You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club to add comments!

Join The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club


  • Congratulations!  The banner is very nice!

  • Happy Anniversary and to many more to come.  So Say We All!!!!

  • Here, here..  Congratulations and Happy 14th Anniversary Battlestar Fan Club!   It is a true blessing to various communities in the Battlestar Galactica Genre who like us here continue to honor and preserve the show.  Whether it be at a Convention,  Local get together,  Movie night with friends.  It great to see a true celebration where we see the Legacy continue prospering on all over the globe.  Be safe and SO SAY WE ALL!  ~Salutes~

  • Happy Anniversary

  • Congrats to all who walk these heroic corridors, to those who still believe, and to those who have much time on their hands..

    To those proud among us, I salute you all.


    And may we never lose our 'day jobs'...


    Colonel Bolter

  • Wow, 14 Years and still going strong!!!!

  • Nice banner.

  • Happy Birthday to the BFC!!!

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