Jeff Bridges & Bears

Hello Everyone,

A couple of years ago I got a message from a group called Wildlife Media...a group headed up by Bear biologist Chris Morgan...

It so happened that they were working on a film called Beartrek (about Bears) of course & had approached Bear McCreary to see if he might be interested in supplying some music for the film.

They really like his stuff & well, his name IS Bear...

They wanted to get the word out about the film & Bear referred them to me...and I have been a staunch supporter ever since and the Fan Club is happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with them!

So here we have a video of Chris (not only a very smart guy, but a very nice guy as well) chatting with actor Jeff Bridges...interesting how Bears & Battlestar intertwine with each other...Jeff's Father was Lloyd Bridges, the legendary Commander Cain!

Check out Wildlife Media at

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