Part 5 OP QG 11-14-2015

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(deck Hand Salutes) (Sir, We have A Case of Snake Meat On your Raptor Ready Sir) Thanks! Well, Guys, We Got our Own Store to Mind, So, We'll See Ya Around.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

You recycled your share of local bad guy talent..... including about a thousand snakes in the pick-up zone.....thanks for the ride.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodbye, Sir!

  • Me

Reamer passes out a few more bottles of Ambrosia.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

It was quite a good fireworks show

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*snags a piece of snacon*

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Snacon lol

  • Me

Have a great night Wedge!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

that shouldn't be so funny

  • Me

Oh well, it is!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

What, sending me to bed? I was saying goodbye to the Col as he was leaving!

  • It shouldn't, but it is!
  • Me

How about Snake Jims instead of Slim jims?

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Compliments of your friendly neighborhood Marine Catering Crew: Snakes on the Barbie......

  • Me

Oh sorry Wedge....I didn't think it was time for you to hit the rack.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Col. the crew is reporting that they're excited for this snake BBQ everyone's talking about

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Mmmh-MMMH! That's real good!

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

While you guys are at it, why not snake jerky

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

We'll let him stay up awhile since it’s the weekend

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Me

Jerky sound good!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

They Should Be, It Kinda Smells Good; Anyway, Secure the Hatch, and Prep for Launch

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Glad to see the entire fleet is now acting as my mother lol

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Col.

  • Me

Next time I'm in the QG neighborhood, I'll get me some more of these sweet tasting snakes.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

You can take it anywhere, Maybe it can be barbecue flavor

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're prepped and ready for launch when you're ready!

  • Me

Who knew something so deadly would taste sooooooo good!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reamer's catering might have some good businesssssssss

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raptor 360 Leaves Raven , returning to Trireme)

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

As long as it doesn't slither away

  • Me

Reamer staggers past his Vipers checking for damage.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Freya, how's 350 looking?

  • Me

He takes another swig from his Ambrosia and spots a heavily damages Viper.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Wedge, like the Drill Sergeant says: Fleet is Family, and you're, for the moment, the junior member of the firm. But you'll get there soon.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Repairs are underway Col. not much damage though

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Well, it’s good to be a part of the family. *Raises his bottle* To the Fleet!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

she’s  a little banged up got a lot of crud flying in and out of that atmosphere

  • Me

Reamer climbs up the ladder and looks into the cockpit to see a pilot that’s badly bleeding.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

shouldn’t be too long before I’ll be good to go

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Good deal, you did a great job

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

A tin can has put a hole in Raining Fury, mind you it won't be doing it again

  • Me

Get a couple medics over here ASAP and get this man to sick bay.....

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

on route

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Runs to the intercom. Sickbay, get a crash cart down here immediately!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good; Raptor 360 to trireme, Request Hands-On Port side; Tekk the Cook we Have A Surprise For Him(Roger That, Call The Ball) Speed 107,I have the Ball

  • Me

Reamer puts down the Ambrosia and checks out all the other Vipers.......

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

wut did I say catch any u find

  • Me

They're all clear; that was the only pilot that didn't make it out when he landed.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Seekers, head count. All pilots and ECO's soundoff.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

freya here, dune already went to hit the rack

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

343 secured Mik and Mac good to go

  • Me

It looks like the Chief and his knuckle draggers have their work cut out for them.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

willow's atthe bar. We're all good here.

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

stargazer here

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

(Helps CAG apply a tourniquet to Pilots arm).

  • Me

There's a lot of shot up Vipers and then there's the deck to repair as well.

  • Thanks Gunny.
  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

chief ain’t gonna b happy

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

(Crash cart arrives, the pilot loaded up)

  • Is he ever?
  • Me

Take good care of that pilot.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Col. we've come in safely; snake is being delivered to cook as we speak!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

I'm sure the chief loves to hear "combat landing"

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Ssssimply sssssssscrumptious

  • Me


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

The snakes feel the same way about us.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I think he likes to hear that as much as he likes his knuckle draggers saying "oops"

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Trireme Hangar deck) Chief Cool, Deliver this to the Cook (WHAT THE FRAK IS THIS,SIR?) That's Snake Surprise, and you will Love it!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

one of these days we ll get out of hot spot nice n ez

  • Me

OH Well, that's the way it goes.

  • It's tough to be a Snake.
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

It'sssssssss not easy being dead....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

HEs gonna have ur head on his wall

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Me

I guess it’s tough to be a Toaster when the Ravens Airwing is out and about as well.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Wedge your jokes are pretty good

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Me

SSWA Blindsword!!!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Raptors do enjoy snakes you know!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Thanks, Bunny, I try sometimes. Other times it's just the stuff that flies in my head

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Little too much Ambrosia here

  • Me

And anything else they can chase!!!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Think I remember that cadence song from jump school.....(lol)...

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

but still the chief is gonna kill u one of these days

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Our Raptor Group, The GREMLINS, are Going to have A Lot Of Catching up to Do!

  • Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

Too much ambrosia, got to let some out! Night all

  • Me

OH Well, he'll have to chase me first!!!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

It's just not fair to the wildlife... Raptors don't usually have heat-seeking missiles

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that Col. we'll get them in shape!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We just can't feed them past midnight

  • Me

Have a great night Aeneas, Thanks for Joining US!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

I see war games Col.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, Aeneas! Take care!

  • Me

We'll do it again sometime.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Ooo,War Games!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

See ya Aeneas!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

nite Aeneas

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Now you've got him thinking blindsword!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We'll take your gremlins on anytime, Trireme! (takes another deep swig of ambrosia)

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Good Night Aeneas

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

hehe i know

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

His eyes really lit up lol

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good Night all, Time for Us Ex-Viper Jocks to do some Rack time; I Take it the Snakes will be Cooked in the Morning!@

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Now now Wedge, we're all on the same team here

  • Me

Reamer reaches for the last bottle of Ambrosia....good night Leonidas…….you’ll be dreaming about your time in your Mk-VII tonight Sir!!!

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

u guys know wut happens wen we play together

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

But gives a little smirk

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

good night col.

  • Me

Cracks it open and starts chugging it down.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

It's all just good times Mik Mo!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Yeah, yeah. No /intentional/ ass-whooping of the friendlies...

  • Night, Col!
  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Good night sir, I'm off too

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Ladies and Gentlemen, caution is suggested, snake snacks and Ambrosia can make you feel smart, good looking, invisible and bullet-proof....but it ain't true.....(Salutes).

  • Maj. Juan (blindsword) Lopez

well i have to turn in myself nice run we did a lot of damage n got a lot of toys

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, Bunny!

  • Me

It was nice to see you Bunny, Have a great night!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

This is true, since we all know the Seekers are the

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight, Blindsword

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

I have any early morning. Good night everyone!!!!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You too Reamer, goodnight to the rest of you too, good job, SSWA!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Goodnight to you as well.

  • SSWA!
  • Me


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Goodnight Stargazer, Bunny

  • Me

I better save some snake for Hitman, he wanted to make a few things.

  • I'd like a snake skin holster for my pistols.
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We'll keep some. *snags another piece of snacon* this is addicting stuff.

  • Me

Yeah after the poison is removed.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

I trust you, you wouldn't poison us.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Well Seekers, all our Raptors are's been a good night

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

You heading to your rack, mik mo?

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Gives a high five to the deck chief

  • Me

Well, I'll copy and paste this one for a couple blog pots tomorrow.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

yes Mik Mo it has been.. im gonna follow dunes lead and hit the rack

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Cya Freya!

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis


  • Me

Have a great night SEEKERS!!!!!!!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Same here, Freya. You and Wedge did great work've made the Seekers proud!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

We'll do better next time! Whohoo!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

You as well, Major!

  • Me

It was fun with all of you tonight

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Thank you mik mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

A word of advice, major

  • AVOID the enemy fire
  • Me

You bet Wedge!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • I won't always be there to pick you up, ya know!
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

A good night to all, until next time!

  I won't always be there to pick you up, ya know!

  Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

A good night to all, until next time!

  Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

goodnight, MikMo!

  11:07 PM

  • goodnight, MikMo!
  • 11:07 PM
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  • Hi Aeneas,

    We had a Civilian ask about the mission. I mentioned she was welcome to join us and she did not. Iceworm thought it was a good idea so he rescued a human. Who knows, it could have been a skinjob. Us humans have compassion for what looks like one of our own being held captive. That's what makes us different from the Cylons. Maybe the person was a Spy that can be revealed next time. Anything goes in the BSG Universe.

    SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!

  • Sir,

    I presume that the hostage rescued by the MARDET is actually human, and not a cylon skinjob spy?


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