Hampden, MA
Hampden, MA
Birthday: April 2 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Command
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Hampden, MA
April 2
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
I am a Fan of
Original Battlestar Galactica, Galactica 1980, Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
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Referred by
Shawn O'Donnell
Happy Birthday Steve, I hope you had a great day celebrating with family and friends!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Ha! I was just thinking about you the other day.
Hello, Steven, and WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club! It's a great club, and we all hope you really enjoy it. It looks like you're off to a great start here! :o) It's the most fun if everybody participates, so please post and boast on the forums and discussions, (and meet new friends who share a common interest) as well as check out all of the groups you can participate in. (Just look up at the top bar and pick Groups. There are battlestars eager for you to sign up, as well as squadrons, you name it, even Pyramid and Cylon stuff! Lots of the groups are into discussing certain topics, while others are into role playing, so just check it out and find what interests you the most. Feel free also to start your OWN groups, topics, blogs, discussions, etc. The more who participate the more fun it is for all.
Okay, again WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club. SO SAY WE ALL!!!!
John David Feagin
Hi Steve good to see you on here! from Duncan (Baltar) in the UK
Welcome to the Raven.
Welcome Steven.
'Dragonstarr' It Is!
A Few Things to help get you Started; First, Your Callsign; Next,Which Viper will You Fly(mk. 2 Or 7).
Next, To Down load The Viper Training Manual And Take The Viper Qualification Test, You would normally Go to www.Battlestarraven-BFC-002/apps/documents; However,Raven actual is currently Re-Working The Site, So, I Will Go ahead And Provide That for you; ( If you Wish,the Raptor training Manual Is Also available)
When You Are ready to take the test(In the Back of the Manual), Submit your Answers To Admiral Miguel Rivera At CAG_vf84@yahoo.com; He Will Grade Your test,When He Can, Then Get Back to You With Your Score,Your Certification Certificate, And your Viper Tail Number(VTN); I Will need That For my records.
And, Be Patient if he doesn't Get Back to You Quickly; He Has other pilots to Certify, And, his real-world Job sometimes Takes Him away.
If There are Any other questions or concerns,Don't hesitate To Contact me; Good Hunting!
Welcome aboard the Battlestar Raven Steven, it's great to have you join our crew! ! ! ! ! You have joined one of the finest Viper squadrons aboard the Raven and the entire BFC Fleet for that matter.
I’m Lt Reamer squadron leader of the Flying Tiger’s squadron here on the Raven. I look forward to flying with you as we Exterminate the Cylons together.
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Oh, To Enlist In SPARTAN SQUADRON, Go To Battlestarfanclub.com/groups/spartan-squadron, And Click the 'join group' Button On The upper right side of The Page; Once You Have Done That, I Will Give You Further Instructions To Help get You started.