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12578090088?profile=originalCongratulations to all the new Ensign Pilots (salutes). It is tradition for newly commissioned officers attaining flight status to pay a cubit to the enlisted person rendering a first salute to them. Payments will be received in Joe's Bar, preferably before you get shot up by the Toasters. Also congratulations those attaining "Top Gun" status. And a special OORAH to the Pointy Nosed Viper Jocks and Rabid Raptor Drivers of the Raven Battle Group, you rock.  - Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, MASTER GUNNERY SERGEANT, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Marine Detachment.

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Back on Yankee Station Colonials


          I am back from being away handling all kinds of real life drama here and there.  B.S. out the wazu b/c just about everyone thinks they are Battlestar Galactica know it alls until proven wrong.  I am sure many of you know how that goes without saying.  Finally a bulk of my my time and finances has gone into helping as many folks that i know in Texas gulf coast Corpus Christi area.   Flying back and forth from New York City to Oklahoma and then back again.   Just total madness.  Obviously we can't control the weather and how many people forget they should actually look out for one another and help.

        I know many are still rebuilding, struggling and making due with what they have until they are back on track.  My mother has taken lots of my time which i don't mind.  However, the bulk of her family is in Puerto Rico and her family members had their houses flooded, but they are all alive and well getting back into action one day at a time.  I had to get my mother to Puerto Rico in order for her to deal with that and send my brother along with her to make sure she makes it back home after sometime there.

       As i stated before i am here didn't die yet knock on wood.   I have already started catching up on emails and submitted exams as well as  several "Re-submission" for Top Gun Status.   I well get those out as quickly as i can and back on point as i like to be.   Any one wishing to drop me a line can either via email or here in my inbox.  Thanks for taking time in reading this and i really appreciate it.  God Bless and be safe.

PS:  Please continue to support all of those folks needing assistance in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and every where else Mother Nature has unleashed her fury at.   SO SAY WE ALL! ~Salutes~

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 In two weeks,Geeks from all walks of life will converge at the Crown Expo Center for Fayetteville's 3rd annual Comic-con!

This year, the big headliner will be the demigod himself,Mr. Lou Ferrigno,who first gained notoriety with his mano a mano battle against Arnold Schwartzenegger in the documentary 'Pumping Iron';He would go on to play the title hero in the '80s version of 'Hercules':


Oh yeah,He would also be famous for playing our favorite mean and green marvel hero,The Incredible Hulk;Yeah,the one nobody would like when he's angry.

Also appearing is Jack O'haloran,best known as Non,one of Gen. Zod's henchmen in 'Superman II';Described as A "Mindless abhoration who's only means of expression are wanton violence and destruction";I'm sure in real life,He's not  that description at all.

And...FLASH....AAAAAAA! Savior of the universe (aka Sam Jones) is returning! Last year,we didn't see any of ming's minions around,so, I guess he wants to make sure they don't come back!

In addition,We will have A couple of power rangers in the house;We have the voice behind the original gremlins,And lots of artists from all points in the comic book industry;Legendary marvel man Larry Hama was supposed to appear,but unfortunately had to cancel when the con was pushed back one week.

GUNSTAR TRIREME,the first gunstar chapter of the BFC,and first escort to the raven battle group,will be repping with A table of displays,Including a small tribute to Mr. Richard Hatch,who was announced as A guest one month before his passing;Our way of spreading his message: Keep The Faith.


And,there will be vendors,selling everything geek;We will have a DJ,entertaining the crowd; Gaming,cosplay,speed dating,tattoos,panel discussions,photo ops and much more!

So, if you happen to be in the sandhills that weekend,We welcome you to find out:


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