
            I hope everyone is doing well and life is good.  First i wanted to a brief moment to thank everyone personally who gave me time to deal with my retirement from the United States Naval Service.  To President O'Donnell, Daniel Allen, Cherry Oclima and other close friends i thank you.  Everyone else i am proud to say i am OFFICIALLY retire and can fully focus on what i love.  Sci Fi and everything that makes me a Sci Fi geek of all genre to help fellow members wherever they are here in the states or around the globe.   I have retired after serving 20 years in the US Navy and i bring that talent and experience to everything i do.  Of course all in fun here and not to take everything to serious b/c as WE ALL know it can suck the fun out of anything right?

           I have settled in to my new City after moving from Florida and will be back on full duty starting tomorrow.  For all you Viper and Raptor jock you have all passed your examinations and will be getting your Certificates and Awards tomorrow.  Give me 24 hours to get them all out and if you have not gotten yours after 24 Hrs email me at  i will also check if email is sent there as well.  Expect changes folks on the BFC Fleet Military side.  There will be a few wake up calls if you will and alot of smiling faces.  I have some catching up to do, but not much. 

           Fleet personnel can expect subtle changes here and there.  There will a be a few revisions to existing SOPS(Standard Operating Procedures)  For my Colonial Marines there will also be some changes as well nothing to major but i am steering us into a positive, productive and expanding direction.  I will be releasing the Fleet Ship compliment and commissioning procedures soon.  If you are interested in becoming a ship Commanding Officer my email is  Lets talk and i like doing short interviews so i can get a feel for you and answer questions you may have.  Just allow me 48 Hrs so you as the interested party can read the, "Fleet Ship compliment and commissioning procedures"  Colonials in due time i will have us exactly where we need to be as a FLEET and more importantly as a FAMILY!   I expect nothing but the best from you all as i know you expect the same thing from me and MORE! Thank you very much all of you for constant support and cooperation i appreciate it.  SO SAY WE ALL!!  ~SALUTES!~

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  • Congratulations Admiral Rivera for your deserved retirement from the USN!  Success and happiness in this new step of your like.

    So say we all!

    -Col.  Landry,  11Th Fleet BSR-05 Excalibur CO

  • Congratulations Admiral Rivera, 

    Thank you for your service in the USN, it is greatly appreciated.  I wish you all the best on all of your new adventures. 

    So Say We all!!!!

  • Congratulations Admiral Rivera, you've served all of us well with your 20 years of service in the USN. I wish you the best as you begin the next chapter in your life.

    SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!

  • Hello everyone,  Thank you for taking time out your busy schedules to post here.  I appreciate it very much as for retirement lets just say it takes some getting use too.  Be safe and thanks again.

  • Thank you for having served honorably! Changes is never easy!

  • Carry on Admiral

  • Congratulations on your retirement SIr. I know it is well earned and deserved. Thank you for your service and if there is anything I can do please let me know. 

  • Congrats on Your Retirement,Sir! Of Course, Transitions of This Type Aren't always Easy, But, Rest Assured, We,The Fleet,have Your Six! SO SAY WE ALL!

  • Congrats on making it to the "20" I salute you for your time and service. As you know you can get a hold me for anything you need updated on the Raven. Good to see you back in the saddle I have honestly missed our correspondence!

  • Thank you for the post Admiral Rivera! First off, I want to thank you for having served our country with honor!  Real life always comes first because they are our bread and butter!  I know I will personally get to the same life changing event that you just went through when the time comes for me.  

    I look forward to seeing what you have planned for the Fleet!  You have my support!

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