review of Razor

While stuck waiting for season 2.5 to arrive, I watched Razor, the movie which gives the backstory on the Pegasus, and Admiral Cain. Although their are some spoilers in it (revealing that Apollo becomes the Commander of Pegasus, and seeing how Admiral Cain dies, her two replacements and how Starbuck becomes the CAG for Pegasus under Apollo. But that's ok, none of that came as a surprise, I also already knew about the warning about Starbuck leading mankind to destruction) Razor still serves as an excellent thing to watch after the Pegasus episode, so you get a more balanced view of Admiral Cain and what the Pegasus went through. And I thought the Galactica was grim, it's a happy place compared to the Pegasus. I tried watching the original series the other night and couldn't get into it. I wasn't into it back then, although my older brothers tried to get me interested. Even back then, my idea of science fiction was Blade Runner, not Star Wars. I loved that darker grittier aesthetic, of course I was also a huge Philip K. Dick fan. Interestingly, Blade Runner is, in many ways, the precursor to the reimagined Battlestar more so than the original BG. It has that same grim tone, the replicants share many characteristics with the Cylons, hell, they are Cylons! Edward James Olmos, who had his movie debut in Blade Runner, agrees. You have to bring an entirely different attitude when you watch the original BG series, sort of a campy, fun, silly kind of attitude, similar to what you bring to Dr. Who. But I hated Dr. Who as well. I found that whole genre embarrassing, in the same way that I was embarrassed by my geek friends who went way overboard with their devotion to Star Wars and Star Trek. I guess, even at age 57, I still need to feel like I'm cool or hip, and the original BG is the antithesis of cool and hip. It's dopey, the acting is so overdone that I can hardly bear to watch it. I prefer serious sci-fi, and leave the sillyness to Monty Python whom I do like very much. Strangely, even though it was just as stupid in many ways as the original BG, I liked Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Although I say I'm not a geek, joining a sci-fi fan website is a pretty geeky thing to do. Nevertheless, I steadfastly refuse to ever wear polyester!
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