Operation Planet Zebulon Part 1.

Greetings All,


I was fortunate to be able to plan the spring op. This was a continuation of the November Op Where the Raven received Intel from our rescued hostage that the Cylons had occupied the nearby planet Zebulon.

A Raptor was dispatched to perform a recon mission and discovered that the Cylons had built a very large Raider manufacturing plant.


It was decided that the Raven Battle Group must take action and destroy the facility and take out as many Cylons along the way.


The Op was set to take place on Saturday the 2nd of April at 10:00pm but as always the Raven Battle Group is ready to take on the Cylons.


The op took place in the main chat room and for the next mission everyone is invited to attend.


We had a substantial turn out for this event. You are more than welcome to read what took place during the latest Op and I look forward to seeing more of our members for the next mission.


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Sixty seconds


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hands on sticks, Seekers

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker, Remind me to have bayonet studs put on these arms.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Coordinates feed into the jump drive as the clock ticks down.......


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

3, 2, 1, Jump!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

3,2,1 JUMP!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Launch, launch, launch! All batteries open fire!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK lets get this show going.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

All Raptors Launch ......

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We're ready for anything Col.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

ready.....KICK IT!!!!!!!!

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raptors away, could use some viper cover

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Lets do this

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

250 away!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

All Vipers set to launch when ready......

  • Me

Draidis shows basestar in the northern portion of the planet

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

They are launching raiders

  • Me

220m ready for launch

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

All Gun Turrets in Position

  • Me

launching in 3..2..1..

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Take em down Seekers!

  • Turbulence in 10....
  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Ready on your command Col.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Spartan and Flying Tigers in the tubes begin to launch.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

You've got it Lt.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven is beginning salvo fire on the basestar

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow


  • Me

220m entering the atomosphere... its bumpy

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Entering the atmosphere

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK Tigers lets get formed up and give it to em.....Over.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Atmospheric turbulence...dradis below is clear

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Eta two mikes

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Proceed to drop zone

  • Me

copy that mik mo

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

teams 2 and 4 2 mikes

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Trireme Guns Open Up)

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

El Cid stghten it up.....you to Dutchman.....

  • Roger that CAG Sir.....
  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hard reverse in 5...

  • 4
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Dradis shows multiple hangars... Firing missiles.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock
  • 3
  • 2
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock1
  • BRAKE!!!!!!
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Drop the CAG bit and hit the targets.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Reversing!Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yes Sir.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Marines, ready to debark!

  • Me


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

2 + 4 ready

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Here's a bunch at our 3 O'clock.....I see me Reamer.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET one and three ready

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Skids down , go go go!

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

All ships down, hatches open...

  • Me

gunny there are some centurions in the area.. watch it when you disembark

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

turning to starboard guns blazing.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Prepare for immediate dust off

  • Me


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 away

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow


  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We'll give any company a nice exploding gift basket!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Joker move to the south to objective .

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Units clear, goimg!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There goes tow toasters.....Yeah.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Works Fine!

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 oscar mike

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Way to go Bunny

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hit em hard, Gunny!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET landed and enroute

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Great shooting.....here's one for me.....

  • Me

marines unloaded.. hatch closed.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

318, take station

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Missile away.....Boom.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Returning to the barn

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Pop goes the Cylon!!!

  • Me

seekers lets make sure we get the suppression fire for them to get into the building

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Seekers, head for targets

  • Me

then we need to move onto to the hangers

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Nothing like flaming confetti

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Weapons actice

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK 12 O'clock high.......

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Copy that, lighting em up!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

we need to make sure they dont launch those new raiders any more than they have

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

FLAS FLASH, Centurions ahead. Sentries. Watch for ambushes.

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Minor col.

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Immelman turn.....break.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Watch it! Missile lock!

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's get them back!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Climbing and rolling.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

there in my sights.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Perimeter North breached, into the tunnels, contact light.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

let em have it Flight 1.....

  • Me

Dune draidis check....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Missiles loaded and ready at your command

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Guns blazing.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

SPARROWS 300 PLUS,Fire Cluster Missiles!

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

multiple explosions.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Distance to target 1

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Tririme watch it, four heavy raiders CBDR at five o'clock

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Yeah..... four bite the dust.....

  • Me

Draidis shows multiple contacts in nearby.. they are luanching the raiders

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Moving fire fight, not much security here, moving to objective.

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 entering south now

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Great Gods.....

  • Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that Wedge

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Got them,Wedge

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Right up their exhaust with a lot of bang

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Hit as they go....Seekers, weapons free

  • FIRE!!!!
  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

There's another bunch.....give it to em.....

  • Me

Roger that.. weapons free

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

Copy that Reamer Sir.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Rob "Joker" Crane

MARDET 2 + 4 hit security door. preparing to blow

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

I got one......great shooting Dutchman.....Over....

  • Me

*Sir* i am receiving a message from the Raven... Standby.....

  • Lt. J.G. M. "Mik Mo" Morelock

Wedge, you and I will concentrate on the raiders, Freya, take out the hangar

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Tririme it appears they are trying to board you. Got another squad heading to your starboard landing bay

  • Me

*Sir we have another draidis contact.. a second basestar has jumped in*

  • Rob "Joker" Crane

door gone entering now

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

OK lets form up again and come around.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Freya, heavy weapons from above ground, pre registered target Alpha One One, please engage.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Copy that iceworm.. in route to alpha one

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Iceworm I'm closer engaging... Fox two.

  • Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstow

turning to port, there's another group of sparrows, 10 O'clock low....

 Lt.Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I don't think they'd like the welcome party we'd send them

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