By Your Command!


Some exciting news on the horizon, I am happy to announce:


By Your Command: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide To Battlestar
Galactica: Volume 1: The Original Series and Galactica 1980
by Fiona Moore and Alan Stevens

The publication date will be June 30th of this year.

Marcel Damen of GalacticaTV (and a Battlestar Galactica Fan Club member) & I have been working with Fiona Moore to get this out.

Marcel was instrumental in bringing a lot of archived information to the fore & help the authors make it accurate.

This book will be published in the United Kingdom, but I will provide a link for everyone to order from here.

Though some months away, I'm sure that all of you will want to include it in your libraries of BSG reference.

So Say We All!

PS: They do from my understanding plan on following up on with a sequel featuring the Re-Imagined series....also they have a forward to the book by someone we all know...but I ain't tellin' just yet.

That's that, you gotta buy the book!

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