Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowReamer walks into the hanger bay as the ground crews are loading the ammo in his bird. he stands to the side as the last 30mm ammo belts are loaded and the ground crew goes to the next Viper in line.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"VogtGood evening everyone
MeHitman notices the Maj. on Deck. Major on Deck! with a salute
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowReamer knells down to check to see if the FireFox missiles are loaded properly as he walks around his Viper. Satisfied everything is OK he climbs in to start his preflight.
MeVampire good to see you make sure your Viper is ready to go!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"VogtSalute to Major and Lt.
my viper is ready to go
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowReamer salutes Hitman and says, stop the saluting there's no need for that.
Lets get ready to show what the Tigers can do as a squadron.
MeI am always gonna get you Maj,. you know that! We go back a long way..
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtthis will be my first cap with the tigers.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowIf we're lucky, we'll get to do some target practice if you know what I mean...
We sure do my friend!
MeSeat motors safe.
Weapons to safe.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowReamer quickly runs through his check list and everything looks in order.
MeWould make my day !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYou know it!!!
OK Tigers lets get our birds in the tubes and get ready to launch
MeVampire, when your done with your check get in your viper and be rready for launch!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThis will be the first CAP since I stepped down from the Ravens CAG.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti am ready for launch
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowIts going to be great , all I have to concentrate on is flying again.
MeWell if I know you you will be just fine!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowCopy that!
MeJust keep an eye out for toasters
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLets get this show on the road.....everyone get into our Finger Fours after launch....over....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtcopy
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLaunching in 3, 2, 1......Whooosh.....
Reamer's away.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti am launching
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowMultiple Vipers launching....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"VogtVampire is away
MeArea clear,... Launching in 3...2..1..... Hitman away
Hitman is clear of the Raven
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLets look Sharpe as we get into formation.....over....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"VogtVampire is clear and forming up
MeFlight 2 we need to be tight. Tighten up!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowOK....Hitman why don't you lead us to the perimeter of the fleet as we begin our CAP....
MeCopy That
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowEl Cid and Dutchman, lets get it together....over....
MeFlight 2 follow me
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowI know this is just a CAP, but we must be ready for anything at all times....
Copy that Major....
MeMace .... Trek .. Stay close,
Looks like another beautiful night,
Draidis is clear.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah and its quiet....
MeQuiet isa good thing maj.
I know you hve issues with that .
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah, I could use a peaceful CAP for a change.
I almost lost my wing due to scrap from our last toaster hunt.....
MePeaceful? I can only hope...
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowAs long as all my ammo is loaded I'll be happy.
MeThat's just because you like it to be gifficult.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"VogtMy last cap i got injured
MeHey! wait...
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtthis is my first cap with the tigers
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThat's right Vampire, how your bird after being repaierd....over.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtflying good so far
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowSometimes the knuckle draggers to a quick fix and its not the best.
MeDid you see that ? Something just popped up on my draidis and dissapeared.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowAs long as you make it back its OK.
MeReamer you got anythng.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah I thought it was a glitch or something....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti got a blip on mine and it is now gone
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowStay alert...
Mecould just be a glitch too.
ok Im gonna take Flight 2 out a little further
Reamer hold everyone else back
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowCopy that Hitman....
MeMace , Krieos keep you heads up
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowDradis contact.....looks like we're not alone!!!!
MeHoly Frak !!!
We are not aloneToasterare in coming !
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti got contact coming in amn disappearing.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah!!!! That's what I was hoping for......another reason to take out the trash....
Meevasive maneuvers
I guess its recyclying day!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowToasters jumping in at 12 O'clock high....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti ss them
MeI am switching to guns
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowCopy that Reamer.....I see em...
Let em have it Flight 1....
MeKreios to Hitman 3 oclock!
Thanks I gotem ...
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowexecuting an Immelman turn.....
MeFire...... missed !!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLining up the shot.....guns blazing.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti got two of them
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowPow....scratch one toaster.....
Me( Kreios) I got your six Hitman... He's all mine. Fire!!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowI got one to Reamer.....n
nice shooting Dutchman.....
Meanother one bites the space dust.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLets come around for another pass....
MeNice shot Kreios!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowEl Cid there's one on your starboard....
I see em Reamer.....
MeFlight 2 come back together lets stay tight.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti got two on my tail hitting flaps they passed me and fire and they go bye
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowturning to starboard, he's mine.....whooosh.....missile away....
MeTrek ! where are you!
Trek come in
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowSparks fly as El Cids missile hits its target.....
Me( Trek) I am losing power I lost an engine ..
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThat's the way!!!
Let em have it everyone....
MeHead back to the Raven. Mace ... Cover him!
copy that Hitman
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah this is great......woo hoo!!!!
There's another bunch at 3 O'clock even.....
MeI dot this one stay steady .... Fire!!! Splash one!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowcoming to port.....missile away....whoosh....
Scrap in the wind!!!!LOL
MeAnother one to add to the recycling bin
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYou said it Hitman!!!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti got another one
MeNice shot Maj.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowWe're Flying, They're Dying!!!!
MeFlying Tigers Forever!!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtgot six more coming in 9 oclock
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowWhen will they ever learn....
Lets hit em hard...
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtjust got one one is turning til and running
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowFrak.....a bunch jumped on our six.....
Multiple missile launches....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtmy missiles away.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowExplosions and sparks flying......
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtthere goes two more.
MealL right this is gonna be good! Switching to missiles.. Fire!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah FireFox got em....LOL
MeI love that thing!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThat should teach them to sneak up on us.....
Yeah, what a sweet weapons system.....
MeMace get bck here! take treks spot !
copy that .
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowAm I seeing things?
I see something Golden at our 10 O'clock.....
MeHoly Lords o Kobal !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowGoldies!!!
MeWhere and When did they come from!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah......first one get a Bottle of Ambrosia on me.....
MeOh yea!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtthey probably popped in when a raider turned tail and left.
MeTrek follow me !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowAll the Flying Tigers head for the win a bottle....
Yeah..... that's it.....nail em good.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti got one in my sights
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowWoohoo.....
MeSure is a lot faster than it looks
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtfiring
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLet em have it Vampire!!!
MeGete em
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowI got one in my sights as well.....
missile lock.....whooosh away.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtsshoot just miner damage to it.
MeLine it up and fire!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowGold dust in the wind.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtfiring two missiles and boom
MeNIce shot !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah Gold scrap floating through space.....
Mei love how they sparkle
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLooks awesome......
Make sure we bring home a few pieces to show off!!!
MeLooks like there is a lot to bring home.
Draidis is clear
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowHey.....look to our 3 O'clock......
MeWait No!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowIt's a Turkey or maybe two.....
Mewhat is going on !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThey can't be taken out with our 30mm ammo.....
MeI got you metal head !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowmissiles only.....
MeLocking on ....
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowMake every shot count.....or they may head for the Raven.....
MeFire one...
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtfiring missiles on two more and boom.
Memissed !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah, that's it.....
Great shooting Tigers.....
MeReamer that one is coming at you.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtone is breaking off heading for the raven i got it.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowI see it.....
Me2 oclock
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowMissile lock and away.......
Pow.....right in the face!!!!!
That must have hurt.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtmissile firinf and boom got it.
MeNice work !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThem toaster aren't to smart......
MeMy targeting system must be malfunctioning
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThey look great when they disintegrate into scrap....
MeTis the season
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowEveryone get into Finger Four Squadron formation for maximum fire power and protection.....over....
MeI love to decorate this time of year.
Here we go again.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah just watch out for the scrap...
There's a bunch jumping dead ahead....
MeI got one. Switching to manual.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLets waste em......
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtisee them
Mefire !!!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowGuns blazing and missiles launching......
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtgot two mor contacts on edge of dradis.
Megot em!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowmultiple expolsions as we pass through the debris.....
MeFire !!!!!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtping ping ping as scrap hits my ship.
MeSplash another one!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtgot another one.
MeWaech yourself out there Vampire.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThere's seems to be enough toasters to be a Basestar near by....
Keep a watch on Dradis.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtscanners read a basestar in the edge of scanniners
plus a cylon tanker hanging back.
MeWell if there is we better be extra carefull.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowReamer to Raven Over.......we could use some assistance.....over......
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtbase star falling out of scanner range
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowi guess they lost to many Raiders tonight.....
MeKreios you got one at 3oclok
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowthat was a close one....
Me(Kreios) I got it .... Fire..... ( Explosion)....
Nice shot
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLets finish the job so none can jump away....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtgoing to ccheck on tanker
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowFlight 1 get back into formation.....
Copy that Reamer.....
MeAl right Everyone form up! high and tight!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogttanker reads half empty.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowlets come around and scrap a few more toasters.....
MeI still got Fire fox. Who else has it
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtreturning and forming up.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowI'm down to one HD-70 and my 30mm is running low.....
MeWe can drop a load on this Basestar and leave it for the Raven to finish off
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowMake every shot count.....
That's a great plan Hitman.....
I like your style....
MeOk.. Flight 2 is going in then Reamer then everyone else.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtcopy
MeBut get out quikly
Flight 2 here we go! ...
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowCopy that....follow close to Flight 2 and it count....
MeI am on a manual lock so. on my mark
Let it rip..
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowFlight 1 has your six Hitman.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtcopy
Go, 3.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowFlight after flight gets in line.....
MeFire ...
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtfireing
MeNOw move flighy 2
go Reamer
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowMissiles away......
turning hard to port.....
Meunload everything
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtseeing emxlposing to the base star
MeHitman to Raven...
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThat's it for me.....just two FireFox missiles remaining.....
MeThe Basestar is all yours...
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowGo ahead Hitman....
Copy that .....
MeGet back to the Raven.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtrechcking tanker is still around just half empty of fuel.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowExecute a manual FireFox launch as you pull away from your run on the Basestar....
That way we hit it with everything we got.....over.....
MeCopy That ...
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowCombat landings everyone......
MeRelease the hounds !!!
Combat landings !! Copy !!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowThe Raven is coming into view......
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti am returning got a vpresent for everyone there is a half empty tanker ouththere
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLets get aboard everyone.....
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtboarding now
MeWe dont want to be out here any longer
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYou said it Hitman......
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti am down and secured
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowBattlestar Raven launches a nuke as she jumps away.....
MeSkids.. down.. Contact .... Maglock on! Hitman is aboard
Nice job !
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowReamer climbs out of his Viper after comes to a stop.
That was a close one....
That was a CAP for the books!!!
MeOpens hatch and lets out a WHOOO!
Thats what I call a Celebration!!
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowDid everyone make it back?
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogti am here
MeYes looks like it.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowYeah.....maximum destruction with no losses.....
I love it.......
That calls for a drink!!!
MeTrek took a hit early but he is fine.
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowI caught a few pieces of shrapnel myself, but nothing the Chief can't fix....
After his crew repairs the decks that is!!!LOL
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtmy ships has a few ding s and scratches but is okay
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowLets get through decon and hit the lounge.
MeAwesome, I got to have him look at my nav and guidance systems. HAHAHA
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowMy throat always get dry after a good fight!
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"VogtHappy Holidays to e eryone
MeMeet you there. I got to write this report.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogteveryone
Maj. Roger "Reamer" Barstowpaper work is never done.....
Any idea who the next CAG will be?
That's a job I won't miss.
MePaperwork makes the world go round..
No. I dont.
Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogtgood night to everyone
Maj. Roger "Reamer" BarstowHave a good one Vampire!!! Thanks for joining us.