Part 4 Planet “T” Mission


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 in

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Everyone make it?

  • Me

Roger that Deathstroke.....Great job out there....over.....

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Standing by to jump

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Great job Marines.........

  • Ens. Francois “Deathstroke” Cote

Thank you sir always a pleasure recycling some toasters

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Jumping in 3.....

  • Me

Tiger's squadron all accounted and present XO...

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Team One no casualties. SAR 354 two recovered pilots, shaken not stirred!

  • MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson


  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed


  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Great job CAG

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

One... JUMP!!!

  • Shane "Ogre" Coble

(A series of explosions start bursting in the cluster of raiders)

·         (chasing the wild weasels)

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Jump complete

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Extend pods

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Helm is gonna need new maps for this system.

  • Me

OK Tiger's how are your birds? Any damage...

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson


  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Flight 5 is looking good

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Nav, where the hell did you take us?

  • Shane "Ogre" Coble


  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Are We Out Of Cylon Space?

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Climbs out of viper) Clean as a whistle Captain.

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Seems that we are, nothing on DRADIS

  • Ens. Francois “Deathstroke” Cote

A few scratches here and there but nothing too serious sir

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

NavCon attempting to get a fix on our position

  • Shane "Ogre" Coble

We forgot the leave the Frakking keychains

  • Me

Flight 1 reporting in, everyone’s good except for Jockey. He took a hit from a scrapped Raider. It's repairable I think.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

(CAG Walks Into CIC with Arm in Sling) Well, Looks Like We Pulled It Off! Congrats To All!

  • Me

At least he got himself home.

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

We got it, we are just a few parsects off from our intended position, and corrections are going into the computer now

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

That's not bad for all toasters that were out there.

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Great job to all

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Great job everyone! The mission was a complete success

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Drinks are on me tonight

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

Great job guys!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

At Least They Will Have To Find Another Source Of Tylium

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Rampart, do you see or hear any Cylon

·         s

·         in your area?

  • Me

Thanks XO!!!!! Anyone for a drink?

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

No one we are clear we made them run

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

I Could Use One; the Arm Hurts Like Hell!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Thank you Sirs.

  • Ens. Francois “Deathstroke” Cote

Well I definitely need a drink after that

  • Me

Cylons know well when they've been beat!!!!!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Absolutely Captain!

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Raven to Rampart, once we reprogram our Nav computers we will be jumping to your location

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

It will be an honor to get drinks for this crew

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Thought for a mike we were gonna have to bring CAG's drink to the sick bay

  • Me

I don't doubt the airways are clear!!!!!

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Copy that

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

They may not be clear, but they are a bit less enthusiastic!

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

We will be standing by

  • Me

You said it XO!!!!!

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Put a good punch into their food supply for all those ships

  • MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson

Good job, college boys! Hmmm, where'd I put that stogie?

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

And, The Gas Lines Will Be A Little Long!

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Yes they will!

  • Me

Great work Tiger’s!!!!! It's always a pleasure to Re-cycle with you!!!!!

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Very nice yourself MSgt!

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Raven; prepare for jump to Rampart Station

·         Jumping in 3...... 2.......1..

·         JUMP

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Thank you Captain. We couldn't do it with out you.

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Now these stars look a bit better!

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Rampart station to Raven I have you on Dradis your free to dock...

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Nice trick shot on the reverse thrust, Ogre, thanks.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'm gonna get a return on all this scrap metal. I filled a couple bins today!

  • Me

Thanks Hitman, all my Flight leaders are top notch and Lethal Killer's, Ooops, I mean Re-cycler's!!!!!LOL

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Copy that Rampart... we have one critical injury for your hospital wing

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

copy Med bay standing by

  • Shane "Ogre" Coble

* Still in his flight suit goes to his command starts checking things out* It was no problem Iceworm. I just didn't want you to risk getting hit by Hammer fire.

  • LTJG Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Let's go get that drink.

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet


  • Ens. Francois “Deathstroke” Cote

I agree its time for a drink

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Ok, now that we are safe in familiar space I think I'll join you all in that drink, General; would you like to come along?

  • Me

I'm with you Hitman!!!! I need something to clear the dust out of my throat!!!!!LOL

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Just another day at the factory.

  • BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Will do XO

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Hey, Any Other Spartans Get Hit? (No, Sir, You Got Lucky!)

  • Me

Copy that Iceman!!!!

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

or is that the ex-factory.... since we just blew them up?

  • Me

You said it XO!!!!!

  • MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson

Ex-factory works. Looks like the Cylons just got outsourced!

  • Me

They're out of Business!!!!!

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Price of gas going up in Taosterland!

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Dam straight!

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

So Say We All!

  • Lt.Jg Grace "Bunny" Nonemaker

So say we all!

  • Steve "Kreios" Tweed

So say we all.......... :)

  • Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

So say we all!

  • Me

Catch you all in the lounge!!!!!! SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!

·  BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

MSgt.......... please give your marines an Oorah for me.... great job

·  Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Thanks for the drinks guys! Time for me to head back and do the paper work for HQ

·  Shane "Ogre" Coble

Can someone send me up some grub from the mess hall, I have to keep an eye on the Comm traffic just make sure everything is clear

·  BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Will do

·  Steve "Kreios" Tweed

Well have cookie send you some of that delicious algae mix

· Great night everyone! Time for me to turn in

· XO out

· BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Night XO

· Steve "Kreios" Tweed


· 11:00 PM

· MSgt Stephen "Boogman" Sardeson

Good night folks

· BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

Good night MSgt

· 11:02 PM

· Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson

Good Night General!

· 11:05 PM

· Paul "Iceworm" Oakley

Gonna take a bit to wind down. Off to sick bay to check on a few troops. Nice adventure.

· 11:07 PM

· BGen Bill Mills CDFXO5th Fleet

I’m here Computer messed up.... MY medics will take good care of your troops

· 11:12 PM

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