Hello everyone,

If you are all interested in viewing the trailer for Blood & Chrome please click here.

The video that was quickly put up on youtube was just as quickly brought down due to copyright issues, those being either NBC's issues or youtube's own internal ones.

You CAN still see the video by clicking the above link.

So Say We All!

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  • Well yersterday I got to be the first lucky to put it on line inside our BFC web page, but what happened was very interesting.

    Indeed I wonder if the obviously leaked trailer came from someone inside the production who was trying to force the hand of Mark Stern, what It's clear is that the quick reaction to the leak tells us they knew the story about the downgrade to webseries would break today. I think the "Game Changer" reference meant they were trying to put a positive spin on it.

    But the Mark Stern preference for Garbage SciFi is made very clear today...

    I'm frakking pissed off...
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