Part 1 Operation Purple Green Haze:

Colonel Leonidas, Battlestar Ravens CAG asked me to plan out next mission using Episode 10 (RDM) “Hand of God” for inspiration. That episode has always been a favorite of mine, but I didn’t want our Vipers hiding inside the Movers Ship and I substituted the asteroid for a planet. Thinking about “Hand of God” made me think or a couple episodes that would add an interesting spin to the mission.

I borrowed the Green EM Radiation from (The Mini Series Night 2 Act 1) Ragnar Anchorage and the atmosphere of the planet from Episode 5 “You can’t go Home Again” that offered almost zero visibility and caused problems for the Galactica’s scanners. Lastly, I threw in the Battlestar grave yard from “Blood and Chrome” for good measure.

The mission plan was created and sent Col Leonidas for review. A few changes were decided on and the plan was finalized keeping many aspects of the original plan intact and the date was set for the last day of February.

Mission Plan and objectives:


Okay Folks! This one is going to be HOT in more ways than one! Now you will know why we just got in A Supply of fresh Dosimeters last week!


A particular Star System, about 75 km past where the Red Line is now, was A Source of Radiation Experiments for the Cylons, EM Radiation to be exact. At the outer periphery of this system was a planet rich in Tylium; It was discovered by accident by a Colonial Scout Raptor. The Quorum and Fleet Admiralty after much debate decided to take a gamble and seize this Fuel source before the Armistice could be finalized.

Even though this system is heavily clouded in EM Radiation, which is fatal to the Cylons' Silica Pathways, and yet harmful to Humans via Long-Term Exposure was worth the risk in exchange for establishing the Armistice line further out and grabbing the much needed Fuel Source.

 A Fleet of 10 Battlestars and support vessels was assembled. They were confident that they could grab this planet for the Colonies quick and easy. When they arrived, they were in for A very rude awakening.

 A MASSIVE Cylon Fleet awaited them, somehow hidden from the DRADIS Technology at the time (Since then the shortcoming has been corrected). The results were horrific, pretty much like an Earth General by the name of Custer.

Needless to say, we had to cut our losses and get the hell out of there. Only two Battlestars made it home leaving behind a “Battlestar Graveyard.” Shortly afterward, the Armistice and Red Line that came with it was established.

 Time had indeed passed since then; the Cylons had exploited the Tylium source while Improving on themselves and their weaponry; however, the Universe we live in is chock full of quirks. A Rouge Asteroid from out of nowhere decided to pay the Cylon Garrison at the Tylium planet a visit (One of our Remote Unmanned Intel Probes was Lucky to Capture images and transmit them back to us before being annihilated by the accompanying shock wave).

This plus a Gravitational Shift (Thanks to a Supernova estimated about 50 light years Beyond) pushed the Planet approximately 20 Kilometers closer to the Red line, out of the system and, actually took some of the Battlestar Graveyard with it. After the dust settled the Cylons decided to take what was left of the Tylium and pull back fearing we might get A closer look at what they were doing.

There are clearly visible amounts of EM Radiation present; weak but still hazardous to Humans. The Cylons are now down to the last Tylium deposit on the Planet and they’re trying to take all they can before bugging out.

We have recently identified the two Battlestars from the Graveyard that were pulled away with the Planet: Battlestar Thetis the Flagship of the Lost Fleet clearly broken, but mostly intact and the Battlestar Iblis. Nothing left but her forward and mid-section along with assorted debris.

So, this brings us to the present. Our objectives are: First, dispatch teams to both Battlestar wrecks not only to recover usable equipment, but also each Ship's Colors so they may be Officially Retired with Honors. Then once the recovery process is finished, to destroy the last Tylium Mine the Cylons are presently mining. The more Tylium we deny the enemy the harder it will be for them to conduct operations against the Colonial Fleet and thereby weaken our defenses.

The Raven herself will carry out this Operation. In the meantime, a group of Battlestars, the Atlantia, Eternal and Themistocles (One of the Survivors of the First Mission to Green Haze), along with escorts, will engage the Cylon Task Force stationed near the planet. In an adjacent sector as a diversion to keep the Cylons occupied while the Raven conducts this 'Grab 'N' Go' Operation. Then we pull out and launch a Nuke to destroy the Tylium Mine.

However, I must caution everybody again, there are remain levels of EM Radiation not just on the Planet but in the Battlestar wrecks themselves. That’s why “EVERYBODY” being deployed either to the wrecks or in the air will carry two “DOSIMETERS” to make sure nobody gets zapped with a heavy dose of radiation. Sick Bay will be standing by with Anti-Radiation Meds to be Safe and after we return to the Raven, “Strict Decontamination Procedures Will be Followed.”

  Now, the Order of Battle:

Spartan Squadron, Flying Tigers Squadron and Perseus Squadron will be the CAP (Combat Air Patrol). Hammers Squadron, Strike Raptors and all, will be hovering in Mobile Position One in case a Basestar or two jump in. Minotaur Squadron will cover the MARDET Teams to and during the Recovery Operation.

MARDET One Sgt. “Iceworm” Oakley, Battlestar Thetis front section: Raptors 322, 325 and Shuttle 16.

MARDET Two Capt. “Blindsword” Lopez, Battlestar Thetis Rear section: Raptors 327, 329 and Shuttle 12.

MARDET Three Corp. “Skyblaster” Hillman, Battlestar Iblis Raptors 330, 332 and Shuttle 7.

Reserves: Raptors 331,335 and 350M

DRADIS: Raptors 316, 347, 318 and 345.

SAR: Raptors 343, 317,319 and 320.

Raptor 338 will be Monitoring Radiation Levels during the Operation.

Any changes or adjustments will be made as needed depending on what takes place during the Operation.

Good Hunting! So Say We All!!!



The Mission Begins:

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG TO SHOOTERS;Prepare to Launch Strike Wing; MARDET Teams with Minotaur Escort to Follow; Bring Blue Squadron to Alert Five Status!

  • 9:35 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG to MARDET Teams, Close Hatches and Prepare for Launch

  • 9:45 PM
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley


  • 9:52 PM
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(RAVEN to Strike Wing, You are Cleared to Launch When ready; May the Lords of Kobol Be With you) Thank you, Raven, So Say We All!

  • CAG Launching!
  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus squadron, suit up and get ready for some action.

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Mardet 1 thru 3: ready for launch

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Snoopy Launching!)

  • Me

Attention.....Flying Tigers perform pre-flight checks and Launch when ready......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Mickey Mouse Launching)

  • Spartan Section Three to CAG, We are out of the Tubes)
  • CAG TO MARDET TEAMS, Launch When Ready; Minotaur, Launch Also.
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

MARDET launching

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus, get pre-flight checklists complete, launch when ready and form up.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Hammers Airborne)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M1 &2, breaking for Thetis

  • Me

Capt, Flight 2 ready for launch.....Flight 3 ready Sir......Flight 4 ready….Capt....5 and 6 Ready Sir.......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Spartan Section five, We are off)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M3 breaking for Iblis

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Six, We Have you, MARDET Three)

  • Me

Tigers this is Reamer.......I'll see you out there......Launching in 3, 2, 1.....Whoosh......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

(Perseus) Preflights complete, launching now

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Mardet to Minotaurs, have you in sight, stay tight

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Lead, That's A Rog)

  • Me

Mk-II's of Tigers squadron launching in unison........

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Lead, That's A Rog)

  • Me

Form up Tigers and look sharp......over.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Good to see you Capt. Reamer

  • Me

Roger that Capt.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Closing on Thetis and Iblis, seem intact atmosphere in most areas

  • Me

Roger that Bunny......over.....

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Roger that Captain

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG To Raptor 338, Begin Rad Sweep; (Roger That)

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus squadron is formed up, ready for action.

  • Me

The Perseus squadron is looking great......over

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

The Flying Tigers are also at their best I see!

  • Me

El Cid, get in formation......over......Roger that Capt.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(316 to CAG, Nothing on Dradis, Yet)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

ALL MARDET Raps breach now in assigned areas, shuttles approach port landing bays and inspect for use

  • Me

Hitman to Reamer.....over.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Hammer Lead to CAG, In Mobile Position One, Standing By)

  • Me

Go ahead Hitman.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Radiation at mid range, estimate 45 mikes or more of tolerance possible

  • Me

We're ready to scrap em tonight Sir......

  • Roger that Hitman......You're the best......
  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Let's keep a watch on radiation levels, report any problems.

  • Me

Purple Haze all in my brain, lately things don't seem the same, actin' funny but I don't know why 'scuse me while I waste this Cylon…….na na na Hey Hey……

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Minotaur Two to Cag, Approaching Rear of THETIS, Stand By)

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

I'm ready for some scrapping

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Targets breached, coming aboard Shuttles report both port bays limited accessible


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