regarding the Pegasus edisode

I saw the Pegasus episode for the first time tonight from Season Two. (this is my first time through the series), and I have to say that it was the best one so far. It really took it up a notch. It was difficult to watch, gut-wrenching at times. Needless to say, Adama's resolve to save his men, at the end, was very satisfying. I don't want to know how it turns out, I'd rather watch it for myself. Unfortunately Season 2.5 hasn't arrived from Amazon yet, although Season 3 has, but I don't want to skip ahead. This episode was put together so well! You could tell that the arrival of the Pegasus was bad news from the get-go, just from the subtle acting revealing Cain's true nature, before she really shows her stuff. Actually, sad to say her style of command is closer to how the military often is, instead of Adama, except for the rape scene. I predict that the second version of Sharon will be killed by Admiral Cain in some fashion. But, I don't know. In any case, I gained an even greater respect for the series than I had before, and I had a lot, after seeing this episode. It ranks with the best drama I have ever seen on a screen. Slowly but surely, the Cylon plan is playing out. Even though my sympathies definitely lie with the Galactica, that is because I have come to love Adama and the crew, and, yes, even Cylon Sharon.

but objectively, Admiral Cain may have the interests of the Colonies more in mind, and not buying into all that religious hooey. Not really, Admiral Cain is a monster. I love how this series plays with the viewer's emotions. Good work!!

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  • Yep, the best is yet to come for you. The entire series is available on netflix instant view also.
  • Yes, I like both the original and re-imagined versions of BSG.  They did a GREAT job with character development in the new series.  A word of advice...Trust Nobody!  I won't ruin anything for you by saying what happens in the end, but after it's all over with, those who DID survive earned a well deserved rest.



  • Enjoy!  It gets even better....
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