Quebec City Comiccon, a first event!

Last week-end It was the first Comiccon of Quebec City in Canada.  Chief of Machine Room PO2 Hugo Valencia and I have been representing Colonial Defense Forces and the BSG fandom.  

12578066300?profile=originalPO2 Valencia (hard to recognize him without greasy hands and face...), Col. Landry as COL.  GDSOAB Saul Tigh and littl'Padawan Asohka Tano Landry.

12578066894?profile=originalWith another BSG fan met there.  "What the fraaaak!  What the hell is this, water?"

12578067097?profile=originalAt ease! PO2 Valencia, leave those comic books alone and lets have a good bottle of ambrosia!

-Col. Fred Landry, 11Th Fleet BSR-05 Excalibur CO, Canada.

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