Build your own Battlestar!

I realize that we have a lot of new folks here who may (or probably may not) be aware of our ongoing Battlestar project.

So what is this project?

You (those who think they can command a Battlestar) are tasked with a mission!

Gather around you a crew!

Once you get 25 people recruited (and yes) you qualify as the first will achieve BFC Battlestar pick the name & your are ready to roll...or fly actually.

Of course you can recruit from current members but we'd like to see everyone make the effort to go out & recruit from outside the get your own Battlestar & we all can have the pleasure of seeing new members coming into the fold.

For those interested parties, please contact Admiral Miguel Rivera (ADM Rivera) on this site.

Once launched, your vessel with be part of the Colonial Defense Forces, those that keep us safe from those goll monging Cylons!



PS: No worries to all as you work towards Battlestar status, get at least 10 people together & you have yourself a squardron!

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  • Hi Donny

    I understand your frustration.

    There are at least two public facebook pages for BSG that are pretty lively. Just type in Battlestar Galactica

    in the 'Search' bar.   I'll look into others for you. 

  • Another thing I wanted to point out, which I did in a recent email to all our members is that there is a contest running right now.

    Whoever by years end recruits the most members for us (the new member needs to be sure & list them as a reference), will recieve the entire DVD set of the reimagined series & the second place person will recieve the DVD  set of the original series.

  • I think outreach is it on facebook or elsewhere...Mikhaila made a good point though, we don't want to look like we are "stealing members"...what we want to do is promote a cooperative effort with other groups.
  • I wanted to come back on something. There is for example the .


    But if i register there, i cannot post.I see no link with contact.  its dead over there.  Sites like them make me jump into impulsive moves. I can give more examples of them.  See why i try too look where it is a bit alive.


    Maybe you have some tips for me from sites that are more active.

  • Thanks for the feedback. Like i said, i am not that of a 'facebooker'. 

    Don't get me wrong. I am registered with my own name. You can just change your screenname on facebook. I also not send requests blind. there always goes a little story in front.. Maybe i told it a bit too loose. So i only have 1 friend i brought to here. His name is Feridun, and hes an awesome guy.. I talked for hours first with him. I am very carefull and i know what i am doing.


    But i see the danger, and i will presume with caution, and will hold back on facebook for now.  I just feel sometimes, the general sites are a little quiet for 


    And please, don't say sorry. :)  I appreciate it that you warn me. I sometimes forget that we are on 'the world wide web'.  And there are people who don't mean it good.  I do forget that sometimes , yes....


    Like i said, feedback is what i apprecite the most. I alone do not carry the whole truth. lol.. 


    In admiration, Donny


  • Donny

    It's a very creative idea and on the right track. I love the idea the idea of having a whole page dedicated to Battlestar.

    However I gently caution against contacting strangers out of the blue. Although I underststand your purpose and it's awesome, it could be miscontrued in a negative light and therefore look bad on our club as well. I suggest going to current public BSG Facebook pages and 'chatting everyone up ' and then make your friends there and inviting them here. :-)

    Also,  for certain, It's best that no ever take an alias on Facebook for legal and safety reasons.

    Nor should anyone respond to a request from a stranger EVER! Safety first fans! 

    So very sorry Donny. Facebook is a potenially dangerous tool and this is a dangerous country.

    YOU are AWESOME! I wish everyone else were as great. Then I wouldn't have to write this. Forgive me? 

    Siress Mikhaila

    Seat of Scorpia

    Quorom of 12

  • Hi everyone. Hi Shawn.  I have a little idea.  An example here:  I have this facebook account. but i am not that of a 'facebooker'. But now i discovered a lot of Battlestar Galactica fans there. So i thought, why not dedecate this whole account to Battlestar Galactica.


    So, i just sended random friend requests to strangers, with a message, that i want to bind as much as real fans as i can. I met some very nice people there. And redicted some already to here.


    Maybe a good idea for people here who want to do this. Go to your facebook account, or make one. take an alias that has a Battlestar Galactica character.  It's a good way to expand 'our universe'.


    It maybe is easier to get a squadron like that.  Please , don't hesitate. 

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