Happy Holidays


Fellow Colonials,

On behalf of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Leadership, I would just like to wish each and everyone of you, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!  I know I am a day late but Christmas is all about love and family. So I was spending some time with my family ( husband and children ) .  I have also been very busy with real life events at work.  So, I have had a pretty busy year overall.  But, I have not forgotten anyone here, my second family.  I say second family because Fleet is Family.  And we are a FAMILY here at the BFC.

It has been one hell of a good year here at the BFC. We have had a steady growth here at the fan club.  And I am very please and happy about that.  That would not have been made possible without the loyal and true fans of the show we all love, Battlestar Galactica.  Fans continue to show their love for the show as I have seen at conventions I attend, media outlets I run across too etc...It is like the BSG Force inside us has awaken even more.  ;-) :-)   With that said, as BFC Vice President,  I would like to personally thank all of you for a wonderful year and for all the support you guys have given the BFC.

Now, on another note. Most of you know, I am also known in the BSG Community and Science Fiction Community as a whole, as Raven Actual.  The Year 2016 is something to watch out for when it comes to the BFC Flagship Chapter, as she will be revealing something big at the very first convention the group will be attending.  And that is the All Con Convention.  This will be a major symbol for the Raven Battle Group whom most of you know, launch her very first Gunstar Escort and was commissioned during Galacticon 4.  The honor of officiating her commissioning was officiated by none other than Miss Luciana Carro, assisted by myself and Raven Marine NCOIC Paul "Iceworm" Oakley along with Raven Classic Series Cylon Command Centurion Member Timothy Riely.  It was a memorable moment for the Gunstar Trireme Crew.  And I have Miss Luciana Carro to thank for wholeheartedly for that honor.  She truely is a class act for doing something like that and for the fans who where there to witness the little ceremony. :-) Luciana, thank you very much for that.

FROM MINE TO YOURS, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU AND YOUR LOVE ONES!  Be safe now and see you all in 2016 at a nearby convention.  I would like to see as many of you attend a convention near you just for the fun of it. You just never know who you will run into ;-) :-)  But for now, enjoy spending quality time with your family and love ones.  Those moments are very precious and special!  So Say We All!

In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Cub Vice President

- http://www.battlestarfanclub.com

Battlestar Raven-BFC-002

Commanding Officer

- http://www.battlestarraven-bfc-002.com

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  • Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Good Hunting to you and those that are dear.


    So say we ALL.

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