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Jeff Bridges & Bears

Hello Everyone,

A couple of years ago I got a message from a group called Wildlife Media...a group headed up by Bear biologist Chris Morgan...

It so happened that they were working on a film called Beartrek (about Bears) of course & had approached Bear McCreary to see if he might be interested in supplying some music for the film.

They really like his stuff & well, his name IS Bear...

They wanted to get the word out about the film & Bear referred them to me...and I have been a staunch supporter ever since and the Fan Club is happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with them!

So here we have a video of Chris (not only a very smart guy, but a very nice guy as well) chatting with actor Jeff Bridges...interesting how Bears & Battlestar intertwine with each other...Jeff's Father was Lloyd Bridges, the legendary Commander Cain!

Check out Wildlife Media at

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12578088685?profile=original"Groups" can be found in the red link list above just under the Fan Club logo and above the "So Say We All" banner. The sixty or so Groups are Chapters, Ship Chapters, and Sub-Chapter Groups cover many areas. And the Leadership is open to adding more if you have a good idea. You can join several Groups and Sub-Groups, but only one ship. Some Groups will review your page before adding you to their roster, so be patient. See someone interesting or in the Ship or Group you like, send them a Friend Request. Members and Leadership will be glad to answer questions and comments. We are all here for the Friendship and the Fun. Enjoy.

Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, 1st SGT, NCOIC, Raven Colonial Marine Detachment

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Raven Air Wing

Attention all pilots of the Raven Air Wing. There is another website for the Battlestar Raven,  battlestarravenbfc-002, that gives more information about the RAW and it's squadrons. If you have not already done so,  check it out,  it is worth a look. 

Aeneas, Perseus Squadron Leader

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