Part 3 Operation Purple Green Haze:

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Roger 316, Tell Raven to Have that Nuke Warmed up In the Tube (Roger Cag, Raven Reports Target Locked In)

  • Me

Yeah!!!! WooooooHoooooo.......FireFox wasted them......Yeah.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Gator is going back to the Raven from a run in with a scrap pile. Watch all the debris!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 M3 execute home run, report when on final. Three wia inbound to med, please advise landing bay docs

  • Me


  • Come in HotWire.....Over......
  • Capt.....I'm out of ammo.......heading back to tha Raven......
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(HAMMER LEAD TO CAG, BASE STAR IS Crushed!) Good Work, Hammers, Fall Back to Cover MARDETS(Roger)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CAG have identified Base Star derelict in my immediate area, request permission to board.

  • Me

Roger that Hotwire.....Decon when landed......over......Yes Sir.....Over.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Splash! Yes!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

NEGATIVE IOceworm, Enemy Task Force Is Reported On way Here

  • Me

Lets get back into formation Tigers......there's safty in numbers.....over.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

S16, go home run now, report final, Minotaur covering.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Woohoo!! *explosions*

  • Me

I'm down to more HD-70's.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Spartan Five And Six, Tighten Up the Gap

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Copy CAG, commencing home run, Minotaur is engaged close.

  • Me

The Chrome jobs don't know it......keep alert......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Prime time, We Just Waxed the Last)

  • Me

Roger that Capt...

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 and M3 on the ball

  • Me

Any more Toasters Capt......

  • It’s looking clear on my Dradis.....
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

S16 on the ball

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus form up, anyone see anything?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

9338 To Cag, RADF Levels Still Rising) Understood, CAG TO FLIGHT, RETURN TO SHIP,REPEAT RETURN TO SHIP, Spartan Three Cover Rear(Roger)

  • Me

Watch it everyone.....keep your eyes open.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

CAG R322 R355 plus Minotaur’s coming in hot with bad guys

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raven Opens Fire to Cover Mardet)

  • Me

Tigers head for home.......over.....

  • Copy that Reamer.....over.....
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

M2 M3 n S16 all n the nest in heavy decon protocol

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Perseus let's bring it home

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

Roger that Captain

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Thanks Raven they lost interest. M1 on final....calling the ball

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Don't forget Decon everyone!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Flight 2, 4, 5.......about to land........

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Combat landings, let's go!

  • Me

OK Tigers Combat landings and head for Decon......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

9Spartan Five and Three Aboard)

  • Me

Roger that......over.....

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

All Mardet home, say again all Mardet home and accounted for

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

All Perseus Squadron in, Bunny landing now.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( Spartan Two Landing)

  • Me

Reamer coming in......scraping along the deck.....sparks flying.......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG On Approach

  • Me

Coming to a stop.....mag lock on.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

All Perseus accounted for, get to Decon. Good job all!

  • Me

Climbing out and walking into decon.......hey Vipers Glowing.......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

lol Reamer

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( Raven Launches Nuke Towards Mine)

  • Me

Wow, my badge is almost completely black.....

  • I guess I'll be hitting sick bay after decon....
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( ALL AIRCRAFT ABOARD.....3....2....1....JUMP!)

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I might have to join you Reamer

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Raven Completes Jump)

  • Me

OK Bunny, then it’s to the lounge for a few shots of the good stuff.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Sounds like a good plan Reamer!

  • Me

Hey Capt, that was a great recycle mission.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I've got the first round!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Whooo! That was Hot! Get me in that Decon Chamber Now!

  • Me

You know it out did yourself tonight.....Thanks did great as well.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Stargazer, I saw some nice shooting out there!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Short Round) (Damn! I Barely Made It! Look How Black That Is!)

  • Me

Purple Haze......Ooops I mean Green Haze lit up my Bird......hey hey hey na na na ......

  • Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto

I'll see you guys in sick bay too. I guess black is my color too. After I will get the second round!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

3 non-life threat wia's in decon infirmary unit. 1 R damaged engine nacel. All dosimeters high but in the safe zone (Kobol bless Potassium Iodide). Decon proceding. Packaged up most ship's logs from Thetis and Iblis, including tech readouts and intelligence accumulated. Two skids of Cylon items

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Great, Get That Stuff Deconned, And We'll Gather it Up

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Awesome job everyone!

  • Me

And to think CAG Sir, I thought we could keep the planet for its Tylium.

  • The Radiation is so strong; I don't know how the Cylons were using the stuff.
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Rodeo) (Whoo! I'm loving this Shower!) (Batman) (You Mean,You Don't Take them?Ewww!)

  • Shadup! You Know the Drill!
  • Me

Well, let’s get a shot and then go and drink some shots!!!!!LOL

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Six skids of sensitive and high value equipment. And for all ship's Souls, hereby report the recovery of the Ship's Flags and Commissioning Pennants for Battlestar Thetis and Battlestar Iblis, rest in peace.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You got it Reamer!

  • Me

Pilots in line at sick bay.......getting stuck one by one......

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

So Say We Al; Now, They can Officially Stricken from Fleet Records.

  • Me

Hey Dock stick me, I need a drink!!!!!!

  • OK Reamer you're all set......Thanks was tough out there......
  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Two Step) (NEEDLES!! THAT'S NOT WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR!(Faints) (Laughter)

  • Pick Him Up, He'll Get Over It!
  • Me

Give that pilot a drink, maybe he'll come out of it!!!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Now, I Need A Drink!

  • Me

OK everyone.......I'm heading for the lounge and a bottle of Amborsia.....see you there in a few.......

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Coming right with you Reamer, see you all there!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

See You There, As Soon as I Make My report; Why the Hell are my Ears Still Buzzing?!

  • Me

Reamer walks past his Vipers being Deconned........

  • Make sure you get mine’s still glowing a bit........
  • Yes Sir Reamer we got it covered....
  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

On to Joe's, for a toast to those we lost, to those that ship out with us, and to the best Battlestar and crew in the Fleet: THE RAVEN!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

So say we all!

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