless if not fraking dead. We must defend our Battlestar true. We must shoot straighter than our enemy who is trying to kill us. We must shoot him before he shoots us. We will...
Our Battlestar and we know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit...
Our Battlestar is human, even as we, because it is our life. Thus, we will learn it as a brother. We will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sensors and its weapon systems. We will keep our Battlestar clean and ready, even as we are clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God, we swear this creed. Our Battlestar and we are the defenders of our Colonies. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of our lives.
So be it, until victory is the Colonies' and there is no enemy, but peace!
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The Houston Cylons have set up a cultural display on Aisle 26 of the ComicPalooza Brown Convention Center in an attempt to win the 'hearts and minds" of the public, including members from the UK Fan & Costuming Club. The Raven Chapter will counter with the premier of the museum class model of the "Beast", the Mercury class Battlestar Raven, Flagship Vessel and Chapter of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.12578082855?profile=original12578082496?profile=original


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