Birthday: February 24 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Colonial Marine
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February 24
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Colonial Marine
I am a Fan of
Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
Are you a member of another BSG Community
Colonial Marines
Referred by
Battlestar Raven
Thank you for your kind Welcome!
Thanks so much for the welcome, Joker. Been a BSG fan since September 17, 1978. Looking forward to much fun! So say we all!
Joker, I'll check with OIC but I see no reason there can't be Marine pilots. There are Marine pilots in the Navy, including the Blue Angels. There are entire units, such as VMA 214 the Black Sheep, going all the way back to WW2 VMF 214. Will let you know what the OIC says.
Joker, sorry i didn't reply in chat yesterday. I have a bad habit of not signing out of the site. Have a great day!
Here is a quick run down of my expectations from all seeking to be a Raven Colonial Marine:
We are now also on Facebook:
Welcome to the Raven Joker! The Raven Colonial Marines are the finest in Fleet! I hear you are interested in joining? I believe you have already met the Raven Marine NCOIC, our version of Gunny Highway! I am Enforcer, the Raven Marine OIC.
Welcome to the Club Rob. We would love to have you join the Marine Detachment on the Raven. We are all here for the fun and Friendship. Please accept the Friend request just sent, then we can private message each other. Then join the Raven Marines Group under the Groups icon upper right of the site. Let me know if you have questions.
If your idea of a fashion statement is combat boots, basic black and a bad attitude,
………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.
If you think negotiating with killer toasters involves cold steel, hot lead and C4,
………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.
If your home is a small bunk on a fast ship going in harm’s way,
………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.
If your office is any piece of deck or alien dirt that the Fleet tells you to take and hold,
………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.
If your secret for success is careful planning and violent execution,
………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.
If you think Fleet is Family, and a Group should be about fun and Friendship,
..........you SHOULD be a Colonial Marine.
Contact Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, Gunnery Sergeant, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment
Welcome Aboard