
Ravens, Colonials and Friends, lend me your ears! ;-) :-)

Today, the Battlestar Raven (The Flagship Chapter of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club) is three years old! Looking back at where and how she got started, I cannot believe how far she has really come along. And this is really made possible because of her current Command Staff Members and Crew. The Raven has truely become more than just a Battlestar Chapter group when a CO can sit back from time to time without worry and watch your group run herself from the distance with efficiency as your other leaders knows when to step in and run things . When you see something like that, you know you have done your job guiding it to be the best it can be. With that said, we have a few things to announce and reveal.

First announcement! As you all know, the Battlestar Raven Battle Group has been recently established. With that said, we would like to introduce to all of you, Battlestar Raven's First Gunstar Escort:



The Trireme derives its name from its three rows of oars, manned with one man per oar. In modern languages the number in a word or phrase describing an arrangement of oars indicates the number in all. It was an ancient vessel and a type of galley that was used by the ancient maritime civilizations of the Mediterranean, especially the Phoenicians, ancient Greeks and Romans.

Gunstar Trireme is currently in dry dock waiting to be commissioned as it gathers her Command Staff Members and Crew. Her Command Staff Members will be revealed in due time. So if you think you have what it takes to be a Command Staff Member of the Raven's First Gunstar Escort, email me at the following email address to be considered:




The following positions on Gunstar Trireme has been filled already: Commanding Officer and Executive Officer. The other Command Staff positions are still opened as applications are being reviewed by me along with the Gunstar Trireme Commanding Officer.

Please keep in mind the current Fleet SOP's the Raven have to follow by set forth by the BFC Fleet Admiral when applying for a Command Staff Position on the Trireme:



Our second announcement is very dear to all of us here on the Raven for we are a very TIGHT knit family here. When one is in need of help, we all pull together to help each other out. We do not leave anyone behind. There are a lot of us here that are parents and will do anything and everything for our children for they are our life. They are the continuation of our legacy in life.


On February 22, 2014, Zoe "Blossom" James, the four year old daugther of one of my Viper Pilots on the Raven (Justin "Hotwire" James), was diagnose with leukemia. Even though I have not met her in person, when I found out about it, it broke my heart. As a mother of three boys, I know it would be very hard for me to watch as a parent, if one of my children is suffering from leukemia. For me, the day I became a parent, is the day I stop living for myself. Everything from here on out, I do for my family. That is what being a parent is all about. And the same goes for the parents of Zoe "Blossom" James. She is a brave little girl and I love looking at the pictures her father includes me in and his other crewmates on the Raven. We are a family here on the Raven, so we do things as a family.


In Zoe's honor, the Command Staff Member of Battlestar Raven put their heads together to help the James Family. We came up with the following patch design, which we hope to turn this to an actual patch that will be avaible for purchase by anyone who so desires. All profits made from the patch sales, will go towards the James Family for their daughter Zoe. So without further ado, we would like to share with you the patch design for Team Zoe:

                                                                        Patch without the ribbon

12578054280?profile=original                                                                       Patch with the ribbon




This patch was designed by our very own Interim Executive Officer on the Raven, Steve Tweed. And with the blessing of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club President, Shawn O'Donnell, the Team Zoe Project has now also become a BFC Sponsored project. And we thank our mother site for that.  As the Flagship Chapter of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, we personify what our mother site is all about. We are just more than a fan club but a loving community of family and friends, hailing from all corners of the world. No child at such a young age should have to endure the effects of leukemia. But leukemia has NO boundaries. Leukemia can affect people at any age: both young and old. So, we here on the Raven along with our mother site, dedicated this patch design not only to Zoe, but to those who are suffering from leukemia, to remain strong and keep the faith. The faith in "FIGHTING LEUKEMIA!" And we hope that you, our Families and Friends in the Battlestar Galactica Community, would join us in this

And lastly, as the Commanding Officer of Battletar Raven, I would like to present this plaque to Zoe "Blossom" James, making her an Honorary Member on the Raven.  Your Raven Family loves you very much Zoe.  And we are all here for you:










Cherry "DragonLady"

BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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  • Thank you Boogman
  • NO thanks necessary Justin!  Like I said, WE are a family here on the Raven and the BFC.  It is what makes this group very unique in its own sense.

    Thank you for keeping me updated about Zoe!

  • I will buy both versions of the patch when they are ready.  I have also signed on to do several virtual 5K's (The running is real, but the location is different for each person running) with proceeds going to the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society.

    Link is here if anyone else is interested.

    Hotwire, you and your family are in my prayers, and please let me know if there is anything I can do.

  • Happy 3rd anniversary to the Raven and welcome to the fleet Gunstar Trireme.

    When the Team Zoe patch comes out I will definitely buy one so I can support Lt. Jg. Hotwire and his family in these hard times. 

    So say we all!

  • Happy 3rd Year Anniversary to everyone on the Raven!

    The Team Zoe patch will indeed become a reality. As a parent myself, I know it will be hard for me to bear as well seeing one of children suffer leukemia. It is not easy.

    Raven Actual and I are combining forces to get the patches made. So we will keep everyone updated on that. We are also looking into having pins made from the same company she had the original Raven pins done.
  • Awesome Actual, you really know how to start the ball rolling!!!!! Later today I will add to this announcement with a surprise of my own in support of "Team Zoe."

    The James family is very special to us Raven's. Not only is Lt Jg Justin "HotWire" James one of the assistant squadron leaders of the Flying Tiger's squadron, but he's a personal member of my family. What affects one family member affects the whole family. We will fight this thing together!!!!!

    GO TEAM ZOE! ! ! ! !

    SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!

  • So say we all!

  • Justin, we will go to the ends of the verse for one of our own! As a father of two girls and a boy I can understand the trials to some degree. We are here to support you in whatever way we can.
  • So Say We All!

  • I am lost for words.

    I have said the words, "Thank you" so much in this past month that I hope that it doesn't ever come off as disingenuous. It's just that I have become so tired of talking & so overwhelmed by this entire situation that I sometimes just can't say anything else other than "thank you."  

    I am very honored by all of this. My wife just woke to feed our newborn & I showed her & she is very moved by all of this. 

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of my shipmates & commanding officers aboard the Raven & everyone at the BFC that has made this possible.

    The James family: Justin "HotWire", Julie, Zoe, Kaiya & Charlotte.


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