
Jamie “Apollo” Bamber (Battlestar Galactica) stars as Fireman Kev Allison in Sky1’s fiery new drama “The Smoke.” Bamber said, “He promises that the eight-part drama will deliver "kick-ass, life-threatening fires and emotional explosions.”(1) Tune in to see if he can take the heat and not get burned!!!


1.        Jamie’s comment and “The Smoke” information curtsey of Digital Spy

2.        Images Sky 1 and JamieBamberFan


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  • He is a skilled actor and I know it'll be great with him playing the role...and I'm not just blowing smoke. Seriously, he has shown great skill at Americanizing his normally English accent. It'll be great. He should be commanding a battlestar though, or at least leading a squadron of vipers. Just saying! Good hunting!

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