Part 3 Team Zoë Airlock Leukemia CAP

  • Me

OK Tiger's anyone Hit?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 reporting: all good here sir

  • Me

Lets form up and make one last trip around the fleet....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( Shuttle Floats Free Of Raven Into Clear Space 5km From Raven)

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Flight 2 to Capt. Trek has a clipped wing but should be ok.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is in good shape!

  • Me

Roger that Hitman....keep an eye on him....over....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Missile Destroys Shuttle)

  • Me

Copy that Bunny....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that Flight 2 high and tight , Trek stay close.

·         Roger That Capt.

  • Me

Great shooting tonight....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Yes! great shooting ...

  • Me

Everything looks clear nothing on my Dradis....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I just wanted to say, Team Zoe! Airlock Leukemia!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(316, Nothing More Here)

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I got nothing here either.

  • Me

RogGreat work Sir....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Cag To Flight, Retun To Ship; Damaged Birds Land First

  • Me

OK you heard the CAG....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Roger that CAG!

  • Me

lets head for home....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Thanks Bunny

·         Copy that sir

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5, let's go home!

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Just checked records, and you were none too soon destroying that shuttle. Blue Squadron was almost decimated by a milder strain of a similar disease. This strain would not have responded to the same treatment.

  • Me

Andof Ambrosia.....Yeah....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Roger that Sir!! We are headed home!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG To Raven, Requesting Clearence To Land Flight; Launch Minotaur CAP As Soon As Last Bird Lans

  • Me

I said a tall glass of Ambrosia....LOL

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

lol copy that capt!

  • Me

I'm buying....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Then I'm drinkin'!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Roger, Cag, Clear On Both Flight Decks, Hands On)

  • Me

The Raven never looked as good as it does tonight.....

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

I have had all the hot Caprican bean-mill I can drink for this period...and it has left me with an opressive headache.

  • Me

You should try Bean-O Sir.....LOL.....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

CAG To Raven, Hands On

·         ( Roger CAG Call The Ball)

·         Speed 106, I Have The Ball

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

I fail to see humor in that statement, Captain Reamer.

  • Me

OK Tiger's let the damaged birds land first....

·         Sorry Sir, but it works for me.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Bean-o before lol

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Not so in my case. Life Station provides me with something different.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Spartans Escorting Damaged Birds On Starboard)

  • Me

Stop by the ships lounge Sir and I'll buy you a bottle of the finest Ambrosia the Raven has on hand Col Archon Sir....

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Captain Reamer, you KNOW that I do NOT drink intoxicants!

  • Me

Sorry Sir, just trying to make a mends.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Nothing better than a drink after a successful mission

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Skids Down, Secure Maglock

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Hitman to Raven I am on approach

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Maglock Secured)

  • Me

OK tiger's it's our turn.....hands on appraoch and don't scratch the decks.....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Hear that flight 5? Let's not leave a mark!

  • Me

Flight 1 is right behind you Hitman....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Raven this is Hitman I am calling the Ball ..

·         Speed 103

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( This Is Baroness, Last Damaged Bird Has Touched Down)

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 has got your 6 covered. I'll come in last

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Skids down!

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Colonel Leonidas, could you double-check whether you have been decontaminated from any diseases? I do not want a SIMILAR mishap to what had once befallen the "Galactica."

  • Me

Slowing to landing speed......El Cid and Dutchman touching down.....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Maglock secured!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

That Is Standard Procedure, Archon

  • Me

I'm coming in......slowing to landing speed.....

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Now more than ever.

  • Me

Coming to a soft landing.....mag lock on....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 landing now

·         Raven, Bunny calling the ball

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Me

Copy that Bunny....

·         Plenty of room for your flight to land...

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Copy that sir

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( All Hammers, Except One Accounted For; Candyman Never Made It Back)

  • Me

Reamer pushes his canopy open and climbs out....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Chief, can you take a look at Trek's Viper it seems he got his wing clipped out there. Thank You!

  • Me

Great Battle Tiger's we really shredded them out there tonight!!!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Stormbreaker Lost An Engine,Too!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

We sure did Capt.

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Raven, this is HotWire. I have the ball

  • Me

Wow, I seem to have some scrap embeded in my port wing. I never even felt it.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

There was a lot of debris floating around out there

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Damn,Coolbreeze! Are You Sure You Didn't Wiff That One?) (Laughter)

  • Me

Hey Chief I got a small bit of damage to my ride as well.

·         What's that CAG?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

OK, People Knock It Off! I Want Everybody Chjecked Out, Now!

  • Me

Roger that HotWire join the party.....

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

None of your success in combat can change the fact that the fleet came dangerously close to suffering another attack of some deadly disease which could have been brought on board.

  • Me

Yes Sir CAG right away Sir...

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Well, Hpefully, We Got It In Time; And We Can Learn from This

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Flight 3 is skids down & all mag locks are on

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Col Archon sir, we air-locked Leukemia

  • Me

What happened to the people in the Shuttle we brought back?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Blindsword, What's The SITREP?

·         ( Well, They Were Obviously Sick; Turns Out, They Had A Synthetic Form Of Leukemia!)

  • Me

The Doc said the two crewmen that went to tsick bay were Cylon spies.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( We Got Rid Of Them Just In Time!)

  • Me

They also had Leukemia.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( YEP! Looks Like!)

  • Me

Well looks like we foiled another Cylon attack!!!!!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Frakin Cylons...

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

( Med Tech Quickly Begins Taking Blood Samples From The Pilots)

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Quarantine that shuttle so nothing similar can contaminate the ship! And bring all available Life Station personnel to the hangar at once; make sure they take all precautions!

  • Me

You said it Bunny when will they ever learn?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

It's Been DestroyedAlready

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

The shuttle was destroyed

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's see if

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Belay those orders; they now apply to our warriors!

  • Me

My right arms the best....Med Tech sticks Reamers arm....

·         Hey leave some Blood for me....

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

OK, Into The Decon Stations, Now! Everybody Gets CHecked!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

we can't get the rest of the pilots decontaminated and go to the lounge

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

(lol Reamer)

  • Me

I thought the Cylons were our enemies....LOL....

  • Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Copy CAG

  • COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

They ARE, Captain Reamer. Disease is just another of their weapons in their plan to bring about "the final annihilation of the life form known as man."

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(Just Thru The Decon Station) WHOO! That's One Bath I Needed!

  • Me

That sounds like a plan Hitman.....Everyone already decomtaminated head for the lounge....

·         Save a couple bottles for us when you get there.

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I'm with you on that one Hitman, the lounge is the place to be after a successful mission.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

I'll Meet You Guys There; Got To Make Report To Command

  • Me

Right behind you Sir...

·         OK Tiger's plot the shortest route to the ships lounge>>>>>LOL....

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Just finished Decon. I'm Headed to the lounge !!

  • Me

Last one there pours for everyone else....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

I think, we could all use a nice drink

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Already laid in sir!!

·         Tigers follow me stay tight!! Lol!

  • Me

Execute lounge mission now....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

lol Look at Hitman running to the lounge!

·         We're all on our way there now!

  • Me

I got a bottle of Ambrosia on Dradis's a cool one I can tell.....LOL

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

lol I see another bottle just up ahead sir, let's take it down!

  • Me

Sounds like a sound plan Bunny.....I'm with you....

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Teamwork lol

·  Hotwire, are you with us?

·  Lt. Jg. Justin "HotWire" James

Yeah. I'll probably stop by for a bit

·  COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Nh! My head...feels as though a Tylium mine like the one that destroyed Carillon has detonated inside it!

·  Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Sounds like you need to seek some medical attention Col Archon

·  COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

I have, Lieutenant. And my headache is NOT from that disease.

·  The one that had infected the passengers of the shuttle.

·  No, what brought about my headache was the stresses and strains of duty.

·  Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

a Synthetic Leukemia

·  COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

Here on Earth, I have developed something of an immunity, though I WOULD be a CARRIER should I be infected.

·  11:23 PM

·  Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

You aren't on the Raven?

·  11:27 PM

·  COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

No, I was assigned to Earth as one of its liaisons from the "Galactica," to prevent Earth technology from advancing too quickly for its sociological development to keep pace.

·  11:29 PM

·  Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker


·  'Our earth' or the old earth?

·  11:31 PM

·  COL Parker "Archon" Gabriel

If by 'our Earth' you mean Caprica, then that is out of the question. If by the old Earth you mean the planet that the Thirteenth Tribe reached, then yes. I was so assigned in its year 1980.

·         ·  11:33 PM

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