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Just sharing this. It is a somewhat facetious semi-scientific explanation of what WOULD happen to the HUMAN body if one got air-locked. One could only assume similar results would occur with skin job Cylons as well. Toasters would probably do just fine though, at least for a few centons or even yahren.

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An Unscheduled CAP

Today Wedge, Aeneas, and Freya were asked to participate in an unscheduled rotation of the CAP as they were the available pilots. They encountered some strange activity during the patrol.

This is the transcript from the CAP.

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Beginning pre-flight thecklist

  • Me

    Aye, headed to the flight deck now

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    External inspection... OK. Flight controls... OK. Tanks filled and sealed. Canopy locks set to SAFE. Seat Motors to SAFE and PRU pods to SAFE

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    LSO, Perseus flight preflighting for CAP

  • Me

    Freya completing preflight checklist now

  • Me

    Preflight completed awaiting go for launch

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Mirage take my wing. Roger Aeneas

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Area clear, Comms to 1175.45 squawk 19

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Tacnav is Up, and canopy lock is ARMED. Escape pod to ARMED.

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    LSO, Aeneas ready for launch

  • Me

    LSO to CAP you are green for launch when ready

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Spoolup- I have two greens. Sensors to ACTIVE. Main Power to ACTIVE

  • Me

    Aeneas you are go for launch

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus flight launching.WOOOSH

  • Me

    Wedge you are go for launch

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Flaps set to fifteen degrees, Raptor 252, departing.

  • Me

    Freya requesting go for launch

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *launches off of the launch deck, and accelerates to station-keeping*

  • Me

    Freya you have go for launch.

  • Me

    this is 220M Launching

  • Me

    Wedge you take point, I will follow your lead

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Joining formation with Seekers

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Copy that, Freya. 252 taking point.

  • Me

    Dune draidis check. Draidis clear Freya

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *I edge us near to the bow, and take up a standard pattern, a sort of figure eight loop on two axies*

  • Me

    Copy that

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    All clear, Mirage arm and test weapons

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Dradis shows clear. Oh, fascinating. Twenty particles of space dust per cubic meter, 52 ultraviolet radiation spikes, and a class-2 comet.

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Perseus is trialling new wingtip missile launchers

  • Me

    Oh that sounds like fun Aeneas!

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Cool stuff. Can you blast through the tail of the comet?

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Rather go around, dust can affect the thrusters

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Works for me. Changing course fifteen degrees

  • Me

    Copy that adjusting course

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Changing course to match, check the comet for any raiders lurking

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Starting DRADIS one sweep

  • Me

    Dune has picked up something on dradis..

  • Me

    its staticy but its on the other side of the comet

  • Me

    Can't get a good fix on it

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Want us to check visually?

  • Me

    Wedge what do you have?

  • Me

    It could just be interference from the comet

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Dradis is coming up fuzzy, but it doesn't look like comet interferance?. Want to check it out.

  • Me

    CAP to Raven request permission to complete visual check on unknown contact.

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *over comms* Raven to CAP, permission granted. Good Hunting

  • Me

    Aeneas will you take point for visual inspection

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Changing to intercept course.

  • Me

    He has those spiffy missiles :)

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Roger Freya. Mirage alter course 20 degrees, 15 degrees up increase speed to 2Gs

  • Me

    Changing course to intercept

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Increacing speed. Will match. My ECO will keep an eye on the radiological beacons

  • Me

    Dune keep that Draidis sweeping see if we can get a fix on this thing

  • Me

    *Copy that Freya*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Closing will pass over comet for alook see

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    I'm getting a lot of radiological and comms inter*static*ance from the com*static* anyone read*static*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Eyeball, heavy raider close in sneeking up on the fleet

  • Me

    Roger that Aeneas. Engage

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *static, with nothing deciperable*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Roger, Mirage keep close, altering course towards

  • Me

    CAP to Raven we have visual contact incoming heavy raider

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *as the CAP is on the far side of the comet, only static is heard*

  • Me

    Wedge did you copy my last?

  • Me

    I got static

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *I flash my beacon in signallight.* "C-o-m-m-s.. d-o-w-n."

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Dradis cannot get a missile lock, engaging with cannons

  • Me

    *Dune to Freya, 252 just signaled their coms down*

  • Me

    *Dune respond, weapons free*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Open fire!

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *I see the raider and kill my engines, drifting now. Without comms and clear dradis, my pillbox is a target. Might as well look like space junk.*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    It's making off, good that will unmask the missiles, Mirage alter course hard right

  • Me

    Dune signal 252 return to Raven. We have not heard a response, they have no idea we are out here and about the raider

  • Me

    Dune signals 252

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Dradis lock, missiles away.Woosh, woosh

  • Me

    Aeneas watch out its a quick one

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *My main engines are down but I work with my manuvering thrusters, angling and following the raider I see. I don't however, see another two raiders hiding in the comet*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    BOOM. One hit it's damaged. Mirage fire your 2 to take it out

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *I flare my signal light, but it's a spotlight this time, as I see the second (but not the third) raider. I've painted a huge target on myself but I am isolating the raider*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Target destroyed, good shooting Mirage

  • Me

    Aeneas 252 appears to have engine trouble...

  • Me

    watch out there is a second raider

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Roger closing to cover, activate internal missile launcher

  • Me

    220M to Raven we have contact.. over

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *My manuvering jets are now full upwards, as I roket to avoid some tracers shot my way, but I'm slow*

  • Me

    Aeneas I cant reach the Raven

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Never mind, engaging secong target with cannons

  • Me

    I need to get out of this interference and alert the Raven *Dune keep trying to reach them*

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *I relight my engines, and rocket off as a tracer round comes way too close for comfort*

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Keep firing, BOOM, target destroyed

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Any more Wedge?

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *I flash my signal light.* "o-n-e--m-o-r-e"

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Mirage quick about to face the comet

  • Me

    220M to Raven... come in Raven.... We are taking fire.. cylon heavy raiders

  • Me

    I still cant reach them

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    I see it , Mirage it's all your engage with missiles, I'll back you up

  • Me

    Aeneas I see another hiding there

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Target damaged engaging with cannons to finish it

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    BOOM, target destroyed, looping round to check

  • Me

    Great shooting!

  • Me

    Dradis is still mucked up but no contacts showing

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Looks all clear

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    *I leave the comet. Whoever last did maintenance on my bird, left the comms system unshielded*

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    252 to anyone... *kshik* how copy?

  • Me

    *signals to 252* all clear. return to base

  • Me

    Roger that Aeneas lets get back and report this

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Loud and clear Wedge, any more Freya

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    I flash my light and fall in behind Freya. My comms are mostly working now*

  • Me

    Draidis shows clear for now

  • Me

    lets get back..

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    Roger Freya, joining up to starboard

  • Me

    220M to Raven do you copy...

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    I break into open comms, my ECO cursing under his breath about knuckledraggers, not knowing the comms are back online*

  • Me

    Raven to 220M I read you loud and clear now..

  • Me

    Finally! Raven we just engaged 3 heavy raiders on the other side of the comet.

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Wedge to Freya, my bird's radio needs a bit of work.

  • Me

    We have destroyed targets and are returning. request alert fighters be on standby and increased CAP

  • Me

    Copy that Wedge lets return so we can get that fixed

  • Me

    There is something strange about that comet too.. *dune picked up some strange readings*

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    LSO, Wedge. Requesting permission to land. Have the bay standing by for a repair.

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    How so?

  • Me

    *roger 220m Alert fighters on standby. Get back ASAP and report to CAG

  • Me

    Aeneas I will have to run these readings when we get back but something was weird about it. I cant put my finger on it right now

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Wedge, LSO. Permission granted. Approach port landing bay, hands-on, speed one zero five, checkers red, call the ball.

  • Me

    and you head the Raven, We need to report to the CAG about what we saw

  • Me

    Aeneas you are cleared to enter the landing pattern

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Copy, I have the ball...

  • Lt. JG. David "Wedge" Sangrey

    Skids down, mag-lock secure

  • Me

    Freya entering the landing pattern.

  • Me

    I have the ball...

  • Me

    kids down and maglock secure

  • LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell

    LSO, Perseus flight returning. Aeneas has the ball. 3,2,1, Aeneas is aboard

What does the readings Freya picked up from the comet mean? Why where the raiders in the comet?  We will have to wait for the results to come in to find out.

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I recently saw about the ATX reunion and some of what they discussed was politics. This is a FUN spin on a new series subplot that popped into my pointed little head. It's HUMOROUS, so don't get offended.

Gaius Baltar is running for the Presidency of the 12 Colonies. "Join me, and let's make the 12 Colonies GREAT AGAIN! We will rebuild the Colonies, and they will be HUGE, just like my hands, and my hands are HUGE, BELIEVE ME, my hands are HUGE. And who is going to pay for it? That's right. The CYLONS! The Cylons...The CYLONS WILL PAY for our new Colonies. Oh, and pay no attention to my skin. I just LOVE Cheetos and there was a minor incident in the Cheeto factory. But we will rebuild the 12 Colonies, and the CYLONS WILL PAY FOR THAT COLONY! All you have to do is vote for me. Don't vote for that LOSER Laura. Laura Roslin is a LOSER! And she is a LIAR! Laura Roslin is a Liar and a LOSER! Yeah, she used to be Secretary of Education. Sure. Her motto must have been "A mind is a terrible waste!" Give me a break. Oh, and that other guy. What's his name. Oh yeas, Zarak. Zany Zarak, that's what I call him. ZANY ZARAK. Give me a break. But vote for me, folks and what will we do? That's right, we will MAKE THE COLONIES GREAT AGAIN...and WHO is going to pay for it? That's right, the CYLONS! You're all great. You're all wonderful Thank you..."

In the audience, Rosalin supporters are jeering and making lewd comments about what he does with his "huge hands," and chanting, "Ask Number Six! Ask Number Six!..."  In other locations, Zarak supporters, many dressed in black, are starting violent fist fights with Baltar Backers.

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The Gunstar Trireme was on it's usual duty,10 km off battlestar raven's port bow;In CIC,There was A discussion on the Caprica MMA championship,broadcast on the CUBN the evening before; Chief navigator Geiken was in A not so good mood; His favorite fighter lost in the semifinals,and, geiken lost A fair amount of cubits:

" It's not fair! Had the ref not been blocked,He would have caught that below the belt stuff!"

"You're not the only one who lost; I was banking on smith to reach the finals" said helmsman shawn doyle " Didn't expect him to fade at the last minute.." Col. Leonidas,walking by, said: I won 300 cubits last night;I knew pasternos would pour it on..

"DRADIS contact sir!" announced  TAC/OPS officer  'Faceman' ursiny  "just came within our max range."

Heading?  " mark 537,carrom 42 sir..straight for us"  Where's the raven's CAP? "on the other side"

Leonidas picks up the phone " ALL HANDS...SET CONDITION TWO THROUGHOUT THE SHIP...ALL GUN BATTERIES TO STANDBY  "  What's his speed?  "one-five-zero,sir"

A minute later: "sir, I'm now picking up A colonial transponder signal...from that ship!"

Have we got A type on that inbound?  "It appears to be  A Mk.II viper."

Strange...Other than our own CAP,there shouldn't be any solo flights out this far....Any ID on the transponder?

"Cross-referencing it now..stand by..."      30 seconds later: "This can't be..."

What? "According to fleet records...this is someone who was confirmed KIA two years ago..Yet, the transponder ID is confirmed authentic.."

Just who is this?     "According to data.... VTN 74451NC.....Lt.jg Daniel Blutarsky...Last assigned to spartan squadron,battlestar raven"

Leonidas thinks ' BLUTO???...How in the frak is that possible?? '; XO 'bunny' nonemaker  says " We saw him get killed running from A old cylon base is he just popping up now? " We both saw that ,bunny;This  makes no sense.

A minute later, Comm officer 'DJ' fish reports "Sir....i'm getting RT from that's requesting permission to land."  On the raven? "No..It's requesting hands on landing on the Trireme,sir"   "Sir,whoever's flying is asking to speak to name.." ME? "Your callsign,sir."

Picking up A headset  'patch me through'

'Bluto...this is leonidas...where the frak have you been?'

" It's good to hear your voice sir!  I got some stuff to tell you!...If i could just land and talk to you face to face.."

'What stuff?'  "Can't say it now....don't want the toasters to get wind of this.."

After A pause   'Very well...hands on,port side...don't frak up my deck,please'

"see you soon,sir!"

Any radiologicals detected? " None" confirms faceman

Well, we've got A mystery to solve; Have Tusker meet,and escort that pilot to the plot room;Get me the hangar deck...   "Main hangar,Chief cool.."  This is the CO..we've got A viper coming in...where it came from is unknown; As soon as the marines escort the pilot,I want that viper checked for cylon IFF devices..Inside and out..If you find at least ONE device,I want that viper pushed off my ship IMMEDIATELY,clear?   "Crystal clear,sir."

Bunny, you're with me; Fish,contact the raven,and give them  the SITREP;Tell them we will keep them apprised.

"On it, sir."

The phantom viper lands on the trireme;  'Bluto' disembarks and is escorted by MGST 'Tusker' and two marines


So far,nothing unusual,Except,his flight suit and helmet are all he had jumped into A pool of bleach.

Five minutes later,in the trireme plot room; Leonidas and bunny are standing....looking like A ghost had walked in...maybe...

Bluto pops to attention and snaps off A salute.....the salute is returned.

"It's frakking great to see you sir! I knew they would give you your own ship...never doubted it!.....And,I knew bunny was on the fast track!"

Thanks looks like you pulled through...even though we confirmed you dead two years ago.

" I know it's kinda freaky,looking like this and showing up after all this time..but,i'm here for A real good reason...just to tell you some important stuff."

OK, first, start off with the last time we saw you...we saw your ship get hit and destroyed by A cylon base star,just before it exploded,and sealed off the void.

" Oh yeah! Well, I remember the last transmission I sent out...I was taking fire from that base star...then....I didn't hear no explosion....there was A big,blinding light...just white all around....I thought I was gone for sure; Then, I woke up...and there was this A luxury suite at the caprica city hilton...but,I really can't describe it...I was then surrounded by these people in glittering white robes covering everything except their eyes...I dunno...they kinda reminded me of angels for some reason..."

OK..go on

" It was like so being in the promised land.. only better...then, they started telling me that they are like beings of light....and they've been watching us...they said that we're going to be like them someday..Evolved,or something like that....Frak if I ever believed in that,until now! Anyway,they said they've been fighting evil in another dimension or something like that..and,they want to help us."

Help us......How?

" They sent me here to tell you this: There are some bad times coming for us..those frakking toasters are gonna find A way to shut down our defenses..and the fleet..then, they're gonna bring the kitchen sink to take us all out....the human race will be close to going down for good..!"

Go on....

"  But...there will be survivors.....  they'll be A bunch of civilian ships...led and protected by  A single battlestar...they'll be travelling beyond the red line to find A new home....A place,I think... And, they say that this earth is where the 13th tribe of kobol went..sorry,I never studied mythology in school...anyway, they'll be other survivors...they said YOU would be part of A fleet trying to hit back at the toasters..Hey,I told them that if anybody knows how to stick it to the cylons,it's my old boss!"

Really interesting bluto....Anything else they said?

" That's all I think they want you to know..they really didn't give me A lot of details.......this 'archon' guy just started blabbing about destinies , and..."

Just then, before the eyes of leonidas,bunny,and tusker, 'Bluto' starts to fade away

BLUTO??? "Ooops..I guess my time's up...sorry boss..But hey,they said we'll see each other again...and the first round's on me...!"

And bluto vanishes completely..into thin air

Standing flabbergasted,they try to describe 

" Sir, what the frak just happened?" asks tusker

There's one thing about this universe... not everything's A constant.

Then, a call from the hangar deck: "Chief Cool,sir... that viper that just came in? Well, we were about to examine it; I was about to lay hands on it when IT FRAKKING DISAPPEARED! Just Like that! How in hades does that happen,sir?" The pilot did the same thing,chief..disappeared.... frak if I can tell you how or why.

Bunny asks " you going to brief raven actual on this?"

Yes;However, I can tell you,she's going to be as skeptical as I am.

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