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Fellow Colonials,

          A few items to cover first I am not dead and gone not yet at least.  To much Sci Fi fun for me to have and collect around the globe.  I know some of you have been informed to what caused me to fall out of action things beyond my control.  However, I am back in full swing especially with a new computer a birthday present to myself.  I wanted to say thanks to all the folks who gave me a shout out to check on me and those who texted me to get updates. Thank you very much!

        I am going through email on both accounts and catching up on all emails fast!  If there are any personnel awaiting, holding an examination, or have a question please submit them via emails.  On another note if you have submitted an examination and have not received a graded test along with certificate of completion contact me please.

       Alright moving along with some frequently asked questions that I get asked often and once in a blue that come up b/c sometimes folks forget which is not a problem.

1-  Do I have to take a test in order to be a pilot?

Ans -  No a test is NOT required for a member to be a pilot serving onboard a chapter in the BFC Fleet.  Once you join a chapter you as the member have the choice of picking your role. IE: Pilot, Bridge Officer, Fleet / Marine Officer, or Enlisted, Engineering, Communications, Navigation, Security, Civilian Tech Rep, Civilian etc. 

2- How do I get a tail number assigned to me?

Ans - A tail number is only assigned to a Pilot once they have taken a Viper, or Raptor Qualification examination.  If your interested in being a Shuttle Pilot take Raptor exam, or Cylon pilot then Viper exam.  After you have passed your examination your tail number will be assigned.  In addition when submitting your examination please tell me what state you live, or if overseas the country.  This information is used in generating your tail number.

3- Can you explain the tail number designation for the Fleet based on the military asset assigned to a pilot?

Ans - Tail numbers are unique identifiers to said Pilots in the BFC Fleet.  No two Pilots should ever have the same tail number.  Tail numbers also help in IFF (Identify Friend, or Foe) and what small craft a Pilot is flying for example:

Viper Tail # 06016TX  (06 States your area of operation which is important.  016 is the actual Viper craft assigned to you.  TX is for Texas.  If you happen to be overseas then it will more then likely be your countries name.  Below you will see a few examples of Tail #'s

Viper (06016TX)

Raptor (R06016TX)

Cylon (C06016TX)

Shuttle (SC06016TX)

Stealth (S06016TX) and so on if something new then I will think up of a suitable identifier for it.

4- What if I want to change what I Pilot?

Ans - It is your membership if you want to switch from Viper Pilot to Raptor Pilot for example you simply inform your CAG of your desire.  Once you have done that you can email me at either and  Once I get the email confirmation from your CAG. I will revise your certificate of completion to reflect the new tail number.  You are informing your CAG as a professional courtesy by NO means are you stuck in a said position. As I stated earlier it's your membership.  I don't want to lose a member b/c they are stuck in something they don't want.

5- I am Colonial Marine and I want to fly. What options are there for me?

Ans - Colonial Marines regardless of their rank can take the Raptor Examination.  After passing and completing the exam you will be assigned a tail number like fellow Pilots.  I am trying to keep it real and honor the show as best I can.  Canon means alot to me.  In the BSG original series you will note there no tail numbers on the fighters.  There were several reasons for not having them.

6- Is it mandatory I give my chain of command my certificate and score on my examinations?

Ans - This question really gets me the answer is NO it is NOT mandatory.  A member can share their score points achieved on the exam.  Also share a copy of Certificates with their CAG, or Squadron Leaders.   It is a matter of "Privacy" at what level that is up to you the member.  I encourage all CAGs and Squadron Leaders to maintain a database with Pilot information.  However, you need to decide whether to say I "Passed" or "Failed" so they are aware.  If you want to share your actual score number it's your decision.  No BFC Officer will tell you it is, "Mandatory"  Same thing for the certificate your call to share, or not.  I recommend giving some information so there is a back up of it somewhere.  My database has everything. Bottom line your call.

7- What if I have a question on BFC Fleet Guidelines, Policies, or a procedure. Who do I contact?

Ans - You can contact your Commanding or Executive Officer on your assigned chapter.  However, if you are not assigned to a chapter and have a question you can also feel free to contact me via email at and

8- Why does everyone use the term, "Canon"

Ans - The term Canon is basically referring to something on the show Battlestar Galactica new and old as screen accurate, or seen on the show.  Whether it is a ship, costume design, insignia, prop used in a particular scene etc etc.  This term also applied to other shows and movies.  Ultimately it helps keep us the fans as loyal to show without coming up with some off the wall stuff.   It also helps identify if particular item was either not pertinent to the show or doesn't exist in it.  Fans can argue all they want, but when it comes to, "Canon" it is either seen on the show or it is not.

9- If I join the Battlestar Fan Club Community is alright to join more then one?

Ans - Yes you can join as many Battlestar Galactica Fan Communities as you like.  You are basically applying for a member in said communities.  Each community has it own guidelines / policies and other don't.  All have a common theme fans coming together b/c they love Battlestar Galactica.   If you join a community that does not have guidelines / policies it's okay some communities might be very small.

10-  Can I keep my rank if i earned it in another Battlestar Community and want to serve on a Chapter/Ship in the BFC Fleet.*********

Ans - Yes and no as weird as it sounds.  If are a member of the Colonial Defense Forces and wish to also join a Chapter/Ship here in the BFC Fleet then yes b/c we have a there i latitude in order to on good standing.  If you are from the Cylon Alliance then yes as well b/c do not want to seem impartial.  All those ranks are honored without issue and at times can be easily validated.  However, if you are starting out new then NO.  You just can't join the BFC with a rank you earned from a community who has not joined the Colonial Alliance its all about keeping it fair for everyone.  We can also discuss this one on one over the phone and come to some kind of understanding.

11- Forming a new chapter in the Battlestar Fan Club (BFC).  Induction of a chapter from outside the the BFC community.  This particular question has a very lengthy response as to cover different area.  As such this will be posted as a new thread.  However, a link will be provided to take to said thread to read.

              Thank you all for being patient and reading this FAQs list.  I don't mind questions this is how WE ALL learn and pass on information to each other and new personnel wanting to join the Battllestar Fan Club Fleet.  If you have questions not listed gimme a holler i am easily reachable.  I will add more question to this FAQ section as i get them or think of some that members might ask.  SO SAY WE ALL! ~SALUTES~


FADM Rivera, M.A.(CF)

Commander Fleet, BFC

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Fellow Colonials,

                  This is NOT Battlestar Galactica related.  However it IS important that we HONOR and give great respect to one of our many HEROES who have earned a place in our hearts!  Today Leonard Nimoy passed away at age 83.  Having lived a long life with a journey he share not just with is family, but with us his FANS. 

                   We knew him as Spock the First Officer of the USS ENTERPRISE, but we loved him for the logic he gave us and the promise that all things are logical as well as fact.  Like many of you i will miss him dearly as he is also one of my heroes and role models.  I ask throughout the BFC FLEET all ships dim their lights and take a moment of silence to honor this great man among us.  He will me truly missed, but reminds us all that time will eventually catch up to all us, so live this life like every minute counts and give love and joy to the ones we love family and friends. 

                    Thank you at Colonial Warriors of the FLEET!   Please post here and share your thoughts and ideals that him someone you thought of and respected.


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new members


 I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
 I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

 Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

So Say We All !!!!!!

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