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 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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11-14-2015 OP Queimada Grande:  (Snake Planet)

Hi Everyone,

Here’s our latest mission performed by Battlestar Raven Battle Group (RBG). This OP has two first time performances. First, the newly commissioned Gunstar Trireme commanded by Colonel Leonidas and crew; second, the Ravens Seekers Squadron lead by its first CO Lt Jg Mik Mo along with Ens. Wedge and Ens. Freya, new members of the group.

The OP gets its name from the TV reality show Treasure Quest: Queimada Grande. Yes there’s also an island full of poisonous snakes except in this case, the whole planet is infested with snakes not just the island. The Cylons used the snakes as a means to keep humans from colonizing the planet. Their dastardly plan almost worked if it were not for a defective trigger happy toaster that shot down one of our Blackbirds sent to explore Cylon space.

The Raven sent SAR to retrieve the downed pilot. Ensign’s Wedge and Apex volunteered for the dangerous rescue flight and they barely made it off of QG with their lives while fending off snakes and Cylons stationed on the secret island garrison. As their Raptor jumped away from the planet, three Basestars showed up on Dradis. The RBG certainly has their hands full this time and no one knows what the Cylons have in store for our gallant crews.

The OP was set to take place at 10:PM Saturday the 14th of November. The RBG was anxious and ready to attack, so the OP started a bit earlier than planned. The mission quickly came to life and the comments were posted so fast it was hard to keep up.

I invite you to read what took place during the fast paced mission. If this interests you, please feel free to join us next time here in Forum Chat at the BFC.

Disclaimer: (No Snakes were harmed during this OP except for those that attacked our Marines and the snakes that made it to the Barbeque. The marinated Snake served with Pico De Gallo and the Snacon were crowd pleasers and are highly recommended by the chef!!!!!LOL)

Main Room

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

today was game day correct?

  • howdy Col.
  • 9:14 PM
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

So we on tonite

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Yes we are

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • hope the chief got my toys put in
  • 9:18 PM
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Well I'm looking forward to this.

  • 9:19 PM
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

lets our pew pew\

  • 9:21 PM
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

You shoot, I drive! Raptors standing by!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

the guns r HOT


eve all

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

The raptor wranglers are ready to go! you need a lift we can accommodate

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

yall need cover i got ur back

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Much appreciated!

  • I love cylons.. When they have hot lead in their brains.
  • Except Tim.
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

i think we're the only battlestar in the fleet with fwd facing big vulcan cannons n a big bore rail gun

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Bang Bang.

  • The more weapons the better
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

if the chief finished the job but i have faith in him {bite nails}

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

What job is that, what

  • d he install?
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

my rail gun

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Be back in a few minutes
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

same need

  • 9:29 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • 9:32 PM
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Full House tonight!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

raven TAC we r 5X5

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Evening all

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

evening Mik mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Raptor 352 reporting ready status.
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Sections 1-5 report Ready sir;Section 6 Also Ready) Very Well, Status of Missiles? (All Missile stations Ready sir; all warhead Types Available)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET: Four Fire Teams, Weapons drawn and tested, special equipment ready. Heavy combat load out. Ready to move to Raptor bays. Pairs of Space Suited Marines ready room for duty on Assault Raptors.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(PDGs Port and Starboard Report Ready,Countermeasures Also Ready)

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

RAVEN TAC to ALL gun crews begin clearing weapons/ TEAM begin rotation n lift sequence

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Raptor 350M ready to go

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

ATTN MARDET: All not going on mission report to assigened Security posts, Fast Response Team pre-position, and damage control Team Points. Reprt status to Commander of the watch and Chief of Security.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raptor crews, make prep for Marine loading

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

GUN CREWS/RAVEN TAC; begin sweeping areas for turkeys

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Is 354 active?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Landing Deck Secured; All MARDET Platons in Place in Security Status)

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Negative, sir.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

copy that MARDET LEAD

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We've had no contact from354

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET ASSAULT TEAMS, report to assigned Raptors and mount up. Seeker Lead, request to board and secure your Squadron Craft.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

If D-Tap doesn't show by launch, Freya you will command back up Raptor 316, "Typhoon" piloting

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus ready for launch

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Copy that sir

  • Me

All Pilots man your Vipers!!! And prepare to Launch.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Status of Propuslsion Drives? (FTL Ready;Sulight Ready,RCS Ready)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Seeker, all MARDET aboard and secure Sir.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme To Raven, We Have Checkers Green on all Systems, Ready for Jump Order

  • Me

Copy that Gunny!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

COL. take the lead we’ll follow tight

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Seeker acknowledge, Gunny

  • Me

The Raven's jump clock is counting down.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Roger that Raven; Navigation, Are Co-Ordinates Ready?( Locked in Sir)

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Condition One, Sirs?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

ALL HANDS JUMP IN 3.....2....1....JUMP!

  • Me

Set Condition 1 Through Out the Ship!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Ready launch sequence, Seekers

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Ready, SIr!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Launch sequence ready sir

  • Me

Raven Battle Groups Jumps to secure position.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

332, 335, 336...affirmative

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

All Raptors report Ready for action, Mik Mo.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(First Jump Completed) Next Co-Ordinates? (Ready sir) ALL HANDS NET JUMP IN 5....4....3....2....1....JUMP!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya, how are those Devil Dogs holding up?

  • Me

Launch the BlackBird and Attack Raptor ASAP....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Sir the dogs are itching and ready to go

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme to Raven, We are in Position

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Attack 333 prep launch

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

copy that Trireme

  • Me

Sit tight Trireme.....we need to give the Attack Raptor a chance to take out the Comm Antenna before we make our final Jump to QG.....Over.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Roger that Raven CAG

  • Me

Launch that Raptor Mik Mo......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

333 is away....

  • Me

We can't sit here very long.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Good comm

  • Me

Copy that....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

prep to jump

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

nothing yet we r still clear

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Raptor is away
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We'll see you on the other side.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

TRireme to Raven, Clear so Far

  • Me

Go get them Wedge!!!

  • We'll only give them 15 minutes to get their job done and then we'll make the 2nd jump......
  • BlackBird 1 to CAG over........
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Anything on DRADIS, XO?

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

333 reports in orbit

  • Me

CAG here Over.....what’s  it look like at QG Over......

  • It's all clear Reamer Sir.....over......
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

Dradis clear nothing yet

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Beginning descent to target

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

ur clear

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

All raptors still onboard Raven, begin Preflight Start Check, spool up your engines.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

333, clear your channel...switch to secondary

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Copy that wedge, starting preflight check

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

All Weapons Stations, Keep Visual Scans Going, Never can tell...

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Heavy turbulence

  • Me

What about the Target.....Over.......

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

We need to get in there ASAP

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Breaking in sight

  • 306th, stand by
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

ALL Clear how’s  Visual

  • Me

BlackBird 1, all clear at Basestars.....over.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Clear to target, high visibility

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

So Far, Still Nothing, Raven; We're still Looking...

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

Copy...All birds to tubes

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raptors to launch bays

  • Me

That's about as long as we can wait, Start the Final Jump in 3, 2, 1.......JUMP......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Coming within range of target...anti-aircraft burst

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

flares, chaff

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

Eyes open they know we’re here

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Me

All Pilots.....You're Clear to launch........

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Affirmative, LAUNCHING!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

350m launching away

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Seekers away

  • 343 in the air
  • form up on me
  • Me

Great job Mik Mo......Hammer's squadron launching......

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

316 on the way

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

352 on station

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus launching now

  • Me

Minotaur squadron launching........

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme to Raven, We have Completed Orbit of Planet, Nothing so Far...

  • Me

Flying Tigers and Spartan Vipers are in the tubes.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

DRADIS is a tad fuzzy behind that moon, can't get a clear reading.

  • Me

Launch when ready......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Raptors nose up

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

copy that Mik mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Affirmative, standing ready…..

  • Me

OK let’s get into formation and check for Raiders.....Over......




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Part 2 OP QG 11-14-2015

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

332 335 trail back up

  • Me

Copy that CAG.......

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Pre- flight check done, ready to launch major

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

338 stay on station in low orbit

  • here comes the chop!
  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus form up on me, weapons armed

  • Me

Flight 1 get it together.......

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reading CONFIRMED, they're launching Raiders!

  • Me

You guys are getting rusty.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Get those marines some barf bags, freya

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

They won’t need them… they’re marines

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET SOUND OFF EQUIPMENT CHK.....1 ready....2 ready ....all ready

  • Me

Hammer's attacking ground positions......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

LZ in sight

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

RAVEN coms went down...CHIEF

  • Me

Multiple explosions on the planet surface.....

Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Perseus three, watch your six, you got a stray sniffing your tail!

  • Me

Great shooting Hammers.....let em have it.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Roof of the flower building looks like a good LZ Freya

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Ready for touchdown Marines

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus break and engage

  • Me

Here they come......

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

LZ clear, First flight is down.

  • Me

Don't let any Raiders get past us.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Copy that Iceworm... ready for touchdown 3…2...1…

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Touchdown in 3, 2, 1....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

Let us punch a hole

  • Me

Copy that CAG.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Skids down! Marines, this is your stop! Get off or Get Home!

  • Me

Guns blazing.......Pow......sparks flying......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

We're clear Freya go go

  • Me

Another one bites the dust.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge; dust off with me to reconnaissance altitude

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Marines away… pulling back for support

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Affirmative, at recon altitude

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya’s, 316, you’re clear for close air support

  • Me

Yeah, that's the way to do it.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Roof clear....set roof breaching charges

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

GRound TAC; theres a lot of heat down there sensors are goin nuts

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Did anyone take out that hangar??

  • Me

Raiders jumping in at 9 O'clock even.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Roger that 316 take the left flank and keep it clear I’ll take the right flank

  • Me

Flight 1 turn to starboard.....over.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

FIRE IN THE HOLE...... (BOOM, BOOM, BOOM) Roof breach....going in

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Rodger CAG we see them

  • Me

On you CAG.....over.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

FIRST BASE STAR MOVING CLOSE IN; Helm, Match Bearing! Ready Forward Main Battery and Missiles!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven,  feeding you my DRADIS readout.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Dradis is jumpy but reads intermittent contact near the base

  • Me

Missiles away........Splash two toasters.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

its sketchy coms...

  • Me

Guns blazing.....I got another one Sir.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Inside Enemy CIC .....FLASH FLASH Toasters in the building

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Request permission to neutralize Raider hanger one klik from marine insertion point.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

in n out...

  • Me

Great shooting Dutchman.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

316 check the north end of the flower building

  • Me

Keep it up son.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Take it Wedge

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Raining Fury two, Cylons nil

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Lining up for firing run... Missiles armed!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Boom Boom, nothing like sparks to light things up

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nice fireworks guys!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CIC secure......Mik, these sensors indicate planet far side Base Star approaching.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Wotcher 20, Fox two!... Confirmed hit, structural damage to hanger entrance

  • Me

Raiders appearing at 12 O'clock High.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

if they’re jumping in there’s a base on its way LOOK ALIVE PPL<

  • Me

There are multiple groups of Raiders.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

hanger down!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Dradis clear for now

  • Me

Where are they all coming from.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Nothing like putting a show and do a little recycling along with it.

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus reform, let’s take em

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Seekers, fire mission...south east corner of now now

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Intermittent contact on the rim of the planet

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nice shooting Stargazer!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

somethings COMIN n it aitn PRETTY

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

copy that icewrom

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Affirmative MARDET, raptor on its way.

  • Freya, you got them.
  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Thank you any time. Let’s keep it going

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

316 let’s move south east corner

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Tigers.....lets dive on that bunch at 2 O'clock low.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles away, let's get this done!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Frak there really ARE snakes here...cattle prods and flame are clearing them...

  • Me

You got it Sir.....

  • Turning to port and diving.....
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Me

Missiles away.....Whooosh....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Yes Sir Right away

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Base Star Takes Heavy Damage)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

NO infra-red sights, they attract snakes

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

let’s clear some of these snakes out 316

  • Me

Multiple explosions......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Tally 4 raiders coming 2 0clock

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

copy freya

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Unknown readout, Upper atmosphere, 236 carom 115 and closing fast

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Watch out for the's getting thick ....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Major let me match your missiles and get the three at 2 O'Clock

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MIK we can see two Heavy Raiders trying to evacuate the compound....all yours

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

we got it raven guns give em cover

  • we can’t lock
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Take it wedge

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Good work boys keep shooting

  • Me

I got something big on my Dradis.......

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

Heat up that rail...

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Affirmative, coming in for a pass... Flak's thick

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET in the under ground. Toasters not putting up much of a fight

  • Me

It looks like a Basestar or maybe two.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

coming onto dradis now, two heavies lifting off

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Thermite grenades on that equipment control room

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

Raven has one

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Two heavies down!

  • Me

Reamer to Trireme.....Basestar jumping in......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme to Raven, One Base Star Heavily Damaged, The Other Standing off.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya, mop up any resistance outside and wait for Marines to exit

  • Me

Copy that Leonidas Sir.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

TRIREME /RAVEN; let’s play leap frog with em

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

copy that headed to extraction LZ

  • Me

Re-group Tigers.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Trireme, Reading multiple NUCLEAR SIGNATURES launching from that Basestar, can you confirm?

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Firing at cylons, another one down

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

we got some activity outside

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Me

There's loads of Raiders jumping into the Party.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

firing on the toasters

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Load Next Round Of Missiles,Let's Finish The First one Off;Stand By Nuke One.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, make for LZ

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Frak! Mik Mo, BREAK! One's coming right down our throats!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

BREAK BREAK.....Seekers we have a hostage, say again hostage. Also located deep shaft access. Will open access hatch to place target beacon on outside.....

  • Me

Flight 1 Lets get those Raiders at our 11 O'clock.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Countermeasures, hard break!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

we got em fwd batteries fire fire fire

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus engaging firing missiles

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Maneuver to Put the Nuke In it's Gut

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Hostage is "Renee", civilian....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

There's a lot of debris

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

No Good! Slight damage to secondary engine manifold.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Col.

  • Me

Guns blazing.......Pow....Pow......Two more for the scrap heap.......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya, copy Gunny says hostage

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Enter you Key

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

iceworm copy that

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Making for the LZ

  • Me

Great job Tigers Keep racking them up.....over.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

moving towards beacon

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Good shooting, four more toasted

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Beacon active and reading

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Copy that Sir

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

316 provide cover



Read more…

Part 3 OP QG 11-14-2015

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

lets keep hittin there thinning out some

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

we got a lot of activity ground

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles ready, let's give them hell

  • Me

Great work Stargazer.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Nuke One Ready to Fire)

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

copy that Mik mo 316 cleaning up

  • Me

Let em have it.....over.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Fire Missiles, Stand By to Release Nuke

  • Me

There's a couple more Dutchman.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles away, standing by nuke

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Trireme request air burst daisey cutter on target beacon one zero one one...acknowledge.

  • Me

turn to port and open up on them.....

  • Copy that Sir.....
  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Raining Fury three

  • Me

Missiles away.....Whoosh.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Sir, LZ is TOO HOT to land!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Oh Frak...

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Thank you Sir, it's because of a great squadron

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Release Nuke in 3....2....1...MARK!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

316 has taken a hit

  • Me

Yeah two more CAG.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nuke is away!

  • Me

Yeah I got one as well......

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

cover ur eyes

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

316 damage report?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Nuke on Target, Breaks Base Star In Half)

  • Me

It's like shooting Fish in a Barrel!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

316 is venting something... looks like fuel.

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Add another to the scrap heap

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

freya not looking good I may need to put down

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Good shooting Trireme

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

They're going to remember the name Trireme

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

316 return to Raven

  • Me

Great hit Trireme!!!!! Show them how its done!!!!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

moving to cut it off

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, get down there and cover for 316

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

roger that 316 returning home

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Covering! Sorry, Iceworm, your ride is going to be a tad late

  • Me

Raiders jumping in at 3 O’clock high…..Flight 1 turn to port…..execute  Immelmann turn…..copy that Reamer…..

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Me

Let em have it…..Missiles away…..whoosh……multiple explosions…..Yeah……. Scrap in the wind!!!LOL

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

If they’re jumping in that means there's still a Basestar we haven’t seen

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

332 deploy to LZ

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET at exit point request LZ airburst to clear LZ. We are in a great Research Center lots of goodies

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

332 copy

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus reform, protect the ships

  • Me

Let’s come around and hit em again……copy that CAG Sir…..

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

iceworm on my way.. Clearing LZ now

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

OK Wedge we'll just play Yahtzee until you can make it...

  • Me

Oh Frak!!! Raiders jumping in dead ahead…..break, break, break……

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Guns are lighting up, so much scrap!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

All raptors to LZ

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

On them CAG

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Me

Reamers Viper’s been hit, sparks flying as the Raider that jumped into his space explodes, Reamers upper engine and rudder is turn off as his Viper tumbles out of control. Reamer is knocked unconscious from the impact while his Viper is heading for a collision course toward QG.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

316 is at the barn.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET throw IR sources to clear snakes.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

REAMER get in here

  • Me

Fortunately, Reamers Viper enters the atmosphere above land. Reamer snaps out of it moments before his Viper crashes he struggles to regain control but all he can do is brace for impact.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Reamer’s  been hit...get a track on him Wedge

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

REAMER DOWN! Sirs, requesting authorization to conduct CSAR operations!

  • Me

Reamers Viper loses both its wings as it crashes through trees in the jungle. Just then it breaks into a clearing as it makes contact with the ground scraping along and then it comes to an abrupt stop in what looks like a giant nest of some type.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

SCORE hit on and base minor damage

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, take 335 and conduct SAR

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Wedge you have 2 Mardet for security, WATCH those SNAKES1

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Perseus lets cover the CAG

  • Me

It’s turns out to be a huge snake nest and the snakes are crawling all over what’s left of the Viper. Reamer thinks quickly, he smashes open his instrument panel to expose the main power wire. He removes the positive wire and switches it with the ground and tries to perform a restart so the electric current will energize the Vipers hull to electrocute the snakes.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Remaining raptors on the ground, awaiting marines

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Affirmative, wilco.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

LZ clear…… ready for pickup MARDET!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

RAIL 2nd shot in 10 sec

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Yeah!!!!! That’s it……..dead snakes everywhere…… Viper bit em where it hurts……

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

350m on the ground load em up Mardet

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Mardet and Hostage ready for extraction

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles away, it's a hit!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Sir, getting a distress beacon from Reamer

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

raven rail shot 2FIRE FIRE FIRE

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Snake BBQ

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Marines boarded, seekers launch!

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Great shooting Bunny

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Yeah Tin Heads! Thought I Was Gone, Did You?

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Raiders heading for the CAG, let’s take them out!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

roger that hang on Mardet

  • Me

I don't know if my radio is working, but I see my beacon is working and sending out a strong signal.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Thanks for the lift.....all aboard now...let's un-seat the AO.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Got them, three more toasted

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

(335 exploded as an AA burst destroys the raptor, Wedge breaking off.) I need an orbital strike to take out that turret!

  • Me

(Reamer quickly empties his survival gear and fills the two bags with snakes for the trip back to the Raven.....) I can already smell the Barbecue………somehow I need to bring more back with me, but how is the question?

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya you’re with me, all other raptors back to base

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

350m exiting the atmosphere

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

WHOA, looks like a couple snakes got in your gear, ENS....we got 'em.'

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Going to make some snakeskin boots CAG?

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Copy that Mik mo

  • Me

You got it Bunny!!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

on your wing Mik mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

That AA gun's still online, it's got a lock on me!

  • Me

Hitman wants to do a bit of custom recycling!!!!!LOL

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

TAKE those snakes out, I want as few as possible aboard

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Attempting to break!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Looks like the canvas leggings and cattle prods worked....and a few flash-bangs.

  • Me

They're all dead Blindsword.....and they should be great eating from what I’m told!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Save some of that for me, I Can use A New Holster!

  • Me

What did I do with that Pico De Gallo recipe cooky gave me……

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Unable to shake it, I need to break off until that gun emplacement is offline

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Let’s make sure our boys get back safe

  • Me

Copy that Leonidas, you got it Sir!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

We wanted a few alive for the doc

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

The snakes regret to inform the Imperious Leader that they gave their lives for the cause.....and for bar-b-que!!!!!

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Taking it out now Wedge

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

So do they taste like chicken?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme to Raven, ETA To Return of Flight?

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

Depends on how they’re cooked

  • Me

Oh Yeah sweet Barbecue!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Thanks, Aeneas. Locked on to Reamer's comms, coming in for a landing.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Just have to pick the bones out Stargazer!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

They will when cookie gets through.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

as soon as we get all the birds home

  • Me

I see your Raptor Wedge......

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Major, Get your ass inside, and make sure those snakes are TRULY dead.

  • Me

What a great sight.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Looks like we missed all the fun up here, Freya

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

we had enough of our own fun Mik mo

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Zulu Port Four Problem Fixed, Operational)

  • Me

Roger that Wedge......I made it in with my booty!!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

He's onboard, returning to the barn

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

A little picking never hurt anyone. The boots sounds like a better idea.

  • Me

Let’s get the Frak out of here Wedge!!!!!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I agree Stargazer!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Let’s take em home, Seekers

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Roger that CAG

  • Me

Snake jerky here we come!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Flyover of 335 shows no chance of survivors, returning to base.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

REAMER The CHIEF is gonna have ur hide he warned u

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

One wounded stretcher case in Team 2..... Tombstone got a snake bite on a finger he doesn't need, so he hacked it off as soon as the snake hit.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

following your lead Mik mo

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Trireme, let's do a quick check on guns to make sure they're all operational

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

One more Round of Missiles for that Other Base Star, Then We're Out!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Prepping missiles



Read more…

Part 4 OP QG 11-14-2015

  • Me

I can handle the me......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Target Lock....FIRE!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

LSO, this is raptor 352. Requesting clearance for landing……..over……

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles away!

  • Now there are some fireworks!
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hold Freya, let’s see this...

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

CALL the BALL352

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Snap crackle more fireworks

  • Me

All Vipers Combat Landings!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Affirmative, speed 13. Skids down, checkers white. I have the ball.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Secure stations, we're slithering out of here!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Boss, placed Target Beacon three-three-three over what looks like the main entrance to the deep access shaft. If you hit that with a nuke the whole complex is rendered useless.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Good enough, let’s take it to the house

  • Me

Copy that Gunny!!!!

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Roger, Perseus commence landings

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

350m requesting permission to land……..over……

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Maglock secure, we’re home



  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

9All Stations Secure) Trireme to Raven, Signal when Ready to Jump

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

I have the ball

  • Me

Hammers landing.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

turnin key time to GO BOOM

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

343 entering the pattern

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Touchdown maglock secure

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

I have the ball

  • Me

Minotaur right behind you Hammer’s......Over.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Skids down

  • Me

Spartan squadron landing.......

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Need med care for two Mardet and one rescued civilian, pretty shaken up.... her, not us.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

All Hands!!! 3....2....1....JUMP!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Taking the short ride to the hangar deck

  • Me

Flying Tigers coming in CAG Sir......

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Raining Fury aboard

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

sick bay teams down the hangars

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're safe

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

I have the ball

  • Me

Copy that Aeneas.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Mac, that was a blast!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reamer.... One of those is still moving.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Damage Report?

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Minor damage, we did the most to them!

  • Me

Reamer takes out his sidearm and finishes him off.......

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'll have repairs started immediately!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good, Secure Guns

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

THank youuuu!

  • Me

He's dead now!!!!!!LOL

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Woo hoo, Good job Seekers

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

316 is gonna need more than a little work…

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

No pet snakes Reamer?

  • Me

Everyone Aboard?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Lots of intel goodies and Cylon toys in all four Raptors....need broadcast jammers and decontamination for all.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

COL. REAMER did his normal BANG UP JOB one raven mardet with a niblet n the RAVEN is all good

  • Me

Them snakes are for eating!!!!! Not for pets!!!!!LOL

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Mik Mo, reporting the loss of raptor 335, no survivors.

  • Me

I don’t have room for Pets in my rack......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Dang 316, gotta watch that tail next time

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're secure Col. Sir

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

sorry sir it snuck up on me

  • Me

Prepare to JUMP!!!!!

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

No pets Major just boots

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

COL. shall we depart

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Chief's gonna have my hide... Busted another engine cowling.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

just glad I made it back

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Trireme Reporting, We're ready for some Ambrosia!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

We did happen to bring a few bags of "the other white meat" for appetizers in Joe's.

  • Me

Copy that Trireme!!!!! I got some bottles on ice.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

im gonna pass on the snakes..

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Make mine a pint!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

I saw more than enough of them down there

  • Me

Ambrosia and Snake sounds great to me!!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

We shagged a couple of missiles, Wedge, looks like some exhaust on our shells

  • Me

You got it Aeneas!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Oh-Ah! I can go for that!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

send mine to CIC REAMER

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good Job with those Weapons, Faceman

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great job guys, I saw some nice work out there

  • Me

I'll drop off a bottle on my way by Blindsword!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Don't know about anybody else, but I’m ready for some of that BBQ

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Dive in Mik Mo!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

We're Sending a Raptor Over for some of that

  • Me

Raven Jumps away from QG as the Grill is lit in the Hanger Bay!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

we shoulda left a gift that goes boom,,,or did u do that Gunny

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Tombstone wants to know if he gets a purple heart for hacking a finger off during a snake attack. Told him he's lucky if I don't gig him for damaging Fleet property....him!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Eyes the chief giving Typhoon grief for the damage on 316

  • Me

Sure Why no Gunny.

  • He deserves it in my book.
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I'm pretty sure he did, Blindsword. One of his marines had a few satchel charges and it didn't come home with me.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Send a nuke into the system and it can home in on Beacon 3-3-3.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Shutting down 343, saving the ship

  • Me

Snakes on the Grill and what an amazingly sweet smell filling the hanger bay.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

sounds good...DONE N DONE bye bye ...BOOM

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Wrap them in some bacon CAG

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raptor 360 From the Trireme Lands on the Raven Port Flight Deck) Door Opens and it’s The CO and XO HEY! Where's The Party We Heard About?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Course, my "5 gallon" pocket nuke already broke the lease on the know?

  • Me

Anyone for snake?

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

everything tastes better with bacon

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Walks into a storeroom and walks out a few minutes later, a box in one hand. Tosses the Major a bottle. Here you are sir

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Don't forget the barbecue sauce Major

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Attention on Deck!

  • Me

That's an interesting Idea Blindsword, why didn't I think of that one.(Reamer catches the Bottle and gives a thumbs up to wedge as he opens it and takes a quick drink while he attends to the grill.)


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Ambrosia for all!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

once we get clear smoking lamp is on

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Snake bacon... how's that taste?

  • Me

I got plenty, don't worry Stargazer!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

lol Wedge

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Me

We'll have to try that one Wedge.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(RED DOG) It's Col. Leonidas! He's Back! (OUU! OUU! OUU!)

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Col. we'll have to take some of this BBQ back with us!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Still sits in 343, receiving a strange transmission, something saying Baylor 20, Oklahoma 34

  • Me

Reamer breaks open the cooler he hid in his Viper parking spot and passes out a few Bottles for the pilots in line for barbecued snake.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

How are My Spartans? (We're Great, Sir! It's Good To See You Again! You got A Can of Whoopass in that Ship Of Yours!)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Those 55 gallon drum bar-b-que pits work fine..........(coughs)....

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Thanks boss

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Tosses one to Mik Mo and one to freya

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Alright Seekers front and center!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Thanks wedge

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

hey the chief out did himself with those

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Good trip, came back with one more than we left with, and a civilian to boot.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

*stands at attention in front of Mik mo*

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

We'll Take As Much as you can Spare for the Trireme, Our Ride is Over There.,

  • Me

Reamers dishing up the snake and chugging on his bottle of Ambrosia!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Aye, sir! *Stands at attention*

  • Me

It doesn’t get any better than this. This is the life!!!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

At ease

  • Me

Yeah.....what a way to go.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

That was some nice quick thinking Reamer!

  • Me

Thanks Bunny!!! I'm glad you liked it.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

hey, he already halfway cooked them before they got on the ship!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

For the Seekers mission MVP, this wonderful tube of Tauron toothpaste goes to....

  • WEDGE!
  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Hey, I taught Reamer Everything; He Knows how it's Done! Great Job Reamer, And To You All, SO SAY WE ALL!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

For the heroic rescue of our CAG!

  • Me

Thanks Leonidas Sir.....

  • I still want to call you CAG, but I know I'm the CAG now.
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

should tossed him said that

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Wolfgang "Puck" Hindenburg, best cook in the Marines.....and VERY good with a tactical knife.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Cheers to you too Ens. Freya, Great work out there

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • s CAG!
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

It's All Yours Reamer;

  • Me

I'll get it in my head soon.......guzzles another bit of Ambrosia.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CAG, if we knew you wanted to go for a walk on the planet, you coulda' come with us.....

  • Me

One of these days, I'll get it.

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

yeah wen u retire

  • Me

Maybe next time Gunny.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

thanks stargazer.. I know we didn’t have all the fun out there by the look of everything as we were headed back we missed a good fight

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

So how is our civvie doing?

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Either something smells REEEEEEally good, or the marines started wearing deodorant! Let's get that stuff served up good!

  • Me

Get your Snake here!!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

GUNNY wen u get a chance inventory the toys n send it up

  • Me

Get it while it lasts!!!!!


Read more…

Part 5 OP QG 11-14-2015

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(deck Hand Salutes) (Sir, We have A Case of Snake Meat On your Raptor Ready Sir) Thanks! Well, Guys, We Got our Own Store to Mind, So, We'll See Ya Around.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

You recycled your share of local bad guy talent..... including about a thousand snakes in the pick-up zone.....thanks for the ride.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodbye, Sir!

  • Me

Reamer passes out a few more bottles of Ambrosia.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

It was quite a good fireworks show

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*snags a piece of snacon*

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Snacon lol

  • Me

Have a great night Wedge!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

that shouldn't be so funny

  • Me

Oh well, it is!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

What, sending me to bed? I was saying goodbye to the Col as he was leaving!

  • It shouldn't, but it is!
  • Me

How about Snake Jims instead of Slim jims?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Compliments of your friendly neighborhood Marine Catering Crew: Snakes on the Barbie......

  • Me

Oh sorry Wedge....I didn't think it was time for you to hit the rack.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Col. the crew is reporting that they're excited for this snake BBQ everyone's talking about

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Mmmh-MMMH! That's real good!

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

While you guys are at it, why not snake jerky

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

We'll let him stay up awhile since it’s the weekend

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Me

Jerky sound good!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

They Should Be, It Kinda Smells Good; Anyway, Secure the Hatch, and Prep for Launch

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Glad to see the entire fleet is now acting as my mother lol

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Col.

  • Me

Next time I'm in the QG neighborhood, I'll get me some more of these sweet tasting snakes.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

You can take it anywhere, Maybe it can be barbecue flavor

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're prepped and ready for launch when you're ready!

  • Me

Who knew something so deadly would taste sooooooo good!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reamer's catering might have some good businesssssssss

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raptor 360 Leaves Raven , returning to Trireme)

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

As long as it doesn't slither away

  • Me

Reamer staggers past his Vipers checking for damage.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya, how's 350 looking?

  • Me

He takes another swig from his Ambrosia and spots a heavily damages Viper.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Wedge, like the Drill Sergeant says: Fleet is Family, and you're, for the moment, the junior member of the firm. But you'll get there soon.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Repairs are underway Col. not much damage though

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Well, it’s good to be a part of the family. *Raises his bottle* To the Fleet!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

she’s  a little banged up got a lot of crud flying in and out of that atmosphere

  • Me

Reamer climbs up the ladder and looks into the cockpit to see a pilot that’s badly bleeding.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

shouldn’t be too long before I’ll be good to go

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Good deal, you did a great job

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

A tin can has put a hole in Raining Fury, mind you it won't be doing it again

  • Me

Get a couple medics over here ASAP and get this man to sick bay.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

on route

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Runs to the intercom. Sickbay, get a crash cart down here immediately!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good; Raptor 360 to trireme, Request Hands-On Port side; Tekk the Cook we Have A Surprise For Him(Roger That, Call The Ball) Speed 107,I have the Ball

  • Me

Reamer puts down the Ambrosia and checks out all the other Vipers.......

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

wut did I say catch any u find

  • Me

They're all clear; that was the only pilot that didn't make it out when he landed.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Seekers, head count. All pilots and ECO's soundoff.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

freya here, dune already went to hit the rack

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

343 secured Mik and Mac good to go

  • Me

It looks like the Chief and his knuckle draggers have their work cut out for them.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

willow's atthe bar. We're all good here.

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

stargazer here

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

(Helps CAG apply a tourniquet to Pilots arm).

  • Me

There's a lot of shot up Vipers and then there's the deck to repair as well.

  • Thanks Gunny.
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

chief ain’t gonna b happy

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

(Crash cart arrives, the pilot loaded up)

  • Is he ever?
  • Me

Take good care of that pilot.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Col. we've come in safely; snake is being delivered to cook as we speak!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

I'm sure the chief loves to hear "combat landing"

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Ssssimply sssssssscrumptious

  • Me


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

The snakes feel the same way about us.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I think he likes to hear that as much as he likes his knuckle draggers saying "oops"

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Trireme Hangar deck) Chief Cool, Deliver this to the Cook (WHAT THE FRAK IS THIS,SIR?) That's Snake Surprise, and you will Love it!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

one of these days we ll get out of hot spot nice n ez

  • Me

OH Well, that's the way it goes.

  • It's tough to be a Snake.
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

It'sssssssss not easy being dead....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

HEs gonna have ur head on his wall

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Me

I guess it’s tough to be a Toaster when the Ravens Airwing is out and about as well.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Wedge your jokes are pretty good

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Me

SSWA Blindsword!!!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Raptors do enjoy snakes you know!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Thanks, Bunny, I try sometimes. Other times it's just the stuff that flies in my head

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Little too much Ambrosia here

  • Me

And anything else they can chase!!!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Think I remember that cadence song from jump school.....(lol)...

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

but still the chief is gonna kill u one of these days

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Our Raptor Group, The GREMLINS, are Going to have A Lot Of Catching up to Do!

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Too much ambrosia, got to let some out! Night all

  • Me

OH Well, he'll have to chase me first!!!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

It's just not fair to the wildlife... Raptors don't usually have heat-seeking missiles

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Col. we'll get them in shape!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We just can't feed them past midnight

  • Me

Have a great night Aeneas, Thanks for Joining US!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

I see war games Col.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, Aeneas! Take care!

  • Me

We'll do it again sometime.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Ooo,War Games!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

See ya Aeneas!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

nite Aeneas

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Now you've got him thinking blindsword!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We'll take your gremlins on anytime, Trireme! (takes another deep swig of ambrosia)

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Good Night Aeneas

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

hehe i know

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

His eyes really lit up lol

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good Night all, Time for Us Ex-Viper Jocks to do some Rack time; I Take it the Snakes will be Cooked in the Morning!@

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Now now Wedge, we're all on the same team here

  • Me

Reamer reaches for the last bottle of Ambrosia....good night Leonidas…….you’ll be dreaming about your time in your Mk-VII tonight Sir!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

u guys know wut happens wen we play together

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

But gives a little smirk

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

good night col.

  • Me

Cracks it open and starts chugging it down.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

It's all just good times Mik Mo!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Yeah, yeah. No /intentional/ ass-whooping of the friendlies...

  • Night, Col!
  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Good night sir, I'm off too

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Ladies and Gentlemen, caution is suggested, snake snacks and Ambrosia can make you feel smart, good looking, invisible and bullet-proof....but it ain't true.....(Salutes).

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

well i have to turn in myself nice run we did a lot of damage n got a lot of toys

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, Bunny!

  • Me

It was nice to see you Bunny, Have a great night!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

This is true, since we all know the Seekers are the

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, Blindsword

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

I have any early morning. Good night everyone!!!!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You too Reamer, goodnight to the rest of you too, good job, SSWA!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight to you as well.

  • SSWA!
  • Me


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Goodnight Stargazer, Bunny

  • Me

I better save some snake for Hitman, he wanted to make a few things.

  • I'd like a snake skin holster for my pistols.
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We'll keep some. *snags another piece of snacon* this is addicting stuff.

  • Me

Yeah after the poison is removed.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I trust you, you wouldn't poison us.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Well Seekers, all our Raptors are's been a good night

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

You heading to your rack, mik mo?

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Gives a high five to the deck chief

  • Me

Well, I'll copy and paste this one for a couple blog pots tomorrow.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

yes Mik Mo it has been.. im gonna follow dunes lead and hit the rack

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Cya Freya!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis


  • Me

Have a great night SEEKERS!!!!!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Same here, Freya. You and Wedge did great work've made the Seekers proud!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We'll do better next time! Whohoo!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

You as well, Major!

  • Me

It was fun with all of you tonight

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Thank you mik mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

A word of advice, major

  • AVOID the enemy fire
  • Me

You bet Wedge!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • I won't always be there to pick you up, ya know!
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

A good night to all, until next time!

  I won't always be there to pick you up, ya know!

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

A good night to all, until next time!

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

goodnight, MikMo!

  11:07 PM

  • goodnight, MikMo!
  • 11:07 PM
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new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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     May our thoughts go to them. With heavy hearts, we lift up their bodies to you, oh Lords of Kobol, in the knowledge that you will take from them their burdens and give them life eternal. We also pray that you look down upon us now, with mercy and with love, just as you did upon our forefathers many years ago. Just as you led us from Kobol and found the twelve worlds, so now we hope and pray that you will lead us to a new home where we may begin life anew. So say we all.


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Happy Veterans Day 2015



Tomorrow, 11 November 2015, is Veterans Day! 

On behalf of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Leadership, we would just like to wish all the men and women in uniform, both past and current, that are members here at the BFC, HAPPY VETERANS DAY!  We would also like to remember those who lost their lives in the line of duty. You maybe gone, but you will never be forgotten. So if you see a veteran, please thank them for their service. A simple "THANK YOU" really comes a long way to those veterans. It warms their hearts. All those times away from home and their love ones, is priceless and cannot be replace but is a sacrifice each and everyone that puts on the uniform, have to do.

We would also like to wish all US Marines, both past and current, who are also members here at the BFC, a HAPPY 240th Birthday to the United States Marines Corps (10 November 1775)!  SEMPER FIDELIS to all of you!


In Service,

"Dragon Lady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Main Website:

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

Chapter Website:

(Proud USAF since 1993 and still currently serving. HOOAH!!!!)

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11/05/2015 "Bones" TV show (Ep. 6/Season 11), "The Senator in the Street Sweeper", has multiple references to Re-imagined BSG:

"Jessica and Aubrey say they were binge watching Battlestar Galactica, and I found that fracking awesome. They definitely make an offbeat couple."

And "Frak" ("Frack?) was used multiple times. 

Geek Power lives on.



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The GUNSTAR TRIREME Has  Completed her Shakedown Cruise around the Colonies,and Is Preparing Jump Co-ordinates to Rendezvous with the Battlestar Raven to Begin Her Escort Duties:


"We have Just passed Virgon,and are Prepping Jump Co-Ordinates to Join the Battlestar Raven; So far, Other than A couple of Minor Glitches,Ship and Crew have Performed well; Scored 87% Efficiency at the Fleet Gunnery Range; Not bad for A Rookie Crew;With time,It will Get Better....."

(Call From CIC)

"CIC to CO"    This is the CO,Go.   " Sir, We've come across A Civilian Freighter..There's A Interesting Development you should look at."   On My Way.

(Trireme CIC,2 Minutes later)

OK,Bunny,(Trireme XO)What we Got Here?   " Sir we have Colonial 5523-D,formerly registered with the Aerelon Transport Consortium, Fully Loaded."   OK,What's Strange About it?


"According to Colonial Shipping Registry,Their Shipping Permit Expired One Year Ago." Hmmmmmmm.....

"And, as Soon as we Entered their Contact Range,They Increased Speed."

How Far are They?    "20 Kilometers,now Moving at Half Flank Speed."

OK, Their Permit Is Dead,and, They're Still out here Running Cargo;  That IS Interesting!

Ens.Doyle,Increase Speed To Intercept Freighter; Tusker(MARDET NCIOC MSGT.Brian Allen), I Need two Raptors with Marines Ready to Launch in Ten Minutes.  "On it,Sir!"

DeeJay(Comm.Officer Rachel Fish), Hail the Freighter,Tell them to Stop and Prepare to Be Boarded. "Yes Sir."


  "No Response,Sir."      Have they Stopped,Faceman(Trireme Tac/Ops Officer Mike Ursiny)?  "Nope! Still Running at Half Flank."               Really? Patch Me Through,DeeJay.       "You're on,Sir."


"Sir,Tusker Reports MARDET Raptors Ready for Launch"      Very Well; Are they Stopping?

"No,Not only are they Not Stopping,They've increased to 3/4 Flank!"   Oooooookay!

Faceman,ARM MAIN FORWARD BATTERY,Target Their Engine Only!


How About Now?   "They are Slowing Down..........Aaaand They are now at dead Stop."


LAUNCH THE MARDET RAPTORS                    "Raptors Away,And En Route,Sir."

Faceman,Keep Their Ship Targeted.         "In the Bullseye!"


"Sir,Grizzly Bear(Platoon A Sergeant) Calling."  This is Actual,Grizzly Bear,What did you find?

" Not A Surprise,Sir: No Paperwork,and, All of their Holds Crammed With BUNK PHARMACEUTICALS!"

You don't Say?     "Yes Sir! Right Now,I'm standing In a Hold FULL of  FAKE Chamala Extract! How do I Know? I had A Good Friend who Took The Real Thing;It Looks NOTHING Like This!"

Any Word out of the Captain or the Crew?   "No Sir;Just Sitting here like Temple Mice;Awaiting Orders,Sir."

Stand By,Grizzly Bear.                  DeeJay,Contact The Virgon Patrol Authority; Let them Know we have Customers for them,and Are Holding them in place Until They arrive.              "Roger that,Sir."

Faceman Says "There it Is: Our First Catch!"

Not Exactly what we were looking For,But it Qualifies!

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