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Thank you, all, for the pleasant welcome.  It's Dec. 2, 2012, and I'm looking forward to settling in (or should i say "re-settling").  I was a member of the original incarnation of the BFC back in 2003, and from what I can see, this place has changed quite a bit from what I remember. Layout, overall design, etc. - quite different.  Ought to be interesting to see how this place compares to other BSG sites I've ever been on... well, we'll see.

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If you have ever wondered what it would be like to serve onboard a battlestar, I, on behalf of our Commanding Officer, would like to invite you to join the Battlestar Raven. We are the flagship of the Battlestar Fanclub (BFC) Fleet and endeavor to provide an environment and experience that maintain the highest of standards. Please visit our group at
The Battlestar Raven Group Page
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.
Major Al Bartraw, XO

Battlestar Raven Section

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I just wanted to share some photos here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, of our very own Marine NCOIC on the Raven "Boogman", pariticipating on the Santa Boogie 5K Charity run, helping spread the holiday cheer. Boogman, is a retired Navy Chief.  

As we enter the holiday season, always remember, that there are a lot of unfortunate people out there, that might not be able to afford anything to have a decent celebration for his or her family. So for the fortunate ones, we have a lot to be thankful for.

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I just wanted to take my time to welcome Jerry Ofarno and Rinkon Militia, to the Raven Family here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.  Thank you for joining our  little group here.  Please do not hesitate to let any of the Command Staff know if you guys ever need anything to help you settle in aboard the Raven.  

As you all can see, little by little, all of the departments on the Raven will completely become operational as all their pages revealed on the Raven's main website.  The Raven's main goal is to provide the best fan driven and interactive chapter dedicated to both the BSG original and new series.  But fans from all series are more than welcome to join.  And the Raven's whole entire crew will do the best we can to make that possible.

More to come so stay tune........

So Say We All!!!!!!


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