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China Develops Imperial Walkers:

Scientists Create Shape Shifting Liquid Metal Just Like Advanced Terminator:

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September 25 - Happy Birthday Paul Nix

September 25 - Happy Birthday Paul Nix

 Best Birthday Wishes to the ideal example of a Family Man, volunteer and lover of classic TV shows. Paul always provides the reasonable man approach to every event and issue, and is a role model for the "Family & Friends first" member of any successful organization. Happy Birthday Paul, we're glad you're here.
(4 photos)
Battlestar Raven-BFC 002's photo.
Battlestar Raven-BFC 002's photo.
Battlestar Raven-BFC 002's photo.
Battlestar Raven-BFC 002's photo.
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The Drawing of the Three

Hello Colonials!

Well about to get on my way to Tampa, but wanted to present that latest Hero's of Battlestar Galactica to you all!

The first goes out to the son of acting legend Walter Matthau...for hi appearance in Saga of a Star World, the first Hero is for David Matthau!

12578057471?profile=originalOur second Hero goes out to an actor who has made appearances in both the re-imagined series as well as Blood & Terry Chen!

12578057863?profile=originalAnd last but not least...and bear in mind that the Hero's of Battlestar Galactica come from many background and talents...this third honor goes to a very dedicated fan of the show as well as a strong supporter of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club & crew member of the Battlestar Raven...with Happy "Belated" Birthday wishes: Paul 'Iceworm" Oakley!

12578057690?profile=original(Paul is on the far right)

See everyone in Tampa!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'[Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club




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If anybody would like to help orphans, as well as widows and elderly people, please consider sending warm clothes, blankets, etc. to Hand of Help. This year's shipment goes out in October. Thank you 

Here are SOME of the orphans you can help besides the poor and elderly in surrounding communities.

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Battlestar Whistlestop Tour!

12578055476?profile=originalHey Colonials!

I am busy getting ready for my trip to Florida to attend Sci-Con in Tampa, September 26th-28th...going to do a countrywide trip at that to get there...which I'm going to dub the Battlestar Whistlestop Tour!

12578056057?profile=originalYup, gonna go by train and visit 18 states (or so) in the me a sweet little cabin on board so I will be traveling well...and I do love train I may be cruising through or near your town!

I would stop and chat of course, but I'm going to be in a bit of a rush...

So why don't you come down to Tampa & join us?

Richard Hatch, Jack Stauffer, Nicki Clyne, Aron Eisenberg, Story Musgrave, William Hatfield & Dawn DuVurger will all be guesting...and where are you going to get a full on Cylon Raider that you can sit it...?

(Not to mention Daleks will be making an appearance!)

Come join us in Tampa!

So Say We All!

Train Kept a Rollin' - Aerosmith with Slash Live at The Whiskey

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12578056657?profile=originalIn 2008 with the 30th anniversary of Battlestar Galactica rolling around, a big event was inevitable so it seemed.

What became the second Galacticon...Galacticruise was an incredible event!

See below the article written on E!Online about our little adventure...

And Now on the Lido Deck…Cylons!

by Joal Ryan Fri., Sep. 12, 2008 3:15 PM PDT

Battlestar Galactica cruise ship, Richard Hatch; Robert Roux/

12578056494?profile=originalActor Richard Hatch isn't the first person to celebrate a 30th anniversary with a cruise. Now a Battlestar Galactica cruise… Monday in Los Angeles, Hatch and nearly 100 other Galactica-friendly travelers, from stars of the original show to fans, will set sail on a five-day, four-night round-trip cruise to Mexico, and, along the Pacific Ocean way, mark the sci-fi series' 1978 premiere. "Cruises are nice," Hatch says. "For me, the X factor is that I happen to be a people person." A longtime Galactica champion, Hatch starred as the first Capt. Apollo on the 1978-79 series, and, for the past four years, has appeared as activist-agitator Tom Zarek on the acclaimed Sci Fi Channel redo. Other original Galactica veterans scheduled to board include Terry Carter (Col. Tigh) and Sarah Rush (Flight Cpl. Rigel). In all, eight actors and two behind-the-scenes players, composer Stu Phillips and writer Terrence McDonnell, will set sail, along with about 85 fans. A fan club—Battlestar Fanclub, natch—organized the event, dubbed Galacticruise. "Never in my wildest imagination did I ever imagine doing a cruise with these people," says Shawn O'Donnell, the club president. Cruises are nothing new to Hatch. A veteran of the fandom scene, he's hosted events on ships as well as on land. While the conventions of a traditional convention—dealer rooms, autograph sessions, etc.—are familiar to the genre actor, the idea of a cruise can be intimidating. "Some people are concerned they won't have any privacy," Hatch says. "I tell people, this is a big boat. If you want to be alone, you can be alone." Indeed, the Galacticruise will be but one event on a commercial cruise ship that can, and will, hold up to about 2,000 passengers. Not that the extradedicated fan can't stand out if he, or she, so desires. Hatch recalls one cruise where his Galatica costar Dirk Benedict (Lt. Starbuck) was "stalked" by a couple of women. But that's the exception, he says, not the rule. "People are very respectful on cruises," Hatch says. On Galacticruise, fans and show alums will mingle at several scheduled events, including a screening of the series pilot, which first aired on ABC Sept. 17, 1978. "I will hope that everybody has a moment," O'Donnell says. "All of us are very, very excited." After all, outside of Galactica 1980, you don't run into real-live Colonialists on Earth. Or at sea

And that as they say is history, certainly remembered and in this case recorded as well!

You can experience Galacticruise again if you were on the ship we christened "Battlestar Paradise" or experience it for the first time either when you purchase the multi-region dvd or rent (or buy) the streaming version on Amazon

(yes, click there!)

Featuring Richard Hatch (All My Children, The Streets of San Francisco, Battlestar Galactica), Terry Carter (The Phl Silvers Show, McCloud, Battlestar Galactica), Sarah Rush (Happy Days, Battlestar Galactica, Catch Me If You Can), ( George Murdock (Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek: The Next Generation,The X-Files),  Robert Feero (THX 1138, Battlestar Galactica, The Archer: Fugitive From The Empire), Denny Miller (Wagon Train, The Brady Bunch, Battlestar Galactica), Stu Phillips (Composer: The Six Million Dollar Man, Battlestar Galactica, Knight Rider), Terrence McDonnell (Writer: Battlestar Galactica, Magnum P.I., The Love Boat) & Austin Stoker (Battle For The Planet of The Apes, Assault on Precinct 13. Roots).

The adventure come sale away!

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Today is September 11. This is the thirteenth anniversary of the last attack upon the Colonies. Chatter suggests confidence is high and they may attempt symbolic repeat attacks today. Suggest all commands increase security and readiness to respond. Suggest raise Defense Condition to level 2.

That is all.

Buzzsaw out.

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X Class Solar Flares To Start Hitting The Home Worlds On The 12th.

Appears to be only a grazing shot, but results could be similar to a Cylon hack attack.

Suggest all take this into consideration and take  any appropriate actions that may be appropriate. Back up anything important. Top off fuel tanks. Be prepared for communications and computer glitches, etc.

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Spotlight on Manu Intiraymi

At home equally in theater, tv & film, Manu has appeared in a diverse number of projects...from Marvin's Room on the stage, to Pearl Harbor & Orange County in film, to One Tree Hill on television.

It is through a television role that Manu first gained major recognition...that role being of course as Icheb, a young Borg drone who is rescued by the crew of the title ship of Star Trek: Voyager.

Shawn: So what was you first Con experience?

12578053082?profile=originalManu: It was a FedCon in Germany, almost the very first thing that happened was me being put out on stage alone, handed a microphone! I answered fans questions for three hours!

12578053867?profile=originalShawn: How did it go?

Manu: The fans warmth was really touching...everyone was having a good time and laughing. There was a gentleman in the audience what said that a friend had a transplant & one of the ways that he coped with it was by recalling the Voyager episode where Icheb donates his cortical node to Seven of Nine to save her life. It was a very emotional moment.

Shawn: What would you say was you best Con then?

Manu: I would have to say that Con!...I really like the fans in Germany...

Shawn: How about the worst Con?

Manu: Well, any Convention that starts out with high hopes and ends up having to cancel actors, people not showing up...and it's not their fault's just sad when that happens.

Shawn: What has been the most unusual or strange fan encounter you've had at a show?

Manu: There was this one person, who came to my table & said they were suicidal and that Star Trek was the only thing keeping them going. Aside from that, I do want to say 99% of the people are fine...

Shawn: Any actual bad experiences?

Manu: Yep...actually I had a stalker who followed me in my car after a show.

Shawn: What would you do differently if you were running a Con?

Manu: I would have screenings for the fans of the actors more recent material, you know...put the new stuff out there. Maybe a current projects night...and also I would make it a one price deal on tickets where people can buy into the autographs up front. Also I would sponsor excursions with the celebrities & fans.

Shawn: You ever want an autograph?

Manu: No not really...I'm probably more interested in directors and writers than fellow actors, in the sense that I would like to work with them. But not autographs, not collecting, no.

Shawn: What are you currently working on now?

Manu: Oh lots of stuff! I'm doing a pilot called Table Manners with one of the actors from Teen Wolf & The Bridge. Going to also shoot a film called Promises, which will be a dark romantic dramedy. Also producing a film with Danny Trejo & others called Dark River...also going to be bring Benjamin Troubles to film festivals & just finished Rod Roddenberry's Instant that will premiere on his website.

12578053890?profile=originalShawn: Future Projects?

Manu: Well, I'm currently working on Star Trek: Renegades where I revisit the character of Icheb. I'll aslo being starting work on a Western sci-fi feature with other Star Trek actors called Six Gun Savior...and painting! Painting is a passion of mine & I'll be having some art gallery openings coming up...

Manu Posing with some of his artwork


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  The Following Has Been Declassified By Approval Of The President; It Is Intended For Review By Senior Officers Of The Fleet.


This Particular Human Cylon Model, Which Has rarely been Seen As Of Recently, Has Been Determined To Be A Major Figure In The Continued Conflict Between The Cylons And The Twelve Colonies.

Much About This Model Is Unknown; However, Through Extensive Research Going Back To Before The First Cylon War, Along With  Ultra Covert Intel Gathered At Great Risk, The CDM Has Been Able To Construct A Somewhat Basic Background On What Could Have Been The Beginning  Of Our Struggle To Stave Off Destruction By The Very Machines We Created.


The Actual First Name(Or Alias) Of This Cylon Is Unknown,Due To Her Efforts To Destroy All Proof Of Her Identity; However, It Is Proven That She Is The Daughter Of Zoe Graystone, The FIRST Cylon Created By Daniel Graystone, Who  Created The First Copy Of Zoe As The First Human Model Cylon,Or 'Skinjob'.

  As Zoe Graystone Reached Young Adulthood, Her Father Had Used Artificial Insemination To Impregnate Her ,As She Herself Was Unable To Propagate Through Natural Means; The Identity Of The Father Is Unknown, Except He Was A Member Of The STO(Soldiers of The One) Terrorist Organization. Through A Series Of Complications With Her Biology, Zoe Graystone Died Giving Birth; The Child Was Raised By The Gradparents.

Almost All Of Her Childhood Is Unknown, Except She Was Just As Rebellious As Her Mother; And, She Was Enthralled By The Legend Of Artemisia, A Figure From the History Of Sagittaron; A Ruthless Warrior, Artemisia Fought With Cunning And Brutality, Someone The Sagittarons Almost Never Choose To Talk About.

 Somewhere In Her Late Adolescence, She Began To Find Out The Meaning Of Her Own Exsistence; She Found Out She Was Just An 'Experiment' Created By Man's Carelessness In Respect Of Creation; She Began To Resent,And, Later Hate Mankind For Not Respecting The Power They Had Been Granted; She Would Later Find The Basic Programming That Was Instilled In Cylon  Memory Functions; A Near-Genius Level Student In School, She Began To Secretly Change The Programming, Enabling The Cylons, Just Tools Of Man Beforehand, To Gain Conciousness  Of Man Making Them Slaves, And The Fact That They Were In Many Ways Better Than Man, So, Why Should Man Be Superior? This Is, As Many Experts Conclude, Was the Beginning Of The Cylons' Quest To Make Their Own Creators Extinct.

  As The First Cylon War Got Underway, She, And A Division Of Cylons Took Over A Large Factory Complex Owned By Her Grandparent's Company,Graystone Industries; They Began To Design,And Build Not only More Soldiers,Now Called Centurions, But Large And Small Attack Spacecraft As Well As Other Weapons; Fortunately, They Did Not Have The Materials To Make Nuclear weapons; They Did, However Build Large Ships,Called Basestars To Attack Each Of The 12 Colonies.

 Then The Combined Military Forces Of The Colonies Began To Turn The Tide; Model Zero And Her Core Forces Were Forced To retreat, Eventually Leading To An Armistice; She Began To Realize That She Would Have To Have Better Technology In Order To Finally Wipe out the Human Race; She Made Drastic Advances In Not Only Tech, But Biology As Well; She Began To revive, Then Perfect, The Formula For Creating Human Models; To Kickstart The Process, She Became The First Cylon 'Hybrid'; A Biologic In Control Of A Ship's Systems; When The Process Was Perfected To A Science, She Broke Free Of The Hybrid Chamber; What Also Helped Was Laboratory Experiments Using Captured Humans For Study, So Human Cylon Models Could Be Indistinguishable From real Humans; At This Point, She Also Used Biologics To Control A New Breed Of Centurions, And Made The New Fighters,Called Raiders, Into Biomech Drones.

It Is Rumored That The Centurions, Often Called 'Guardians' Are Loyal To Model Zero; It Is Probably She Who Programmed The response Familiar To All  Cylon Models: "By Your Command"; Without A Doubt She Instilled The Hatred Of The Human Race In All Cylon models; She Would Eventually Create 12 Models Of The Human Cylon Line; The Guardian Centurions Look To Her As The One True God.

What Is Speculated Is That She Will Not Make Multiple Copies Of Herself; That She Will Make Herself A New Body Every 20 Years, Or When Needed; She Created, And Perfected The 'Resurrection' Process That Makes the Cylons Nearly Immortal.

Current Status

Model Zero Has Rarely Been Seen Since She Left The Colonies; She Is Constantly On The Move, And Closely Guarded By The Centurions Under Her Command; According To A Classified Covert Operation Some Years Back, This Is Her Base Ship:


And, In The Same Covert Operation, This Was The Only Current Image Taken Of Her; This Was Transmitted Out Just Before The Operative Was Discovered,And Killed:


As Seen Here, She Is Still In Command Of Core Cylon Forces; As Far As We Know, Her Agenda Has Not Changed; For Whatever reason, She As A Big A Threat To The Colonies As Ever.

                                                               END OF REPORT


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Heroes, Conventions, a Book & an Announcement

Hello Colonials!

A lot to go over this September start off with I'll begin with our Heroes...and the first Hero goes to a Canadian actress who along with guest spots on Stargate SG-1, Dark Angel, The 4400 appeared as the character know simply as Jeanne on the re-Imagined BSG. The actress? We honor Keegan Connor Tracy!

12578049671?profile=originalOur second Hero of the evening...and this is a Canadian actor...has appeared in Stargate Atlantis, Sactuary & the tv series far as BSG is concerned he has played not one, not two but three different roles!

The Armistice Officer in the Miniseries, Charlie Connor in Seasons 3 & 4 of the re-imagined series & the STO soldier & trainer Diego in Caprica.

A big round of applause for Ryan Robbins!

12578049880?profile=originalNow moving on to Convention news...I want everyone to know in Mississippi and the surrounding area that come December 12th, 13th & 14th you need to be in Biloxi!

You need to be there for Geekonomicon

featuring Richard "Apollo" Hatch & Jack "Bojay" Stauffer!

Also, beginning on September 26th and running till the 28th is Sci-Con in Tampa Florida with a compliment of actors and actresses from both BSG (Richard Hatch, Jack Stauffer, Nicki Clyne)  & Star Trek (Aron Eisenberg)...and where yours truly will be appearing as well!

Also this October 11th & 12th. please look to The Dalles, Oregon for The Columbia Gorge Acting Class Intensive featuring classes & lectures from Richard Hatch & Jack Stauffer (Battlestar Galactica) & Noel Guglielmi (The Walking Dead, The Fast and the Furious).

Whew! lot of news huh?

Well here is some more!

I am happy to announce that By Your Command Volume 2 is now available for pre-order!

Volume 1 covered the original series, now it's the reimagined series turn!

12578050455?profile=originalLast but certainly not least, the big guest announcement from Galacticon IV

today...we are so pleased to be hosting Ron Glass, known for his role as Shepherd Darriel Book on Firefly.

Ron also has the distinction of being the second guest of Galacticon to have been a series regular on the hit tv show Barney Miller (the first being the late George Murdock who appeared on Galacticruise).

12578050298?profile=originalWe welcome Ron to the show!

So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club



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