If your idea of a fashion statement is combat boots, basic black and a bad attitude,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If you think negotiating with killer toasters involves cold steel, hot lead and C4,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If your home is a small bunk on a fast ship going in harm’s way,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If your office is any piece of deck or alien dirt that the Fleet tells you to take and hold,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

 If your secret for success is careful planning and violent execution,

………….you just might be a Colonial Marine.

If you think Fleet is Family, and a Group should be about fun and Friendship, SHOULD be a Colonial Marine.


Contact Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, Gunnery Sergeant, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment


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  • Colonel, Gunny thank you very much for the welcome. I vow to uphold the traditions and values or the Colonial Marine corps and will continue to attend as many OPS as I can and will make sure the cons I attend I will do so in a manner befitting the Raven MARDET. Once again thank you and OO-RAH
  • Congratulations, Private Joker. Welcome to the Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment. You have earned your way in, now you must earn the respect of the Crew to stay. OOHRAH !

  • Copy ALLCON! I would like to personally welcome Private Joker, to the elite Raven Colonial Marine Group.  It will not be easy to get into this group unless you come highly recommended by my right hand person.  And that is my NCOIC. He does all the work for me.  And that is all I am going to say.

    Private Joker, OUTSTANDING JOB! Not too many gets highly recommended by Gunny on their first try.  And now, the fun begins for you as a member of this group.

    Very Respectfully,

    Eduardo "Enforcer", Colonel, RCM

    OIC, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marines

  • Actually Ensign Allen, we are all officers in real life Zeus, Bonecrusher, myself and the Raven Marine OIC ) of our respective branch of the military.  But we don't bring that up here in the virtual world unless someone keeps mixing real life ( mentioning it ) which has no relevance in having fun.  Of course, it does help provide structure so the group is run smoothly and to have fun the right way.  Well, you did present yourself to everyone the wrong way.  You just don't tell everybody that you immediately want to climb up in ranks. You have to prove yourself first and work for it.  That is how it always has been.  But once there, you will enjoy the fruit of your labors.  Everyone is here to help new members.  That is why we are a successful group.

  • Copy ALL -Bonecrusher and Zeus! The left side of Raven Colonial Marine banner says it all!  We are all here to have fun but at the same time, there are STANDARDS. The word "Elite" itself means - " a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities."  And the Raven Colonial Marine banner itself will tell all possible Recruits, how to become a part of this 'elite" group. 

    Best of luck to everyone wanting to join the elite Raven Colonial Marine.  Only the best "Recruit" will be selected.  BE THAT PERSON!

    In Service,

    Rob "Skyblaster" Hillman- Sergeant, RCM

    Commander, Charlie Detachment Raven Colonial Marine

  • AGREED! What Zeus says! If I may add, The Raven Marine OIC does not get impress easily!  A potential Raven Colonial Marine Recruit has to show initiative from the start that you want to belong in this group.  And a recommendation from Gunny weighs heavily when it comes to someone even being considered.  Without that, the Raven Marine OIC will not even consider your request. You pass the Gunny's test, then you might have a chance with the Raven Marine OIC considering you. That is the way the Raven Colonial Marine works! That is why, it is an elite group because not everyone that wants to get in, gets in.  But once a Raven Colonial Marine, always a Raven Colonial Marine.  And that is where the fun begins! Just my two cent on the matter.

    Very Respectfully,

    John "Bonecrusher"-Staff Sergeant, RCM

    Commander, Bravo Detachment Raven Colonial Marines

  • Ensign Allen-

    I do not know if you realize  that Raven Marine OIC is very picky of whom he allows to be a Raven Colonial Marine.  That is why it is an elite group.  And one of them is how you conduct yourself and first impression of someone always has a lasting impression.  Which one do you really want to be? A Raven Colonial Marine or something else. You can join as many groups as you want but you have to have a dedicated one group that you really want to be as others have done.  I do love your enthusiasm though. I commend you that.


    Benjamin "Zeus"-Staff Sergeant, RCM

    Commander, Alpha Detachment Raven Colonial Marines

  • Where can I join this group of jarheads?

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